Home to a variety of cultural backgrounds, Lamenolai is a citadel city with stone walls that encompass the whole city and stone 'guardians.' It is also home to the Headquarters of the Purines, an opposing organization to the Imperialists of Lambastia. (+2 Defense, +2 Fame)

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Help Wanted [P][M:LV?]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/14/2023 9:19 PM

The once lovingly tended inn was now in disrepair. While still considered a livable space, the floorboards creaked and sagged in places, many of the windows were boarded up due to missing glass, and the general appearance was generally a disappointment. Yet despite this, the mysterious owner of the building insisted that it was the perfect place for such an odd assortment of folks.

He had never shown his face, and yet he had managed to recruit each and every member of the currently unnamed guild. A flyer with the bold headline: "Help Wanted, Riches Await!" had drawn most of them. Others had gathered because they were simply curious as to who had sent the flyer, and how they had acquired the personal information that was written on the back of each. Yet regardless of why they had originally come, each person had decided to stay. The guild was new, and the bonds between those who had joined were still fragile at best. But it was the start of... something, at least.


Fodvala had set up shop in one of the back rooms on the first level of the building. This had once been some sort of living quarters she was sure, perhaps for the staff of the place when it had been an inn. But now she had converted the space into her own personal workshop. Tools and various materials were scattered on the long table in front of her, currently in the process of being arranged. Once she had found a place for everything, and had an organized tidy space to work in, then she would be able to start contributing to the group. Hopefully her inventions and improvements to her guildmates' gear would go over well.

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Re: Help Wanted [P][M:LV?]

Postby Jedi » 07/14/2023 9:41 PM


The man, no... more like the thing, entered the building. It was some sort of mechanical man. He saw the help wanted poster and followed it's directive, not even so much as checking for anymore details than what was needed to reach it's destination. Cog knew that these fleshy beings were more likely to prefer giving details in person, and that usually what they put on paper didn't match their exact wishes. It waded through the crowd, looking for whomever was giving the direction.

Brendal Greenfur

The first thing the gigantic specimen did was look for the biggest person he could start a fight with. Immediately he spotted a man clad in armor. He went up and started to push him against a door. "Hey armor guy!" he started. Cog replied in a harsh, metallic voice, "I am sorry for being in the way. How can I be of assistance?" The large, furred man continued to shove him, making claims like "Tough guy wants armor. I can beat you without it. I beat you."

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Re: Help Wanted [P][M:LV?]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/14/2023 11:02 PM

After what felt like hours of organizing, Fodvala had finally found a place for everything. She sat back, looking over her work with a satisfied grin. "Finally. Now I can finally start-"

She never finished her sentence. A sound similar to that of a wild rhinoceros slamming into the wall could be heard, and all of her tools and materials went tumbling to the floor. "No!" she cried, scrambling to ensure that nothing was broken. As soon as she was sure that everything was fine, she went marching out of the room into the main area of the building.

"Hey!" she roared, glaring at the enormous goblinoid that was currently pinning a warforged to the wall. "You fucking ruined my workshop, you savage! Now knock it off!"

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Re: Help Wanted [P][M:LV?]

Postby Jedi » 07/14/2023 11:25 PM

With the door swing open wildly, Brendal's face whipped to the left. He immediately lost interest in the warforged. He shoved the bot to the wall once more, hearing the satistying clatter of more tools falling on the other side. Brendal then marched the seven feet between them. He loomed a foot taller than her and puffed his chest. "What you gonna do about it?" he asked in a very primative manner.

At the bar, an orc was waiting for a bartender to take his order when he heard a loud commotion from behind. He immediately stands up and runs toward the scene. He may have knocked over a drink or two, but that could be dealt with afterwards.

Brutok Iron Tusk

It was then that the orc stepped in between the two of them. "Peace," he said as he cast Command. But he could tell that from the aggressive response that his target had resisted. "What did YOU say to me?" He squared up against everyone before realizing he was outnumbered and surrounded.

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Re: Help Wanted [P][M:LV?]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/14/2023 11:36 PM

"What will I do?" Fodvala wasn't intimidated by the difference in size. This opponent clearly lacked brains, and was therefore an easy target. "How about I cut you open, spill your blood, and then use you as a mop to clean up the mess?"

As yet another person joined in the fray, she sighed. "Or, you could stand down and stop causing trouble. Have a drink, perhaps read a book on etiquette. You can read, can't you?" Turning back towards the warforged, she looked over his form, trying to make sure that he wasn't dented. "Are you harmed? I should have the tools to fix you, if that oaf managed to knock something loose."


Meanwhile, at the bar, a human woman stared at the pint glass that had been knocked over moments ago. For a moment, she remained quiet, simply staring at the ale as it dripped along the table. Then, she slammed her fist down and looked towards the others. "One of you freaks is buying me a new drink," she growled.

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