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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/01/2013 11:05 PM

The scowl only caused Deumos' smirk to grow. Sonneillon was a wonderful general and a fantastic lover, as she had learned in the past and intneded to take advantage of in the future. Still, he was easily insulted, which was another thing that she enjoyed taking advantage of. It was a small bit of fun in stressful times. "Yes, I'd absolutely love to spy on your little pet. Let's see how well you've trained him..."

Giving Abaddon an odd look, the ensign paused. "You mean, you don't know the twins? But this location is supposed to be a secret..." Still doubtful, he lead the other half-demon to the twins.

Demonic stood as Dementia remained sitting, sipping on her wine and glancing Abaddon up and down. "I have no reason to say no. We could always use another vengeful half-demon." Demonic looked towards Dementia, who nodded. "My sister will show you around. You may refer to us as 'The Twins' or Demonic and Dementia."

"Oh, no," Dementia winked. "He can call me Demi. Come, Jacob Firecloud. I will show you the source of our salvation."

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Jedi » 07/03/2013 5:37 PM

Sonny led Deumos through the house into a room where maps and book filled cases line the walls. A large globe stood in the center of the room and against the back wall, a large wooden frame stood, it's centerpiece a mirror filled with purple smoke and flame flowing from the edges towards the center. "Portal of Souls. Window of a Thousand Eyes. Show me the half-demon named Abaddon." The flames consumed the entire surface of the mirror and faded into the image of Donnie standing in a tent with three other half-demons. "Here he is. And it looks like he's making great progress in our espionage. He's already found the little rebels."

Abaddon quickly tried to think up a quick explanation before the other man suspected treachery. "I was told by another half demon of where to go to. He didn't say anything about twins," he sufficed. He then stated "It'd be appreciated if you led me to them."

"Thank you, Demonic. And you two Demi," he said with a courteous bow to each of them. He returned Demi's wink with one of his own, midbow. He understood why they wanted to overthrow their superiors and found their cause noble, but despite this, Donnie sided with the more powerful side, knowing the uprising would be unsuccessful. "Lead on," he suggested.


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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/03/2013 5:58 PM

Deumos was incredibly impressed. "You men and your powerful's very attractive." She watched as the leaders of the uprising scrutinized Abaddon, and sighed with relief when they seemed to accept him without question. "Well, that's step one complete. Now, how about you cook me a wonderfully spicy meal the way you used to back when we were a few centuries younger, hmm? I'm sure your little half-breed pet will do just fine, and it'll bore me having to watch him simply wander around. I'm sure he'll report back everything that he sees."

Looping her arm through that of 'Jacob', Demi began to show him around. "As you see, we have amassed quite a force." She showed him row upon row of white tents, all occupied with soldiers. "We are in the beginning stages of training still, but all of us have already trained at one time in our life, especially against the stuck-up purebreds that try to enslave us." She spit on the ground to show her disdain. "All of us are gifted in many ways...we've actually got something that demons don't have....but I can't tell you about that just yet." She giggled, seemingly flirtatious.

'Jacob' would never guess that he was actually under great scrutiny.

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Jedi » 07/06/2013 2:23 PM

"That would be  a magnificent idea," Sonny said before leading Deumos out of the room. He brought her to the kitchen, offering a seat at the island counter, then started filling a pot with water from the sink. "I think this would be adequate," he commented after blowing the dust from a recipe in his thousand-year-old rollodex. "I don't think I've used this since the last half-demon uprising." He still remembered how he had to kill his last faithful servant during that time. He then slid the recipe over for Deumos to see.

He set the pot on the stove to boil, then began gathering the ingredients for his Hell's Fire Curry; meat, vegitables, spices and a vial of rattlesnake venom for kick. Mid-preparation, he recieved a mental warning of betrayal, then a message from Donnie, to which he replied 'I pardon you of your insults. They are neccessary for your mission.' After the meal was ready, he poured some into a bowl for Deumos to enjoy. "Are you still as fond of it as I recall?"

The fact that his arm was entangled with a traitor irritated him, but it was a neccessary irritant. He wouldn't want to blow his cover. As she showed him their armies, he began to wonder if they really were going to lose. Of course, that thought was put to rest as she informed him just of their innexperience and undisciplined status. He spat on the ground just after she did, "Damned snoots. They're ignorance will be their undoing," he lied, 'Sorry about that master' he said to to Sonny through telecommunication. The thought of something they had limited from the demons intrigued Donnie, but he stayed his loyalty. "So with which tent shall I be staying?"


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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/06/2013 2:48 PM

Ignoring the seat, Deumos spread her arms out slightly at her sides, palms open. Then, she began floating upwards slowly, until she was about level with the island counter. Perching on the edge of it, she leaned towards Sonny. "Ooh, the grand Rolodex of demon recipes." Deumos shook her head. "You never did make good on your promise to make a copy of the recipes for me. Perhaps I should have forced you to make a binding promise, but you know that I have a soft spot for you." She patted his cheek.

