A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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[* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby Jaykobell » 07/24/2010 1:32 PM

[[ This here will be a veeeeeery special RP... ;3 It's open to THREE (3) other people. It's not exactly like a regular RP. Here's how it'll work:
I'm going to play the role of the 'dungeon master'. Technically, my characters, while they will follow a rough storyline, will mostly react to your characters' actions. You become the protagonists of the story... However, remember that, as a dungeon master, you have to remember that I want to have control for the most part. That means... if my character insists we have to go to the left, you're free to go to the right... but something will make sure we have to go to the left. You're free to argue with the character; but if my character insists, please follow its instructions.
Keep in mind, I will not Godmod your characters; no extreme actions will be done to them, such as killing or lethal injury. But you should expect battles and a bit of gore, maybe. ;3
I'm not really looking for specific characters, but please PM me before joining. I have my personal criteria that I'm looking for, so PM me with the character you plan on using, personality included, and animal-only. I'll PM back to say whether you can join in or not! Please don't take it personally if I refuse you. This won't be the last time this sort of RP will happen.
It might sound overwhelming... But you want to join this. Oh yes you do. ]]


It was heavy, humid. The sun was at its peak, shining down on the Tengel Rainforest. Below the massive trees, it was bearable; the huge leaves filtered the sun and left the ground below under the shades. The few splotches of sun on the ground gave the air of a relaxing place, and it gave one the desire to lay down and take a short nap. There was no wind, save for the occasional breeze. If a human came here, they wouldn't fare very well. The heat would most likely render them useless to any sort of exploration here. Only the Evelon pets, born and raised in the wild life of the Evelonian continents, could stand the harsh temperatures; and still, some were more resistant than others.

Tengel in itself was very dangerous. The law of the jungle thrived here: to eat, or to be eaten. The strong survives, and the weak dies. Pets faint of heart were literally eaten alive in this Rainforest. You needed guts of steel, nerves of steel, claws of steel, teeth of steel; you had to be made of steel from claws to tail-tip. ... Not literally, but one can understand why you needed strength to come here. You had to know what to expect, you had to be ready to face enemies and wild pets. This summer had been particularly unstable, leaving some pets hungry and tormented by the heat. You couldn't tell how a wild pet would react; it could be plump and ready for winter, or it could be hot and blinded with rage from their unsatisfied hunger. It was a gamble.

Still, in the depths of the Rainforest, was a young Florana...
"Oh... Yes! Right this way."

Small, lithe, seemingly harmless: that was the description fitting of a mature Florana. She shuffled through a bush with difficulty, wincing when a twig scratched her wings. It'd work better if I could fold them... she thought to herself as she bore with the pain, using her small paws to make her way through the bush. She eventually emerged into a clearing: a large area without any trees, only the tall, outstanding grass. The Florana covered her eyes from the sun, teeth gritted. Putting her arms down slowly, and letting her eyes get used to the sun, she looked ahead to see the grass ahead, leading to another section of trees and leaves. No temple, no artifacts; only the vast expense of grass.

She sighed irritably, crossing her little arms. "I can't be too far now," she thought out-loud, to herself. She was looking for something: something big. She knew how to get there, she had done her research, she had planned a route to get there. Now... she only needed to get through Tengel. Which was, really, easier said than done.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/26/2010 2:09 AM

Slender legs slipped through thick briers with ease, making the landscape of the Tengel Rainforest seem no worse than an overgrown garden. His body was almost completely camouflaged against the thick foliage of the Barakkan jungle. Even his hood, quite the distinct color against the lush green, seemed to blend in with some of the exotic flora known to thrive only within this particular area of the world. It was a rare sight to see the Evergreen out on his own, but for once he hadn't just lost his companion. A tiny camera barely visible, had been connected to a lanyard wrapped about his neck so it was hanging just about the tag on his chest. Unwilling to traverse the dense rainforest herself, Teivynne has sent him there on a scouting mission to see what sort of vegetation there may be of use to her. The camera was set to take pictures every ten minutes, meaning he had to do no other work than enjoy his visit.

