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Postby Kyrit » 01/11/2009 1:13 AM

"Yeah... Pretty lucky..." Her words came out as barely more than a low whisper, her eyes downcast at the mucky ground below once again. It just seemed like there was something wrong with this picture. As if he was being far too nice for someone that lurked around this area. Maybe she was just being paranoid about everything since she was so worried about the angel. Or maybe it was the angel's senses making her paranoid. Maybe she was starting to get senses from them sharing the same body and this was a warning that she shouldn't trust this male lucain?

Her thoughts came to a dead stop as his body collided with her with a great amount of force. A yelp escaped her, all her breath leaving with it. And yuck! Now she had only the gods knew what on her pelt. Horrible muck that made up the streets of the Slums. She would have loved to yell out 'What do you thing you're doing?!', but her breath still had not managed to come back to her.

It wasn't long before she realized that he was actually protecting her as her ears perked forward at the sound of the wood splintering. What.. was going on?
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 01/19/2009 7:57 PM

Ryziss was right to act paranoid, for Yoru's civil behaviour was merely something put on, so he could find out the true nature of the girl. If this plan failed, then he would switch to plan B, something slightly more aggressive and forceful.

Yoru's eyes lingered on the growling, drooling Werecain that had now rounded the corner. His eyes lit up excitedly, almost like a little puppy's eyes does when it sees it's favourite plaything rolling around on the floor.
Yes, if Ryziss was paranoid, then she obviously had some common sense.

The only thing running through the illusion's mind, was to kill the girl. Raising it's ugly head, the Werecain squinted at the two figures before it.
A male lucain. A female lucian. Male is guarding female. They both die.
The Werecain made up it's mind. To get to it's target, it must destroy the other one.
The fur on it's back bristled and it stalking the two, hackles raised.

Without warning, it jumped. Yoru ducked as the creature flew over, he winced as one of the blades on it's tail caught his back. He laughed low and softly. The pain only reminded him of how mortal he was. Death and pain was very real to him, yet he danced along with death frequently with his illusions, sometimes barely knowing whether he was alive or dead, just for the fun of it. Oh yes, maybe Yoru was mad, but somehow it kept him half sane.

The Werecain landed heavily it was only a few feet or so from the girl and it had injured the male. Or so it seemed, as it peered over at Yoru who was faking a grimace and pretending to be injured. To the illusion his injury seemed very real.
Now onto the girl...

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Postby Kyrit » 02/08/2009 2:48 PM

The female's eyes widened as the Werecain rounded the corner, her body cowering under the slightly larger male Lucain. Why... Why was a Werecain after them? What was going on? Oh.. Right. The Slums. You didn't have to have a reason to get attacked. Someone could lash out at you for just being in their 'turf'.

As it jumped forward, she felt her body react by trying to huddle closer to the ground, even though the male was ontop of her, oddly protecting her with his own body. His own life.. Why would Yoru protect someone he had just met, barely knew a single thing about, with his own life? What if he got badly injured, or killed even, all for her sake?

Ryziss's ears flew up at the sound of his wince. "A-Are you alright? Why don't we just run? You shouldn't take on a Werecain!" Such a pure heart.. She didn't want him to endanger himself over her.
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 02/11/2009 7:29 AM

He raised his head and curled back his lip in disgust. The wound on his back was low and shallow, yes but out here it could quickly turn septic.
"I'm fine..." He said slowly back to her. "But unless I do something, he will seriously hurt both of us. Running won't do."
Concerned for his sake, the sake of a stranger? The girl would have been better off fleeing. Yet, he was in the same situation, meerly for curiousity and amusement. Things were getting quite drab around home.

There was a few ways to 'drive' off such a predator. Of course, it would have to be the way that didn't involve death, surely that would scare Ryziss into thinking she was in the company of a demon (and boy, he hated demons).
He pulled himself to full height, watching the Werecain with wary eyes as it circled the two, hackles raised and lips pulled back into a snarl.
Mentally, he noted that there was another alley, quite close and quickly assesed the distance.
"Stay back." He warned, before darting forward and pushing his full weight on the Werecain, heedless of the sharp daggers that arose from it's elbows and tails.
Together they crashed down the little alleyway out of site, then with a thought, Yoru dismissed the illusion, sending it's 'matter' back into whatever dimension he pulled it from.

He staggered to his feet, covered in scratches and gashes made from the Werecain's claws and blades. He was a sight, but hopefully his ruse had worked?