Watching as he prepared the food, she settled comfortably into the counter. Perhaps she was in the way, but Sonny wouldn't likely say anything about it in a tone that was anything more than playful, so why bother moving? When he asked the question, she licked her lips. "Of course - who could resist your cooking, darling?"

Demi laughed. "Snoots, eh? I have quite a few stronger words to use on the subject...but I suppose that can wait." Snapping her fingers, a young half-demon who appeared only seventeen or eighteen years old. "Harry, if you would, show Jacob here to an open tent, would you?" The man scurried to oblige, and Demi blew a kiss towards 'Jacob'. "Until we meet again..."

Harry turned towards 'Jacob' and grinned. "Well then, follow me, sir!" As he lead him towards the tent, he huffed a bit. "They won't let me fight yet - say I'm too young and that my powers are unpredictable and could do more harm than good. But they let me stay here and work as much as I can. The good thing about being around half-demons, is that they got all the power...and then the humanity that demons lack. Take Demi and Nic, for example. They act tough as nails, and hell, they are! But they got a soft spot in them for all the down-trodden 'muddled-blood' demons like us. They're even fighting alongside us in the war! Most generals stay back and let the soldiers do the fighting, but not the Twins!" He continued chattering happily and in a friendly way until he finally got to the open tent.

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Jedi » 07/06/2013 4:08 PM

As she replied, he went to grab a bottle of wine from the cupboard along with two glasses. He set one of the glasses in front of her floating figure and one before himself, then filled them half-way. "Hopefully you enjoy this. I brewed it myself in 1427." He grabbed a bowl of curry for himself, then raised his glass for a toast. "To the continuing expansion of your empire and all it's assets." He then took a swig before grabbing a box he'd prepaired just in case she brought it up, hoping she'd enjoyed the vastly improved duplicate of his own personal rollodex. "Just for you, my lord."

Donnie bowwed as Demi left, then began to follow Harry. He listened to his story all the way to the tent, making sure not to say anything. "I'll see you later, Harry. Good luck with the chores," he said, pretending to care. He just wanted to contact his master, make sure he wasn't in any trouble. His master rarely gave him this much lenience, but maybe that was so he could spend time with Deumos. He recalled his master mentioning his feelings towards her when among other demons. "Master, did I do alright?" Donnie accidentally said out loud. He peeked his head out the tent, making sure no one heard him. Luckily, Harry had been too far away to hear...

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/08/2013 6:33 PM

”Oh, did you now?” Deumos returned the toast, saying, “Now that is something worth toasting!” She sipped the wine, giving a nod of approval at the flavor. She took a bite of curry, when she noticed that Sonny held something in front of him. When he told her what it was, her eyes lit up. “Darling, you didn’t forget after all!” She all but snatched it out of his hands and began flipping through the pages. “Yes, this is wonderful! I’ve been needing something to spice up my kitchen. All my chef makes is bland, tasteless food.” She made a face.

“So? Is he the real deal?” Nic peppered Demi with questions while she sighed. “Nic, I’m not going to know right away. Besides, he can’t use any type of telecommunication or magic that will allow him to communicate with anyone outside the camp once I activate the protective spell. Speaking of which…” She murmured a few words and splayed her fingers as she flung out her arms. The inside of the tent that they were in became incredibly dark for a moment, and then lighter. “There, it’s done. No one inside the camp can use any magic that pertains to anything outside the camp. Teleportation, telecommunication, or anything like that will be completely useless.”

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Jedi » 07/08/2013 6:35 PM

“You’re welcome, my dear,” he said. He never did like the idea of human servants. They could be so appalling at times, completely inept for most situations. “Perhaps your chefs need a little demonic inspiration. Who knows? Maybe they’ll-“ he stopped mid-sentence. Something seemed off, like he’d been severed somehow. He tried to contact Donnie, but was unfruitful in getting a response. “I fear my connection to Abaddon may have been tampered with.”

Abaddon was panicking. He’d tried communicating with his master nearly twenty times and no answer. Had someone cut off their connection? Or worse; could someone have killed him in Donnie’s absence? It’d been nearly fifteen minutes since he’d signed up for this rebellion and already he was regretting it completely. Should he carry out with his masters bidding? Or simply fight with the uprising? Would he need to find a new master in order to ensure his survival? Or was he powerful enough to defend himself. He did know two things, however. One, he was on his own for now. And two, if he was going to do anything, he’d need to stay in the camp, with the rebels…

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/08/2013 6:37 PM

Rolling her eyes, Deumos prepared for Sonny to once again bring up their age-old argument of which was better – human or demon mutts. As she was getting ready to remind him that, once again, humans were more loyal even to evil or cruel masters if their emotions were toyed with correctly, she noticed that Sonny had stopped speaking. At his next words, Deumos leapt from the island counter where she was still sitting and shoved the male demon against the wall, her eyes blazing with true flames of fire. “What?! Do they know that we sent him? Do they know where we are?!” She didn’t mean to be rough with him. But years of having to evade capture and ambush from enemies had left her extremely paranoid – as if she hadn’t been already.

