The slums are a rundown, old heap of a town tucked deep in the jungles, with townsfolk consisting mostly of poachers, black marketeers, thieves, and fugitives. While the ideal tourist spot, some travel to the Slums to make use of the black markets. (+2 Defense, +2 Speed)

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An Unusual Pair (Self, Completed)

Postby EternalEbony » 10/30/2008 6:13 PM

(Closed and Finished)

The Slums weren't exactly the type of place you'd expect to find such a creature as a Wilt Florana, particularily one who'd taken a vow of peace in his past, and yet here Tac was, flying along in this mess of a city, where all sorts of less-than-honest creatures could be found. The only good thing about this place was that there weren't many plants- instead, he could land on something already dead or inanimate, like a rooftop, for example. And this was exactly what he did- slowly, he came to a stop on top of what was perhaps once some sort of apartment building, but had long ago become a mess that, by the standards of any other town in Barakka, probably would've been condemned and demolished by now. But it could hold his weight, so he didn't really care. Slowly, he stared out over the town from his viewpoint, and found himself distracted by the mess of thoughts that now populated his head, ever since he'd learned what his new evolution meant.

He always had, and, hopefully, always would love nature, and had long ago made a promise to himself that he would be peaceful for life, never hurting anyone or anything alive, except the plants he needed to eat for survival. This had been easy enough for a while, and he had eventually gone into his coccoon for a while, emerging only recently. But then, he had learned something. Now, every plant he touched would die. He had been cursed, and he didn't know why- one thing he did know, however, was that he couldn't get rid of it. He had broken his promise on accident, the first time he'd discovered his curse- now, he was never going to land on any live plant again, not even simple grass, to avoid disobeying his vow once more. To others, it might seem silly, but it meant a lot to him- enough to bring him to the Slums, a place that most others would try their hardest to avoid.

(Tacitus: 1/5)
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Postby EternalEbony » 10/30/2008 6:29 PM

Unlike the young Wilt Florana who lurked not too far away from him, Alex felt perfectly calm in the Slums- it was the only place he really felt he could call a home, despite its dirty messes of buildings. He'd like to say he was better than most who lived in the place, but he knew he couldn't- being "good" wasn't the way to survive here, and he wanted to live, thank you very much. Right now, he was in his normal Rattegan form, though he was perfectly capable of turning human when he wanted to. Almost Halloween right now, his least favorite time of year. Aside from the fact that the spirits thought it was a mockery of them, and just wouldn't shut up from whining to him about it, there was also the fact that people seemed to think it was "cute" to see a hollow pet around this time of year. Ugh. At least it was only a day long- tomorrow would be awful, sure, but it would be all over in only 24 hours- then he could finally go back to his normal routine and life.

Suddenly, a flash of color caught his eye, different from the typical browns, blacks, and greys of the Slums. Curious, he looked up, and saw a Wilt Florana on top of a roof. Odd, you didn't see many of those there- the silk larvies had only recently evolved, but Alex had always seen them as pathetic, peaceful creatures, not the type of species that you'd encounter in the Slums. Then again, other animals of this town didn't matter to him- he wasn't the type who gave even the slightest care about the business of others, unless it somehow affected him. But in this case, he was pretty sure it didn't, and so he continued scurrying along the street, looking for a potential source of food for the day, or perhaps a citizen he could pickpocket for a bit of cash, all thoughts of the pale-colored creature he'd seen exiting his mind as quickly as they had first entered it.

(Alex: 1/5)
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Postby EternalEbony » 10/30/2008 8:07 PM

Perched on the rooftop, Tac watched the streets below with boredom, not really interested in what was going on. Then, he saw something familiar: a Hollow Rattegan. There was a Hollow Rattegan that occasionally went around the same Zoo Pens he occupied, one who had supposedly grown up in the Slums, and the Wilt Florana wondered briefly if it was the same one. Well, talking to strangers probably wasn't something you wanted to risk in this sort of place, obviously, so he supposed he could just stay and watch right now. Then, as he observed, the rodent-creature suddenly shifted and twisted into human form, and he was again reminded of Alex, the Rattegan he slightly knew from his home. In fact, it might be Alex, he knew, but he didn't want to risk greeting a stranger in a place like this- besides, even if the rodent was exactly who the Florana thought he was, he had a feeling that the black-and-orange beast wasn't exactly overly friendly, from what he'd seen.

Now, he watched as the Rattegan appeared to fade into part of the crowd, and Tac almost lost sight of him. Then, suddenly, he saw the mostly-black rodent (in human form, still) again, except running, with something in his hand... and the angry shouts of someone. So he'd stolen something. Immediately, Tacitus felt angry- he hated to see people doing things like that, and it was absolutely wrong, in his opinion. He needed to stop this, and the only way to do that was to stop that Rattegan- peacefully, of course, as nothing would make him resort to violent things, not even this. Quickly, he flew off his spot on the roof and dove down, eyes focused on only one target, ready to snatch the object- apparently a purse or wallet of some sort- out of the human-form creature's hands and return it to its rightful owner.

(Tacitus: 2/5)
(Alex: 2/5)
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Re: An Unusual Pair (Private- Me Only)

Postby EternalEbony » 02/16/2009 10:22 AM

Alex ran confidently through the crowd, rather proud of himself- really, what was the chance they'd catch him here? It seemed like little of one. Oh, the Slums were known for plenty of things, there was no shortage of that, but law enforcement wasn't among them. The keystones in here could feed him for a while. Oh, sure, there was that suspicious girl who claimed she'd give him food and a home, but he only hung around to snatch everything free he could get, and trusted her none. His only alliances right now happened to be to himself, thank you very much. Still running, he took a glance at the purse- nothing fancy, nothing big, but who knew what might be inside. Whatever it was, it was his now, and he wondered curiously as to just what the contents of the strange bag might be. He wasn't picky, of course- those sorts of snobs didn't last long out here- but he was curious, as most of his species did tend to be.