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Postby Kyrit » 03/04/2009 1:12 AM

When told to stay, that was exactly what she did. While she hated to let him fight the beast alone, she would have only been in the way had she tried to help him out. He seemed like he had spent a good bit of time here in the Slums, so that meant he probably knew a thing or two about fighting. Had he not, well he'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere or in the stomach of some beast.

Her eyes widened though as Yoru came back out of the alley with all those wounds. Wounds he had suffered for her... Within seconds she was at his side, almost seeming to nuzzle him for a second before moving to his side to look at how serious the injuries were. "We should have just run..." Ryziss spoke softly, nose brushing aside some of his fur before her tongue gently struck across one of the gashes to try to clean it off a bit.

"I... think I might be able to help with the wounds a bit. We need to get out of the streets though where we can be alone for sure." She wasn't sure if she could do it or not. It was her belief that she should have some sort of powers from the angel, including possibly healing, or at least a minor healing skill. It'd require focus though... and if she did manage to pull it off she wouldn't want anyone else to see.
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 03/11/2009 3:49 AM

He panted a little. Being mortal is such a drag. I never used to tire or get hurt like this. He thought viciously, his tongue lolling unceremoniously out of his mouth.
“Don’t worry about me... it’s not that bad.” He winced as her tongue moved across a particularly painful wound. Although he was a little... touched maybe? If his twisted mind could comprehend that. Obviously he did remember how he acted during his times as a Seraph... well sometimes.
“Run? He would have pursued us.” He paused.  “Why wouldn’t he? He was a savage beast who noticed two fine lucain wandering in his territory.” He tried to twist his head around to peer at a particular scratch on his back, but failed. Instead his eyes flicked upon Ryziss and he gave her an odd little smile. Flicking his head around he considered her request. “Most of these... houses? Shacks? Would be unused. We could probably poke around a bit.” He regarded her with sparkling eyes. “But really, it’s fine. It doesn’t hurt.”
Really, he was curious. Perhaps the girl had healing powers, angelic or celestial powers. If she did, he would be able to sense it, one kin to another. If it was nothing, then it was nothing, but if she had those types of powers, she was an angel, the descendant of an angel or somehow, hiding one within herself.

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Postby Kyrit » 04/03/2009 11:30 PM

Ryziss slightly nudged him in the direction of one of the old abandoned houses. "You lie..." she muttered, her ears hanging down against her skull for a moment. "You winced.. I know it hurts." She might not have been the most intelligent Lucain in the world, but she wasn't stupid either. Wounds like the ones he had would hurt. It might not have been a really bad pain, but there was pain there and she could detect it within his voice.

"Now come on. Get in there so we can get this taken care of." Once again she was gently nudging him, careful not to put any heavy pressure on his wounds.

'Are you awake...? I need to ask a favor of you....' Yoru wouldn't hear these words, as they were spoke to the angel that had been trying to slumber.
'I'm here... Ask away, young one.'
'Well... This Lucain got hurt protecting us... Do you think you could take care of him?'
She could hear a sigh within her, but the reply wasn't bad. 'Yes.... Just... Get him in the building soon.'
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 04/04/2009 12:27 AM

(OOC: You don't have to bother yourself about replying too much P: I'm just doing it cause I am procrastinating and avoiding my work? xDD)

"Okay... It hurts but I'm fine." He grumbled, nursing his bruised pride. "We should hasten on to the Temple... Not squander our energy of silly wounds."
True, he had gotten into worse scraps, but that was when he was immortal, and had all the celestial powers a Guardian Seraph could have.
"It was only a Werecain..." He growled softly. Next time... I'm going to have to use something a bit less spiky...
Yet despite all his growling and grumbling he listened to her and allowed her to lead him into the comforting darkness of the building. Yet he wasn't going to let her forget who was in charge so soon either.

He paced into the decrepit old building, made of naught but sheets of cheap metal and splintered wood. There were signs of some sort of life in here, but whoever lived in here appeared to be long gone.
Furniture was sparse, some old worn mat made of a plant material covered parts of the floor and there were a few beaten up stools lying around with large chunks taken out of it. In the corner of the room was a build up of the plant matter, probably used as a bed. The room practically reeked of poverty.

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Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2009 9:23 PM

Only a Werecain? How could he use the term only like that..? It was one thing to get attacked by another Lucain. Heck, getting attacked by a Kuhna would be something worthy of 'It was only a Kuhna'... but not a Werecain. Those weren't something to be fooling around with every day. They were like a Lucain on steroids or something.

