A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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The Tengel Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 6:59 PM

Piper - RPing her in first person to see if my writing improves from it.
"Mav" Maverick - Piper's mentor

"Mav please," I pleaded over the phone. "It's not that I haven't gotten my confidence back. I have Mav! I just want your help with this one."

"You know well enough that if you need my help I will be there, but you don't need my help now," Maverick replied.

"Laura missed her check-in," I say simply.

"How long has it been?" Maverick asked.

"A full twenty-four hours. She promised to call every day," I reply.

"I'm coming to pick you up," said Maverick. "Be ready to go before I get there."
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 7:05 PM

Okay, so maybe Laura happened to have taken a vacation. Maybe she just happened to go to Tengal Rainforest. Maybe she never even really promised me she would call every day. Maybe I lied. I have a good reason though. Tengal Rainforest is where Laura comes from. Laura doesn't know her family and she will need moral support. I have to find her. Okay, so maybe I do need to find her because she is the only one who understands me and family-less existence. Maybe she is the only family I've ever had and I'm terrified of loosing her motherly existence in my life. Maybe I'm being selfish. Still, Laura may have come from Tengal Rainforest, but she has never been there since she was ripped from there at a young age. She should not have gone alone. If she would have just taken someone with her I wouldn't be calling Mav and lying to get him to help me track her. Besides, Laura left her phone at the office. How would she call for help should she need it? It was only right for me to go after her.
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 7:08 PM

Packing. I'm supposed to be packing right now. Why can't I thing straight right now?

My heart aches from the lies I've already told. I will likely have to tell a few more to keep Mav on the trail. You see, I'm a good hunter. I set traps and pick up what they catch. One thing that Mav has yet to teach me is how to track. I don't know the different tracks creatures leave on the ground. When I see a snapped branch that's all I see. Mav sees more than I do. He can tell you what creatures passed through an area and about how long ago. I needed him to find Laura.
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 7:45 PM

I manage to pack all the essentials into my backpack before Mav knocks at the door. By the time I've opened it, he is already waiting for me at his car.

"Lets go!" he shouts to me.

He's worked up. Anyone who knows him well enough could tell that. I feel bad for lying to him, but Laura's life could be in danger and we would have no way of knowing. I took a vacation with Laura not too long ago. For me, it was a hunt. We both ended up terribly lost and Mav had to come get us. What if this was like that?
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 7:49 PM

Mav asks me questions on our way to the Tengal Rainforest.

"Where is she staying? Who is she staying with? Why didn't she take her phone? Has she contacted you at all and if so from what number?" Maverick asks.

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. No." I answer simply.

"She's not a hunter. Why would she go out all alone?" asked Maverick.

"Mav," I say simply, "it's Tengal Rainforest."

I wait for it to click what I mean.

"Piper?" he asks. "Are you positive this isn't just something she wants to do alone?"

"I don't know Mav," I say, frustrated. "Possibly, but why didn't she take her phone? She can't call us if she needs help. I'm not saying we go drag her back home. I'm just asking you to help me track her so I know she's safe."
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 7:53 PM

We are about half way to our destination and suddenly Maverick looks stern.

"You're lying to me," he says simply. "Laura doesn't hunt. You've hinted as to why she would go. This is a personal matter Piper."

I feel tears begin to well up.

"You think I don't know that? I know how sensitive this is, but if I were to go looking for my long lost family I would want the family I've made here for support!" I say.

I shudder at the realization of how selfish I have been.

"Little one," says Mav, softening. "Family doesn't track you down and follow you. They trust you to make your choices and are always there if you need them."
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 7:56 PM

"Well, what if she need us? She doesn't have her phone. Tengal Rainforest is a dangerous place Mav," I counter. "I know. I lied to you because I wanted her home. I don't want to lose her. I also don't want to see her hurt or worse Mav. I need to know she's safe. That's all I'm asking. She's the closest thing to a mother I have ever known and I didn't realize before how much I would miss it when she left."

"I'm not sure it's wise to go chasing after her," said Maverick. "I consider you family so I will let you make that choice and I will be here regardless. Still, I need you to promise me you won't interfere. This is a very personal journey Laura is on. I think it's best she doesn't know we are here unless she really needs us."