Then, he saw a shadowy shape headed towards him. Knowing he had to get away, he shifted into his normal rodent form, barely seeing who'd come after him. Some sort of pale moth-y thing... Wait, he knew that guy! Wasn't that crazy mute Tacitus from back at those accursed zoo pens? Even more reason to hide. The purse held in his jaws, he continued scrambling through the streets among groups of shady characters. If he went into his human form, he was bigger and could be caught, but as a Rattegan he was being weighed down by what he'd stolen. His eyes searched for an allyway, or some narrow place he could squeeze into. The little Florana was probably going to try and stop him from getting what he needed to live, the mad little bug. Why did this have to be his one unlucky theft- usually, he was so successful, and then... this. He was still looking for a route of escape, but now he was rather uncertain if he could find one.

(Alex: 3/5)
(Tacitus: 3/5)
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Re: An Unusual Pair (Private- Me Only)

Postby EternalEbony » 02/16/2009 10:43 AM

Tac flew gracefully along in pursuit of the thief- he had to stop him! Sure, he might ruin everything else, but that just meant even more that he had to succeed here. All around him were poachers who killed things even when told not too, various criminals, but he couldn't stop them, he knew- this one, however, was another case, and he was going to get him. Not using violence, obviously- he wouldn't sink to that sort of level- but with peaceful methods, like perhaps snatching the purse back and giving it to its owner. Hey, where'd the guy go? Now he was a rat again, Tac noticed, and just tried all the harder to find him, soon locating the black and orange blur of motion. He just had to keep on following, and the thing couldn't run forever. Those flames on its back, however, might cause trouble, and he'd have to be careful around then, since he himself was very much something flammable. But right now all of his focus was on the chase, trying to bring even a tiny bit of justice to this normally crime-filled town.

Then, suddenly, he saw the black shape disappear into a pile of what was probably once a house before the fire got to it long ago. Nothing alive there- it was safe to land. Face unreadable, he looked for an opening big enough for him to safely squeeze into without damaging his wings, but found none. He had failed. But there, right outside some sort of small entrance into the mess of rubble, the purse laid on its side. He would do now what he felt was his honest duty for the moment- he would return it to its owner. Grasping the bag gently in his mouth, he tried to pull it, but he was pretty small, smaller than the Rattegan had been- he would've been able to squeeze into those spaces if not for his delicate wings. Sighing and giving up, he waited, sitting on the item with wings fluttering, wondering if the item's owner would come to reclaim it soon, so that he could feel as if he had succeeded indeed.

(Tac: 4/5)
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Re: An Unusual Pair (Private- Me Only)

Postby EternalEbony » 02/16/2009 12:53 PM

Phew, he'd gotten away- Alex had needed to drop the purse, but he knew the Florana couldn't get him in here. Those wings didn't look too durable, something that would also help to know if he ever had to fight it. A few keystones he'd grabbed out of the purse were clutched in his little hands. Unfortunately, the rest of his spoils were outside. He could hear the wretched bug scrambling around out there, but somehow he was confident it wouldn't get to him. He thought of peering out to get more of the keystones from the purse, but decided against it- he wasn't sure if the thing was capable of harming him or getting him in trouble with what little sort of law enforcement, probably some annoyed mob, that this place had. He knew the Slums well, he hid here all the time, in fact, and nothing would be getting him while he stayed here. It was a bit annoying, though. He'd always been able to talk to ghosts, and the one that'd died in the fire here didn't like him. One of the few law-abiding sorts in the city, which is probably why the place had burned to the ground.

He could still hear the Florana outside- what on earth was it doing there, just saying? You little rat, back here again, using my once-proud home for your criminal deeds! Great, the old dead guy had noticed him. He could see the shape a while away, a sort of wispy, vaguely human-shaped thing. All he wanted right now was for him to leave, let him hide in peace. He doubted that the Florana could talk to the ghost, as not many could, but it didn't matter. Whatever else was going on, the guy was annoying- he tried to ignore him, at least for the moment. I said, get out of here. You hooligans don't belong on my property! Shoo! Alex tensed and gave a quick hiss but there was nothing he could do. Just wait for the moth to leave, and escape with anything he could hold, preferably still in his quick and compact rodent form.

(Alex: 4/5)
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Re: An Unusual Pair (Private- Me Only)

Postby EternalEbony » 05/13/2010 8:22 PM

Tac waited, still as usual, for something to occur. Either the purse's owner would arrive, or the rat would emerge, and pursuit could continue. As it turned out, the answer was both. A young woman approached, panting, and saw the purse. Tac quickly fluttered off the object, and watched as the purse's owner, without a word, went to reclaim her stolen item. There, this was going to end happily, how nice. Then, suddenly, the rat darted out. He was too late to get the purse, which the lady snatched up before walking away. Tac, however, quickly blocked off the rat's entryway. He wasn't getting back into the rubble.

"What now?" He heard the creature whine at him. Tac just glared, hoping that his point would be gotten across. It apparently wasn't, as the rat continued to glare venomously at him. Marvelous, indeed. He would never take any violent action, so what was he to do? Then, the creature shifted and melded into a human form. Though he hated surrender, perhaps sometimes it was the only option, he thought, taking off and flying into the distance.

Well, that'd been chaotic. Alex stood and scowled at the Florana. Now he hadn't gotten the purse. At least he had a few keystones, he supposed. It was better than nothing, right? And he was no longer being chased. He'd be fine for now. It was time he looked for his next target.

(Finishing up an old dead RP here.)
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