A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:15 AM

"Is there something wrong with being my partner?" Blayze quickly shot in, his gaze locked onto Adair's own eyes. The glare did not deter him.

"When it's said like that, one might assume we're an item," Adair answered, his voice holding a smidgen of his annoyance. "The last thing I want to be thought of as is your lover. I wouldn't even consider it."

"Hmph," Blayze responded, sticking his nose up and turning his head away from Adair in a defiant manner. "As though my standards are so low as to even consider being with someone like you."

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:20 AM

"Someone like me?" The blond haired man repeated, really sounding annoyed now. How dare he even imply that he would want to be with him?

"Now, now, you two," Emilia interjected. "We don't have time for your bickering right now. We have the rest of the day ahead of us; there will be plenty of time to argue. Let us just get things settled.

With the mistress stepping in between them with her words, both Roosken men drew their eyes entirely away from one another, shutting their mouths.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:23 AM

"Chevalier?" Emilia turned the room back over to her familiar of sorts.

Adair settled into one of the remaining seats at the table, across from Blayze so that he did not have to sit next to him. Next to that man was the last place he wanted to be! Of course, despite that being what he wanted, he usually did not get his way.

Seeing everyone settle in, Emilia continued on with the meal that she had started eating as Adair had entered. Unlike when she asked Blayze if he had eaten, she didn't bother asking Adair. He was clever enough to know not to skip meals and she trusted him and his judgement not to go without nourishment.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:30 AM

"As I was telling Emilia, I have gotten wind of a rumor of some sort of notes that appear to have been lost by an explorer. While we do not know what these notes contain, I imagine them to be quite valuable." Chevalier began and then proceeded to fill the entire party in on the details. He believed that there were more of these notes, likely scattered about. Finding one would be a great feat. There was no way be could have imagined that they may have found something else, rather than the notes he wanted to seek out.

As everything was being explained, the young girl busied herself with her food. The pancakes were especially tasty. You couldn't beat fresh churned butter and blueberry syrup toppings! Well, perhaps strawberries and whipped cream came in as a tie, but that was beside the point.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:36 AM

"So, you want us to go out and find one of these notes that have been lost?" Adair asked, after listening to the details. "Are you aware of any specific leads?"

The familiar shook his head. "I do not have specifics. From what I gathered, there is a chance that they may be found anywhere that we wish to seek. Our destination is up to us."

"Oh, oh, a field trip to anywhere we want?" Blayze was definitely interested and getting to select their destination would be even better.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:38 AM

"Would you like to suggest where we go?" Emilia offered, eyes shifting toward her chef. "I don't really mind where we go searching, so if there is somewhere you want to go, why not go there?" Seeing Blayze so excited made her happy.

"You'll really let me decide?" Blayze could hardly contain his enthusiasm.

"Of course. I don't mind where we end up. I'm assuming neither of you mind, either?"

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:40 AM

Adair sighed. At this point, he didn't really care where they ended up. No matter what, he was sure he wasn't going to like it all that much. "I don't see it making any difference if he chooses." That was his answer.

"As there is no specific area we should search, I don't see why not. I have no issues with letting Blayze decide." Besides, who was he to argue with Emilia's wishes? He dedicated his life to serving her, so questioning her was not something he often did.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:43 AM

"Yay!" Blayze clapped his hands together once when the other two agreed to let him decide. It took him a little while to decide, but not all that long. "How about the Tengal Rainforest?" he eventually suggested. "There just has to be something there! There are plenty of strange stories about that place. If there are going to be odd, valuable notes, we'll probably find them there. And, if not that, then I'm sure we'll find something else that's interesting."

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:47 AM

Before Emilia could even finish her breakfast, her three servants took their leave. They each began their preparations for the day's adventure. There was even a good chance that this would last longer than a single day. Unless they were incredibly lucky, that is. Certainly, though, what they were looking for would be more elusive than that, right?

Just as she finished the last sip of her orange juice, Chevalier appeared at her side once more. "All the preparations are complete."

Emilia half smirked. "That was quick. As usual, though. Wonderful."

"Allow me to clear the table now, my lady," was his only answer to her praise.

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/16/2015 3:52 AM

The party of four found themselves in the forest not all that long after their departure. As usual, Chevalier had arranged for their direct transport to their destination. However, now that they had arrived, the party no longer consisted of one child and three men. No, one of the men had been replaced by a hulking beast, a Battleheart.

"Where do we even begin?" Adair wondered out loud. Surrounded by trees, how where they supposed to find some scraps of paper? Considering that, he began to doubt Blayze's decision in coming to the forests.

"Let us find somewhere where we're likely to find such things," Emilia answered. "There is no use standing around."

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Re: Business As Usual [Hunt]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/24/2015 4:09 AM

The Tengal was a place of great mystery, untold stories and undiscovered ruins. Despite extensive expeditions into the forests, biologists, archaelologists and adventurers still were discovering new things every day, be it new bugs, birds or temples. Today, as the four stepped through the forest, a very bizarre thing happened. Without a warning a thick, shimmering Celestial Mist began to roll across the ground, gently lapping at their ankles. They were no where special. This was not a clearing filled with fairy rings, or a temple, and if this was caused by a kind of wildlife, it was nowhere to be found.

With such a dark mist, one's first instinct might be to run, but it had closed around the group. However, when it made contact with the party, it instead filled everyone with a sense of peace. It would be hard to explain later, but the presence of the mist was a benevolent one. It would protect the party for a while.
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