96, as the Evergreen was given only a number to consider a name, showed no signs of fear as he bounced from area to area. He had no special nerves of steel-only bells made of some sort of metal-but instead an incredibly simple mind. He'd never been given a single thing to fear, as he was usually protected by a certain Wood Rogue. Untainted from fear, hunger, poverty, or any such worry, he had continued to be carefree since the day he was created.

It was this happy-go-lucky nature of his that lead him right to the tiny little Florana. Shaggy claws were swatting at a line of succulent smelling flowers lining a low hanging vine when he caught some sort of movement out of the corner of his eye. Movement meant another living being, someone to tag along behind and possibly have loads of fun with. Looking around, he looked up, to the side, and even bent down to look underneath him, only to find that no one seemed to be in the area that he could see.

'It can't be too far now.'

As the tiny voice reached him, the Evergreen rose his head back up, one claw scratching at the side of his mask as he pondered where the creature could have been hiding. Were it a visible expression for his to show, he probably would have been found frowning. After one final scratch, he kicked at the ground softly before beginning to walk once again, somehow walking toward her.
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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby HunnyBun » 07/26/2010 2:32 AM

The grass crunched softly under padded paws. The cat walked through the forest, his head hung low. He wasn't effected by the heat, though he wouldn't mind lying on top of an air vent. He shook his head, that thought would just make him want to leave more, and he had just gotten here. He stopped for a moment and looked up. At least the sun was mostly covered by the tree's. He sighed, what was he doing here again? He couldn't remember, but if he was sent out to do something, he wouldn't say no. He started off again, crawling through a thorn bush, wincing as it scrapped him a bit. After he got out, he growled softly at it. That was a stupid idea, and he would make sure not to do it again. He shook his self, cleaning his fur off.
He sighed again, he wasn't use to being up and about so much. He was use to just sitting around the pen, watching the kits. He wondered how they were doing? If they were all getting into trouble. He chuckled at the thought of his owner coming home to a dirty pen. He stopped suddenly, there was a rustling sound coming from just ahead. He walked forward slowly, climbing into another bush. Peering through it he didn't see anything. But then suddenly an Evergreen appeared, almost blocking his view. It seemed to be looking for something, but what? He wasn't sure, but also wasn't going to give his self away just yet. He watched, the Evergreen seemed to give up and started walking away. He wasn't sure if he should just wait for it to pass or to stop him. But he stayed in his hiding place, thinking it was best not to cause any problems for the both of them.

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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby Redd » 07/26/2010 6:46 AM

While the stifling heat may have bothered some, the dark Sulkuhna that made its way through the leafy undergrowth wasn’t phased by it. To her it was like home, and the Tengal had always felt that way. Yet she had never fully explored the place. Well for one, it was huge and two, she was a soldier not a tree hugging hippie who could get by on mushrooms or one of those Tarzan-types either. She could cope in those conditions easily but when there was an alternate option, that usually took priority.

The only set back could possibly be sharp raking branches of the trees, whose curled, gnarly fingers threatened to snag her dark sable and plum fur but she brushed them aside, kept her head down and kept walking. The Sulkuhna wasn’t sure where she was going, but that was the best part of the whole ‘exploring’ experience. She wasn’t lost persay, with traces of The Slums lingering in the background and her obvious tracks in the soil, she could easily navigate her way back.

Elli flicked her ears, sure she heard something – not the flapping wings of a Polly or a the chittering of a Rengosett – it sounded like a voice of some sort. Curious, the Sulkuhna unsheathed her claws and quickly scaled a tree so she could get a better look and be more hidden if there was trouble afoot.

Quickly making her way through the tree tops, she made her way in the direction of the noise.  Then the trees ended, leaving way to a small clearing, where there were trees on the other side.
Elli jumped down from the trees and proceeded into the clearing glancing around and making sure she wasn’t about to be ambushed by some rogue creature or something. Despite the absurdity, it wasn’t uncommon in these parts. Well it was either that or the hunters you had to watch.

