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Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/13/2024 1:45 PM

(I'm adding the 'everything' mature tag just to be safe)
[temporary pet form]

The city was big and busy enough that the cloaked figure could pass through the streets relatively unnoticed and unbothered. But the crowds, while allowing him to blend in, made navigating more difficult than he would have hoped. Hands tucked deep in his pockets, he kept his arms tucked tight to his body as he attempted to slip behind two people who had paused to listen to a bard who appeared to prefer ranting over playing music.

For some reason, the crowd was becoming restless. Something that the performer had said seemed to have ignited a spark within some of the people who had gathered. Although he tried to tune out the unwanted noise, it only continued to grow louder. And then people were beginning to argue, words quickly escalating to blows in the matter of mere seconds as tempers flared. Bodies pressed in on either side of him, and the poor man found himself shuddering at the unwanted contact and the sensation of being trapped.

And then, someone shoved him from behind. That was all it took for him to snap. Whirling around, his face twisted in a snarl as he held out a hand, dark purple energy already forming in the middle of his palm.

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 08/13/2024 3:41 PM


The day had been nice. There were few clouds in the sky, a blessing considering how frequently it rains near the jungles of Baa'sek. Ludvig was making his rounds when he turned the corner to find an all out brawl happening right in the street. And of course, he saw his main culprit, whom was hanging off a street lamp yelling "VIVA LA RESISTANCE!" in an obviously fake accent...

Ten Minutes Earlier

The marketplace was quite busy in the afternoons. Miles, a not-so-struggling musician in his late twenties, rolled out a rather large music box. He flips a switch, and immediately starts playing a rhytmic drumbeat. Miles then turns around to grab a magically enhanced lute and begins to strum and sing.

"Bring out your dead-eyed stares and give me your attention please..."

The crowd begins turning toward him one by one and clapping to the beat. Eventually they begin to shove each other, causing chaos in the busy street.

He casts Unearthly chorus, which Vessel succeeded against.

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/13/2024 8:53 PM

Just as he was about to let loose the stream of energy that he had summoned, the man felt a large hand grip his wrist, yanking it upwards. The devastating blast flew over the head of his intended target and crashed harmlessly into a cart of vegetables. Well, harmless in the sense that no people were harmed. One side of the cart exploded in a spray of splinters, destroying a large amount of the produce inside.

But the man didn't care to see what became of his ill-placed blast. He was more concerned with finding out who had stopped him from enacting his revenge. Turning, he came face to face with a green-skinned, female orc. She held his wrist gently so as not to bruise the skin, but firmly enough that he had no chance of escaping.


"Holy-" Beatrice cursed in orcish, flinching away from the splintering wood. Eyes narrowing, she turned a stern glare towards the masked man. "Now, what in the blazes do you think you were doin', aiming that thing at someone? You coulda killed somebody!"

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 08/20/2024 7:15 PM

Miles, who was swinging from the street lamp, took a deep breath. He released, sounding into a trumpet in a mock-militarily-tribute. His plan to rouse a riot was in full swing.

Ludvig had his work cut out for him. He was subduing two older men at once, throwing them in a stockade, while yelling instructions to his fellow, and far outnumbered, soldiers. It was then that he saw an orc yanking on the arm of a cloaked figure. They were just a few more in the crowd, but he went toward them in a defensive manner.

As long as he didn't get himself, or anyone else, significantly injured, he should be fine to detain them.

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/21/2024 9:37 PM

The man's eyes narrowed, although it was likely unnoticeable from behind the slits of his mask. Energy coursed through him unbidden. Yes, a saccharine voice whispered in his mind. Unleash your power. He could feel the being's will merging with his own. In moments like these, he was unsure whether he was moving, or whether it was moving him.

Either way, it didn't matter. Before he could let loose another blast of eldritch magic, he felt something cold clamping over his wrists. And just like that, the buzz of magic within him dissipated.

"Hey, hold on just a second, I wasn't part of this!" Beatrice knew better than to struggle against the guards, but she couldn't help but try to plead her case as a similar pair of magic cancelling cuffs was placed on her own wrists. "I was just passin' through and saw all the fighting... I was trying to make sure nobody got hurt! C'mon, is this really necessary?"

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 08/23/2024 12:58 PM

Once the muffle cuffs were on, it was no problem to apprehend the cloaked figure. He handed him over to one of his subordinates to be corralled into an area for detainment.

The orc woman, however,  was sure to put up more of a fight. Although short for a typical orc, six feet and beefy was nothing to sneeze at.

