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Re: That Was A Long Time Ago [P]

Postby Fallen_Snow » 02/26/2010 8:22 PM

Arnold's eyes widened as his eyes set on The Bemused.

"Woah, who's this?" he asked, slightly amazed (and a bit grossed out). The large male was about six feet tall, with piercing blue eyes and a dark hoodie on over a white shirt. He wore jeans, and his slightly bronze skin was broken up around his face, making him look more like Two Face rather than a normal human being. Rotting flesh smell aside, he was large and standing in front of Helena. This wouldn't do, no matter how threatening the guy looked. And boy, did he fit the part.

"Listen... big guy. I was just trying to get to know this nice woman, when she elbowed me in the gut." he said, presenting his stomach as if showing incriminating evidence. He heard Sharky scoff behind her bodyguard. "I punched you, knucklehead!" she hissed, smirking and admiring her handiwork.

Arnold scowled. "Either way, she hit me, your hon-- I mean, sir." he said, correcting himself. Why did he feel as if he was in court?
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
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Cos it will be forever mine,
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Re: That Was A Long Time Ago [P]

Postby Fallen_Snow » 03/07/2010 9:25 PM

Helena let Bemmy move protectively in front of her. He would keep her safe from him. Bemmy thought this thoroughly amusing, and wondered why Helena hadn't bothered with this handsome man-- even to go as far as to hurt him. He seemed her type, at least, from what Bemmy knew. She appreciated the muscly men, and you could clearly see his body, which was fairly well muscled, bare under his leather jacket. And she was a sucker for blue eyes, if he recalled, as she had once mused over his own.

He just arched an eyebrow at Helena, who gave him the innocent puppy dog face. He continued the stare, not breaking with a smile or any hint of movement, really. Helena's innocent face fell into a pout. "Just... just make him go away. Please?" she asked, clutching her palms together in a pleading prayer. The Bemused smiled and shook his head. "Not bodyguard." he growled out slowly. Helena's brows knitted together and she folded her arms into her chest. "Well, fine then." she sniffed, and with that, her body became feral all at once-- her blue-gray fur sprouted along her spine along with her white wingblades, and suddenly she was Lucain once more. She marveled at the change.

And Arnold marveled at her teeth.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: That Was A Long Time Ago [P]

Postby Fallen_Snow » 03/07/2010 9:29 PM

Arnold backed up as she went animal-- and then froze.

Those teeth... could it be...? "Crocodile?" he whispered. "Nah, it couldn't be."

Helena's ears swiveled forward. "Excuse me? Did you just say crocodile?" Helena growled, glaring at him, her eyes icy hard and glowing. Alright, she loved her teeth, and that was certain, but that nickname-- it was the one that that... that monster called her when she was little. That annoying little boy--

"Oh. My. Gods." she growled, and with that, tackled Arnold to the ground. Her sharp, shark-like teeth were quick to draw blood from his arm, which she was ready to tear off.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: That Was A Long Time Ago [P]

Postby Fallen_Snow » 03/07/2010 10:03 PM

Arnold, surprised yet ready, was a Lucain in that split second she came down on him. He bit down on her shoulder as she lunged for his foreleg, clamping down on it. Blood began to stain his leg and her muzzle as she bit down into it. Arnold flinched, but attempted to dislodge her by hitting her in the face with his other paw, scratching at her with his thick ragged claws. She flinched away, loosening her grip on his leg, and with that he quickly moved out of the way. They stood, their eyes glaring down into the other's, frozen in the moment of adrenaline, hate and survival.

The Bemused watched silently, waiting for a time to step in. As the hackles rose, he felt that he should wait for them to tire a bit more. He hoped that Helena wouldn't hurt the poor guy too much. It wouldn't be very fitting for a girl of her stature, also she had the unfair advantage with that jaw of hers.

