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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 12/19/2009 2:20 AM

The smell of kettle corn and caramel apple, along with other delightfully sweet foods danced at the Yonyuu's nose. Soon, rays of light began to creep through the small holes of the tent, indicating the sun was rising and it was morning. Zephyr opened his mouth as he let out a yawn, smacking his lips together as he did so. His eyes slowly opened, and his brows furrowed, the light hurting his head a moment. "Morning already?" He whined quietly, as he arched his back and stretched his wings out and spread his toes. He then folded his wings back and lightly shook his body, taking a seat back in the bed.

His eyes traveled over to the Bleeder, next to him and stared at the creature a moment, wondering if he should wake him. After a minute of thinking, he gently lowered his head and slid his muzzle under the Bleeder's little body and nudged him gently. "Wake up..." He said in a low voice, pulling his head back up and licking his maw.  
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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Rabid » 12/19/2009 3:07 PM

Antares let out a weak groan as he felt something cold and wet lifting him a bit. He opened one glowing white eye and looked up at the hungry-looking yonyuu. He began to panic, but as soon as the glowing canine spoke, he remembered where he was and why he was with the much larger creature. He let out a breath he didn't even knew he'd been holding in. He then stretched, letting out a creepily adorable yawn. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, noting that all the others were waking up as well, most of them filing out for breakfast. He looked to the yonyuu for guidance, since he was still quite afraid of this new environment.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 12/19/2009 4:45 PM

Zephyr watched as Antares awoke, taking note of his surroundings and stretching. The Yonyuu let out another yawn and stood up, bringing his gaze onto the Bleeder once more. "C'mon, let's go eat." He suggested as he lifted the smaller creature up and placed him on his back. Zephyr then proceeded to trot the opening of the tent, stopping as he stepped out. The air was crisp, and it immediately woke the canine-like creature up. "What do you suppose they're going to have us do?" He questioned, his warm breath clinging to the air like smoke. The Yonyuu's eyes followed the Circus crowd, noting that most of them were headed for one tent. He assumed that was where the food was, so he began heading toward the medium sized tent.    
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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Rabid » 12/19/2009 4:57 PM

The bleeder huffed as he was placed onto the furred stone of the yonyuu's back. He could've done that on his own! He did appreciate it though, despite the fact that he denied it even in his head. Pride is such a poison, is it not?

Antares shrugged at the yonyuu's question, but realized Zephyr couldn't see his movements. I haven't got a clue. He said, watching the other performers as they melded into the crowd. They must be a couple of misfits, looking at this crowd. Really, there were some freaky critters here! He was relieved once they reached a decent-looking stand. There wasn't the slightest trace of a greasy scent here, and there appeared to be delicious food cooking. Not to mention, it was a buffet! How can you top that? I don't think you can. The bleeder hopped onto the counter, grabbed a dessert plate - the regulars were too big - and dumped various foods onto the plate. He was amazed that no one else was here. It didn't occur to him that they might not have been supposed to be here...

Gentlemen! He almost let out a loud squeak as the slynx padded up to them, a grin on his face. I trust you slept well? Antares gave a weak nod. Good! Well, have nice breakfast, eh? Please, visit the old fortune-teller once you're done. She needs some company, and you need an initiation. Mutual benefits, no? He gave them a small bow before he grabbed his plate - how did he manage to fill that while talking so entrancingly? - and headed back to his office. The bleeder felt a chill run down his spine, but ignored it. He carefully returned to Zephyr's back with his food and looked around, wondering which of the colorful tables they'd end up at.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 12/21/2009 2:28 AM

The Yonyuu tensed up as he heard a loud voice behind him. His muscles relaxed as he realized it was just the Slynx. Zephyr cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes sir, thank you." He replied, nodding slightly. He listened intently as the Slynx spoke, nodding every now and then. "Alright, will do." The Yonyuu did as the bleeder did and bowed his head. He watched the smaller creature pack his small plate full of food. Food that smelled absolutely delicious. It couldn't be for them. But the Slynx didn't seem to mind them there. Licking his maw, Zephyr grabbed his own plate, very carefully between his jaws. This took effort as he began to place various foods onto his plate. Once satisfied, he again delicately held the plate between his jaws, attempting to balance the food on the plate.

His eyes searched for a table, and once he spotted a free one, he quickly made his way for it. Setting his plate on the table, he heaved a sigh of relief that he had made it without dropping a single bit of food. The Yonyuu then allowed the Bleeder upon his back to hop onto the table, before hopping up on one of the chairs. There were two other creatures at the table, a Venom Serraptor and a Hollow  Sygriff. They had been chatting away, but once the two sat down, they quickly quieted down and ate their food in silence. All through the meal, they'd both look up at the Yonyuu and the Bleeder, and then give each other looks. Zephyr watched this with curiosity, wondering what they had been talking about. Once he finished his food, he proceeded to throw away his trash and wait for Antares to finish.    
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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Rabid » 12/23/2009 1:23 AM

Antares ate as fast as he could without hurting himself, wanting to get away from the other pair as soon as he possibly could. Their glances made him uneasy, like he was some sort of prey. Of course, he felt like that whenever just about anything larger than him looked in his general direction, but that wasn't the point. As soon as Zephyr stood for them to leave, he leapt onto the yonyuu's back without the slightest sign of hesitation. He shivered as he felt the duo's stares burning into his back, and was relieved that the yonyuu seemed to have a similar disposition towards them.