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Postby Jaykobell » 07/26/2010 2:55 PM

It was still quite troubling for the Florana. Taking a small look around, she soon found out that she wasn't quite sure where she was supposed to go. She pushed some of the tall grass away and started doodling an invisible little map of sorts. Make a path, follow it, make the clearing, walk through it, find another path, walk through it... Ah, exploring Tengel was quite redundant, she had to admit. It looked so simple on the official map she'd found... the official map she should have taken with her. "Hmm... That would've helped a lot, wouldn't it...?" she admitted out-loud, sighing.

But then, the Florana fell silent. Little ears twitching, she heard noise coming from all around her. Not only that, she could definitely feel some sort of 'presence'... When you had the strange feeling someone was nearby? It's not like she could pinpoint them, but she could certainly feel them. The Florana said nothing for a moment, but she let go of the grass she was pushing back and crossed her arms again. It could be... interesting, couldn't it?

After a short moment of silence, she looked around again. She blinked and gasped when she saw something move in the corner of her eye; had something just fell down from the trees? But by the time she'd turned around, there was nothing to see. Had a pet managed to find her? And if so... what kind of pet? "Is... someone there?" she called out, as loud as she could. She definitely wasn't alone anymore. "I-I'm not looking for a fight," she added after a short pause. "I just got a bit... lost," she admitted, putting her little forepaws together sheepishly. "I'm not quite sure where I am at this point." Her wings flapped gently, and the Florana slowly started heading back towards the trees behind her. "B-but if you could even help me, I'd appreciate it..." she added, hoping that whatever had fallen down there would reconsider their intentions... whatever they were.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/26/2010 9:33 PM

Twig-like legs came to a sudden stop, one hand rising to rest on his hip while the other scratched at his mask once again. It was that voice again. Looking about quickly, this body turned in a full circle a few times. With each spin his tail would beat against a nearby bush, both it and the one dangling from his mask jingling softly. As he started to come to a stop, his lithe form wobbled back and forth, peg legs moving about unsurely until he finally regained his balance with the use of his tail pushing against the group for support.

He just had to find where that voice was coming from. It had been even closer this time. Much closer. Pushing himself forward with his tail, 96 over estimated his ability to quickly regain his balance. Each time a leg touched down on the earthy floor below he had to quickly pick it back up to keep from falling over. With each movement speed also began to increase, until he eventually did topple over, face landing inched away from the Florana with his arms sprawled out above his head.

His tail flicked around a few times, flopping back and forth without a single other movement from him for a few moments. Starting to roll over on his side, he was about to rub his face when suddenly his eyes focused on the fluttering of wings. Possibly as startled as she was, 96 sprung to his feet and staggered back a bit until he realized she was just a little Florana. Almost as quickly as he had gotten up he began moving back her way, arm flailing through the air in what seemed to be meant as a wave.
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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby HunnyBun » 07/28/2010 6:18 PM

IQ leaned in a bit more, rustling the leaves lightly as he did so. It seemed there was something else here, and it had the Evergreen's attention. He wondered what it was? Maybe a friend of the Evergreen, seeing as it waved to it. IQ wondered if he should stay here? It could get dangerous, and the last thing IQ wanted was a fight. He looked around, it seemed that the Evergreen was the only pet around here. Other than the one it seemed to be signaling to. So it should be very easy for him to just slip away.

IQ slowly backed out from where he was hiding. He kept low, not wanting to get the Evergreen's attention. He crawled to the left of the bush, trying not to step on any twigs or dead leaves. He kept his eye on the Evergreen, being able to see his red through holes in the bushes and other plants. He was watching for any movement indicating that he knew he was there. If he did, then IQ would dash off as fast as he could.

(( Totally forgot about this D8 ))

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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby Redd » 07/30/2010 8:22 PM

Again Elli paused, flicking her ears a little, sure that she had heard more noise. What on Evelon was going on here, she could smell and hear quite a few different things out there. She'd never experienced this much energy around in the past; had the Tengal turned into a circus or something?

She dashed back into the cover of the trees and started skirting around the clearing, making her way towards whatever lay ahead of her. She was careful in her tread, watching out for things that would alert the others of her presence. She wasn't hunting or stalking; nothing like that at all, she just wanted to check out what on earth was happening and whether these things were hostile.

If they weren't, Ellitora would be glad of some company, if they were, she doubted she'd have too much trouble either giving them the slip, or teaching them a lesson.