Following in after him, the female Lucain was distracted for a moment by the condition of the place. It wasn't very sanitary, but it'd have to do for the time being. His wounds would be taken care of soon enough anyways, so she shouldn't have worried herself over it so much. 'I believe we're ready whenever you are...'

Her form dissipated in to nothing but light, not solid for the time and yet keeping to the form of the Lucain until it started to shift in to what appeared to be a more human figure. Time slid by and as the light started to fade a woman in her early twenties by her looks was knelt down, her left hand pressed firmly against her right side. Her pain clouded blue eyes looked over at the fallen seraph, forcing a smile. "Come over this way... I'm afraid I myself can't pull off much movement right now..." The white wings with mottled, purple tips that were a sign of what she was were tattered and looked horrible. Her soft blue hair that was pulled back in to a pony tail was starting to escape, stray strands hanging in front of her face. Had she been in better condition she'd like realize what he was and refuse the help that Ryziss had offered.
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 04/25/2009 6:08 AM

Yoru quickly suppressed a grin after he saw her reaction to his 'It's only a Werecain' comment. Seriously, this girl... cared about his wellbeing. Him. A stranger. A Fallen Seraph. One who could take advantage of her innocence and youth. She was playing right into his paw. It was only time now, before he could truly discover why the Dark Ones had sent him out to this god-forsaken place to 'have fun'. There was always a reason behind their directions. He would not have been told to 'have fun' in a place like the Slums, unless there was a good reason behind it. Heck, if he didn't have any tasks to do for a while, they would just tell him to jump off a bridge, or something similarly amusing for them.

After investigating the shack, Yoru swung around to see the transformation of Ryziss and it startled him quite a bit. His eyes relaxed to hide his initial shock, let the angel do it's work, and deal with it later.
"That's quite understandable," Yoru answered, his face keeping an even disposition, while he quickly scanned over her, trying to decide what to do. He moved on over towards her, his deep blue eyes lingering on her face. "Although how one like you sustained such injuries, astounds me."
There he went and let it slip that he recognized her kind. But would she see him for what he really was, a murderer, a betrayer, a... Fallen?
Who knew?

"What do you need me to do?" He asked, pulling his lips into a grimace as he checked out the 'graze' on his back again. Seriously, he hoped the wound wouldn't go septic... that would put a hold on a lot of things.

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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2009 11:10 PM

The fact he knew what she was went by relatively easy. Most people knew what an angel, seraph, or whatever you wanted to call them was, but they just hadn't ever seen one. Were her senses up where they normal were she would have been worried though, and really would have likely known what he was back when that Werecain had been made. "It's.. a long story. Sort of... betrayal I suppose you could say..." He'd be the second Fallen she knew in reality. The first was her very own sister, and in fact the one that had done this to her. Of course, she hadn't let the other get away without a few wounds of her own, although not as bad.

"Just... Stay still for a little while." Her voice was very weak, as if fading. Had she not had the host body of the female Lucain to slumber in she'd probably be a goner already. While most of her wounds weren't currently visible due to clothing, they would have killed a human within a matter of a few mere minutes.

One hand extended toward Yoru, for a second the woman almost falling over on him, but instead using his shoulder to stabilize herself. From there her hand moved back toward the gash on his back, beginning to glow. He'd feel a tingling sensation, the wound starting to close up a tiny bit as she used her powers to accelerate the rate of the skin's own healing process. When it was closer to a real graze her hand stopped glowing, the pale young woman falling over on her side, her hand sliding off his body to land next to her. Looked like he wouldn't be asking her any at this rate. Ryziss didn't even seem to be taking over yet. Still, at least his wound was gone for the most part. What wasn't was even shielded by her powers from dirt getting in to it.
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 05/04/2009 2:34 AM

"A betrayal..." He mused. "Something that I am very familiar with..." He looked at her again, taking her all in. Angels... so self-sacrificing. She was in so poor a condition, yet she was willing to risk a lot, just to patch up an injury on his back. For some reason he found that amusing. He had always loved the angels for their very giving, innocent natures, but know the idea sounded pathetic.

He gritted his teeth together as the odd tingling kicked in. It wasn't painful but oddly uncomfortable, like an itch that you could not quite scratch. He breathed out, and it was all over, well the worst of it anyway. He looked up at her, almost with tenderness and compassion in his big blue canine eyes. Then that expression was gone, replaced with a not-so-kind wistful and curious expression.
"Thank you for healing me." He drew his lips back into a snarling grin. "But, I have something else to ask of you."

