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Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/07/2014 4:16 PM

ImageHow goddamned embarrassing.

Buzz would admit that the bars he and Hype had frequented before in their search of female companionship had not exactly been the swankiest of places. And Buzz had never been picky about those places, as long as the girls were up to par. But here he was in the goddamned slums , circling the same block to find a safe place for his motorcycle (nowhere was safe here) all because Hype had wanted, demanded to try something new.

"Don't you ever just get tired of the same old same old?" He had asked Buzz, scanning their favorite bar, the Turnt Lemon, with a very ho-hum look on his face.

"No." Buzz had answered.

"Of course not." Hype turned on his stool so he was once again facing the bar. "You're a creature of habit. You're timid. Too afraid to try new things, so you set yourself in your old ways." He had said matter-of-factly.


"Yes really. But not me. I'm a rolling stone baby. I crave adventure, excitement!" Hype had raised his glass in a very dramatic fashion, and then downed it all in one swoop, and a few people around him had even halfheartedly cheered. "And I've got just the place."

And Buzz had twitched.

Once his bike had been secured and secured as much as possible (anyone trying to steal it would have to take the entire sidewalk with them) Buzz had stood to pause in front of the new joint. Underground, they called it. He twitched, unimpressed.

He walked in.

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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/07/2014 8:26 PM

"My man, my man, my man!" Hyperion called, a wide grin spread across his face as Buzz came into view. He stood, arms outstretched, and pulled the younger man into a brotherly hug. Buzz twitched uncomfortably, but waited patiently for Hyperion to be done. Hype smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, gesturing ahead. "Welcome, my friend."

Buzz followed Hyperion's gesture. Underground was filled to the max with people, the majority of whom were very beefy, sweaty men. Men who were sitting at tables, drinking a mug of beer in one hand while arm wrestling with the other. Some were playing cards, smoking cigars, some were dancing drunkenly to whatever God awful song had been playing, and some were flirting with the few women that were present. Some women, who Buzz thought, looked a little hurt.

And the part that bothered him the most, aside from the unnecessarily dim lights and the intensely close quarters, was that the entire place seemed to be made out of this ugly, black/brown, rotting wood. Wooden bar, wooden tables and chairs, wooden floors, wooden walls, mostly wooden ceiling. Someone should burn it down.

"What do you think my man?" Hyperion asked, clearly enthralled by the new scene. "It's something, isn't it?"

Buzz shouted over the music, "I couldn't have said it better myself." Hyperion grinned.


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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/07/2014 9:52 PM

And then Hyperion was beginning to nudge Buzz into the unappealing mix, and Buzz quickly put on his brakes. Hype crinkled his eyebrows at him, and lightly tugged his jacket. "Buzz ol' pal, we can't really stand at the front of the joint all night, can we? Let's go!" He tried once more to pull his friend forward, but Buzz remained unmoved. Instead, he grabbed Hyperion's wrist firmly and removed his grasp.

"Hype," Buzz started, "What are we doing here?"

"What are you talking about?" Hyperion exclaimed. "Look around you, Buzzy! This place has life, this place has character, this place-"

"Is a raging sausage fest." Buzz finished under his breath. "Look, this place seems like the kind where someone's going to look at me the wrong way and then it's going to be this whole..." He circled his hands. "Thing. And I'm not in the mood."

"Will you just give it a CHANCE." Hyperion demanded. He laughed, frustrated. "I mean, you haven't even talked to anyone here yet. And there are plenty of girls." He grabbed Buzz's shoulders. "Just stay, have a couple of drinks, you'll see. I mean, have I ever asked you for anything before?"

Buzz rolled his eyes. Just my life, soul and everything in between you jackass.

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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/08/2014 10:15 AM

"Fine." Buzz sighed, eyeing his surroundings suspiciously. There was an inkling in the back of his mind telling him that this was not a place that Buzz and Hyperion belonged in, the kind of place where men went to grow hair on their chests, but Hype always had a way of getting Buzz to agree to his nonsense. "I guess a drink or two wouldn't kill me." Wrong choice of words. He twitched.