Nic grinned. “Sister, you’re fantastic.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and then headed towards the opening of their tent. “I have to set up the nightly patrols. Get some rest, please? You work yourself too hard.” Demi blew him a kiss as he left, before following his advice for once and settling into bed for a rest. The morning would bring a big day, in training a new recruit who may or may not be trustworthy. She’d need plenty of rest for that.

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Jedi » 07/08/2013 7:10 PM

“Now now, Deumos. I’ve been in stickier situations than this. It’s most likely an interference charm. Worst case scenario, my servant is dead and I need to find a suitable replacement.” He began thinking and, after a couple seconds, came to a conclusion.

“I’ll investigate what has become of my slave. If you wish, you may stay here, though I’d advise you to return to your own fortress. I’m sure it is much more guarded than this frail estate.” He waited for her response while pouring the glasses halfway full again…

Abaddon had to think of something. He could sneak out of the camp to try contacting his master, but he didn't know if it would matter. It was worth a shot, he figured, and decided he'd leave when everyone was asleep.

He decided to prepare his tent to look as if he were sleeping. He even stuffed several thin sheets under his blanked to match his figure. All he had to do was wait for nightfall. Hoping to stave off boredom, he decided to peek outside.Peeking outside his tent, he saw Demonic leave his own tent. He watched, studying to see if there were any hint of suspicion...

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/14/2013 4:34 PM

Regaining control of herself, Deumos backed off. "I hope you're right." She growled in frustration. "It's not a good idea, you know. Sending a half-demon into a camp of people dedicated to freeing half-demons from our enslavement? I give him a total of maybe two days before he turns on us. Of course, that would give us two days' worth of spying, which I suppose is better than nothing."

Taking his advice of returning to her own fortress, she nodded. "You're right, I should leave." She hesitated at the doorway. "But I'll tell you this, Sonneillon. If your little mutt betrays you, I expect you to terminate him. Understand?"

((Nothing for Nic/Demi. But I just told you that in person :P))

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Jedi » 07/14/2013 5:25 PM

"Certainly. If he betrays us, then he shall be no more than a pebble in your shoe. A pebble I'd be happy to remove."

He left at dusk. He couldn't teleport as close to the camp as he'd wanted, so he was forced to teleport several miles from the borders of the encampment. During the walk through the wood, he gazed around several times, making sure he wasn't being followed. When he was able to see the perimeter of the camp, he noticed several patrol guards for the camp. then he saw his servant, Abaddon, waiting for him just beyond the guards.

He watched as Nick gathered several of the stronger members of the camp, guessing he was assigning them to some kind of sentry guards to make sure no one unwelcome would enter their camp. Donnie realized he wouldn't be able to sneak out until dark, so he sat on the floor and meditated, stocking his energy for later use.

Several hours passed by and it had become dark. Abaddon sneaked out of his tent and out of the camp, ducking behind the shadows when others approached. When he got to the edge of camp, he hid behind a bush and watched, taking note of the guards patrol cycles. It was then that he saw his master signalling him just past the border...

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/14/2013 5:31 PM

Of course, the man had been just another spy. Demi sighed, shaking her head sadly. 'Jacob' as he called himself - obviously he hadn't given his true name - wasn't one of the pure demons. His blood was tainted with that of mortals, like that of everyone within the camp. So why was he working against them? She wasn't sure, but it seemed that his dedication to a master was against them...but then again, it could always become useful later on.

While Nic would have preferred to throw 'Jacob' out immediately, Demi knew that he could be persuaded, he could be swayed. It would take plenty of effort, and probably a betrayal on his master's part. But if there was one thing that Demi knew about full-blooded demons, it was that they always betrayed those who were foolish enough to trust them. If Demi allowed this half-demon to stay, fed him false information to give to his master, and waited for the time to come when he would be betrayed, she would be able to gain a valuable member to their army.

So, she decided not to tell Nic about what she saw as 'Jacob' met with his master. Instead, she crept, invisible, back to her own tent.

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Re: A Spy Among Us (Kitsume and I)(M)

Postby Jedi » 07/14/2013 6:42 PM

Abaddon watched as the sentry guard passed him by. When it was safe, he used the ring Deumos had given him to activate a sort of camouflage that rendered him invisible. He crossed the distance between him and his master, taking note of the sensation he felt when he passed over the enchantment border, then deactivated his new-found ability. "Greetings, Master. It's a pleasure to finally speak to you again-" "Enough," Sonneillon interrupted him. "What news have you discovered so far?"

Donnie informed his master that the rebels didn't trust him, that they may have activated a disruption enchantment on the camp and that they foolishly believed themselves able to win. "I'll need you to stay here. Gather as much information as you can and contact me frequently. It may be a while before you see me, but be assured, when this war is over and these insignificant halflings have been wiped out, you will be in charge of their spoils. Everything that isn't destroyed, that is. One more thing, Don't die. I don't intend on loosing my favorite servant too soon.

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