The slums are a rundown, old heap of a town tucked deep in the jungles, with townsfolk consisting mostly of poachers, black marketeers, thieves, and fugitives. While the ideal tourist spot, some travel to the Slums to make use of the black markets. (+2 Defense, +2 Speed)

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~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 12/23/2008 7:17 PM

(Can take a Human Form)

Rain pelted down, drumming light fingers on the roofs of buildings. Grey clouds swirled in the air, casting a dim light on The Slums. In the distance, shards of lightning splintered across the sky, and deep rumbling growls could be heard.

Light paws swiftly padded through the alleyways, a ghostly apparition maybe, as none saw anything but a sleek, black form drifting between buildings.
Yoru slowly padded through the muck, not minding that it splattered on his shiny black fur. He passed the Colosseum once, then twice as he searched, as he hunted.
For what, he wasn't entirely sure, he was told to hunt in the Slums.
You will know when you see it, they had said. And they had not said what kind of hunting, which was strange, as they normally specified what he was to do.

I guess, I can do what I like, Yoru contemplated, twitching an ear, then breaking out a sly grin.

He padded over to a small shack, sending out red tendrils, which curled around various limbs of timber and metal. Then tendrils tightened around the shack, then suddenly tore it apart.
The sound of shattering timber exploded in the air, and the dank smell of mold lingered.
The terrified resident, a small Albie, fled instantly. Yoru let it leave, Albies were no fun to 'play' with.

He cocked his head slightly, then padded off elsewhere.

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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2008 2:08 AM

Ew. Ew. Each step she took caused this word to run through her mind over and over again. Sure, she might have been a mudbelly lucain, but by no way did she enjoy suck muck that the streets of the Slums turned in to every time that the rain graced the earth. She held herself to a much higher standard than to run around in the mud like a fool. Maybe it was the angel that lie sleeping within her to recover, or maybe it was just that she had been raised better. Either way, the Slums weren't the place for this female.

Not the place and apparently not where she should be at the time either. As the wooden shack shattered and pieces either just fell to the ground or went flying, one struck her on the shoulder and caused her to let out a rather loud yelp and dash forward. She ran to no specific place. Just ran. Ryziss had no clue what had hit her and didn't even want to know.

Finally stopping, she was panting. The angel that she shared a body with was badly injured, and thus that injury took a toll on her at times as well. She usually got tired rather quickly.
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Re: Hunting in the Dark (Open)

Postby Redd » 12/24/2008 2:26 AM

His ear twitched. Was that a noise?

Curiously, he returned to the shack, now a messy fray of timber, mixed with the mud of the streets, and general refuse of the Slums. Sure, there was one set of footprints; the Albies. But a little further away, there seemed to be another, larger, canine. A small smile played on Yoru's face.

He lowered his nose down, tweaking it slightly at the smell and thinking it ironic that a Seraph of his status was now lurking around the Slums. The scent was Lucain, female. And that was all he needed to know, as he set of at a casual, but brisk pace, following the scent.
He had scared her, no doubt, but there was ways to bring her around. Surely, she would only need one look at him. Of course, perhaps she was the one he was hunting. He wouldn't know til he saw his quarry.

He casually rounded the corner, silently cursing the body of the dog he was stuck in. Here the smell was close, perhaps she had stopped for a rest. He stopped for a brief minute, to shake off the clammy wet rain that clung to his coat, giving his fur a wild, spiky appearance.

Up ahead.
He padded up slowly, acting like both; a hunter and to a degree a civil gentleman.
Luckily for his quarry, the Darkness hadn't messed with his head much, there was only enough time for them to plant a small amount of evil, before he had to go.
The girl was up ahead, panting, tired. Perhaps an easy target. Something was different. He could feel it the moment his deep blue eyes flicked over her.
He padded over, respectfully keeping his distance for now.

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And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2008 2:39 AM

Ryziss felt like just letting herself drop to the ground where she stood, but would not allow that of herself. Such grime... Finally catching her breath, she fixed her posture and gave a small shake of her head. What had she gotten so worked up over? It wasn't like she had almost died. If whatever had hit her was meant to kill her, she was sure it would have. It was just... well, she was in the Slums. That was enough to make anyone paranoid if they were somewhat sane.