"That's a boy!" Hyperion said, the grin returning now. He slapped Buzz on his back, a little too hard for Buzz was knocked a little off of his balance, and dragged his friend to the bar. "Two of your most hair curling drinks, my good man." Hyperion said, slapping a few bucks down. "On the double!" The barkeep turned to him, wiping the inside of a glass, and raised his eyebrows at the men, clearly agreeing with Buzz that they did not belong in this neck of the woods. He didn't move at first, only sized them up.

"Are you deaf?" Buzz growled, snapping the barkeep back into attention. "Stop falling in love with us and get us a drink." He twitched harder this time, and the barkeep gave him one more suspicious glance before turning to get their drinks. Beside them, a few of the patrons seemed to glare or eye them curiously.

Hyperion laughed and grabbed Buzz's shoulder. "Who says you don't fit in here?


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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/08/2014 11:37 AM

Buzz and Hyperion took their seats at the bar, each clutching their drink. "Now be careful, Buzzy, this liquor isn't the lightest." Hype warned. He took a careful sip and pressed his lips together to avoid grimacing in front of all of the others. Buzz, however, wasn't convinced.

"Really, Hype?" He teased with a chuckle. "We have been all over Evelon and we've sampled some pretty nasty things. I doubt whatever they serve in this dump could knock us off our asses." A few feet away the barkeep glared. "Bottoms up!" Buzz tilted the glass and allowed the drink to flow freely down his throat.

"Buzz, maybe you should slow down..." Hyperion said uneasily, once again grabbing Buzz's shoulder, concerned. But Buzz shoved him off and continued to drink. Because the first couple seconds had gone smoothly, Buzz hadn't been worried. But then as another couple second had passed, the drink that had seemed to start off as water turned to a mixture of rubbing alcohol and sludge. Buzz's eyes started to turn red and he slammed the glass down on the bar so hard Hype thought it would shatter. "UGH." Buzz groaned, wiping his mouth before sputtering up coughs. His veins nearly busted through the skin with each wrack, and Hyperion jumped up so he wouldn't fall off the stool.


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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/08/2014 2:30 PM

"You alright Buzz?!" Hyperion asked, unable to hold in both his concern and his amusement. Buzz growled and spat out a wad of whatever horror he had just ingested, a practice he could see was customary here, and wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve. Hyperion let out a roar of laughter and ruffled his still dry-heaving friend's hair. "Jesus, you had me worried."

"What the hell was that stuff?" Buzz demanded. "Poison?" Behind him he could hear the barkeep chuckle to himself, and Buzz resisted the urge to leap behind the counter. Hyperion laughed again.

"You never listen to me. Next time just take some smaller sips and-"

Buzz wiped his mouth again and spat onto the ground where the previous loogie had been left. "Are you out of your mind? I'm never putting that crap in my mouth again." He sat on the stool as his face returned to its normal tan hue. "That's not beer, Hyperion, that's acid sewage water."


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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/08/2014 5:31 PM

"I mean I'm saying your wrong." Hyperion answered with a shrug. "But it has one hell of a kick and after one of these glasses we'll be ready to rip this place apart." He smiled slyly at Buzz. "And I hear that's your specialty."

Despite the wicked taste still left in his mouth, Buzz couldn't help but smile back. And as disgusting as whatever was in this glass was, he knew that he would still drink it because Hyperion wanted him to and his friend had a way of making him do crazy, stupid things. So they clinked their glasses together in a cheers to whatever shenanigans they would surely get themselves into later, and began to sip.

About thirty sips and two last brave chugs, Hyperion and Buzz were mostly definitely feeling the aftershock.


