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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 07/12/2009 7:24 AM

So the little angel wasn't going to answer his questions. Too bad he was Fallen, if he weren't he'd get his answers easy, being her superior in the Order.
She was right on one thing. Getting Ryziss's trust was too easy, all he needed to do was throw a Werecain mirage at her, earn a few gashes and he had her trust. Maybe it wasn't complete but it was something.
But would she remember this?

"Then I have no reason to talk to you. I do not know any Kalsami." He paused, thinking then threw another question at her, purely rhetorical, but he wouldn't mind knowing the answer. "Who might she be?"

He pushed her away with a small growl, releasing the Angel. He had grown bored of this small talk and had to think of something fast.
Something clicked just then. They were headed to Nu'san weren't they... but why? He hadn't quite caught that, maybe it was to do with the Angel?
"So you're headed to the Nu'san Temple." He stated. Hopefully it was meaningful to the Angel. "Does that have anything to do with you? 'Cause... I can get you there. Just depends if you agree to what I say and if it has anything at all to do with you?"
Hopefully that'd catch the girls interest. Otherwise, he'd do his thing, and leave them both here in the Slums, and both knew how good Ryziss was at surviving on her own.

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Postby Kyrit » 08/27/2009 1:32 AM

Now that he had fully released her, the seraph woman managed to slowly pull herself to her feet. Her legs were trembling, barely able to support her at this point in time, and while one arm dangled at her side, the other was still keeping her hand pressed tightly at her side. At least she had managed to gather the strength to stand. Didn't seem as though he'd be walking anywhere any time soon though.

"I have no reason to tell you who that wretched witch is." The bleeding had almost fully stopped by now, what with how she had finally stopped squirming around. Blood that had yet to dry leaked between her fingers to land in the puddle of blood surrounding her. It was a lot similar as to how she had viewed herself moments ago. Just a single drop at a time.

"Yes... We do happen to be going to Nu'san. Why should I trust you to get me there though, even if I tell you anything you wish to hear? You already told  Ryziss that you would help her, yet here you stand in our way." Well, if he was going to give her a reason to agree to whatever he wanted, he had probably do it fast. There was no way for him to know if the Lucain could hear their talk or if she would take the place of the angel were the woman to pass out. Maybe it would be a lot easier if Yoru just went off on his own. Would he really leave the helpless Lucain there if that were to happen though? "I don't see how I can trust any of your words, fallen one."
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 09/27/2009 5:04 AM

Yoru fluidly rose to his feet at the same time as the angel. Noting her condition, he decided to take some advantage of it, securely wrapping one arm around her waist to support her, but pressing her into the corner of the room.

"Then do not tell me." He growled. "I do not give a damn."
In reality, yes he did care- if any business involved some sort of divine being such as an angel, Fallen or no, he made it his business to care.

"You don't have to trust me angel." Yoru spat, his temper wearing thin. "The girl trusts me enough, and so far... I haven't done anything bad to you, now have I? All I've wanted is a little chat. It's a pity you've seen me for what I am though- a Fallen Seraph."
The fact that she recognised him as a Fallen, posed some worry for him- what if she told others? That would be pretty disastrous, but he wasn't too intent on killing others, unless he was truly insane... Or if it were Krypto or Alanah- to him, they should expect no mercy from him, or his followers.
It was only recently that Yoru had Fallen, it would still take a long time to shake off the eons that he had been working for.
But... He'd put off that thought until he was certain she was actually going to leave.
He sighed, with some anger. "Well, if you haven't already noticed I'm quite ready to head back over to Nu'san."
He'd probably have to put off trying to figure out what she was, who she was and what significance Nu'san had to her, once they'd actually reach the Temple itself.

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Postby Kyrit » 10/07/2009 5:55 PM

Under different conditions, she would have been grateful for the support of the arm around her waist. Being pressed in to a corner though? Certainly not. It meant there was no easy way to escape from him if he wished to cause her any harm. There was nothing she could do about it though, so she didn't try to pull herself free and escape.

Letting out a small sigh, Ryziss closed her eyes. "Fine. I'll allow you to escort us to Nu'san. Bring any harm to my host though and you'll find yourself regretting it greatly." What else could she do? Getting out of the Slums in either form alone would only become a disaster. The Lucain didn't know how to fight, and the angel was far too beaten to be able to protect her host.

"I'll tell you what you want... but not until after we get there." Her body was starting to slump down slightly, probably now only held up by Yoru's support. Clearly once they started to head out, she'd have to switch form once again, even if she didn't want her host hanging around the fallen.
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 11/30/2009 3:56 AM

The Seraph-Lucain regarded the woman shrewdly, before gingerly moving, so she wasn't backed into the corner so. Something about her had struck a chord of pity in his heart- her condition reminded him of sometime after he once fell.
He had been full of life, arrogance and he still felt invincible. Unfortunately he wasn't and some hotshot angel decided that taking the head off the newly Fallen Seraph would be a good idea.
Yoru had barely escaped with his life, but the Seraph had found a new source of amusement and a new fun way to gamble.