Her ears twitched at the sound of paws striking through the mud and pulling back out of it. Someone, or something, was drawing near. Did these footsteps belong to the one that had caused her fright? Or, maybe that wasn't really caused by anyone at all. It was highly likely that whatever had struck her had just been some object that had fallen from its place and ended up striking her.

Her bright blue eyes finally noticed what had been coming her way and this somewhat calmed her nerves. Just another lucain. Nothing to worry about, hopefully. Unless this guy was looking for a fight... Just because they were the same species didn't mean that he would cause no harm. "Ah.... H-Hello?" her voice called out rather timidly.
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Re: Hunting in the Dark (Open)

Postby Redd » 12/24/2008 2:52 AM

Keeping at a respectful distance, Yoru's deep blue eyes lingered over the Lucain.
She was scared, something had spooked her. Was that him? Probably, he thought, smugly.
To her, he allowed himself a light smile.
"Hey there babe," He had tried to bite back that last word. Nevertheless, he continued, a slight growl edging his voice. "What brings you out here. The Slums is no place for a lady like you."

Something was... different? Odd maybe? He just got that funny feeling that more lay under the surface of this Lucain than what actually appeared. Was he supposed to get this one? The Dark Ones were never specific.

Boldly, he trotted closer to her, a bright, but devious grin on his face. "Surely you aren't alone out here. Tis quite dangerous to be alone if you can't fight." He added knowingly. He had assumed she had poor self-defence abilities, purely because she had fled. Of course, he wouldn't have bothered much if his tongue had offended her. There were plenty of ways to bring a lady (or a man, if he was game) around.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2008 3:03 AM

Scared? Well of course she was scared. For a moment back there she had thought something was going to attack her. This guy.. There seemed to be something odd about him. His words telling her she shouldn't be alone out here... Did that mean he was going to do something to her? She took a small step away from him, head lowering slightly.

"I'm... sort of just passing through. I was told this was a shortcut, so I figured I'd come through here..." As Yoru drew closer, she took another step back. There was no telling if this guy meant harm or if he was just advising that she get someone to travel with her. Part of her was screaming for her to run, and part was saying that he wouldn't lay a fang or claw on her.

"I'm sorry if this is your territory or something. I promise I won't be here long if you wish for me to leave." Oh yes. She'd gladly be out of this horrid place in a heartbeat. She'd prefer to go get a nice warm bath to wash all this crud off of her and then curl up by a nice warm fire.
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Re: Hunting in the Dark (Open)

Postby Redd » 12/24/2008 3:27 AM

He chuckled a bit. "It's not me you have to worry about love." He looked at her wistfully. "There are worse out there, trust me."
His eyes sparkled with a bright innocence, almost pleading her to trust him. Yet his sly, wistful smile let show a Darkness that lurked within.
For an instant, he was glad some of his innocent Seraphic features had passed off onto this Lucain form.

"My territory?" He queried, cocking his head and twitching an ear. "I have no territory. I roam as I please. But since your just passing through this way, how about I help you? What say you to that?" He glanced around before dubiously adding, "Unless you want to stay here."
So it was he who frightened the young lady so. He smiled to himself. She has some sense then, doesn't she?
He dipped his head respectfully taking a few paces back, so obviously taking into account her fear for this misbegotten, ruffled up lucain, himself.

His eyes flicked over to a puddle, trying to make sense of why he was repulsing her. So his fur was slightly longer and stood up like some wolf out of a fable, it was raining. But he did look quite scary, assuming a hunting like stance, and his sable pelt wasn't helping this situation.
Perhaps the Dark Ones weren't hunting for blood and flesh... maybe she it was this different vibe?
He would never know unless he became more familiar with her.

He relaxed slightly, pulling an apologetic face. Perhaps he should wind up a pretty fable about fighting off rabid Sahounds or something to calm her about his own appearance?

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2008 3:37 AM

It was hard to tell if she should relax or become even more worried when he said there were worse than him. That usually meant that he himself weren't a perfectly nice being either, so should she trust him? In part he seemed so innocent... but then a second look at him saw him as some scruffy Lucain that lived in the Slums and probably killed for a living or something.

