A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Kodai » 04/16/2011 1:45 PM

Tengel Rainforest. It was simultaneously one of the most beautiful and most deadly places in the world. The exotic flora and fauna found there could take your breath away – sometimes literally. Only those people that had spent months in preparation could dare step into the forest with a reasonable chance of returning to civilization, and even then, this chance was not a guarantee. Those who failed to make any plans for surviving the rainforest may as well have signed their own death warrant as soon as they stepped beyond the boundary of the trees.

Had this man not gotten that memo?

There was absolutely no indication at all that he was prepared for traveling through the thickest reaches of the jungle. He had no boots, knives, maps, canteens, backpacks… Nothing that one would expect a person to have when going into such unpredictable and dangerous territory. Frankly, it seemed that he had nothing with him other than the overcoat he wore (a poor choice of clothing indeed for such a hot and humid area). Just what on Evelon was this man thinking?

…At the moment, he was thinking about whether it had been a good idea to have left his companion in charge of his bookstore and if he shouldn't have simply closed it for the period in which he would be gone. He was half-expecting (or perhaps more accurately three-quarters-expecting) the conniving little creature to close the store anyway and follow after him, but it was nice to believe that his companion might actually adhere to his request, for once. Sighing lightly and shaking his head in amusement at trying to hold on to such a feeble hope, the man paused in his walking and looked up, straining to see the sun through the thick canopy of leaves above his head.

"This is quite a bit more difficult than I had expected," he murmured to no one in particular. "Though that is no one's fault but my own, for forgetting the compass…"

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Mousen » 04/16/2011 6:24 PM

As usual, Cipactli was lost in thought. He could stumble through memories and wade through dreams he'd never quite understood for hours on end. It was about time someone invented a decent map for thought, or in the very least a compass. It seemed like one of these days, the malachite hunter was going to get lost in thought and never quite find his way back.

Speaking of compasses, he'd left his behind. Next time, next time for sure he'd remember, most of the time Cipactli never remembered what he'd forgotten in the first place, so it rarely bothered him. "Oh well, it was a rather useless compass anyway. I'd have probably had to wear my glasses to read it anyway... Oh." He paused, going cross-eyed to look at his snout. "I seem to have forgotten those too. It must be a rather forgetful sort of day... Though I've come far enough, it's no good going back for them now. You probably haven't forgotten anything as of late. Trees are rather good at remembering things, if I recall." Not only was the hunter extremely forgetful, he also had a habit of talking to just about everything. Cipactli could hold a three hour conversation with a toadstool, and that was when he wasn't feeling very chatty.

At the very least, he hadn't forgotten why he'd decided to stray from the small clearing in which he and the rest of his people lived. A rumour. An interesting, perfectly wonderful rumour that could possibly mean hours of carefully leafing though damp spotted, age worn papers or hours or translating a forgotten dialect. While at times he found it difficult to remember what day of the week it was, Cipactli could remember every book he'd ever read.

Perhaps he should have dragged Taurmynt along, it seemed that he was just becoming much for unsociable these days. He'd been such a nice fellow too. Cipactli was blissfully unaware that most people would not find an ever so slightly deranged murder a 'nice fellow'. Then again, Taurmynt was like family to him, he could bring Evelon to utter ruin and Cipactli would just sigh, look at him from over the top of his half-moon glasses and give him a philosophical lecture that the poor lucain would have no hope of understanding. ...If he hadn't lost his half-moon glasses at that point. Finding new glasses to replace the old ones was becoming more and more of a problem, not many people sold glasses that would fit a hunter.

The jungle had always been Cipactli's home, for many many years he'd spent his days among the dangerous paradise. He'd always been the kind of person that was oblivious to most dangerous, it was rather lucky that he was a rather large crystalline feline rather than something rather small and edible. Parts of the jungle Cipactli knew well, it was his home. There was no need for a map there. However, as he strayed further and further away from what he knew, he seemed to be becoming more and more lost. It was rather problematic when you considered the fact that he didn't even realize he was lost yet. Cipacti would have made a hopeless archaeologist.