Sharply he brought himself back to reality, with some amusement. What would Cam say to his moment of weakness? He'd probably chastise him for being a sentimental fool or something like that. It was wierd... Ruihn, his kid brother couldn't make him feel pity, as hard as he tried, but some Angel who had lost her way could. This could perhaps make their trip to Nu'san all the more interesting, right?

Her threat did bring a wry smile to Yorutanekke's face. What could she do? In her current condition, she couldn't even walk properly. "Fine, I'll escort you both to the Temple. I've satisfied my curiosity... for now." Boy, he did like messing with peoples minds.

"Can you hold your own? Or shall we both forgo these human forms?" Yoru asked, flicking a few strands of ebony-black hair out of his face.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
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Postby Kyrit » 01/02/2010 8:23 PM

(Gasp! A reply. xD; )

It was greatly appreciated when Yoru moved slightly. When cornered one could feel nothing but the desire to escape, impossible as it was. That was why a cornered animal would lash out. They would only attack until there was an opening to escape and would then dart for that. The angel wasn't planning on attacking him, considering she didn't have any strength in reserve to do even that much, but still being cornered made her feel as if her wings were to be torn from her so she couldn't ever escape.

"Ah.. I'd much rather travel like this so as not to allow your to taint her... but I'm afraid that I wouldn't last much longer if I did so." As he had already commented, Nu'san was quite a ways off from the Slums. Not to mention the only place to rest between the Slums and Nu'san would be Lamenolai. It would be a good place to rest, what with being the head quarters of the Purists, and possibly there she would be able to take control again. They would probably need to stop there for the night to rest after all. Could expect the female Lucain to travel all the way to Nu'san without rest.

"Once we arrive in Lamenolai I will pay for a hotel room for the night. It is up to you if you would like a different room than us." She was trying to keep in control as long as possible, but her body was beginning to tremble. It obviously wouldn't be long before she reverted back to the Lucain. "If you do sleep in the same room as us, I must warn you to keep your distance from Ryziss as she sleeps. She may not show it, but she's walked a long ways already and is tired herself. I don't want you laying your filthy hands on her."

Though it was possible that she might have had something else to say, she didn't get the chance. Wincing, her eyes closed and her body went limp against his. Much like the earlier transformation, her body seemed to become weightless and nothing but light as it shifted forms. When the light disappeared, the female Lucain was asleep on the ground. She probably wouldn't be too hard to wake once he was ready to go though.
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 01/05/2010 7:01 PM

Yorutanekke loved power-plays as much as the next bully, it felt self-satisfying to make sure people knew that he was the powerful one and that he was in charge.

"Taint her? I cannot change who I am, nor can you. We are what we are. You purify, I taint." Yoru eyed the woman. "That's what makes us enemies. But I choose to help you out of curiosity, not pity."
But what was interesting was that the Angel didn't tell him to leave them alone once they got to Lamenolai. Ryziss could have easily got another escort there. Not that the Lucain-man would have listened.

As for the room arrangements, dear Xai're, she was a nag wasn't she? What was she, her mother? He almost laughed, but wisely held it back. He just watched her as she spoke, the expression on his face was of one who was listening, but not really paying any attention and as the lecture ended, he too shifted back into a Lucain form, but when he shifted it was not of light but of a dark void.

"Ryziss?" Yoru moved over to the sleeping form and nudging. "We better get moving? I'm all healed up, but it took longer than it was supposed to and it's getting darker."
And he was back to his old sweetened up self~

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Postby Kyrit » 03/02/2010 1:09 AM

Lucky for Yoru, or rather not luck so much as convenient, Ryziss knew nothing of the conversation that went on between the angel and the fallen one. The moment her form had changed, her 'body' took the chance to get what little rest it could. There had been extremely little chance for rest and there still wouldn't be until they at least reached Lamenolai. As the male Lucain called her voice, her eyes slowly began to open. As tired as she was, she knew how important it was to keep moving as long as she could.

Forcing herself to her feet again, Ryziss looked over at him with a soft smile. "Sorry if I kept you waiting." The truth of the matter was that she wasn't sure if he had let her sleep for a while first or if she hadn't heard his voice for a while even. "I'm ready to go as well." with those words she headed toward the door, still slightly groggy.

(Whenever you'd like, we can start the next RP in Lamenolai. o 3o Well, if you want to continue it? Also, sorry this post is kinda short. Mainly just tying it up so they can go.)
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Re: ~::Hunting in the Dark (Private)::~

Postby Redd » 03/05/2010 11:47 PM

(Just gonna get a last post in here too~ =3 Uh... Well I'll get my 5 posts in with Shrewd, then we'll start? If you want~)

Yoru flashed Ryziss a disarming smile. "No, no. Not at all." He replied. "Your little friend only just disappeared."
He paused, wondering if he had made a mistake saying that. Smoothly he kept on talking. "Seems like that Werecain did more damage than I first originally thought."
He did a little show of glancing back at the former cuts and grimacing, before walking over to the door with her, carefully making sure that she wasn't going to topple over or anything on him.

To make it through the Slums at night... they'd have to set up a fast pace. For Yoru, that would be easy, especially with intense curiosity driving him, but with Ryziss, he was a little more concerned. She'd be alright though; well at least for now. With such curiosity, he wasn't going to let anyone else harm the girl at all.

All the stories
And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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