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Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kallile » 07/17/2015 9:41 PM


The Slums seemed in rare form today. Perhaps it was from the war and the sales of memorabilia stolen from fallen soliders. Perhaps it was the spike in arms deals as civilians strove to better protect their families should the front line find itself in their front yards. Tovin supposed it was something more--wars brought out the worst and greediest in everyone--and the merchandise of the black market stretched far beyond just weapons and war trinkets.

That was why he was here in the first place. By the order of his father, Quil'lian, he was to check up on the little business hub in the Slums and make sure things were running smoothly. Tovin wrinkled his nose at the very thought of why he was here. Currently he was in his natural Paragon form--a strong and dark Voidbringer. It wasn't essential for him...but it did make his sister feel more comfortable. Talking several feet down to a tiny human wasn't really her forte.

"You should just smash up the whole place you know. Hit him where it will really hurt." Xekoli grumbled to him. The female Sailfin was currently lounging as best she could on the stoop of one of the large building ruins left behind from better times. She was a looker--her dark body offset by two brilliantly white stripes racing along either side of her spine. Tovin only grumbled.

"You know I can't." He replied simply without moving a single eye down towards her. He was much more poised and ready, all eyes scanning the area for any sign of trouble. He was never truly alone and he could never let himself believe that he might be. Not only from the threats of the teaming streets around him, but from his father's reach. His stone-cold stare was often enough to keep most human smugglers and war lords well away in this form, however. Xekoli rolled onto her side and let the noon sun warm her belly scales.

"Then you are just as spineless as Azazel." She quipped in lazily. "The two of you just so afraid to make a stand..."

"Koli, dont." Tovin warned. "Azazel never stood a chance. I have to play my part...for now. You know this." The two fell into uncomfortable silence for a few moments before Xekoli began chuckling darkly.

"Always good to catch up with you, Tovin. Especially since you never change." She laughed. Tovin, in a moment of weakness, cracked the smallest smile.

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/18/2015 12:50 PM

Tzofi & Roland

"My prince, I must advise against this." The Placid Paragon wasn't nearly as big as some of the other Paragon species. She may have been an excellent fighter, but even the best of fighters could be overwhelmed by sheer number. And judging by the hard glares of practically every person they passed, Tzofi was fairly sure that there were plenty of thieves just dying to get their hands on the two travelers. "This is not where we intended to be at all. This town seems rather...unsavory."

The man walking a few paces in front of her simply chuckled. "Tzofi, you see threats everywhere. Besides, we can't just leave this place to wander around in the wilderness again. We are already low on provisions, and we need directions." He turned then, pale lilac eyes twinkling with good humor instead of the caution that his guard would have rather seen. "Plus, I have you. If anyone attempts to stop us, you'll be able to handle them, right?"

Tzofi sighed. "Roland, you don't understand. This is the kind of place-"

"Oi! Where do ya think yer goin', all dressed up like that, eh?" Before the Placid could even finish her warning, a large brute of a man stepped in front of the prince, a large throwing knife balanced on one finger before he flipped it in the air and caught it. "You rich types think you can just prance around 'ere in all yer fancy clothes and make us all bow down to ya? Pah!" He spat at the prince's feet, gesturing for the men behind him - numbering about seven in all - to come alongside him. "I think we're just gonna relieve ya of some of yer burdens."

As the thugs advanced, Tzofi gently pushed Roland behind her and took a defensive stance in front of him. Ignoring the sexist remarks of the men, the Placid waited silently for the men to attack. It didn't take long. Three of the men advanced, one on each side and one to the front. Tzofi's tail whipped towards the man on the left, razor-sharp edges coming threateningly close as she gave a roar. "I'll give you a single chance to leave now," she bluffed, drawing herself up as tall as she could go. "Before I teach you a lesson in manners."

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kallile » 07/19/2015 9:02 AM

The commotion the original thug had caused rung out around the surrounding streets. As was their nature, more thieves began gathering in hopes opportunity would smile on them and that some of this 'rich man's burden' as they had heard could be liberated into their care while the fight was going on. It wouldn't take long for a group of five...then ten and amass around the Paragon and her seven assailants. All staring, all eager to jump in and get a piece of the action when the time (and lowest likelihood of injury) was right.

It also caught the attention of Xekoli, who immediately perked up form her lounging position and rose up to try and get a better look at what was going on. It wasn't within her line of vision, perhaps just a few buildings down and on the next street, but it didn't sound like it was going to be pretty.

"We should go and see what's the matter." She could see Tovin rolling all four of his eyes at the notion before he answered, something that made her growl at him. "You wuss, you won't even try to stand up for someone if they need it?"

"I told you, I'm here on business for Father. I can't get involved in matters that don't concern me. It's bad business and bad for me once I go back home. I have to stay least while we're here." Figures. Stupid men, they wouldn't fight their own fights but they would sure try to save their own scaly hides.