((Urk. D8 I'd forgotten that you'd mentioned something about forgetting compass, Kodai and by the time I reread your post, I'd already finished typing this one. XDD I guess Cipacti's right, it is a forgetting sort of day. <33))

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Shieba » 04/16/2011 7:28 PM

Quite differently from any other person who might make their way through the thick jungle, there was one being that was absolutely unaffected by any deathtrap this area presented. A white Fellox hovered rather highly in the air and passed through trees like a ghost, though she did try to avoid that, since seeing trees from the inside was rather distracting if it happened a lot.

The medium serving Hilal, the Night Fellox, to most of the world of her master only known as the 'Lok-Simanai' - the 'All-Seeing Eye' - floated through the rainforest. She still had to get used to the fact that in this world, where her master currently resided, she was visible to everyone, not only to the one she served so loyally. Yet it was of little concern to her, as she remained untouchable still and there was probably no one living in this region anyway.

And yet, even in this part of this strange land called 'Evelon', there was supposed to be a hidden sanctuary of knowledge, which would maybe, just maybe, help her master, who suffered from amnesia. The Lok-Simanai didn't know why her master and all his siblings had been affected by this, though she suspected the Golden One behind it. Which would make any spell trying to counter this effect useless, but her master had wished for her to look for this place regardless and that was reason enough for her to try.

She had no idea where she was heading, though. It was impossible to navigate through this forest without a map and while she could simply end the spell which had sent her mind here and would find herself back in her apartment in her own world, this would not do. She had tried since a few days now and couldn't even tell if she had already searched this part of the forest or not. It was beyond frustrating.

(Faily post is faily because I'm ill and having a fever and can't concentrate at all. I apologize.)

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Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby amapup » 04/17/2011 9:53 PM

A Drakelph scurried out from under a bush on all fours, her paws quick and silent. She paused, her eyes darting back and forth. Nothing dangerous looking. Satisfied, she stood up on her hind legs, her tail flicking in excitement. Stakeout. Well, sort of. She wasn't really hunting any Moonlings yet, just surveying the area, but it would be helpful to go ahead and get in the mindset. She knew she would be hunting at night, true, not daylight, but it would be helpful to know what she would be seeing at night.

The Drakelph looked up at the tree in front of her. She'd been examining the forest floor for about an hour, and she though she had a pretty good idea of what she would be facing. Time to go to the next level. And with that, she leaped onto the trunk and quickly scaled the tree, pausing at every vine to make sure it wasn't a hidden Hisper or Slydra. Though the Drakelph was confident in her escape plans, she hadn't forgotten that the rainforest could be dangerous, even in daylight. She ran out onto one of the branches, her thoughts wandering to earlier in the day. Ah, how useful maps could be! Without the one she'd found at home earlier, she wouldn't have been able to teleport here. She'd gone to Nabias, true, not the Tengel, but this wasn't very far from the town.

The Drakelph ran to the ends of the branch, pushing off at the last minute and spreading her arms wide. The equivalent of a grin spread across her face as she glided through the humid air. This scouting is turining out to be funner than I expected! She brought herself to a landing on a neighboring tree. The moment her paws touched the branch, she heard a rustling from further below. The creature froze, not yet scared but certainly wary. She dared to turn herself around, and peered down below. She'd gone up higher than she realized. She could see some of the lower plants waving, though she couldn't get a good enough glimpse of the creature causing it. Large, but luckily not nearly the size of a Hollowheart. She wanted to call out and ask who it was, but she decided it wasn't worth the risk. Several small witchlights effortlessly appeared at the Drakelph's eartips, and she watched as they floated downwards. Hopefully she would be able to lure whoever it was to a spot where she could see them.

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Kodai » 04/17/2011 10:50 PM

Very much unexpectedly, the man thought he heard a voice off in the undergrowth. Even more interesting was the fact that the voice mentioned a compass, although the words went off on a bit of a ramble after that. Blinking, the man made his way through the waist-high plants, displaying more a sense of curiosity than cautiousness. Quite suddenly he found himself staring at the sparkling striated green hide of a Malachite Hunter. Luckily for him, it seemed that this particular Hunter was a bit absentminded and hadn't noticed his presence yet.