"I just need to know she's safe," I reply.
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/11/2021 8:02 PM

We arrive safely at the edge of Tengal Rainforest.

"I will say that I wish we had a way to contact her," said Mav. "I could really use her research skills to find her. We know she's looking for other Leplora, but I'm not sure where they would be."

"Leplora's gather nutrients from sunlight. They would have to be somewhere with a lot of it." I say.

We both look up and see very little sunlight. The trees block most of it out.

"Do Leplora's climb?" Maverick asks.

"Not that I know of," I say.

"Good," says Maverick. "I don't enjoy tree climbing either."
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/14/2021 1:47 AM

I pull out a map I was smart enough to bring. We left in such a hurry that Mav hadn't thought of it. I had. I knew before calling Mav that I would be able to convince him. At first, it took a lie, but now he was here even after I had told him the truth. Maybe if I had told him the truth to begin with he would have been more prepared. It was too late to think about that now.

"Hmm," I ponder, looking at the map. "Where would get the most sunlight?"

I look to Mav. He's better at these things than I am.
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/14/2021 1:47 AM

I pull out a map I was smart enough to bring. We left in such a hurry that Mav hadn't thought of it. I had. I knew before calling Mav that I would be able to convince him. At first, it took a lie, but now he was here even after I had told him the truth. Maybe if I had told him the truth to begin with he would have been more prepared. It was too late to think about that now.

"Hmm," I ponder, looking at the map. "Where would get the most sunlight?"

I look to Mav. He's better at these things than I am.
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/14/2021 1:57 AM

"There," says Maverick, pointing to a waterfall on the map.

I realize for the first time where I am and what a beautiful trip this will be. Of course, I still have my worries, but I'm excited too.

"A waterfall?" I ask, knowing the answer. "I have never seen a waterfall!"

"Yeah," said Maverick, "and I thought I told you I don't climb. I'm a small creature not made for climbing."

"We will have to," I say, hoping that he won't back out. "Please, Mav? I will help you."

"I didn't say I couldn't climb," said Maverick gruffly. "Come on, let's go."
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/14/2021 2:36 AM

Mav is his usual quiet self. He's family to me, but because he's there for me when I need him. He's certainly not the loving type like Laura. She would know what to say to me right now. My heart hurts. I feel like I'm losing her and she's the only one who could calm me right now.

My stomach grumbles, but I don't dare complain to Maverick. Still he notices and looks questioningly at me. We have been walking for hours now and my legs are starting to go numb.

"Make camp," he says simply, "then join me down by the water."
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/14/2021 2:42 AM

"What water?" I ask, confused.

He points to a plant covering most of the ground.

"It's a Rainforest, so there's a lot of water content in the ground. Still, these little plants tend to grow near running water like streams and rivers. Where did you think the water from the waterfall went anyways?"

I look at the plants on the ground and then back to Mav, "but how will I find the river? Should I set up closer to the river?"

Maverick sighs, exhaustion and his lack of teaching ability making him irritated. "The plants will grow denser the closer they are to water and no, we don't want to camp to close to the river. River's flood sometimes."

Maverick lifts an arm and points towards the plants. His voice softens, "I'll be about a mile that way. I'll mark the trees, but if you can't read them just walk straight that way. You'll see me."
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/14/2021 2:56 AM

I get to work setting up the camp. I know Mav has taught me how to do this, but now I don't remember all of his instructions. I get to work digging out a fire pit and adding sticks to the side of the pit for a fire later. I put up a small tent, but only have the one. It's just as well. This place can be dangerous so it would be best to sleep in turns. It means neither of us will get a full night's sleep, but it's better to be safe. I look at the campground I have made. It's not nearly the job Mav would do, but it's good enough.
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Re: The Tengal Journey [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 01/14/2021 3:00 AM

I look at the trees but they all look normal. Sure, some are missing branches or have a scar, but I don't know to tell whether it was an animal or intentionally marked. Mav on the other hand, could tell you what type of animal made what marks as well as what was path marking. So instead of following a path I set off in the direction he pointed. I started to get nervous. If I don't find Mav I won't be able to find my way back to camp. Then, I will be lost here. Suddenly, I have an idea.
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