"Your move, pretty boy." Helena growled as they began to circle. She came a little forward, he stepped a little back. "No, my dear, you should go first." he retorted sarcastically, daring her to move in on him again. He began to move forward a little bit, and she backed off a bit. She slid a paw forward, he limped a paw back. Suddenly, he lunged, though it was lopsided-- he was favoring his right leg, as his left leg was now half caked in dark red. As he fell against her chest, knocking her sideways, he grabbed one of her three tails and tugged hard. She let out a whine, and retaliated-- rearing up, she came down on his flank, biting into his left hindquarter. He howled out, and she smiled and held on. He let his front fall and leaned in under Helena's stomach and scrabbled at and pushed hard, trying to knock her about. He left some bruises, and he heard a satisfying crack as he fractured a rib.

She backed away, wounded, as her back half of her body was thrown bodily to the side. Letting go of Arnold, she backed off, her chest heaving.

Bemmy finally stepped forward, his own feral form coming forth. The sight of his corpse made Helena go still. "Grrrah." Bemmy growled, making a motion with his head that his speech could be seen as "Enough!"

Helena looked around the bar. If they hadn't been looking before, they were now.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: That Was A Long Time Ago [P]

Postby Fallen_Snow » 04/15/2010 12:22 PM

Arnold tried not to grimace as he sat down and turned back to lick at his wound. The cuts were deep, but small-- the teeth had left clean fissures that would heal, but not easily, and not quickly. But his cleaning them made them feel a bit better. He ran his tongue over his teeth, trying to ignore the taste of his own blood in his mouth.

He resisted the urge to change into human form. While it would be a bit more convenient to take care of the damages that way, it would sap his energy, and leave him even more tired than he was. He watched Helena, who had calmed and was quietly growling with her large Kirund friend. Arnold angled his ears toward them, but he couldn't make out what they were saying.

What did he care, anyways? Fighting with some chick was the last thing he had expected to do tonight. He was just looking for a good time. And look where that got him-- a bruised and bloodied body and a sour mood. Oh, and now those two wackos over there may want to finish what Helena started.

But he did care. He didn't know why (though he desperately wished to), but he was strongly attracted to Helena. She was sexy, strong, passionate... and a great fighter, apparently. He could just tell from the way she held herself and how she acted that she would be a great biker. Together they could've been great.

Instead she had to go and hide behind some rotting excuse of a dog.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: That Was A Long Time Ago [P]

Postby Fallen_Snow » 04/15/2010 12:31 PM

The Bemused glared at Helena with icy indifference. She could tell that he was upset that she was putting herself in a dangerous and stupid position, a bar scuffle that turned into an all-out battle, a battle to the death. There was no need for her to get killed, even if she looked to be winning. Arnold had still landed a few choice blows that could have seriously hurt her if he had been any stronger.

Helena stared at her now stained white paws. "Do you think I should give up?" she asked quietly. Bemmy's eyes softened. He could hear the defeat in her voice. Or at least, it sounded like defeat. But Arnold looked like he was worse off than she was. She could still take him down.

She finally brought her eyes to meet his. "I don't want to hurt him." she growled quietly. She had found a stirring in her heart that hadn't been there before when she said the soft words. I don't want to hurt him. Had she actually said that? He had stalked her, tried to force her to kiss him...

But at the same time, she had seen his true self. He had held back at points, but otherwise he had seemed honest enough. There was something she wanted to hold onto.

Bemmy gave a slight nod, but then shook his head. Helena agreed with this answer. Bemmy retreated, growling softly at Arnold before slipping out of the bar. He would wait for Helena outside.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: That Was A Long Time Ago [P]

Postby Fallen_Snow » 04/18/2010 7:52 PM

Helena eyed him hard, wanting to make sure her point was firm.

"I like you, but I don't want to. I hope I don't see you again." she growled.

And with that, she left.

Arnold stared at her blue-gray form as it dashed out the door, as if unharmed by his previous movements. Wait, just like that, she'd get up and leave? Didn't wait for an explanation from him or anything? It was just... poof? Gone?

No. That's not how it should be going down. He rushed towards the doorway, and began to call out, "Hele--!"

But she was gone. The only trace was the faint scent of her blood, and her fur. He looked down, scuffled his paws. His shoulder ached, and his back leg was killing him. He stumbled back into the bar and asked the bartender to call a ride in for him. He would need it.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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