A normal person, upon finding a Hunter that was not about to pounce on him, would generally quickly make his exit before the Hunter had a chance to. However, it was fairly well-established that this man was not a normal person.

"Well! fancy seeing a Hunter here; I thought they were native to Craiss? Although I suppose it's not too far a distance; it isn't as if Craiss is on Lambastia," he mused to himself, not terribly loudly but still probably audible to the Hunter. "I wonder..." He trailed off, considering for a moment, and then stepped forward through the leafy brush to be beside the creature. "Excuse me, sir! But would you be the one I heard speaking just before?" Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to approach a large carnivore from the side, but it wasn't as if the man was being particularly stealthy anyway. "If you have forgotten your compass as well, perhaps the two of us may find more success in each other's company? Assuming we are going in the same direction, of course." He looked up at the sky in another attempt to determine his position and noticed a second unusual thing. "...Well, that's curious," he remarked, watching the little witchlights float down. "I suppose someone else is here?"

It didn't appear as if he had noticed the ghostly form of the Fellox, though the trees were so thick here that it was difficult to see more than a few feet into the forest, let alone into the higher reaches of the branches.

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Mousen » 04/19/2011 8:03 PM

"Well! fancy seeing a Hunter here; I thought they were native to Craiss? Although I suppose it's not too far a distance; it isn't as if Craiss is on Lambastia,"

Cipactli looked a little surprised as the man seemed to appear from nowhere, then again, most of the time people seemed to appear from nowhere anyway, he was always busy thinking to notice them. As impractical as Cipactli was, even he realized that there was something unusual about the man. Most people tended to look a little shell shocked when they saw a hunter, he'd always figured that it was because hunters were predatory animals. In many ways he was much like an absent-minded university professor, had he been human and not a large lion-esque feline of some sort he would have looked out of place behind a desk. Probably looking for his glasses only to find that they had been on his head the whole time.

"Yes, that was me. I was just talking to myself again, or rather, just talking to this tree." Cipactli replied brightly, nodding his head in an earnest fashion. It was strange how a voice that seemed so full of age and wisdom could be filled with an almost child-like glee. "What a wonderful idea! Though I'll have to ask, which way are you going? I haven't quite decided which way would be best quite yet." He wasn't lost, he just wasn't quite sure where he was. "I'm Cipactli, I'm from the Tonuac tribe that live somewhere in and around the east of the jungle." He held out a massive stone paw.

The hunter was no Sherlock Holmes, his powers of observation were sadly lacking. Infact he didn't even notice the witchlights until they were pointed out to him. "I remember once, I met a juggler who used witchlights to his advantage. There used to be fantastic legends about tiny little faeries that held lanterns and they used to use them to lead travellers astray. In the stories the travellers used to think that the lights were civilisation of some form and they used to follow them. Only for those tricky creatures to lead them further away from it, usually into a bog or something, the travellers usually suffered rather painful deaths as a result. I do hope someone isn't trying to lead us astray. I have a hard enough time finding my way around as it is." Cipactli chuckled warmly, looking around to see if there was an intelligence behind the little lights.

((Sorry for the wait guys x3 <3))

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Shieba » 04/20/2011 9:41 AM

She had sensed a small disturbance in the ether and so, the Lok-Simanai had floated over to where, to her surprise, a small group of people seemed to gather without anything of note being around. Very curious. A man was talking to a Hunter, though what interested her more were the lights.

From her position in the air, she didn't need too long to spot the little Drakelph in the trees, though the small creature was hard to make out thanks to her color. It was more the hat that helped the ghostly Fellox to find her. Hard to say what this was about - the magic conjured was harmless, so maybe the Drakelph had just been scared by the ones below? The Lok-Simanai didn't know if Drakelphs were living in the jungle naturally.