"Alright then, fine. Keep my stairs warm for me, I'm going to go see what's going on."  Folding her wings along her spine to form a for of carapace shell over her back, Xekoli walked through the streets (careful not to purposefully knock over any humans running around) towards the fight that was just staring. She peered around the next building she came to, now able to see the commotion from a distance. A Placid Paragon? She didn't look the type to be in such a hive of scum and villainy, but her stance did look impressively practiced. The human Prince hidden behind her was currently out of Xekoli's view but already the Sailfin had forgotten there had been any talk of riches. She was just excited to see what this other female could do.

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/19/2015 3:40 PM

Tzofi had found that in most of her experiences, it was never the instigator who struck first, but rather one of his lackeys. This occasion was no different. The main thug advanced a few steps, but made no move to attack first. Instead, the two men on either side of Tzofi rushed at her, obviously hoping that one of them could find an opening in her defenses while she dealt with the other. What they hadn't realized was that the Paragon had teeth on one end, and a bladed tail on the other.

The man on the left reached the Placid about a heartbeat's time before the other, but his weapon never landed its intended blow. Tzofi's tail swept his feet out from under him, and then landed on top of him as he fell, blades impaling him in five different spots at once. Meanwhile the Paragon used her metal bracers to stop the blade of the other thug. The man seemed confused for half a second as he realized that his companion was dead, and that was all the time it took for Tzofi to clasp both bracers on either side of his knife and pull him close enough to rip her teeth into his throat. Blood sprayed towards her, coating her scales in crimson.

This fight was only beginning, though. Apparently they had drawn a crowd, and now Tzofi was backing up towards the wall of a nearby building, ensuring that no one could sneak up behind Roland and harm him while she attempted to fight their way out of this mess. Three more men attacked and were quickly dispatched, leaving only two of the remaining attackers: the instigator and what appeared to be his right-hand man. But the others wanted a piece of the action - or more likely, a piece of Roland's goods. They were more cautious now, moving towards Tzofi and then stepping back quickly before she could land a blow. While her attention was on one man, another would jab his weapon towards her from another direction. She deflected the blows as best she could, but she could only move so fast. Several small wounds begin to appear on her body, and her movements slowed as she tired.

Roland had remained silent through most of this, probably in shock. He had encountered the various assassins here and there, but they had all been easy enough for Tzofi to deal with. This was different. This was dangerous. Finding his voice, he called out, "Tzofi, there's too many of them! We have to find some way out..." But there was no way out. With a wall at his back and a semicircle of thieves in front of them, odds certainly were not in their favor.

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kallile » 07/19/2015 5:08 PM

Xekoli watched as the Placid began to falter and tired, the blood no longer just that of her attackers. The voice that she heard definitely didn't belong to a Paragon and it was then Zekoli rose up onto her hind legs to better see the human man the paragon was trying to protect. Well he certainly stood no chance if she was succumbing to the attack. She felt a soft nudge from behind her and was surprised to see her brother standing there.

"Go and help them. Bring them to the safe house when you're able." He turned to leave but not without one last look over his shoulder. "Don't be followed. There are too many eager eyes around here who would love to find it."

Xekoli nodded only once before rounding the corner with a warrior's roar ripping out of her throat. If she could draw enough attention towards her, the Placid would regain the upper hand and they could squash the remaining foes between them in a deadly sandwich of teeth and claws.

"You're not playing very fair, boys! I think you need a lesson in fighting etiquette..." she rumbled darkly as she made her final approach, fin displayed in full and wings spanned out to catch any would-be escapees and sweep them back into the fray. They weren't going to fight fair? That's fine...neither would she. The more confusion for the humans the better for their victory and escape.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/20/2015 9:13 PM

One moment - that was all it took to tip the scales in her favor. When another female Paragon roared, Tzofi refused to lose focus. Even as she heard the voice calling out, she dedicated herself to the enemies before her. It was enough to know that this new wildcard was on her side. And in the few moments that the men who had been attacking her were distracted, the guard moved.

She attacked with renewed vigor, tail moving fast enough that it was difficult to track. This time she used her claws as well, scooping up the man nearest to her and ripping through his chest before tossing him aside to meet her next opponent. With the help of the other Paragon, the number of living opponents dropped and the body count rose, very quickly. The streets would probably run red with blood in this area, but Tzofi felt no remorse, not this time. These men had threatened her prince, and their fate was well deserved.

When there were no longer any men wielding weapons between herself and the hero who had stepped in, Tzofi gave a slight bow, trying to hide the shaking caused by her exhausted muscles. "Thank you for stepping in. It is quite refreshing to fight tooth and claw with another female for once. Might I ask your name?"

Assured that his safety was no longer in question, Roland walked around Tzofi to examine the small wounds. "Introductions can be done later," he said in a commanding but gentle voice. "You need to tend to your wounds, Tzofi." He turned to the other Paragon. "I apologize for my rudeness, but I must make sure that my guard is taken care of. Do you know of a place where we can clean and dress her injuries?"

