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More Of A Short Story (Self ; E) Done

Postby Sarah » 01/20/2014 3:13 AM

(Wow this is going to be super awkward, probably more for me though. I don’t even care. It’s lucky to see the light of day actually xD. Also this is my first time trying to write something like this so my writing may be shittier than usual)

One thousand shades of grey flashed past him. The taste of blood on his tongue and an intense feeling obedience, a need to please his master. -he is testing me, he wants to see if I am ready, There is a reward waiting.- thoughts pass in and out of him as fast water reaches the oceans. His master was waiting for him, and he would do anything to please his sir. The city was blind to his presence, at least the mortals where. He could tell when he was seen, the immortals steered clear. He was dangerous, a killer and good at it. He hunted his prey across the world and never lost a scent. Well, rarely lost a scent and when he did it was only a matter of time before his target was back within his reaches. Now was no exception, his master was training him he knew, the targets scent of fear was mixed with his master’s. Another deep breath and everything was fresh again. Down the alley, over the garbage pile, through the apartment building. He had to give it to his master. This certainly was a goose chase. His master had gone over everything trying to deter him. It wouldn’t work. His master even brought out the wolfsbane, something his nose got very distracted by. It hid scents from him well but it wasn’t long before he was on the trail again. It was a man he was following, a real bad man at that.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/20/2014 3:14 AM

Not to say his master was a bad man, but his master had rules and a god. A god that ruled over all the demons and didn’t allow them to make mistakes or cause chaos for the pure people, at least not all the time… he was going through another apartment. It seemed to be the end of the line. The staircase was filled with the scent of his target and his master. He landed on the third floor of the building. A real rundown place, infected with all sorts of nasty parasites and pests, and that didn’t even count all the rats and bacteria. Running down the hallway was easy as was finding the room with his master inside. He didn’t even care to open it, just busted right through it. His eyes turned red like blood and he showed himself to those who didn’t have an eye for the supernatural.  He was big and there were two long, impossibly sharp fangs hanging out from under his curled lip. A snarl ripped through his body and he could smell the warm piss as it flooded down the poor man’s leg. It took all his restraint to not laugh and break the scene. His master was behind the man a sharp smirk on his face. “Good boy.” He praised tossing him the now damp man. He smiled cruelly this was his reward. Another soul to send to hell this was his favorite thing.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/20/2014 3:14 AM

Malek pursed his lips, this was not his favorite place to be. Unfortunately his favorite slave lived here and he hated to not see her. He was waiting outside the apartment as his hound ripped the sinners flesh from his bones. Malek relished the sound of his suffering, his pleading, and his screams. He closed his eyes for a moment to drink it in. he had been away from this city for too long. There were so many sinners and so many contracts waiting to be drug to eternal punishment. This was his city after all, the majority at least. Maybe not a claim people would be proud of but in his line of work he was pleased with how things had turned out. A man of contracts and souls he turned to smuggling a few decades ago. He still had to keep appearances up and could afford to go AWOL on his regular demon jobs. At least not if he wanted to continue living with humans. Plus he liked torture and collecting souls got him a lot of connections and respect from other demons.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/20/2014 3:15 AM

Pushing his hand through his blonde hair he noticed that the screaming had stopped and his hound was next to him. “Good work,” he praised again taking off towards his girl’s shop. It wasn’t far from here and he knew she would be dying to see him. Especially since he had come unannounced. He knew it might be weird to just drop in on her, but he knew she would keep the shop in tip top condition whether he was with her to supervise or not. She did hate it when he punished her. He smiled faintly at the memories. His hound followed him because he didn’t have anything else to do and it made Malek walk with a little more pride, he felt like he actually owned the place. And with the terrified looks being tossed his way he was reassured that his position was leader was unchallenged. He had people all over the city to ensure that. His girls shop was hidden among others along the main street. It was a simple shop that sold different healing gems. A favorite pastime of his girl and so he had allowed her to take up her passion as a front to his smuggling business.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/20/2014 3:16 AM