At any rate, she herself would probably only scare the little spellcaster more if she approached and this situation seemed too promising to just disappear. So instead, she decided to lower herself to almost ground level and floated over to the man and the Hunter. She hadn't heard what they had talked about, but they both had seen the lights.

"Excuse me." She hoped she wouldn't frighten them with her half-transparent form, though her voice was normal enough. "You need not to worry about the witchlights; I saw a little Drakelph casting them and it probably is just scared. I have no idea if these kinds of spells are well-known in this world, but I can assure you, in case you didn't know, that they're harmless."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby amapup » 04/20/2011 5:49 PM

The Drakelph's tail twitched in irritation. Darn it! They hadn't moved a bit. But she could hear voices now, and she could see more than one shape. A human and an English-speaking creature. She crept further down the branch as she intently listened to their conversation. She couldn't speak in any human terms, but that didn't mean she didn't understand their language. Hope temporarily soared as they pointed out the witchlights. But as the animal started telling his stories, she chittered angrily, annoyed. Didn't he know the difference? Those were Tavil witchlights, much larger and alone except in the rare cases of pack hunting.

It was obvious to her that they weren't going to do anything about them. The Drakelph's curiosity battled with caution. Should she sneak down and see who they were? Was it wise to lose her cover? She knew the Slums were hidden somewhere here, though she had no idea where or how far away. For all she knew, the could be poachers or something just as bad. The conversation didn't hint towards that, though, but rather towards two lost travelers. Finally, her curiosity won over, and she scrambled down the trunk towards a much lower branch. She peeked through the foilage, almost head-level with the human now. So the creature was a Hunter - odd thing to see here. But then technically wasn't she? They continued to look up, and she could just barely see a white shape hovering above them.

"You need not to worry about the witchlights; I saw a little Drakelph casting them and it probably is just scared. I have no idea if these kinds of spells are well-known in this world, but I can assure you, in case you didn't know, that they're harmless."

"Of course they're not harmless," the Drakelph said indignantly, hopping off the branch into the small clearing. She glared at the Fellox, her irritance returning. Scared Drakelph, huh? Judging from the speech and appearance, it was one of those newcomers that were always coming in from other realms. That didn't make her any happier though. "Anyone knows that." While the fellow animals would understand her, unfortunatly the human would have only hear squeaks and chitters if anything. Her gaze swept over the two, landing curiously on the man. An overcoat in this heat? Surely he must be hot in that?

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
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from the Lever

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Kodai » 04/21/2011 2:25 PM

It was a good thing that Cipactli was not the sort of vicious predator his species was rumored to be, although rumors were hardly a reliable source of information. Brightening up some due to finding a creature that appeared to share his personality somewhat, the man answered the Hunter's question. "Ah, truthfully, I have an idea of where I'm going, but it's proven extraordinarily difficult to find my bearings. However, I am attempting to make my way to the heart of the jungle, as it were." Suddenly he was struck by something Cipactli mentioned and tilted his head in thought. "Tonuac...? Tonuac... That sounds vaguely familiar... Though I'm afraid I can't place it at the moment... Ah, well..."

He was about to shake the Hunter's offered paw and introduce himself when a new creature arrived and gave her explanation of the witchlights. At first, the man didn't seem to notice the Fellox, but after it spoke, he looked up abruptly and... squinted at it, as if he couldn't see it clearly. Sure, the Fellox was in a ghostly form, but from the way he was staring, it was like he could hardly see it at all. "Now this is interesting," he remarked, pensive. The man fell silent for some time, now more or less oblivious to everything else around him, wondering about this creature. For him to view it in this way... Surely this Fellox had to be... But it would be impolite to ask. He'd just have to become accustomed to the hazy outline of her form.

Just then, a Drakelph leapt into the clearing, joining the other three. The movement broke the man of his reverie, drawing his attention to the little critter that seemed very unhappy. Although he couldn't understand the mad chittering of the squirrel-y creature at all, the way that it was glaring at the Fellox indicated to him that the Drakelph had taken offense at her words. "I take it this Drakelph isn't too keen on being called 'scared'... or perhaps those witchlights were more dangerous than you thought." Ah, a good way to return to what Cipactli had originally said before. "Yes, I've heard of such stories. Will-o'-the-wisps and the like... Naturally, though, if you realize their purpose, it becomes easy to avoid them." Chancing to glance out into the trees, the man suddenly groaned lightly and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "...Unless they become persistent in following you."