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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/09/2014 8:18 PM

"I-I'm telling you man," Hyperion said, wrapping an arm around Buzz's shoulder and leaning a little more than half of his weight on him. "I-I could keep doing this whole thing forever. Like, why the hell should I fall prey to the chains of monogamy? Why settle, when there is a whole world of girls to be t-taken advantage of?"

Usually Buzz had been uncomfortable with excessive, non sexual contact, but this time he almost embraced Hype. He almost didn't mind his beer-stained breath either. "But, but....but what happens when we get too old?" Buzz asked him. "I mean, there h-has to be a point when sticking it to randoms will no longer be an option for us, won't there?"

Hype suddenly leaned the opposite way and threw his hands into the air like he had just been told the world was going to end. "Nonsense!" He shouted, earning a few glances from the other patrons. "When I get too old for randoms, I'll just be a sugar daddy for a few girls at a time. Hugh H-" He hiccuped. "Heffner style. That is a man who knows how to live life."


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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/10/2014 3:31 PM

"Yeah, but those women are s-skanks." Buzz shook his head. "Like sure it must be fun to hang around all of those g-girls whose main goal is to just dress less for you, but at the same time they are most likely running around screwing every guy that wants them." He pointed at Hyperion. "And that's a lot of guys."

"S-So, what you're saying is that if Miss November came up and wanted to give you a blow, you would walk away because she's been passed around too much?" Hyperion asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because if that's your mindset than you've definitely never seen M-Miss November before." He laughed and waved the barkeep over. "I'm getting kind of dry."

"This one's on m-me." Buzz said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a wad of bills. "But you know me, Hype, I'm the type of guy that likes the v-virginal type of girl. Untouched. Clean. Pure." Buzz grinned slyly. "That way I can ruin them."


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Re: Striking Out

Postby AuroraSky » 08/10/2014 3:41 PM

Hyperion laughed hard at this and slapped Buzz affectionately on the back before wiping a tear from his eye. "I do have to agree that that's the best. But the only problem with v-virgins is that they tend to get so clingy afterwards, like they're expecting you to marry them or something." He grimaced at the thought. The barkeep came over and Hyperion ordered two more of the hair curling beers, giving him Buzz's money.

"The key is to just be out by morning." Buzz offered. "I-If you're out by morning then they don't get the chance to be clingy and you're home free."

"Ah, n-no my friend, that's not always the case. Once I got this v-virgin's number, got her to let me come over to her place, got in her pants, left before she woke up just like you said, and what does she d-do?" The barkeep placed the two drinks before the two men, a small smile on his lip, clearly amused by the conversation they were having. Hype nodded to him, Buzz ignore him and greedily reached for his glass, taking his first sip. "She c-cyber stalks me. The bitch cyber stalks me." Hyperion shook his head. "Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even Vine. Posts on all my shit about why I wasn't calling her or whatever."

Buzz nearly spit up his beer and started laughing the laugh that was only used when he was intoxicated. "Really?" He asked with a smile, wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve. "How did you get it to s-stop?"


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/11/2014 5:48 PM

"One day I just decided that enough was enough. I invited her out to l-lunch and told her that I was sorry about having to leave her, but I had had a family emergency." He rolled his eyes. "B-But of course she asked me what it had been, so I had to tell her this elaborate story about how my dearest Aunt E-Edna had been in an out of the hospital for about a few months and that she was the woman who raised me since I was an orphan."

"You're terrible."

Hyperion laughed. "I know, I know. And then I talked about how the possibility of losing her made me feel so vulnerable so I felt like I needed to exploit myself to as many different women as possible because it was driving me so crazy." Hyperion started laughing harder, and Buzz joined in, having to wipe away a tear. "I told her the morning after we hooked up I got a call saying she was back in the hospital and this could have been it for her. It was at this part that I started to fake tear up a little, and Jesus Buzz you should have seen her. Like putty in my hands."

Buzz struggled to regain his composure. "S-So what did you do next?" He took another couple of sips.

Hyperion grinned smugly. "What do you think? I nailed her again."