A sharp squeal met his ears as he stepped through the door. “Sir you’re here, I wasn’t expecting you.” Instead of rushing him and smothering him she got down on her hands and knees and bowed to him. Just like he had taught her, he smiled, pleased that she had not forgotten. “It has been far too long; I was missing you, and this city.” He said approaching her. “Up.” He commanded and she hopped to her feet, an eager look in her eyes. All his slaves had an intense Willing-To-Please aura about them, but none where quite like her. She was his favorite for many reasons, the biggest being her complete submission to him. He had saved her and so she gave her whole being to him. It was more than just her soul that he commanded, it was her body and her mind and everything that made her a person.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/20/2014 3:24 AM

She did it all willingly to, that was what had astounded him. He had told her all of the darkness in his world and she had accepted him. It made him realize that his world might not be the worst thing a mortal encountered. To his knowledge she hadn’t gone through anything overly traumatizing. However she wasn’t obligated to tell him all of her life, nor could she remember something if her mind blocked the trauma so he didn’t push her to tell him about her past out of respect for her. Her grey eyes met his and there was a pleading look to them. His smiled hadn’t left his face. Honestly it was starting to hurt. This was the most he had smiled in months. He hugged her tightly, his arms sliding under hers and he picked her up as her arms locked behind his head her face buried in his chest. “It’s been too long.” He said again, his voice apologetic. “You’re busy it can’t be helped. But I have missed you.” She said breathlessly. He set her down on the cashiers counter and smiled at her, his eyes taking in every piece of her body.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/20/2014 3:50 AM

“You dyed your hair.” He noted sliding his fingers through it. Her face flushed red. “I like it.” he whispered brushing a piece of it from her face. “There is only one thing wrong with this picture.” He said tracing her neck. She gasped and began apologizing. “No need, you are in public and I just dropped in on you. Or else I’m sure you would be wearing something more appropriate in your masters presence.” He added eyeing her very casual tank top and jean shorts not that he didn’t mind the short shorts. He just preferred to see his women dress a little more elegantly. She was wearing flats however. He didn’t often make a big deal out of the wardrobes of his slaves, but he would only allow her to wear flats when she had to wear shoes. The strictness was part of her being his favorite, he knew that she should be annoyed with him but she had never been before and he doubted she ever would even though she had every reason to be.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/21/2014 3:55 AM

The hound pushed his way into the store bowing his head to both his master and his master’s favorite slave. His eyes looked troubled and his head swung back to the entrance of the shop. Malek stepped back from his girl and walked towards the door. “Kneel girl.” He commanded only glancing back at her. He heard her whine and stopped. He turned to face her. “Kneel.” He snarled his eyes going straight black for a few moments, his demon commanding absolute submission from her. She got off of the counter and kneeled quietly on the floor her head down but her eyes did wander to her master. He nodded slightly and proceeded to open the door welcoming the outsider another demon looking for a fight. “Markus, long time no see.” Malek said smirking stepping aside so the man could enter. A nod of respect was exchanged but the other demon was all business. Markus was another demon in the slums. He only controlled a small part of it, the part the Malek wanted nothing to do with. He always threatened taking over the whole city. “How can I help you?” Malek said watching the stranger closely.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/21/2014 3:56 AM

Markus took a long sweep of the shop with his eyes only turning back to Malek after he had calculated possible ambush and escape route there was. “Just scoping out territory.” He replied sharply. Malek tilted his head slightly but didn’t respond. “My boundary expansion has been long over do.” The man continued exploring the store further. His eyes passing over Siska, and Malek noticed a spark of interest in his eyes. Quickly Malek made a move to assert his dominance over the demon. He moved between his girl and Markus. “I was promoted you see, and its prime time I took over this city.” He informed Malek moving around him. “As terrible as it is, there are plenty of sinners hanging about.” He added standing in front of Siska. An eyebrow raised and the smallest look of appreciation Markus was beginning to make him feel uncomfortable. The demons yellow eyes inspected Siska closely, Malek followed his body movements. Ready to kill if he laid a hand on his property, he could feel his hound preparing to lunge in if things went too far.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/21/2014 3:59 AM