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kallile » 07/22/2015 1:52 PM

To be honest Xekoli didn't feel she had done much--as she swept the would-be escapees back into the fray she thrashed them quite harshly, taking out as many men with their ragdoll-like bodies as she could when she finally clapped her wings together in front of her and flung those who hadn't already been shredded by the sharp ends forward. She snatched up a few more runners with a sweep of her tail as she thrust them towards the nearest building. And then, just like that, there were no more men standing.

"Aw, all our dominoes ran out..." She chuckled darkly, referring to that fact that all their adversaries had fallen to the ground leaving no more to knock over. She looked to the Placid who was quivering just a bit, giving her a nod. "Likewise, that was some fancy tail work you had back there. Name's Xekoli.

She hadn't let the prince interrupt her, but she did angle her head down to observe him. Well how about that--such a big, tough fighter defending a little man. The mere thought made her bite her lip to keep from chuckling. "There's a safehouse near here, but we need to move fast. This place will turn into a looters paradise in no time and unless we want another fight on our claws we'd better make ourselves scarce."

She turned in the right direction and paused, looking to the other female. It wasn't like warriors to admit injury...or to offer help outside of fighting...but Xekoli posed the question anyway. "Tzofi, was it? It's several blocks be able to make it?"


Tovin paced at the iron barred doors, peering out the little peep hole every now and then. She should be here by now...they should have all been here by now. It wasn't like his sister to be bested by the likes of these lackeys; perhaps something had happened. The Voidbringer snorted and remained despite his own wishes.

If he left now it would only give more foot traffic to be traced back here. And if he did find his sister had been bested what could he do? He had to uphold the image of a war-lord and slaver in training...he couldn't rush to her aid no matter how badly he wanted to. Five more minutes...he'd give them just five more minutes and then he'd have to go and see what fate had befallen them.

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2015 7:11 PM

((Sorry, this is kind of a fail post))

The Placid understood what the other Paragon meant by 'dominoes' but she didn't laugh. Fighting was something she enjoyed, but killing wasn't. The only reason she had taken the lives of the men that now lay strewn around her was because she knew that there was no other option if she had wanted herself and the prince to escape alive. However, she wouldn't hold it against the other warrior if she enjoyed the kill. After all, had it not been for her, Tzofi would have been defeated. The compliment brought a reptilian smile to her face though, and she murmured a quiet, "Thank you." She was too weak to say more, forgetting even to give her name.

If Roland could tell that Xekoli that judging him, he didn't comment on it. He knew how to choose his battles, or perhaps it was more like when to choose them. Picking a fight over something so small when his guard was bleeding all over the street was obviously foolish. "Ah, that sounds like a good idea. I don't think that we would do very well in a second fight so soon after the first." His voice and demeanor remained calm, but in reality he was incredibly worried about Tzofi. She tended not to show her weaknesses, so the fact that she was now swaying - even if only slightly - wasn't a good sign.

"Huh?" she murmured. "Oh yeah, it's Tzofi. I can make it. I'm just...a bit worn out is all." It was true. Her wounds weren't as bad as they appeared. It was mostly just exhaustion that caused her to look so unwell. Although she was trained to fight several men at once, there had just been too many of them.

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Re: Just Building A Ship To Wreck [P][Kitsumi & I]

Postby Kallile » 07/27/2015 9:12 PM

Xekoli gave a firm nod and kept her pace even, though her head constantly swiveled back and forth as she scanned for those who might have seen the brawl and those who might be trailing the wounded. She kept her sail up, her movements sharp and clear cut, all as warning signs. Those she led might be injured, but she wasn't. And she was ready to take on anyone who might try to change that. Luckily it seemed that any witnesses had fled...for the moment. No doubt gathering posses, telling bosses, or just grabbing empty sacks to carry loot.

"No problem. I don't mind a good brawl; especially with scumbags who have it coming to them." She answered nonchalantly as she led on. "Speaking two aren't exactly part of the usual crowd. What brings you all the way out here? Black market weapons? War secrets?"

Not that she really expected them to agree with either of those; they just fit the profile of people who might be interested in such things. Royals looking to protect their wealth and power in times of war. She wouldn't judge them if that was their true motive but she would certainly cease her more buddy-buddy proceedings.

"Only another few blocks, my brother is waiting for us to get there. He's...not as bubbly and full of personality as I am. Just ignore him."


Time was up. The Voidbringer snaked his head out of the door as he shoved it open, looking around with all eyes to try and spot his sister and these new charges. It was still a stupid idea, all of it. Why was he so compelled to leap in and help strangers in the first place...this could put everything in jeopardy. It was then he heard his sister talking and grumbled to himself. Of course she was running her mouth. Of course. He resisted the urge to snarl and smack his muzzle with a paw.

"Xekoli, are you quite finished?" he called out in a quiet growl. Only his sister could make small talk during an escape.

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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