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Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Jaykobell » 07/30/2010 9:08 PM

The Florana stared for a little longer before sighing with relief. Maybe she'd just imagined it, or maybe whatever has moved over there had lost interest. She put a little paw to her chest, feeling it beat much faster than usual. If only she could find that building... and if only she'd thought about bringing an ally or two along.

Just as she thought she'd be fine, however, she felt something behind her. And this time, it wasn't just her imagination. She could really feel it behind her — whatever it was. Body growing tense, she wondered whether to turn around or run away... or something else entirely. The Florana gulped before she summoned the courage to turn around and look at whatever had fallen down behind her. Upon seeing the Evergreen, she gasped and toppled over as well. She had never seen an Evergreen before; were they generally wicked? Would it try to hurt her? Worse yet... try to eat her? Oh my.

She felt like running away when the Evergreen started getting closer to her again... but then, the Evergreen flailed his arm in the air at her, seemingly... waving? The Florana blinked and kept her eyes on 96 as she got back onto her paws. "Were you... the one I saw earlier?" she asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. Could it be him? She hadn't gotten any verbal response to what she'd said earlier, so perhaps he was the one who'd been following her? "Ah, what... are you doing here? What's your name?" Well, he seemed harmless, so the Florana figured getting on the Evergreen's good side was better than trying to anger him.

Though, little did she know that two others were also watching...
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Postby Kyrit » 08/12/2010 1:54 AM

(Sorry for the wait guys. I should be faster now that I don't have company.)

Eat her? Certainly not. That was definitely a weird thought, considering the mask kept anything from touching his actual face... if there was one underneath it. No one really knew what was under that mask, right? None the less, he definitely wouldn't eat her. He was happy with getting a few hours under the sun, or at least a sunlamp, as well as spraying himself down with some water. Maybe he did have a real mouth, because some of the others had seen him stick the watering hose to his 'mouth' from time to time as if he were drinking it.

As the Florana calmed down slightly he was suddenly assaulted by questions. Okay, maybe not really assaulted, but that did seem like quite a few answers for him to answer all at once when he couldn't even talk to begin with. As he heard the first question he put his hand in the air to his sides, giving a small shrug. He really wasn't sure if she had seen him or if there was something else in the area as well. It wasn't too far-fetched to think that she might have spotted someone else as well. Surely there were lots of creatures out here in the rainforest.

Though he was not really able to answer her second question easily he suddenly perked up for the third one. He did know how to answer that one! Well, so long as she could understand what he meant. First he held one finger up, shaking it before pointing it at himself and then at the paper patch on his chest, which simply had the letters '96' written on it.
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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby HunnyBun » 08/12/2010 2:28 AM

It seemed the Evergreen was occupied by whatever else was there. Better the Evergreen then him, right? IQ shrugged slightly, he didn't want to get into a fight. That was the last thing on his mind. He stopped his sneaking and watched for awhile. The Evergreen made weird movements, what was it doing? the first motion was obviously a shrug, but the second seemed a bit...weird? IQ stretched his head around, trying to get a good look at whatever the Evergreen was "talking" to. But, try as hard as he could, he couldn't get a glimpse.

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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby Redd » 08/12/2010 3:45 AM

(Trust it to Krypto to spark some chaos Px )

Elli moved to a strategic position, where she could get a good view of whatever was happening. Like IQ, Elli took in the situation before her and she saw no harm to either parties. But scanning the bush searching for the source of the other scent, she noticed the Lakundra watching the cohort.

Alarm crept through Ellitora’s mind and her mind began working furiously to assess the situation. She knew Lakundra’s were a very species to a Kuhna, but that’s all she knew about them. She wasn’t sure if they had carnivorous tendencies or not and while the Evergreen might only have been in danger from some sort of herbivore that didn’t know better, the other one clearly could be in some sort of danger. Elli didn’t mind getting in trouble for overreacting; it was not acting when she could have that really bothered her.

“Lakundra!” She cried, as something to call the Lakundra out of hiding and as a warning to the pair.
Elli sucked in a deep breath and launched herself out from her hiding place and rushed up to where she had seen the Lukuhndra, claws displayed, fur standing up on end and her ears flat against her head.