“She is exquisite. I can see why you like her.” Markus said turning away from the girl who was now terrified and crying. “It does seem that you don’t scare her quiet enough.” He added chuckling. “Nor do you have a very good taste in clothing.” Markus moved away from Siska but only enough for Malek to move in to comfort her. She grasped his leg like a frightened child. He brushed his hand through her hair a few times before her sobs quieted. “Markus why are you here?” Malek asked his voice deadly calm. He was beginning to become territorial; he knew that Markus might want to place the blame on him by enticing Malek to make the first move. If the demon got any closer to his girl he might get what he wanted. His girl seemed to sense a recklessness growing in him. “I’m not worth it, don’t get killed because of me.” she begged her eyes tilting up to meet his.

“Mmmm.” The demon groaned. “If you ever with to sell or trade her away make sure you hit me up.” He said winking at Siska. “Only in your dreams.” Malek growled. “Probably, I’ll be in her’s too though.” He added slyly. “And don’t even mention that exchange before. She has some fight in her. I’d be honored to punish her if you are feeling to weak.” Markus was still trying to egg Malek on. Unfortunately for him the tightened grip of Siska was keeping him grounded. “Leave.” Malek said after a pause. “Oh but I haven’t even told you why I’m here.” Markus complained. Malek only stared at him Markus had over stayed his welcome already, what were a few more minutes going to do?
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 01/30/2014 2:51 AM

Markus crossed his arms over his chest. “you have territories that fill every city, maybe you don’t own as much land in other places as you do here but even the small amounts gather up to become more than my territory in this useless place. You see Annebelle and the other council members don’t deem me worthy of an expansion outside of the city. Inside however all hell could break loose. Maybe we can come up with a compromise, you can keep any portion on the city you like, but it has to be the same size as the amount I hold now. The rest will go to me.” Malek narrowed his eyes he liked this city, as rat infested and disease ridden as it was, it was his girls home and he didn’t want to move her away from everything she had worked for. Whilst he contemplated Markus’s offer he felt Siska tighten her grip on his leg. She didn’t want to go but she didn’t want to be in danger, or put anyone else in danger by staying. “What happens if I refuse?” Malek said after a long time, he had waited until Markus started fidgeting and was on the verge of pacing. “All hell will break loose.” Was his reply, simple and complicated at the same time. Malek had begun to grow wary of Markus many of the things he said had more than one meaning. Markus knew that Malek had more forces at his command, unless somehow he had gotten lucky or had broken the rules to get a far bigger army. Plus demons fought dirty, if Malek made the choice to stand his ground the city would become a battleground and he would risk every single one of his slave’s lives.  Slaves were hard to come by, especially his because he brought them in by gaining their trust, it had taken him years to get his army this big.
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Re: More Of A Short Story (Self ; E)

Postby Sarah » 02/09/2014 11:14 PM

Malek narrow his eyes. He was extremely territorial and possessive and he was not about to allow Markus to take control of him. “How fast can you run?” Malek asked absently, he was still calculating his power compared to his enemy’s. “what?” Markus asked, his face going blank for a moment before it went back to the smug smirk that he had been holding since he walked in the door. “You’d better run fast, because if even begin to think you can threaten me, or take my property away from me, I’ll kill you myself and I won’t be showing you mercy.” Malek snarled, stepping up into Markus’s face. Markus scowled. “It’s a crime to kill another demon.” He reminded as if Malek didn’t know. “Not when they are threatening the safety of the humans, or when they get out of line.” Malek retorted, “I will not hesitate to put you in your place.” He added stepping so close to Markus the demon almost fell backwards onto Malek’s hound.

There was a rumbling that turned quickly into a snarl and teeth met flesh and blood began to spill from the demon’s vessel. A surprised shriek escaped from Markus’s lips and with only a halfhearted smack connecting his fist to the hound face as his defense he began to worry he might find himself in hell rather quickly. “I yield.” He cried out his eyes filling with panic. He wouldn’t die but being sent to hell was not something he wanted to do at all. An amused smile split Maleks face, “this is no training exercise.” He spat as his hounds claws ripped Markus’s flesh.
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