Yoru released his canine form, dissipating into not light, as one would expect, but a dark void. Then immediately the darkness begun to clump together, in a humanoid form. Then it was all over. In the canines place, was a man in his mid-twenties, sitting on the floor. His clothing was made up of various different pieces of material in different shades of black and red and he wore dark yet simple jeans. Tattered bits of ribbon clung to his arms and around his neck and occasionally moved like they had a mind of their own.

His arm shot out and grabbed the angels wrist and more of the ribbon bound itself to her wrist, entwining him with her. Aah, so dramatic Yoru was. He could have easily done the same thing in his canine form. The ribbon was at his command in all of his forms but... y'know fangs weren't quite the same as a human arm.

"Now... do I let you live..." He asked, not really caring for an answer, his lips climbing into a dangerous grin. "Your clearly on the good side, yet I've promised to watch your host. Haven't I?"
He jerked his arm towards him, pulling the angel on the floor beside him. He liked to see who he was talking to, face to face.

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Postby Kyrit » 05/04/2009 2:37 PM

As the ribbons wrapped about her there was no movement made against them, no will to escape. Was she even breathing..? She didn't appear to be awake. Even as  she was roughly jerked over beside him there wasn't a single movement from the angelic woman's body. Her tattered wings folded together as they were drug along the floor, feathers leaving a trail from where she had fallen down to start with. A crimson liquid was starting to come forth, staining her clothes where she had been holding her side. The wound had been bandaged and had stopped bleeding for some time, but now with the rough movements it had been torn back open.

Her breathing finally came back now in ragged shudders, eyes very slowly opening back up. What a sorry state to be in when running in to her second Fallen. "Kill me..." there was a large pause as she tried to breath, which almost made it seem like she was begging for a quick death, until she managed to finish what she was saying, "... and she'll instantly die as well... If you wanted to kill me.... you should've found me.. before she did." Talking seemed to put a heavy strain on her body, seeing as how she was having a hard enough time breathing as it was.

"Our bodies are now physically bound... To kill one is to kill the other..." Her eyes closed against for the time being, hand very slowly moving over to grasp her side with a wince. "Although... maybe you'd be doing her.. a favor to end this.... She's only dragging herself in to despair by me being around..."
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 05/30/2009 3:47 AM

He wasn't going to kill her... yet. He had already decided that. Who knew if there were more like her, or those who might avenge her death. Most likely, neither was true, but something told this Lucain that, this angel would not be killed by his hand. And he always listened to this instinct as he was mortal, cautious and wary. That's why he had survived for so long, even though he had spent eons being immortal.
But what harm would there be in having a bit of fun first?

He brought his face low to hers, a demonic grin plastered to his face. "Rest easy. I won't kill you, or your Lucain friend." He whispered harshly. "But tell me, injured one why are you like this?"
He didn't specify what why was, because truth be told, he didn't know specifically. He wanted to know a lot of things. Why she was injured, why she was in a Lucain, why she was headed to the shrine, there were a great deal of things he wanted to know.

He glanced at the blood on the floor. Could she die of blood loss? That thought worried him slightly. Was there a way to heal her, or at least staunch the flow? He could create a seal with the red matter that he manipulated, but would that help?

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Postby Kyrit » 06/06/2009 1:09 AM

Avenge her death? Well there was certainly no one that would care to do that currently. She wasn't some grand being. Just a lower angel like so many others. The higher ups likely didn't even know she was gone. Just a drop of water missing from the puddle supposedly. Well, that was how she saw it at least. Maybe someone would want to avenge Ryziss's death... but not hers. And even from what she had learned about the female Lucain, the only being that particularly cared anything about her was her sister... and all she 'cared' for was to kill her. That's how the fallen angel that had done this to her ended up in the body of Ryziss's sister.

Oh great.... It wanted to talk to her. Why should she tell him why she was like this? Trying to force herself in to a sitting up position, she seemed to only make the pain worse. "If you're not going to kill us you should just be on your way. You have no business with me unless you know Kalsami." The blood flow had slowed, but so far it still wasn't stopping.

"She was foolish for trusting some random Lucain out on the streets, even if he acted like her knight in shinning armor." One hand was pressed on the floor, trying to push herself to her feet, as the other clutched at her side to try to keep enough pressure on it to stop the bleeding. That didn't help much with how much she kept moving though. The blood couldn't harden and stop flowing before she'd move and cause more to flow through. "If you're only going to ask questions I'm leaving..."
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