~cue superhero transition sounds~

The bleeder stared uneasily at the fortune-teller's tent. It looked friendly enough, but he got bad vibes from the place. Still, they had to go in if they wanted to stick with the rest of this group. At least, that's the message he got from the slynx. He gulped as they headed in, wary of what would happen next. And he almost peed all over Zephyr's back at the sight of blue flames as soon as they entered. The jewel kasuga that carried the flames seemed to grin at his unease, though she had to muscles to smile with.

Why, hello there young sirs. Her voice echoed like the rattling of bones into his ears. It sent chills up and down his spine just thinking about the fact that her voice certainly wasn't echoing off the walls of the cloth tent. You've been sent for your initiation, correct? Antares was too frightened to even nod.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 01/17/2010 1:11 AM

Zephyr padded up to the tent, nosing the flap open with his muzzle as he poked his head through. His eyes searched the inside, it was filled with all sorts of mystical items, things he had never seen before. Some of it was downright creepy. As he heard the fortune tellers' voice, he slowly stepped in. His ears swiveled forward and he nodded, clearing his throat. "Yes m'am. I'm Zephyr, and this and Antares." The Yonyuu kept a smooth tone as he spoke to the lady behind the table.

"What do we have to do to be...initiated?" His brows furrowed lightly as he asked this. He was rather curious as to what this was...Why did they need to be initiated? As he waited for an answer, his eyes did a quick but thorough scan of the room, once more.There was something he didn't like in here. Maybe it was just because voodoo type things creeped him out.
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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Rabid » 01/17/2010 12:48 PM

The bare skull moved up and down in a creaking nod.

It's nothing big. Nothing to fear. Come, come. She gestured that they follow her, even though she wasn't really going anywhere. She took a few steps and sat behind a crystal ball. Of course.

Antares hesitantly watched as they neared. What was going to happen. She still had that eerie not-grin on her... Skull? She didn't exactly have a face... He hopped onto the table once they were near enough, allowing Zephyr to sit as he pleased on the pillows - the seer had no chairs.

Now, young sirs, I need you to touch the crystal. Doesn't matter what with, so long as it's an actual part of you. She touched her skull-nose to the crystal, so Antares figured it couldn't end too badly if he did something similar. He placed a tiny reptilian hand to the sphere, although quite warily.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 01/17/2010 5:46 PM

Zephyr did as he was told, following her slowly. He watched as his reptilian companion hopped onto the table. Zephyr took a seat on a large purple pillow, bring his tail to wrap around his paws. He watched the seer carefully, intrigued as she brought out a crystal ball. His head cocked to one side a moment. How cliche. As she told them to touch it, he watched as both the seer and Antares touched it. Hesitantly, the Yonyuu moved his muzzle toward the crystal ball. Once his nose was inches away from it, he stopped, staring at it a moment, as if contemplating if he should really touch it.

 Finally, after a couple of seconds, Zephyr placed his cold nose onto the crystal ball. He braced himself for whatever was about to happen. He was half expecting for some voodoo spirit to pop up and surround them, or the table to move. He pushed those thoughts aside and swallowed, waiting to see what really was going to happen.
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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Rabid » 01/17/2010 6:32 PM

A chill ran down Antares' spine as he felt... something flowing into him. He wanted to pull his hand away, but he couldn't. He was going to tell the seer to stop whatever she was doing, but his voice caught at the sight of her eye sockets, which were glowing purple. Not even angelic white or deathly black, but vivid purple. Weird. She said something - he didn't know what - and something seemed to seep into the ball, pooling at the bottom, like fluid. As this happened, he felt himself growing weak, but he was frozen, unable to even droop his eyelids. He watched as a seafoam green fluid pooled on one side of the globe and a dark cyan on the other side. Odd, it looked like an invisible force was keeping them separate. He realized with a terrified squeal that never left his body that the fluids were oozing from where he and Zephyr were touching the crystal.

A purple fog moved in - the same color as the seer's glow - and it hovered above the two fluids. Suddenly, the fluids stopped as well as the fog. The two fluids began to hover, causing the fog to do the same... Or was it the other way around? He felt a jolt as the two fluids slammed into each other and the fog burst out of existence. It was as though it had slammed a couple of heads together. But it didn't stop. The fluids mixed, then separated. They were slammed back into each other, and Antares felt another jolt. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't exactly enjoyable either. The two were slammed together once more, and Antares blacked out at the impact.

