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Postby Redd » 07/26/2009 3:43 AM

They were almost well and done. There wasn't much more to do here. One question that stuck to Xest's mind however, was 'what was going to happen after all this?'
Probably not much. Then Xest and Clone would leave... but they'd keep in contact- that was what friends did... wasn't it? Or had he been misinformed?
Xest still hadn't grasped the whole friend-thing yet.

There was a brief moment of hesitation from Xest, as Clone moved her hands up his neck but he quickly caught on to what was happening. Not a moment later, his own red flames danced up, licking at their legs and at the neon green light. Xest leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around Clone- as if to kiss her but then kicked up his red flames to engulf himself and Clone- feeling it was the right moment to do so, and hoping Clone would do the same.
In the split seconds that they were hidden, Xest raised an eyebrow and shot an odd little smile at Clone.

Then abruptly Xest threw the flames out in a multitude of directions, but they fizzled out pretty quickly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the woman who he had played a prank on earlier give him a suspicious look, but he paid no heed to it. He was all about the performance and ending this song, but he quickly glanced to Clone to see what she had in mind, so he could quickly improvise on the spot.

(OOC: o-o Yeah, vague~ Can you tell I'm not too familiar with writing these kinds of things? 8D )

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Re: Another night of clubbing <private>

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/14/2009 11:45 PM

Yes, yes.... Their minds were right on track with one-another. Good. Very good. Clone had to fight down a smile, focusing on her pose... her face. It would all be believed. Of course, when the moment was right, when Xest's flames began to rise around them, so did her dancing lights. Together, the colors blended up around them, clouding them from sight in a brilliant glow. When she was free to do so, Clone also gave Xest a smile. They were both smiling in that brief instant. Then the light coverage was to be out.

The flames shot out, as did her light. Only, the lights kept going, and shot through the crowd without harming them. When they came to the walls, they would finally fizzle out. But neither would see this, as the Meji-woman was ending this one with a simple pose. She spun before anyone could see, back-to-back with the Kuhna-man, her declared friend.

One....two... Some of the crowd instantly broke out clapping, some others looked on in a resentful manner. Either way, the party was shaken up, and that was all she intended.

Quickly as she came, Clone shouted a "Thank you," snatched up Xest by the wrist, and off she dragged him, back through the crowd.
"Now wasn't that fun!?" she asked, bobbing and weaving through-out the crowd to make way to any open table.

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Postby Redd » 08/15/2009 1:47 AM

Xest took a deep breath of relief, glad his... 'ordeal' was over. But that thought was barely out, before Clone shouted out a thanks to the crowd, before she grabbed his wrist and dragged him through the crowd.
"Fun? Are you insane woman?" Xest raised his voice over the growing noise of the crowd and playfully stuck his tongue out at her. "That was like... scary as man!"

He was only partially telling the truth. Yes, he had been a bit nervy and he never sang in front of crowds, but the whole experience was fun- an innocent sorta fun. He didn't experience that much at all.

When they reached the back of the crowd, Xest put on a bit of speed into his stride, so that he was leading Clone; he had spotted a table towards the back, near the bar- and it was pretty close to their old table too.
"Ahh~ You really don't know how much being in front of people shakes me up, do you?" Xest gave a shaky laugh. Indeed, he was all tensed up and his lil heart (yeah, he did have one) was racing in his chest, at like a million miles per hour.
Yes, all he wanted to do was sit down right now.

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/13/2009 10:20 PM

Clone could only laugh at Xest's reply, and quite loudly as well. It was all in good humor, at least. Yes, yes, in fact, she was an insane woman. She had to be insane, to some notable degree, to be whom she was as well as to do what she did. Of course, now was not the time for that. This Meji was just straight-up weird, nothing more needed to be known.

Aparently, Clone didn't know that the Ancient Kuhna-man was afraid of being in front of crowds. In the alternate world that she spoke of, wherever it was that she knew Xest from, he'd never acted like he was really afraid of anything. Well, maybe he was afraid of Neon, but that was completely reasonable, especially since that Neon was much worse than the one of this world. But crowds? Why would she ever guess he'd be afraid of that? He was a flashy womanizer, after all.