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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby Jaykobell » 08/15/2010 2:10 AM

As the Evergreen began to explain, the Florana soon realized the little guy apparently couldn't talk verbally. She looked up from her spot on the ground, standing on her hind legs now, arms spread out in curiosity as the Evergreen did his best to answer her questions. She crossed her little arms when he shrugged, and then she nodded when 96 told her his 'name'. "I see... so they simply call you 96?" She paused for a moment, and then she stretched her little arm towards 96, seemingly to shake his hand. "My name is Daisy. It's nice to meet you!"

Daisy's little tail flicked before she looked around. She could've sworn that she'd seen something, but 96 had no idea if she'd seen him or something else. She crossed her arms again, bothered by this whole thing. Who had she seen? "Well... I guess I won't figure it out any time soon," she said as she turned back to the Evergreen. "But that doesn't matter! You look really nice. Would you—"

But her sentence was cut short when a cry echoed in the clearing. "Lakundra!" Daisy turned around when she heard the cry, looking this way and that, wondering what had let it out, and where the Lakundra was. Was it... was it a stray Lakundra? The smaller Kuhnas were generally harmless, or at least friendly — but Lakundras? The grown ones could be really protective of their young, and they didn't hesitate to bring back food for the family, either. What... what to do?

It was while looking around that Daisy finally spotted a black creature running forward, a menacing expression on its face. "A-Ah!" she yelped, obviously scared by this — seemingly aggressive! — newcomer. She toppled over on her rear and crawled a little ways away. Hopefully... hopefully the pet wouldn't see them. She pulled at 96 for him to get down. "G-get down, quick! I-I wouldn't want you to get injured..."
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Postby Kyrit » 08/23/2010 5:53 PM

Bingo, bingo! She had gotten it right, that she did! In order to let her know he put one hand balled up on his hip, raising the other with simply his thumb sticking up and his head held high in the air. It was a bit dramatic for simply figuring out his name correctly, but it seemed as though just about anything he did tended to be quite dramatic. Life was just his playground and he would happily bounce through it and enjoy his time on this world.

As her tiny arm reached for his it took 96 a few moments to notice, though once he did he swiftly knelt down on one knee in order to get closer to her. An entire hand engulfed her arm, vigorously shaking it up and down, his head bobbing up and down as well as if to show that he was quite happy to have met her as well. He was happy to meet her after all. It was always nice to meet new people. Especially if they talked to you! Sometimes they didn't though. That was kinda sad... but at least this one had talked to him! Daisy.. Daisy... Was she a flower?! Oh. Wait... yeah. People tended to name others after things that they weren't.

The yell from Elli was completely ignored, slipping right over the Evergreen's head. He was much more interested in the sentence that the Florana did not finish. Would he like to what? He'd like to do lot of things really. There were so many fun things to do, many of which he had never gotten the chance to do since something always managed to get in the way. Usually it was Kazic being too protective of him. Sure he was only doing his job, but sometimes it got annoying.

It wasn't long before he was pulled from his thoughts though, feeling Daisy tug on him. Get down? Well, might as well not question. Nope nope. As if it had been some keyword, his body simply fell forward, landing as flat as he could be with his face down in the dirt.
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Re: [* What Lies Ahead [OPEN-PM to Join|PG-13]

Postby HunnyBun » 08/28/2010 9:28 PM

(( I am so sorry, I totally forgot about this D8 ))
IQ almost jumped right out of his fur, the loud shout not only was unexpected, but gave him away. He spun around to see a Sulkuhna headed right for him. His fur stood on end, as if trying to get away. No no no no no, the last thing he wanted was a fight. His head looked left, right, left, right. There had to be a way out! Not taking another second to think on it, he jumped clear over the bush and bounded towards the Evergreen and Florana. Shoot! Forgot about them! Turning sharply to the right, he caught his foot on a root and tripped. Landing face first, and skidding through the grass and dirt. He soon slowed to a stop and his body toppled over onto his back. He groaned, it had really hurt his self.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the Evergreen and Florana. His eyes then slowly moving to where the Sulkuhna would be. He lied there, waiting for them to finish him off.

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