The seer pulled away from the globe and looked at the two unconscious creatures. The deed was done. She padded to her quarters to prepare for the masses that were sure to arrive, allowing the two to be "escorted" back to their beds. Boy, would they be in for a shocking experience once they awoke! Which wouldn't be for another day, if she figured right; that took up a lot of energy to accomplish, for sure. She let out a dark chuckle as she heard their unresponsive bodies being dragged away through the dirt.

... Well that was fun. o3o And we need to talk wolves, womun. -pokes- But that's a convo for dA. xD

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 02/16/2010 11:28 PM

Zephyrs' eyes widened as he watched the Seers eyes begin to glow. He tried to pull away, but he suddenly felt like something was pushing him and keeping him there. His heart pounded as his startled eyes glanced around the room. It was the only part of his body he could move. What was happened? Suddenly there was some sort of liquid oozing from where the two touched the crystal ball. Zephyr began to panic, wanting to move but not being able to. He moved his gaze to his smaller companion to see the same terrified look on his face that Zephyr had. Once they were slammed together for the last time, Zephyrs' body collapsed to the floor.

The Yonyuu awoke with a jerk, jumping up and stumbling to the floor, feathers floating everywhere as his wings ruffled. He soon realized he was back in the tent, where he and Antares slept. He stood up shakily and looked around, dazed and confused. Did all that really happen, or was it all just a really vivid dream? He suddenly realized his head was pounding, and his stomach was growling. He wearily moved back to his bed and collapsed, feeling weak and dizzy. As he lay there, he tried hard to remember exactly what had happened, and make sure he was really awake. Antares, what about him? The Yonyuu lifted his head slowly and looked to the side. The bleeder seemed to be sleeping soundly. Zephyr wondered how long they had been out. He dropped his head with a loud sigh. He was so hungry, but he was too tired to move. He felt like he hadn't slept in days, which of course was wrong.
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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Rabid » 02/16/2010 11:38 PM

Antares opened his eyes to a blurry, noisy world. He rubbed at his eyes, attempting to clear his vision. His head was pounding rapidly to match the beat of his panicked heart. He could still feel adrenaline in his veins. Perhaps nothing had actually happened. He glanced over at where Zephyr was, noticing that his companion looked just as exhausted as the bleeder felt. He felt a punch to his gut at the thought that they would both feel horrible. Maybe it was just a coincidence? Yes, that had to be it - coincidence.

What a nightmare. He muttered. He gave a feeble attempt to sit and stretch, but everything ached and burned; it felt like he'd done an extreme full-body workout the previous day. He let out a pained groan as someone entered, allowing light to enter the tent. As quickly as the presence had appeared, it was gone, as well as the light. He let out a light sigh of relief; he really didn't want to be bothered when he was in such agony. Honestly, would anyone want that?


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 02/16/2010 11:58 PM

There was small movement next to Zephyr. His ears flickered as he painfully shifted his body so that he was facing his small companion. "You look like crap..." He muttered, a small smile tugging at his maw. "I feel like crap...Do you...Do you remember what the hell happened? Or...Was I dreaming?" His facial expression was more serious now as he flattened his ears against his cranium.

It had to be a dream, none of that was real...Was it? His mind raced, which made his head pound more. It felt like his brain had a heartbeat. "Owwww." He murmured, bringing his paws over his head and closing his eyes. "Damnit, I feel like someone bashed my head into a brick wall." He let a quiet whimper escape his maw and for a moment he felt like a little puppy and wanted to be snuggled.  
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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Rabid » 02/17/2010 12:08 AM

Please tell me they slipped something into our food. The bleeder whined. He'd much rather be crazy than have had something so bizarre actually happen. Likewise. He replied to the 'brick wall' comment with a groan. Odd, it seemed that he was in even more pain now. Suddenly he felt very warm, but he refused to open his eyes and investigate; he feared that if he did, this soft, comforting warmth would leave and he'd keep hurting. Well, he still hurt, but the warmth blocked it out.

Little did the bleeder know, his body had seemingly moved of its own volition; he had crawled across the boundary between the two beds - if one could call them that - and given the canine a hug, though his miniscule size kept it from being painful... Hopefully. His body had then chosen to stop moving at that point, leaving him hugging Zephyr. All had occurred unbeknownst to Antares, somehow; voodoo, perhaps?


*wiggly eyebrows* °3°

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .Like the UNholiest dream. [Private, I'm afraid]

Postby Jinx » 02/17/2010 12:20 AM

The Yonyuu felt something small around his body. He opened his eyes to see Antares...hugging him? He moved his paws from his head and cleared his throat. "...You uhm...okay there, buddy?" He awkwardly wrapped one paw around the small Bleeders' body, gently patting his bony figure. That was weird...He simply thought he wanted to be snuggled and then Antares hugs him? Zephyr was silent as he slowly sat up, breaking their 'hug'.

"Okay, Okay...Wait just a second." He brought one paw up to his skull and closed his eyes. He was beginning to wonder what that Seer did to them. "Something weird is going on here..." He said as he opened his eyes back up and looked to the Bleeder. "I just-You...I don't know." He growled in frustration brought his body back to the ground.

Short. |D
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