The source of the man's sudden turn in attitude was a medium-sized light blue ball of flame that was slowly floating towards the group. At the man's words, the fireball darted behind a tree, as if it were afraid of being seen. "It's pointless, Valdemar," the man called, still rubbing the bridge of his nose in mild irritation. "I know you're there."

"Baah," a high-pitched male voice called back in good-natured disappointment. "I get you gut, next time." The flame came back into view, floating over to hover at the man's shoulder. "So, you have party out hier and leave me away?" Although its voice was accented, it was obvious that it was being teasing. "Not nice, not nice."

"This isn't a 'party'; we simply ran into each other," the man explained, a bit irritated. "You're supposed to be watching over the shop. What are you doing out here?"

"Ahh, you hurt me," the flame whimpered, still in a joking manner. "I go to see that you are surviving and you say 'Hallo' to me in this voice? Schrecklich!"

Giving a long sigh, the man dropped his hand and looked at the blue fireball. "Please tell me you at least locked up the store."

"Ja, ja, I do that," it responded, flickering almost happily. As the flame wavered around to the opposite side of the man's head, a grey feline suddenly appeared on his shoulders, slinking around to look at the other three creatures. A shape-shifter, perhaps? "So, wer you all are?"

"...It's 'who'. Wer is 'who', wo is 'where'. You really must commit that to memory," the man told his companion somewhat wearily, as if this mistake had been made countless times before.

"Ohhhh jaaa," the feline nodded, though it was doubtful that he would really remember it again. "So. Who you all are? I miss introductions? Or you forget, Julian?" He looked back to the man, pronouncing the name 'Yoo-lee-ahn'. "You are forget such simple things, sometimes."

"As if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black," he retorted, though not harshly. The interaction between these two was the sort of friendly 'getting on each other's nerves' that only true friends could get away with. "We hadn't quite gotten to that point yet before you so wonderfully interrupted. Though I must admit, you couldn't have had a more perfect entry; we were discussing witchlights–"

"So! My Name Valdemar," the feline cut him off, "and you call him," he gave a nod back at the man, "Julian. So wer you all are?"


"...Ja, I say that."

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Mousen » 04/27/2011 7:26 PM

the clearing had been almost empty before, and suddenly it seemed to be full to the brim, it was rather odd. Then again, most things in the jungle were odd, nobody ever batted an eyelid or three.The fellox was a rather interesting creature to say the least, for starters it didn't appear to be solid. How odd. Most felloxes were solid, were they not? Unless there was some hideous disease that made felloxes ethereal, it could be a ghost of some kind, but where was the fun in that? It would be awfully mundane to have a ghost that wasn't solid. The best ghosts were the ones that threw things and generally made all kinds of mess, they were the most interesting. Though, the fellox seemed interesting enough. "Oh, that's allight, I just hope the little creature is fine-"

"Of course they're not harmless,"

As the drakelf hopped into the clearing, Cipactli smiled at it. If it was scared a friendly face was always good, right? As it happened, Cipactli managed to look like he was vaguely confused and not really friendly, and the Drakelf didn't seem to be very phazed by them.

With the appearance of three new people, well, people was stretching it a bit, creatures was far more accurate, Cipactli was definitely overwhelmed. Aside from the fact that two of them seemed to know each other, it was rather odd that they should all end up in the same glade, wasn't it? As the hunter tried to work out how on earth he was going to remember all the names he was probably going to be faced with he tripped over a stone and landed squarely on his behind. Had the feline been able to blush, his face would have been bright red. He wasn't particularly known for being clumsy, but it seemed he could manage that just as well as forgetful.