Help her out though... He was proposing to help her get through here without any further harm. Was that a good idea, or bad? Her eyes glanced about the dark town for a moment before realizing that even if he wasn't harmless, he was her best option at getting through this place alive. Seemed he was also giving her some space even.

"Would you.. mind?" Ryziss had to admit, it would be rather nice to have an escort in hopes that she'd make it home to that nice warm bath she was wishing for. "Oh. Umm... I don't believe I caught your name, sir."

Looked like she was starting to warm up to him a tiny bit. Still paranoid, but doing well at restraining herself from running off again. Running would do her no good since she'd only have to stop to catch her breath, and then would be when something would catch her.
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Re: Hunting in the Dark (Open)

Postby Redd » 12/24/2008 4:01 AM

Yoru promptly plonked himself down on the ground and glanced around the area. This part was sheltered from the rain, and this little girl would have to watch her pretty coat when they decided to go out, if her attitude towards The Slums was anything to go by.

His smile expanded into a charming grin, as he asked her, "So, where was it you were off to babe? Up north, that-a-way, or down South, that way?" He waved at both directions respectively, avoiding her question about his name for now.

This girl didn't really know her luck, did she? He thought. She should be greatful I am not running her down right now trying to kill her, or openly hitting on her (well, more openly than calling her 'babe' and acting like a 'proper' gentleman, chauffeuring her about). Ah well, perhaps there would be time for that sort of fun later.

"My name is Yorutanekke, but since that is quite the mouthful, just call me Yoru." He said thoughtfully. Truthfully, he didn't like giving out his name, except to his devout followers. Made it too easy for him to be tracked and found.

All the stories
And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Hunting in the Dark (Open)

Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2008 4:09 AM

He... Sat down? In this place? She could feel herself mentally cringe. She wouldn't even sit down if they were inside a building in this town. Even if the floor was sparkling clean, Ryziss wouldn't trust it to be truly 'clean'. Probably something unseen on it or something.

Pushing that thought aside, the female realized she wasn't quite sure anymore which way she had been going. When she had darted at being hit, she wasn't paying attention in the least. "Do you... know which way Nu'san Temple is...?" she asked softly, hopping that he knew. Sure, he didn't really seem like someone that would spend all his time at a temple what with being here, but maybe he'd at least know.

"My name is Ryziss, by the way." Unlike him, she had no problem with giving away her name. Hopefully he just didn't know her sister. That would be the only downside to him finding out her name. She doubted he did though.
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Re: Hunting in the Dark (Open)

Postby Redd » 12/24/2008 4:29 AM

"Nu'san?" He cocked his head to one side, in thought, then gestured with his paw. "It's this way. It's quite a walk, especially for a girl like you, but I'll think we will make it."

Nu'san Temple. Well in truth it was a little bit of a walk. But Yoru preferred to drag things out, and the girl hopefully wouldn't even notice.
He had visited the Temple once or twice, but despite his celestial heritage, he wasn't a big fan of meditating. Yoru personally had a bone to pick with a few zealot monks there.

"Ryziss." He rolled the word off his tounge. "That's a pretty name." He commented, sitting up. His shaggy black, red and orange fur was still pristine. Another skill he had managed to stop his Elders taking off him.
He began to head out, beckoning the girl to follow.
"We best get moving. The storm is starting to lighten for a little and we don't want your pretty fur all wet." He stated, eyes sparkling kindly, mouth curved in a devious smile.
"So Ryziss, tell me a bit about yourself. It's a long walk, and I like to know people better. Helps me trust them. Y'know?"

All the stories
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Throw another of your right hooks
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Now you're hungry for the control
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2008 1:27 PM

Well, she had known it wasn't going to be the closest place in the world to the Slum, what with being a temple, but Ryziss was determined to make it there. She knew in her heart that it would be the perfect resting place for the slumbering angel.

As Yoru brought up the subject of the rain, she looked down at her paws. Disgusting. Covered in filth. Probably not all just mud either, considering where they were. It wasn't really the wet fur that she minded. Just... stepping in all that again.

