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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby AnimeTheia » 02/20/2010 8:45 PM

Majimono was extremely surprised to hear her name read out as the winner of the fourth category, so surprised in fact that she didn't even notice that she was sat there with a mixed look of confusion, disbelief and suspicion, her lower jaw hung slackly causing her to gape. I actually won because I attacked that annoying Draculi? I think i'm finally starting to enjoy this pageant she thought to herself. But it wasn't long before she had changed her mind again We have to act like a character from Alice in wonderland?!!! she shut her mouth with a crisp snap, she really wasn't looking forward to this, she was lucky she had overheard AnimeTheia reading the book to the younger members of the Zoo, otherwise she'd have no chance. The only character she really recalled was the Queen of Hearts, she had secretly found her hilarious with all that 'off with her head stuff' and it was the character she related to most, after all when you were Queen it didn't matter if you broke the rules because you made them. Hearing that each contestant had to choose a different character Maji realised she had best get on with her performance, otherwise she might be forced to play the White Rabbit or something equally distressing. Before she could begin however AnimeTheia herself came bustling in, carrying an assortment of props as if she had somehow known they were going to be needed in the final round. After a few minutes of preparation Maji was finally ready.

Drawing her diminutive size up as regally as only a feline can Maji sauntered forwards, one tail holding onto a flamingo croquet club (which looked extremely lifelike) with which she began attempting to hit a hedgehog ball along the ground (albeit rather awkwardly what with having to use her tail and having to keep a tight grip on the tails' pearl and all), she was constantly frustrated however as half of the time the head of the flamingo kept swaying out of the way just as it got close to the 'ball' and the other half of the time the 'ball' kept trundling off across the floor. Maji the Queen of Hearts could not stand the embarrassment and she fully understood how the Queen in the books must have felt "You! Stay still!" she shouted at the hedgehog then spent a minute shaking the flamingo in an attempt to teach it who was boss, she swung again aiming for where the ball had been last, only to hit thin air with her 'club' and spot the hedgehog several feet away and still walking. "If you don't stay where you are I shall have your head!" the Queen cried, stalking over to the for now curled up 'ball', this went on for several more rounds until with a final fruitless attempt she angrily threw the flamingo club on the floor with as much power as she could. A growl built up in her throat eventually escaping as a shout "Off with their Heads!" she cried, indicating both the flamingo and the hedgehog. "Off with their heads! Off with their Heads!" she ranted over and over again, not caring whether there was anyone to actually do it or not, Maji was enjoying the feeling of being in charge so much that she seemed to have actually become the Queen of Hearts. After a few more calls of 'off with their heads' the Queen of Hearts, finally calmed down. The flamingo and the hedgehog were nowhere to be seen, so as far as she was concerned the foul deed had been done.

Taking a deep breath Maji seemed to sort of return to herself, she looked around slightly confused as if totally unaware of what had just occured before walking smartly but quickly out of the center of the spectators and into the deep shadow.

((I wasn't entirely sure what exactly you were looking for here for this round, I hope this is right? If not can you let me know so I can amend my entry?))

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Rabid » 02/20/2010 10:25 PM

Oh, thank goodness! Lie thought, relaxing his spine. This madness is almost over! Now all I have to do is... Act like a crazy person. Well, this couldn't be too hard... Could it? Why, he was practically the king of lies, and acting was a type of lie! Yes, yes, this could work in his favor! If he managed to pull this off, he would please Rabid, and he'd get a hug! An honest to goodness hug was definitely worth all this insanity.

He was about to begin contemplating who he would portray when a pile of stuff landed an inch or two away from his face. Startled, he skittered backwards a few steps and almost tripped over his own paws. He realized that it had been his owner who had dropped the items, for she had squatted down to help him dress up. A few minutes later, he was dressed in a red waistcoat and held a pocket watch to the best of his ability. His tail - poor thing - had been curled tightly and held in place with a hair-tie and he was wearing large socks over his ears. Comical as it was, Lie looked perfectly serious. Okay Lie, you can do this! It's rabbit time! He cleared his throat and hoped for the best.

Oh dear! He whined, glancing fearfully at his watch. I'm late! And with that, he took off, dodging imaginary trees and bushes and the like along the way. I musn't be late; she'll have my head! He made sure to avoid Majimono for the time being - he was late, after all! He scurried on, squealing with terror here and there, but skidded to a halt with a horrible scream.

My house! Look at it! A beast has entered and- Oh, goodness! What am I to do to get it out of there? He stood there for a time, glancing here and there in fear. He was quaking with terror and - quite possibly - rage. Yes, yes! Get it out of there! He sat on his haunches and crossed his arms with a triumphant nod before taking off once more.

After much running and screaming, Lie - or, rather, the white rabbit - slowed, allowing his breath to come in wheezing gasps. Well look at this, I'm right on time! Oh joy of joys! He bowed to an invisible being and applauded the show going on. As Maji ordered the two to be beheaded, he let out a shriek and covered his eyes, not wishing to see the horror show.

