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Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:00 AM

"What business do we have to discuss today?"

The question was asked over an early breakfast. The inquirer, as usual, was the lady of the house. That whom she was asking was her personal assistant or, simply, the person whom was regularly referred to as her butler. Having breakfast together and discussing business, namely what would be on her schedule for the day, was their daily routine. Although, despite the butler joining her at the breakfast table, never did he join her in a meal. He did not require the same sustenance as she did.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:05 AM

"There has recently been news regarding some sort of lost notes that once belonged to an explorer," the man began his response to the question he was asked every day.

The lady of the household appeared to be no more than child, not even in her teens. She was a petite, tiny little thing. That was especially so in comparison to Chevalier, undoubtedly an adult, by all appearances. Despite her apparent young age, Emilia nodded her head, confirming that she understood the meaning of his words. "Proceed," she instructed.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:10 AM

"It appears that one of these notes was discovered, but the meaning and purpose of it has yet to be deciphered," he continued, once told to do so. "To my knowledge, no others have yet been found, though there is the possibility that more exist."

"I see," Emilia replied. "What you're getting at... We should put our resources in locating one of these notes. Is that correct?" Their resources, currently, was only the two of them, as well as her chef and financial adviser. Well, those were the official titles that they held.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:16 AM

The man nodded. "Their value is likely unimaginable. If we should obtain even one, it would be a great asset." Both in terms of actual value and value as a collection piece, he did not doubt it would be highly sought after. Though, knowing his mistress, she would simply add it to her ever growing collection of unique, rare, or otherwise valuable items. It was her passion, after all. The manor was well decorated in these valuable pieces and that was not the only place to find her collections.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:21 AM

"I agree," she replied, in turn. "Certainly, it would be wonderful to have such an item in our hands. Outside of just it's value, I'm quite curious as to what we may discover if it can be deciphered. You know I do enjoy such challenges." Emilia enjoyed discovering new things, unveiling legends. Whatever could be learned from obtaining one of these mysterious notes, she definitely wanted to know.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:26 AM

"Indeed," Chevalier agreed. He knew very well the sorts of things his mistress enjoyed. It was his job to know everything about her, to be able to assist and serve her in any way that she wished. He was absolutely perfect at his job. Being perfect at such a task was the very least he could do in exchange for the life she had granted him. Without her, survival was not an easy task. Perhaps, it would not have even been an option, at this point.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:34 AM

"Pardon the interruption." A third voice joined the conversation. Emilia looked slightly over to the side, where she was greeted with her chef's usual vibrant and cheerful expression.

"Here is your breakfast, miss," he went on to say. As he did so, he placed a plate before her on the table. Today's menu, as usual, contained two fresh eggs, scrambled. For a change of pace, however, there was a large stack of pancakes, as well. Everything was fresh off the stove.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:39 AM

Once the plate was settled before her, Blayze continued by first placing a serving container of blueberry syrup and a dish with fresh churned butter on one side of her plate. Then, he moved around to her other side. Once there, he poured a glass of fresh squeeze orange juice from an entire pitcher full. He placed both on that side of her, along with the needed utensils for her meal.

"Everything looks delicious, as usual," Emilia complimented, appraising her meal. "You really outdo yourself every time, Blayze."

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:43 AM

Blayze dipped his head in respect. "Thank you, mistress. I wish to serve only the best to you." Blayze had not always been considered a chef or her assistant. Originally, he had been nothing more than a simple Roosken hired to produce eggs. Emilia had been in charge of the farm in which he had sold himself to, though she treated him with more respect than he ever could have imagined. She became his friend or, rather, she allowed him to become her friend.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:47 AM

"Have you already eaten?" Emilia asked of the chef, turning her body entirely in her chair so that she could gaze at him. She enjoyed being served her breakfast in such a manner each morning, however, it was more important to her that Blayze also ate. Ideally, she preferred if he fed himself before worrying about her.

"Of course," he answered. "I ate first thing in the morning, before you came down. I could not upset you by not eating now, could I? I've already been down that road before. It's not pretty."

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:50 AM

In the past, Emilia had practically blown up at him for not joining her at the breakfast table, even though he had not eaten. That was where it started. She had also been angered when she found out that he had not eaten before serving her, after he had assured her that he would eat on his own beforehand. Making Emilia angry was the last thing he wanted to do. Thus, because she had ordered him to take care of himself first, he had no other choice but to listen. No longer did he skip or hold off on meals in order to serve her meals first.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 2:54 AM

"Join us at the table, would you?" Emilia invited Blayze to sit with them, gesturing to an open seat. "We're in the middle of discussing today's business. It sounds like we may need you."

"Of course!" The Roosken man answered with a beaming smile. He slide into one of the open seats, his eyes shifting over to Chevalier. "Something interesting is happening today?" He inquired, a very curious and interested expression on his face.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:02 AM

"It sounds like we'll all be going out today," Emilia chimed in, a small smile appearing on her face. The idea of getting out was great all on its own. How many days had she been cooped up inside now? She wasn't even certain, given that she had been very preoccupied. Rarely did she have a day off. There was always some sort of business that they had to tend to. Recently, that included viewing her stocks and making decisions regarding her investments, among many other things.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:05 AM

"Oooh, is that so?" The enthusiasm in Blayze's voice was unmistakable. "It's been so very long since we've all gone out on a field trip together!" Getting to go out, the four them together, would be so much fun!

Chevalier cleared his throat, gathering the chef's attention. "I will fill you in on the details when your partner decides to join us." There was no need to repeat himself more than necessary.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:10 AM

"Would you not call me that?" A fourth voice chimed in.

A man dressed entirely in white stepped into the room, adjusting the cuffs of his jacket, as he did so. He eyed Blayze briefly with a hint of a glare, as if he was blaming him for the butler's words. He could never dream of glaring at Chevalier and trying to place the blame with him. That was a fight he would not get himself into. They all knew, very well, just how frightening he could be.

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