Her strides kept her one step behind him, nose level with his shoulder. There was also about a foot and a half gap between the two walking Lucain. "There's... not much to know about me really. I'm not particularly close to either of my parents, my sister Kalsami hate me, and my brother is a doctor." She left out the part of 'A few nights ago I came across a mortally wounded Angel, and she now resides within me for the sake of living. At least until she is well enough to make it back to the heavens.'
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 12/24/2008 6:24 PM

Yoru padded out into the rain, shivering slightly as the light drizzle ran down his pelt, but greatful it kept the humidity at bay.
"Just look at the bright side love. That rain will probably keep your pretty pelt, pristine." Yoru commented, almost picking up on her disgust of the Slums. Nu'san was still quite some way. He didn't know who had told her the Slums were a shortcut. It would have been easier for her to traverse the Forests.
Perhaps he wouldn't let her get so far as Lamenolai.

"Then what brings a girl like you out here, to the Slums.. to Nu'san for that matter?" Yoru asked, feeling that something was kept hidden. And like all curious Lucain, he wanted to know.
He flicked his ear a little, cursing this cumbersome form. He would have loved to spread his ebony wings and take to the skies this very moment, to get out of the rain and above the clouds, yet he was walking in a dark wasteland, if you could put it like that.
Not that I probably don't deserve it. The Elders knew what they were doing. He thought.

Trying to keep his gloomy mood at bay for a little, for he needed the girl to trust him, he put a small smile on his face, as they walked. Then an idea struck him.
If it worked for Krypto, then it would work for her... wouldn't it? Krypto was a lot harder win her trust...
Yes. This little plan would work, he thought smiling more broadly now.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Kyrit » 12/28/2008 5:56 PM

Pristine... Well it was true that the rain kept most of her pelt nice and clean. Not her paws since they kept pushing back down in to the grime, but for the most part she was nice and clean. She doubted she'd smell too grand later. Whole 'wet dog' thing... but that could always be fixed.

Her ears pressed flat against her skull, eyes glancing off to the side as his question was formed. "Well... Someone I know is rather badly injured.. So I wanted to go to Nu'san to pray for her to get better. I figure the best place for such is to be at Nu'san. Maybe help the monks out a bit while I'm there too."

She slowly looked back toward him and continued, "I don't think I can live without her." All of this was true in a way. Ryziss would pray for the angel while she was there and she did infact believe that if the angel died while they shared a body, she would parish as well. Her body was weaker than usual so she knew it was the strain of the injured being within her.

"I don't know how long she'll last either, so I've been trying to get there as quickly as possible. I've gotten lost a few times though."
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 12/28/2008 10:25 PM

Yoru's paws padded lightly through the muck, ooze and whatever else lay to waste on the ground.
There were probably plenty of agreeable sorts of people living in here... theives, murderers, fugitives, although why people chose to live amoung such filth confused him.

Now, when Yoru was banished from the Heavenly Realms, he had managed to hold on to three of his powers; his trademark ability of being able to summon and manipulate to his will, a crimson ribbon-like substance, the ability to appear pristine clean (By stars, he didn't know why he had held on to that power), and the ability to summon an illusion.
In a situation like this, he wanted the girl to trust him. She was hiding something, that was obvious. He could feel something quite different, yet pretty familiar. Whatever it was, it was obviously lieing dormant, otherwise he would have known exactly what she was hiding. He was quite decent at noting hidden things by now.

"Well, it's lucky I found you then, hey?" He commented, his light smile widening a little. He concerntrated on a spot, forming a basic image in his mind. Carefully, he added detail, thought, sound, feel, intelligence and sight.
He then deposited the illusion around a corner, out of sight.
He had picked a Wood Werecain, as he had seen one sulking around a little earlier. The poor thing's pelt had been ratty, filthy and had hung off, like a fur coat around it's skinny lithe body.
He had taken that image and modified it. It's fangs jutted out of it's drooling mouth and it's blades were tainted with blood.
Despite being an illusion, this creature could do harm. It was very well real. He didn't control it anymore, he could only make it vanish.

Yoru stopped and sniffed the air. He grinned quite evilly for a second, then barrelled into Ryziss, and pressing her down on the ground, not particularly caring that she possibly could get her pelt dirty. "Stay." He hissed, ears flat against his skull.
There was a crunching of wood as the Werecain stepped forward.


All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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