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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Kylo » 01/09/2012 6:10 PM

"A demon?" Anthos froze when he heard that his first thoughts going to JENOVA. He willed himself to calm down. The women was indeed a demon of nightmares and she had indeed givn Anthos many reasons to have nightmares. "She didn't tell you who was....that is odd." He paused for a moment before looking up at Sable and giving him a small hopeful smile. "You wouldn't happen to have a cell phone would you? I can call in a favor from the WRO to see if they have any news on Weiss."

He hoped Sable would say yes. He himself now wanted to find Weiss, but for once not for his job. He just felt like he had to find him. As if something was willing him to find him....Anthos froze again and his eyes widen. He knew why he had a sudden intrest in the man. SHE wanted him. That damned bitch from space wanted him. Anthos growled in his mind at the foriegn prescence that quickly hissed back then faded away. He would have to be more careful from here on out and protect his mind from her. It would not be good if he had a breakdown like a certain general had.

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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 9:43 PM

"Yes, a demon. Her pelt as black as night, her eyes aglow with red and blue, and a fierce row of teeth. She also had bright blue markings that matched the same color Deepground has... but she... she had more darkness then I," he shook his head. Truly, such a creature made even him feel uneasy.

"Oh... I do have a cell-phone. I stole it from someone, just to let you know," he handed Anthos the cell phone, going back to being quiet and deep in his own thoughts. Although he didn't much care for getting help from the WRO, the very organization where he slaughtered many of their kind... but he was getting desperate.
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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Kylo » 02/17/2012 10:54 AM

Anthos took the cell phone and turning slightly from Sable, quickly punched the number in and waited for someone to pick up. The phone rang four times before it was answered. "Hello sir. This is Anthos. Yes. I was wandering if you have heard anything regarding fugitive Weiss' where abouts...hmm. Can you check again? ...yes, alright." Anthos hung up and scowled at the phone. Of all the places in the world for Weiss to show up in it just had to be there. He turned to Sable and smiled nervously. "I have an idea of where he could be." Anthos pointed to the ground below him. "He's down there. The WRO has found signs of your brother's presence below, along with another unidentified presence."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Middy » 03/28/2012 2:58 AM

Sable couldn't beleive the words that came out of the man's mouth... he still didn't like the idea of the WRO's help... but accepted it just this once. He hid a scowl underneath his metallic mask and looked down at the ground, now feeling a bit puzzled, "Down... below? How is this... possible?"  he started to wonder if Anthos was playing dumb or lying to him at this point, causing him to arch his bladed metal wings up slightly looking back up at Anthos. "Tell me... are you sure what you are saying is... true?" he had tilted his head to one side when he uttered the last part of his question. He did have a habit of lolling his head back and forth sometimes when he was speaking or thinking.

He went back to staring at the ground. Another part of Deepground perhaps? Or was this another underground facility Shin-Ra never told anyone about?
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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Kylo » 04/07/2012 7:58 PM

"Well for one there are the sewers, and the unlikely that it should be there may be another lab. From my own...personal experience Hojo liked to have quite a few hidden small labs. He would move certain subjects around often to keep them hidden from Shinra, and the world." Anthos did not mention he himself was at one point in time one of those subjects, or that he had no clue where the labs were. He had always been out cold when he had been transported. "The only way down that I know of that isn't completely caved in is some of the sewers. We should hurry, knowing your brother he won't stay in one place for long. Especially an underground place, or at least I personally wouldn't after all that happened."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Middy » 05/25/2012 2:39 AM

Sable tilted his head listening to the man speak, 'So he was just another pawn in Hojo's sick game of human experiments... the things he said... hit close to home..' He had remembered his own troubles with that wicked scientist, except he was tranferred to Deepground just shortly after he had been finished being worked on, only to having to deal with Restrictor and being confined. Yes, they were afraid of his uncontrollable darkness, his power unstable enough to wipe out all life that was sucked into the eternal void. It was Weiss who got him out of that prison, and from there he was able to get a better grip on his chaotic abilities.

Sable simply nodded and took his place next to Anthos, "I do believe we should hurry... I don't want to lose him again... we might not be able to track him down again after this," he unfolded his razor sharp wings letting them clank against the ground. If he really was where this... Anthos said he was then maybe there was a chance. Sable snapped his wings back together and folded them tightly against his back. He wasn't going to get his hopes up yet... despite there being a slim chance.
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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Kylo » 05/31/2012 7:47 PM

Half an hour later and Anthos had managed to lead Sable into the underground sewer system, or what was left of it anyway. He picked his way over rumble and tried not to look too uneasy over the stench and enclosed tight space. He hated to be trapped underground, absolutely hated it. He looked back behind him to see if Sable was following before continuing on into a more open area that had many tunnels branching off from it. "I don't sense anyone yet, do you?"

Just then a rather large scraping noise came from down one of the tunnels followed by a string of cursing....very familiar cursing. Anthos; blood turned cold and he snarled. He knew that voice. He knew it a little too well. "Hojo...."

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I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Middy » 06/13/2012 3:47 AM

Sable couldn't be more unhappy then he was right now, true they were looking for Weiss and that was his ultimate goal in life at the moment aside from his usual brutal habits, but a sewer out of all places? Sable kept his complaints to himself and continued to follow Anthos who seemed to care as little about this place as himself. He must hate being underground as well, but Sable was more used to it seeing as how he spent most of his life away from the warmth of the sun above.

Sable was about to reply to him saying that he sensed life close by, but was shocked when he heard that oh so familiar voice... yes it was him. The man who helped create him, the one who destroyed his life, none other then Shin-Ra's top scientist. Hojo. "That man... what is he doing here?" Sable felt anger fill his body but quickly calmed himself down, letting the Professor know that he was here was something he didn't want to deal with right now. He was here for his brother, not a confrontation with that madman.
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Re: .:Anthem of Shadow:. [M/Talcen and I]

Postby Kylo » 10/08/2012 11:33 AM

"To honest I have no idea. I thought he was dead." Anthos fought the urge to fly down the tunnel and strangle the man who had made his entire life a living hell. No he needed to help Sable find Weiss, he could find the scientist later on and kill him then. He moved away from the tunnel the mad man's voice had come from and began to look around hoping for some sign of Weiss having once been there.


Hojo cursed as some of his equipment clattered to the ground. He quickly retrieved the equipment and looked around with a scowl thinking that he had heard something. After several minutes of silence he returned to his work of setting up his latest experiment. All he would need now is a test subject. Hopefully it would not be too hard to come across one.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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I can't breathe, I need to break free
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