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/11/2014 9:17 PM

At this, Buzz leaned dangerously back on his chair and howled with laughter, slapping his hand against his forehead. "No, no," He gasped between laughter. "You can't be serious, that actually worked?"

Hyperion grinned and joined in the laughter after quickly grabbing the back of Buzz's seat to steady his friend. A few patrons around him grinned, evidently amused by his story. "I'm telling you, w-was the easiest hookup I've ever gotten. But, but, but," He leaned forward in his chair, pulling Buzz back down and looking at him seriously,"I mean it when I say, virgins are clingy. You don't want to get all mixed up in that." He waved his hand in the air.

Buzz nodded. "I understand." He paused for a second. "Do you think Sophia is still a virgin?" He asked suddenly.

Hyperion paused for a moment and raised his eyebrows, waiting to make sure he heard that correctly, and once he realized he had he gave a shocked laugh. "Wait...are-are you being serious right now?" Hype asked incredulously.


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/11/2014 9:25 PM

Buzz crossed his hands behind his head and shrugged. "Yeah, why not? I told you, I like the innocent type. And she's got her head so far in those books of hers that she's definitely...let's just say pure."

Hyperion took a surprised sip of his drink. "I mean, that's a good way of putting it. But I didn't r-really know that you were in to the bookworm type. All she does it sit in the library, or chase her dumb friend around all over the place. What's her name again? The Hydro?" He asked.

"Drew." Buzz replied. He frowned slightly. "I was thinking about her too, but she truly is stupid. Not the stupid like getting her into bed would be easy, but the kind of stupid where it would be just too easy to get her. Plus she's doesn't ever shut up, and I've had enough of that."

"Yeah, yeah, but more about Sophia. I had no idea."

Buzz eyed him suspiciously. "No idea about what?" He paused, then chuckled. "You know that I'm not like in love with her or anything right?"


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/12/2014 2:42 PM

"Nooooooo of course not, that would be so silly of me." Hyperion teased, speaking half into his cup and side eyeing Buzz. The Lykuhna's face suddenly darkened and Hyperion felt a mixture of amusement and fear.

"Hey." Buzz said firmly. "I don't have a thing for her, alright? Jesus I was just saying that she looked like a virgin. It was just an observation. Something I noticed. Nothing more." He glared and angrily grabbed his drink, taking a deep gulp that he knew he would live to regret.

Hyperion giggled into his cup, very pleased that he still had the ability to set Buzz of so fast. Then again, when it came to Buzz it didn't really take much to get excited. He set his cup on the table. "Why are you getting so defensive?" He accused, returning Buzz's stone face. Buzz's face began to flush in color and he turned to face Hyperion full on, leaning in.

"I'm not getting defensive. It was just. An observation." He said very carefully, making sure every word was registering with his badgering companion. Hyperion could feel that he was getting to him, and all it did was edge him on.

After all, he came to the Slums to have a good time, and angry Buzz was always a good time.


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/12/2014 2:47 PM

Hyperion shrugged. "It was just an out of the blue observation, that's all I'm saying. Like, I don't know, like maybe she was on your mind or something." He said nonchalantly, glancing the opposite way and scratching his neck, pretending to notice something incredibly interesting on the floor.

"How was it an out of the blue observation?!" Buzz demanded, feeling his neck starting to inflame. He twitched twice. "We were talking about virgin and girls who looked virginal, and I happened to mention someone that I knew! That's not out of the blue; do you even know what out of the blue means?" Inside, Buzz knew that Hyperion was just talking enjoyment out of creating trouble and he knew damn well that all he was doing was taking the bait, but he couldn't help himself. Whenever someone just teased him a little bit, he escalated it to the next level, always.

"Alright, alright," Hyperion held his hands up in mock surrender. "You're right, I'm wrong. You don't have some secret obsession with Sophia."

"You're damn right I don't. Not like the obsession you have with Ronnie."

This time it was Hyperion who darkened.


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