The darkness seemed to calm him - well, that and the fact that the phrase 'off with their heads' was no longer ringing in his covered ears. He removed his paws from over his eyes and glanced nervously back at Rabid, hoping to get the thumbs up on his performance.

I knew I should've checked out Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! x-x

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Redd » 02/26/2010 6:24 AM

(Okay... Just wingin' it off what I've seen from reading Chapter 7 & 11 from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I'm hoping by 'props' you mean by other characters? xD; And... yeah... Just a normal day in Wonderland for these three? If it isn't obvious, Florence plays the Mad Hatter.)

Florence started in horror when Hexle had pulled that rather hideous face and declared that they’d be roleplaying a character out of Alice in Wonderland. One, it was downright embarrassing and two, he didn’t know what the heck what a ‘the Alice and Wonderland’ was, let alone any characters.
Perhaps I can help? The mental voice of the spirit purred malevolently in his ear.
Florence tried to repress a sarcastic snort. ‘Why would you bother? You’ve made things unbearable in the last two rounds.’ He thought back, biting back unusual anger.
What can I say? It’s worked so far. And I have something to gain from you winning. Plus it would be an amusing experience. He replied his voice betraying no emotion.
‘That would be right, wouldn’t it?’ Florence hissed back. ‘I don’t really want to know what you would stand to gain from it, so I’ll ask another question. What do you have in mind?’
Laughter was the reply, long, low and in dark amusement. You’ll see...
As the surroundings blinked in and out, Florence’s eyes rolled back into his head and his face stuck in some nonplussed expression. Finally as the environment evened out to something ‘quite out of this world’, Florence returned to normal... well almost normal.
~       ~      ~

The Kuhna blinked a few times watching the surrounds settle from whatever funky dance they had been performing, then checked his pocket-watch. It read: 6:00, like it had for as long as he could remember. Ever since he had sung for Time, he had stopped listening to what he asked off him. Time may have listened to others, but he certainly did not listen to the Hatter, that’s for sure!
Glancing around the table, it looked dismally empty. Dormouse was dozing in a chair as usual, and the Marsh Hare was sipping his tea, using Dormouse as an armrest, and waiting expectantly for the Hatter to join them.
The Hatter pranced over and pulled up a chair, where a fresh cup of tea lay waiting.
“What do you think you are doing?” The Marsh Hare replied indignantly, sitting up a little and jabbing the Dormouse as he did so. “You’re clearly ruining that poor seat.”
Here the Dormouse woke with a start and mumbled something incoherent about being perfectly well awake.
The Hatter shook his head, making the little price tag fly. “It just won’t do. The Queen is near.” He said, nervously. And so she was, not some way off (she was actually another member of the Pageant, but in his current state, the Hatter had not known that) playing croquet with a flamingo and hedgehog.
“Maybe we should tell her a story, or a song.” The Dormouse mumbled. “I tell a beautiful story about Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie, who lived in the bottom of a well...”
At that, the Dormouse promptly fell back asleep, but the Hatter had stopped listening when he mentioned singing a song, instead he had paled and started nervously fidgeting with his bow tie.
The Marsh Hare glanced over at the Hatter before tentatively replying. “Would she behead me too?”
“Most certainly, do tables fly?” The Hatter replied instantly. “I want a clean cup. Lets all move down one chair.”
And so the three did, although it took some effort to wake up the Dormouse and move him along one spot and in the process the Marsh Hare managed to spill a good amount over the poor Dormouse.
“Now look what you’ve done!” The Hatter cried out.
“I do say, he needs to be cleaned now.” The Marsh Hare replied. “I’m dreadfully sorry.”
With that, the pair seized the Dormouse and attempted to shove him into another overly large milk jug, in an attempt to clean him.

Perhaps once the scene changed back to normal, things... might return to normal for Florence.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Middy » 02/28/2010 2:49 AM

Midnight grinned wickedly after her poem appearing with only a grin at first, before the rest of her body started to take form. She would do best as the Cheshire Cat of course. She clung to a tree, allowing her shape-shifting abilities to make her take on a more cat-like appearance... although different from the normal "Cheshire Cat" taking on a more skeletal appearance of the animal. She rather liked the appearance of the cat in "American McGee's Alice" it suited her better.
Her frail ears perked up as she heard footsteps coming towards the tree, it was a young woman. This must of been Alice, how quaint to meet her here... and to toy with her mind. Bending and twisting such a fragile youth into a creation of madness, how exciting!