He stood up, shaking his crystaline head ever so slightly. "I do have a habit of tripping over things when I stop concentrating and keep walking. Not to worry though, it doesn't happen quite as often as you'd think it might." So much for being a hunter, a vicious predatory animal. If anything Cipactli was a short sighted house cat, and a meek one at that.

"Valdemar, Julian wonderful to meet you both." He said earnestly. "As I was saying to, er, Julian just a minute ago, I'm Cipactli or any variation of that you care to come up with. I'm not fussy."

((Sorry for the wait, folks. D8 <3))

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Shieba » 04/27/2011 8:01 PM

Well, she had certainly found an interesting group there! The Lok-Simanai was a bit confused by Julian's behavior, though. Did he have eye problems? He seemed to have trouble focusing her. This was rather odd. She hadn't had any problems to be visible to the people in this dimension so far.

Her first concern, however, should be the little Drakelph she had obviously upset. "My, is that so? I apologize for my assumption, then. This is the third dimension I have gotten to know so far and in the other two, this kind of magic merely creates light without heat."

She turned back to the others. "I am honored to make you acquaintance. I am a medium; someone not living in this realm, but merely sending my mind here. The enemy of my master resides here right now, which is why I am hesitant to give out my real name. In the dimension my master hails from, though, his people have given me the title of 'Lok-Simanai'. While I understand that it is quite the difficult name, it would probably be best if I go here by it, too." She looked at Julian. "May I ask if there is any problem with my form for you? You seem to have trouble seeing me. In the dimension of my master, only he was able to spot me, but I haven't encountered any problems like that here yet."

She wondered if she should ask about her goal. The Hunter seemed to be the first choice. She didn't want to bother anyone longer than necessary and while he seemed clumsy in an adorable way, he also was native to this part, was he not? Julian and Valdemar at least seemed to be from the city since they had talked about a shop. "Sir Cipactli, forgive me bothering you, but I have come to this place to check out a rumor about a library hidden here. You wouldn't know anything about that, do you?"

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby amapup » 04/27/2011 11:13 PM

( -_- )

The Drakelph realised the mistake she'd made at the responses from the surrounding people. "I mean harmful. They're not harmful." she corrected, a little too late. Her face looked sheepish. Well, that was a nice way to lead a first introduction. Her ears pricked curiously as the talkig ball of fire appeared. That was certainly no witchlight - some sort of creature then? Though the closest thing she'd eard of was a Pot O' Embers, and she didn't see any pots anywhere. She watched curiously as it transformed into a feline. A shapeshifter, was he? That required magic - but the Drakelph hdn't heard him speak any words. Must not be direct magic, then she mused, settling down on her hind legs.

She curiously observed the introductions, though at the feline's question she merely shook her head, since no human wuld understand any pet speak she said. She didn't believe in names, finding them ultimately meaningless as anything but labels - and there were enough of those as it was. She stood back up though, intrigued b the Fellox's words. The medium and other similar things had interested her, but what had grabed her attention was the comment on visibiity. "I can help with that," she told the Lok-Simanai, adjusting her hat. "Kaam Kol-Iinamis eeluf lubiziv uut uth ii," she said aloud as she cast a spell. That should make her easier to see, the Drakelph thought. She glanced up, waiting to see if it would work.

*Make Lok-Simanai fully visible to the eye
(ooc: fail post)

EDIT: I'M REALLY SORRY EVERYONE!!  :cry: I didn't mean to, really, and I'm vry sorry I did. I promise I won't do it again!!! :yell:

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Kodai » 04/30/2011 11:02 PM

Since the man now known as Julian couldn't understand a word of what the Drakelph was saying, he stood in mild confusion as the Fellox questioned her words and the Drakelph corrected them. Turning aside to Cipactli and noticing that the Hunter had slipped, he quietly asked, "Are you all right? I must admit, I know the hazards of walking while distracted all too well, myself." There had been numerous occasions on which he had bumped into furniture due to being caught up in a book.