But she did allow him to lead her around, and back to a table. She settled down in one of the chairs when she arrived, and she could only smile. "Would you like a drink, Xest?" She offered. She was willing to pay for a drink for him, considering she was the one that dragged him into that little event.

But, before she could say such, someone slammed their hands down on the table, "Hey, were you really going to have all this fun without me?!"


Standing before them now, leaning with her hands on the table, was a young woman with black hair, yellow-green eyes and blaring, hot pink eyeshadow. On her face was a smile, though it was a bit of a smirk. "Especially with a guy like that," she glanced in Xest's direction only breifly, before looking at Clone and continuing, "Weren't you gonna share?"

"Don't be rediculous! Why would I ever share?" Clone replied, chuckling again. "Xest, this is a friend of mine, Invidia. Invidia, Xest."


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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby Redd » 09/27/2009 4:27 AM

In a way, it was unnerving for the Kuhna-man to stand in front of a crowd, it wasn't the attention that bugged him, rather he soaked up attention. It was just the fact that he was up there. Generally he hung at the back of the crowd, and the only time he didn't mind being in the spotlight, was if he were dancing or trying to show off- yet that wasn't so different from what had just transpired. It just was... Different.
It wasn't fear, it just rattled him up a little. No he didn't fear- but he hadn't met Neon for real yet, had he?

"Dear Zu'hai, something like that would be nice." He laughed. "Only if it doesn't both-"
Xest was cut off midsentence by a 'new arrival' at their table, and almost immediately his face settled into a similar smirk. It was like they said- old habits die hard (not that Xest was ever considering changing).
"Hey there, nice to meet you Invidia." Xest gave an odd wave from where he sat, before playfully adding, "What kinda friend is she? Not some crazy woman like you, I hope."

So this Lucain-girl was a friend of Clones? Maybe he should just watch himself this evening if her friends were involved. Normally, the idea of someone unusual sparked an interest in him, but... This was Clone, and naturally he was wary of anything the girl did. Clone was unusual in her own right. She could freaking explode for goodness sake, what kind of normal person did that. Plus, she claimed to know him from somewhere else... Yes, anything that was even remotely concerning her, would naturally be treated with caution. It wasn't a bad thing though.

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/27/2009 3:58 PM

Invidia's eyes were drawn to Xest quickly, catching the flirtatious tone in his voice. He was one of those boys that just couldn't help himself, huh? Well, that was quite alright with her. She was a flirt in her own right, too. Her three tails wavered behind her pleasently. "The pleasure is all mine, I assure you." A smile had come to her face, and she suddenly took one of the open seats. "What kind of crazy do you mean?" The Lucain-girl inquired. "I'm not any kind of crazy, unless you mean crazy on the dance floor." Aaand, of course, she had to wink at him.

Off to the side, Clone could only roll her eyes. Ah, and there Invidia went, just when she was trying to get it through Xest's head not to flirt with every woman he met. At random, she began to tap her fingers on the table. "No, she's not a freak-like-me, Xest, no need to worry there. She's your pretty average club-going girl, only there's much more substance to this lady than most. Just don't let your gaurd down, cause she's a wild one."

In turn, Invidia laughed, but gave her friend a glare. "You make me sound like a savage animal, Clone. I'm just a party girl, and you know it. Not too much bite in me. Neon has more than enough bite for all of us, anyway."

"Were you about to go get some drinks?" The Lucain's attention was suddenly back on the male company. "She doesn't really drink, so she's useless at orders. I can go pick something up for ya, I was about to go get my own."

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby Redd » 01/02/2010 7:34 AM

Yep, in those brief seconds Invidia had basically figured all Xest out. He just was a flirty guy who couldn’t help himself half the time. So yeah, that was basically him in a nutshell.  It was shallow, but it never bothered him.
Xest laughed, easily noticing Clone’ s attempt to keep him level-headed throughout the night. “I’m not saying you’re a freak Clone. Just... crazy. I like a bit of crazy in people.”
He couldn’t help but see if he could annoy Clone just that little bit more. That seemed like a fun thing to do. Poor Clone, trying to teach him all these lessons about life, and when the moment came to put it into practise, he failed her.
“Neon? Who is Neon?” Xest asked, raising his eyebrows in a curious manner. Had he heard that name before? It sounded oddly familiar, but... not. How curious.

