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A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2016 2:28 PM


Gently spreading the poultice across the torn flesh, Morgulielle chanted a song of healing. The song was one she sang often these days, praying for their ancestors to look upon them with mercy and to bestow good health. Lately, it seemed as if her songs were going unheard, but she wasn't going to stop. As the n'anga for her tribe, Morgulielle's job was to communicate with their ancestors and heal what injuries and illness she could. However, it was more difficult when she was filled with concern for her patient.

"The pain should begin to fade soon," she told her sister. "But you must come to me so I can reapply it every day. I don't need you getting an infection."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2016 5:47 PM


Hallothel rolled her eyes. "I can practically feel you worrying about me already." Standing from the table she had been sitting on, she faced her sister. "It's a small scrape. You know better than anyone that such a cut is easily healed if treated correctly." Her expression became gentler, and she placed a hand on Morgulielle's arm. "I know that you are concerned for me because we are blood. But you have to think like a n'anga now. There are so few of us left..." Hallothel bit her lip, worry lines appearing on her face. "We need you to keep a clear mind."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2016 5:49 PM

"You're right," Morgulielle said. "I'm sorry if I acted inappropriately for my station. It's just hard not to feel concern for you. I've always been the one looking out for you."

Hallothel smiled. "Yes, and you've always done a good job of it. Don't doubt yourself now. You've proven your worth both as my sister and as n'anga time and again. Our ancestors clearly have much faith in you. And so do I."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2016 5:56 PM

There was a brief silence during which Morgulielle thought upon her sister's words. Before she could reply however, Hallothel was speaking again.

"Speaking of our ancestors, have you-"

"No," the other woman interrupted her. "I haven't heard anything from them. I've tried everything, Hal. I've burnt offerings to them, prayed, chanted all the songs. But they haven't visited me, even in my sleep. I'm beginning..." she choked over the words. "I'm beginning to become afraid that they've abandoned us."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2016 5:58 PM

"Don't say that!" Hallothel practically shouted, shocked by her sister's words. "They would never abandon us. Never! You should know that better than anyone. You've seen them and spoken to them!"

Morgulielle hung her head. "But then why haven't they given us their help? Our tribe is slowly dying as they sit and watch. I can't think of anything we've done to anger them."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2016 5:59 PM

The other woman shrugged. "Perhaps this is a test? Maybe we aren't as strong as we should be. Our ancestors are simply weeding out the weak members, so that we can become stronger as a tribe."

"I don't know," Morgulielle replied skeptically. "How could it possibly strengthen us to lose almost every member of our tribe?"

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2016 6:07 PM

Hallothel seemed to have been thinking of this even before speaking to Morgulielle. "Think of it, Morg. We've become complacent. Our lives have been far too easy. Now we are being forced to toughen up."

Her sister didn't seem to share her opinion. "I can't believe you're thinking like this," she said, shaking her head. "I...I need to think. I'll speak to you tomorrow when you come in for me to check your wound."

"Fine," Hallothel said. "But at least think about what I've said."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/02/2016 12:36 AM

The conversation was over. Hallothel left the large hut that had become Morgulielle's when she was named n'anga. Sighing, the other woman stayed behind and began to straighten her healing supplies. She took note of what was running low. With so many injuries and illnesses lately, she was running through her supplies far too quickly. And what made it worse was that many of those supplies had been wasted, as her patients slowly died. Morgulielle attempted to make them comfortable, but in the end, many of them chose to be put out of their misery.

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/02/2016 12:45 AM

"I'm going to need more of these," Morgulielle grumbled as she held a practically empty jar in her hand. "I might as well go ahead and replenish all my supplies." It was always a hassle for the woman to gather what she needed. Due to the increasing aggression shown from wild beasts and her lack of skills with any sort of weapon, she would need to get an escort from one of the men. And that would require her to speak to the tribe leader, Idrillom. Hopefully he was in a good mood today.

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/02/2016 11:45 PM


It was a short trip from Morgulielle's hut to Idrillom's. He was sitting just inside, mending a fishing net that had recently been torn. "Let me guess," the aged man spoke before the n'anga had the chance. "You need the assistance of one of my men. Am I right?"

"I apologize for the inconvenience," she said. "I know there aren't many of us left. But I am running low on supplies. I would be happy to go out on my own-"

The man cut her off. "No, that won't be necessary."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/03/2016 12:05 AM

She should have known that the leader would not let her out on her own. Although she was a bit upset, Morgulielle hid it well. "You have a man to spare, then?"

"Technically, no," Idrillom said. "But I was going to send Remekko out to check the snares. You may accompany him. Whatever supplies you do not find on his path, you may gather after. I will give him instruction not to leave your side until you are safely back within our boundaries."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/03/2016 12:09 AM

Gritting her teeth, Morgulielle fought the urge to scream. "Thank you, Idrillom. You are very kind to show such protection over me."

"It is actually a selfish protection," the man admitted. "We need you now more than ever. Our tribe would do very badly if our healer was in need of healing. Nobody else knows how to make your poultices. There are healing chants that only you know. We need you, Morgulielle."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/03/2016 10:24 PM

Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, Morgulielle changed the subject. "When is Remekko going to check the traps?"

Idrillom shrugged. "As far as I know, he is currently still sleeping. I can go awaken him now. It would probably be better for you leave early so that you can return before the light fades." He stood from his seat, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Will you be ready to leave soon?"

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/03/2016 10:27 PM

"I can be ready as soon as you need me to be," Morgulielle answered. "I simply need to grab my basket to bring back the supplies." She hesitated for a moment, waiting for direction. When the man said nothing, she spoke again. "Would you mind telling Remekko to meet me at my hut? I will be ready to leave before he is, I'm sure."

The leader nodded. "I will do that. You should be sure to eat something before the two of you leave. We need you to have plenty of energy during these trying times."

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Re: A Dying Tribe [M] (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/04/2016 6:13 PM

As annoying as the leader's rules could be at times, Morgulielle knew that he truly cared. Every worry line on his face and white hair on his head had been caused from concern for his tribe. And he was at least right about one thing: the n'anga needed nourishment.

Waiting for her escort to show up, she sat on the mat covering the dirt floor of her hut with a bowl of food. She ate quickly using only her hands, until a voice from outside called out for her attention. "Morgulielle! Are you ready to leave?"

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