Valdemar, able to understand the short conversation between the Lok-Simanai and the Drakelph, gave a chuckle. "Hah, language. Always you have to be careful, ja?" He looked curiously at the little squirrel-y creature. "Hm, no Name? Haha, interesting." It seemed he was slightly amused at the fact that she didn't have a name, though he gave no indication as to why. "Well then, Drakelph, you should know that Julian is not seeing the illusions so well. He has that power also, so he sees through."

"Ah, what?" Finally noticing that he was being spoken about, the man refocused his attention and answered the question that the Lok-Simanai had asked him. "Oh, yes... That's right. Since your form is merely illusory, I can only see it as a vague outline. It's not too much of a problem, though; I can tell where you are." Had he been able to understand what the Drakelph was saying, he would have thanked her for the effort, but since she was casting a spell that fell within his area of expertise, it wouldn't have done much for him anyway (assuming it had been able to work in the first place).

It was then that he realized the Fellox had said something else, something about a library... "Ah! You have come here for that as well?" He couldn't help but enter that conversation. "That is why I am here, to find that library. Although I would admit it would be much easier with a compass..."

"You did not bring the map either, did you?" purred Valdemar, teasing again. "You are very poor at this."

"I... know where I'm going," Julian argued, albeit weakly. "...More or less."

"Hah! I thought this."

they're lesbians, harold

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Mousen » 05/09/2011 6:06 PM

"Not to worry! I'm quite fine. I always seem to be tripping over something or other. Many people seem to find it 'endearing', though when a stone lion accidently stands on their toes, they find it somewhat less 'endearing'." Whether that was Cipactli's attempt at a joke, who could say. He'd never been one for jokes in any case.

As bumbling as he was, when others were speaking amongst themselves, he would listen rather than fill the space inbetween with meaningless chatter. Cipactli had always found that it was easier to understand the people and creatures that spoke, rather than the trees. While their rustling may hold the secrets of the universe, it was easier to understand the four creatures stood before him.

Curiously he was just about to open his mouth to speak to Lok-Simanai, when she spoke to him. "Oh! the library, oddly enough it's what I have come to seek aswell. While there is a small library of sorts back in the clearing in which my tribe live, I've heard that this one would make even the most fantastic library pale in comparison. Though, I do not know much more than any of you on the matter. Only rumours. The whispers among the jungle tribes and the boasts of the young explorer types which often end up getting eaten around here. Oh, I do so which they'd take my advice about those snakes, and the ants, and those terrible tribal women. But no, they know it all, of course. Such a waste..." Cipactli shook his head sadly, sighing as he did so.

"Though, of course if Nazahuatl and Taurmynt took my advice, Nazahuatl wouldn't have a shadow that acted like Peter Pan's and, well, Taurmynt wouldn't have developed his violent tendencies..." He mused to himself, quietly. If anyone had heard him, he knew that they'd have had no idea whatsoever of who he was talking about, it was something of a habit of his though, thinking aloud.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed]

Postby Shieba » 05/09/2011 6:30 PM

The Lok-Simanai smiled behind her mask at the small Drakelph. "I am afraid such a spell has no effect on me. It is hard to explain how my magic works, but this is not merely an illusion - it is in a way an image of my mind. Would it be a full illusion, I would be visible to everyone in all worlds alike, but this is not so. I thank you for the effort and for trying, though."

What really surprised her, though, was that Julian had such problems. "I am not sure if I can comprehend. You are an expert in illusions yourself and this makes you unable to see them well? Should it not make you better at it instead? How intriguing. Maybe this kind of magic works differently in this world. Can you not sense me manipulating the ether around me?" How very strange. It was difficult for her to understand this world, as she had not seen much of it yet. Most of the time, she remained close to her master in Whisper Forest, which was quite a bit away from civilisation.

She was quite intrigued by what first Julian said and then Cipactli. "So you are both here to find the library as well? This is odd, is it not? That in this lonely place, so many searching for the same thing end up in the same place at the same time. I do not believe in such coincidences." She looked at the Drakelph. "Are you here for the library as well? If yes, I wonder what this means. I can feel no disturbance in the ether, yet I wonder if there is something drawing people here then."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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