“Oh! Drinks... Uh, surprise me?” He replied.

(Yey post xD Sucky post is sucky, sorry)

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/02/2010 3:40 PM

Rather than continuing to butt her head in where it didn't quite belong yet, Invidia responded, "A surprise it is," and promptly left their table for the bar. Yes, their table. She wasn't about to leave Clone and Xest be, not after she found them and not after the new guy seemed to possess interesting qualities. It wasn't usual for the Meji to spend her time around a guy like him, so why was she? Was she fond of him? If so, then how the heck had that been managed?

Once the Lucain woman took her leave, Clone's eyes quickly shifted to stare back into his, the look intense. It seemed she had gotten serious and calculating, as she was trying to read deep into his core or, perhaps, instill something there. "I am crazy, Xest. By what people have judged of me, anyway. When many call you crazy, that must be what you are. I suggest you be careful, though. I've heard crazy people have very strong emotions and anything can set them off." For the moment, her cheerfulness had vanished and it was replaced with her being cryptic.

Then she chuckled, breaking the intensity off. "Ah, sorry about that..." She shook her head. A strange one she really was. "You've met Neon before. Well, the other her and the other you have met before. She may find you familiar because of it, but she wont really remember you. You may feel the same."

"In case you're wondering, no, you've never met Invidia. She seems to like you, though."

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby Redd » 01/05/2010 5:22 PM

Xest watched Invidia leave, then brought his head back around to the Meji and came face-to-face with her intense gaze. As she spoke, Xest involuntarily flinched back, shrinking away from that look, and quite taken-aback by her strange mood turn.
Mentally, he made a quick note not to even breach the subject of 'craziness' with Clone again.

When she had stopped and answered his question about Neon, Xest relaxed quite visibly, and pulled himself away from the back of the chair that he had pressed himself to.
"I've met Neon before? Man.. this second dimension thing is kinda..." Crazy had been the word he was gonna say, but he deliberately refrained from saying it. "weird I guess. And let me guess... she thinks I'm a womanizing jerk like you?" He laughed, shakily still trying to throw off his unease. Were all friends like this? That he didn't know, but it was a worrying concept. He decided it probably wasn't, but he still regarded Clone in a different light, but he wouldn't let that get in the way of their 'friendship'. To him, they had only just met but they seemed to get along really well. Maybe it was just that weird 'other dimension' business.

"Well that's good to know. That I haven't met her I meant." Xest corrected himself. "I mean... at least it's sorta... normal. To meet someone who hasn't met me."
Yep, Xest clearly had been thrown off by that serious stare.

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/05/2010 6:05 PM

It was obvious to Clone that Xest had been very thrown off by her momentary mood swing, as he probably would have called it anyway. Their friendship was going to be a weird one, surely. Hopefully, he would never see her in one of her lower moments. She made a point of not letting anyone see them.

"Oh, well, I don't know," she shrugged innocently enough, though what she claimed was partially a lie. She did know that the other Neon wanted to... "rid him of his manhood," but maybe things would be different in this world, the "real" world. "The other you is, ah, more obnoxious and you made a bad first impression on her there. But here, neither of you met, so it may end up well. She's a dancer too, just like Invidia and I. And she's a Kuhna." The Meji purposely left out that both versions of Neon were violent toward most males and carried cleavers around everywhere. "Besides, I don't think you're a jerk."

"If you were a complete jerk, she wouldn't let me talk to you," Invidia added, appearing again while holding a circular platter with three normal sized glasses and one shot glass. "One chocolate cake and a mystery shot for Xest, a cherry coke for Clone and a fruity little drink for me," she mused as set the corresponding glasses before each person. Normally, she may have gotten herself a shot as well, but she was kinda enough not to because of her friend's hatrad for the stuff.  