She appeared to be looking for something or other, now was her chance too step in and greet the unsuspecting girl. "If I were looking for a white rabbit, I'd ask the Mad Hatter." she said to the girl, widening her grin in anticipation.
    Alice stared at the Midnight Cheshire Cat, mouth agape. "The Mad Hatter? Oh, no no no... "
Midnight smiled pointing her bony tail in another direction, "Or, you could ask the March Hare, in that direction."
    Alice merely sighed at the monstrosity that was perched above her on the branch, resembling a macabre gargoyle. "Oh, thank you. I think I'll see him... " she started to walk away from the seemingly mutated cat but stopped once she heard it speak again.
"Of course, he's mad, too," Midnight replied rolling on her back and flipping out one of her claws and taking a closer look at it.
    "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice said back turning towards the creepy cat again. Maybe it had something else to say?
"Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here..." Midnight threw her head back sitting back up and laughing manically, slowly making each part of her body disappear one by one, until nothing was left but a wicked smile, "You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself..." And boy was that true... if she wasn't insane, then no one was. She completely vanished watching the girl walk away, a perfect send-off to the sane one would be in order.
A little poem... just for her. The Jabberwock...

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! and through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

The only sounds heard after this obscure and nonsensical poem were the sounds of Alice's feet beating on the ground as she hurried away from this frightening and insane creature.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Freezair » 03/02/2010 2:33 PM

Sipping her cup of complimentary tea, Freezair watched the preceedings with interest. Finally, wiping her mouth discreetly on a napkin, she set her mug down and stood.

"Alright! As the first judge, I've made my decision!"

For AnimeTheia: 8/10! "I have to say, although you didn't start off quite as strong as the others, your showing in the picture category was quite good. And your little go at the Queen of Hearts... amused me."
For Rabid: 9/10! "You're so charming overall! What a nice little guy. I feel like you fizzled out a little near the end, but otherwise, a good show."
For Krypto: Also a 7/10! "Solid, but a little overdone, I felt. Still, you put in a good show!"
For MidnightDraconia: However, when the time came to give Midnight's score, Freezair suddenly vanished. Probing eventually turned her up hiding under the cocktail table. She seemed too frightened to give a score! She passed out a note card saying 7/10, and muttered, "Don't kill me..." It seemed the poor judge was more than a little... rattled by Middy's antics.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 03/10/2010 1:22 PM

Seemingly, so it seems, a figure appeared, apparently out of nowhere.   A woman, ridiculously red hair and pale green eyes stood, a bit on the chunkier side of things, with her clipboard in hand.  Her stature made it appear that she was snobbish and proper, however, as all eyes landed upon her, she simply stared in return.  A vacant stare, however, it was not.  Cold and calculating, her green eyes didn't waver in the least as she scored each contestant right there in her very spot, at that very moment.  Social, it seemed, this creature was not as she skimmed the area and sat on the seat hidden behind the podium.

"My apologies for Hexle's horrible hosting," she said simply.  "I would've hosted it myself, but as a judge, I felt that wasn't very interesting."  She crossed her legs then, pushing her rather long red bangs from her eyes and writing something down on her little clipboard.  For someone so short, she was rather daunting.

"First of all, to all the entries, I'd like to say that the characters you created, from my perspective, were all unique and from different corners of imaginary spectrum.  Although they seemed somewhat cliche at first, they turned out to be very well-rounded and individual creatures."  She leaned forward on the podium then, Hexle coming to her side rather warily, sitting just out of her reach and pretending to want nothing to do with her.

"For Mojimono and AnimeTheia, I give a score of 8/10.  Mojimono is a very interesting individual with a quick mind that thinks of more unusual ways of dealing with problems.

For MidnightDraconia and Midnight, I give a score of 7/10.  It was hard to determine some of the reasoning behind some of her actions, and the emotions portrayed in her past don't really present themselves, but otherwise a very interesting character.  Highly amusing.

For Rabid and Lie, I give a score of 8/10.  Lie is all-around an adorable character with obvious flaws and strengths that make him unique.

For Krypto and Florence, I give a score of 7/10. I feel Florence's character was consistent and well thought out, but slightly overdone.  Maybe a little too thought-out.  I still enjoyed reading about him, though.  He is rather different."

With that said, Pyris placed her clipboard on the podium, all that was on the sheet was a doodle of Hexle, and a rather bad one at that.  A small smile appeared on an otherwise expressionless face before she vanished as though she was never there.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Kodai » 03/18/2010 1:14 PM

Floating scorecards? How odd.

Mojimono and AnimeTheia - 8/10
Lie and Rabid - 8/10
Krypto and Florence - 9/10
MidnightDraconia and Midnight - 8/10

they're lesbians, harold

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 03/30/2010 11:25 PM

Hexle sat before the podium, a card in front of him as he looked at the finalists to read it aloud.  "Due to a hectic life, ToxicShadow is unable to do a final judging, therefore, the winners are as so..."  He pawed at the card until it unfolded, clearing his throat a bit before reading once more.  "In fourth place is MidnightDraconia and Midnight with a score of 22.  Third place is Krypto and Florence with a score of 23.  Second place lands AnimeTheia and Mojimono with a score of 24, and first, obviously, sits Rabid and Lie with a score of 25.  Scores were narrow, as all the characters entered in this pageant were original and well-rounded creatures with history and personalities all their own.  It was a joy to meet and watch you all, and I hope you've had a good time.  Thank you for joining the New Year's Evelon Pageant."

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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