With her words, words her heard a hundred times before from worse criminals, he simply nodded and gave a short reply. "That's what they all say, ma'am. Just cooperate and this'll all be over soon." He knew these words were probably no comfort, but he had a job to do.

As for Miles, he found himself also cuffed and face pressed to the wall of a nearby Bodega. "Fuck off, Pigs!" he grunted at them. With that he received an abrupt knee to the stomach and a club to the back of the head. Enough to knock him out.

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/26/2024 12:48 AM

There was no point in resisting. Beatrice had long ago learned that it didn't matter whether or not she had actually done something wrong. To the authorities of many cities she had visited, her guilt was in the green of her skin, in the tusks protruding from her lower jaw. So she remained quiet, burying her anger deep inside along with all of the other injustices she had faced throughout life.

What was surprising, however, was the fact that the cloaked man who had been apprehended along with her wasn't speaking. Oh, he was certainly putting up a fight. Struggling against the guards as best he could in the cuffs, he eventually had to be dragged. Yet the entire time, not a single sound left his lips.

Even once they reached the jail, and he was tossed in the cell with the unconscious entertainer who had started this whole mess. The man simply gripped the bars caging him without a word. She couldn't see his eyes very well from beneath the mask, but she was fairly certain that he was glaring at the guards who had dared to lock him away like this.

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 08/28/2024 12:00 AM

Though it has been nearly an hour since the arrival of his cell mate, Miles stirred with protest. "Don't stick 'em in here wiff me!" He was still very out of it, so when he didn't hear a reply, he assumed it was his head. He didn't say anything in response to the silence.

Miles staggered to his feet, drunk from the throbbing, and studied his surroundings. There was the masked man in his cell, the orc woman in the one next to them, and nearly a half dozen knocked out folks from the street.

He turned his attention to the masked man first and started with him. "The names Miles. Got a name, mate?" A few moments of silence, and he retorted to himself. "Nice to meet you, my mute chum. And whose the orcish mama over here? Neva' been wiv an orc lady before? You got a name hot stuff?"

It wasn't a minute after this not-so-charming introduction that the guard showed back up. The guard being Ludvig himself, who now found himself take with a risky mission. One he was sure to regret sooner or later...

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/28/2024 9:22 PM

When his cellmate awoke, the cloaked figure stiffened. The other man was like a fly, flitting about and making noise. Would he be squished as easily as the bug, though? He had half a mind to figure out. But his magic was still sealed and he didn't trust in his own physical strength. After all, he was nothing without her. And right now he couldn't feel her presence, no matter how hard he tried to focus.

The orc in the cell next to them, however, seemed more amused than annoyed. "Quite an accent you got there. You musta done quite a bit of travelin' to get all the way here, huh?" She wasn't usually the type to respond to flirting. In any other situation, she would have simply rolled her eyes and ignored the man. But right now, in the dire position that she was in, she could use all of the allies she could get. Maybe he'd be willing to speak to the fact that she hadn't actually been part of the riot. "Beatrice. But you can just call me Mama Bea."

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 09/01/2024 8:53 AM

The bard let a grin encroach his face. "I've been all over, from  Aldrect to Medicai. You name it, I've seen it." Before he could go on however, Ludvig interrupted him. "Who're you kidding, Billy, you've been here you're whole life."

Miles dropped the smirk into a frustrated snarl. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that!" Ludvig immediately responded in kind "And I told you to stop stirring up trouble. You've been a thorn in my side for years, but this time you've gone too far. And you dragged this lot in with you."

The guard gave an apologetic look towards the other two in the cage. "Sorry for earlier. I'm just doing my job. But now that there's been an incident, I have to act on it."

Miles jutted in "What is it this time? Another lecture and a slap on the wrist?" Miles spat on the ground before him.

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Re: Let's start a riot (Private) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/18/2024 11:01 PM

Not surprisingly, the cloaked man still refused to take part in the conversation. However, his eyes glinted beneath the mask, gaze moved to each person in turn as they spoke. He may not have been much of a talker himself, but he was certainly listening.

Beatrice on the other hand had no problem speaking up. "Excuse me sir, but I think there's been some sorta mistake." She got the feeling that this guard was perhaps kinder than some of the others, and hoped that maybe this would be her opportunity to explain what had actually happened. "I wasn't part of that riot. I saw-" Suddenly she hesitates, unsure whether or not it would be wise to tattle on the silent man right in front of him.

"I saw someone tryin' to use magic to hurt someone else," she finally finished, deciding to tell the truth without pointing fingers. "All I did was try to stop them. Then that crowd got too thick, and I couldn'ta left without shovin' people aside. I didn't wanna hurt anyone or cause any trouble."

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