"Thank you," Clone stated, lifting her glass filled with coca-cola and cherries and taking a sip.

Sitting down, the Lucain woman then smiled, eyeing Xest. "You're a pretty good dancer. You can keep up with Clone, and not many can. How did you end up on the dance floor with her anyway? I've never seen her dance with any man outside of those in our crew. You must be really good."

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby Redd » 01/05/2010 6:27 PM

Xest raised an eyebrow at Clone. "Bad impression huh? Yeah, that would be me. Can't help myself sometimes, can't eye." He laughed good-naturedly, reflecting on how weird it was to be talking of himself, doing things in another dimension. Out of Clone's group, from what he had gathered, she was the only one who could remember stuff. He supposed that was a good thing. At least there was less of a chance that women he had met there remembering him, and remembering things he didn't even remember doing.
As Invidia returned, all the confusion to do with Clone's... mood swing might be an appropriate term for one who didn't know what just happened- disappeared.

"You don't think I'm a jerk?" He laughed again, finding it highly amusing, reaching for the shot. "Thanks Invidia, I'm trusting you haven't slipped anything into it."
He picked up the little cup and eyed it for a little bit. Maybe he'd wait just a little bit before drinking it, he mused setting it down. Sober was probably better when he had conversations.

"Me, good? You don't know who you're talking to." Xest smiled. "Naah, not really. I'm just good at impromptu dance. And me and Clone? We know each other from like... waaay back."
Xest couldn't help but slide a cheeky glance Clone's way. Well, he didn't know what to say and that seemed appropriate, well technically they had, he just didn't remember what ever happened in that other place.

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Re: Another night of clubbing {Private}

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/07/2010 5:03 PM

"Oh, I would never spike your drink," Invidia insisted, smiling at Xest. "I don't need the help of date rape drugs to get what I want." Her smile soon turned coy, and Clone was close to smacking her upside the head with her hat or possibly her glove. In fact, that's exactly what the Meji did. She slipped off one of her gloves and bonked her friend on the head with it.

"Please don't make yourself so obvious. Your name may mean envy, but you have nothing to be jealous of. If you want him, take him. I'm not going to stop you." Even though she was speaking to the Lucain female, her eyes wavered to Xest closer to the end. "I doubt you'd mind it, right, Xest?"

Invidia made a face at her friend for both her actions and her words, Clone unaffected as she simultaneously replaced her glove once more.

"You make me sound like a maneater, dear," she said with narrow eyes. The Meji's comeback was simple, "Like father like daughter, but he's a nice man and you're not so bad either."

Invidia growled and Clone giggled. "Sorry Xest, teasing Invidia in front of you is too much fun to pass up."

The Lucain woman shook her head. "And to think I bought you a cherry coke. Shame on you."

All that aside, the women put their tiff away and paid more attention to the man once more. "I didn't know Clone had any male friends until recently."

"I've been holding out on you," Clone interjected.

"I can see that," Invidia replied, only offering the Meji a breif glance. "Maybe you should join our crew sometime? We females outnumber the guys by one. I'm sure Naz and Nayichi would love some back up once in awhile."

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Postby Redd » 03/07/2010 12:48 AM

"Oh is that right?" The Kuhna man eyed Invidia with an amused smile lingering on his lips.
He picked up his shot again and gave it an experimental whirl, before throwing it all down. He almost spat what was still in his mouth at Clone. After carefully making sure he had swallowed it, he replied with a laugh, "Me? Mind it? Never."

He interestedly listened in on their bickering for a little bit, before deciding that the shot glass in front of him was pretty amusing. At the mention of his name, he put the glass down and concentrated on the conversation once again.

"Really, huh?" Xest replied, interested. "I guess... I'm just a 'lost cause'. She's helping me see the 'light'." He laughed. "Y'know, trying to make me turn away from my sinful nature. Friendship talks and the works."

He gave Clone a sidelong cheeky smile before turning back to Invidia. "You have a whole crew?" He asked, interested. "If you'd have me, I'd be happy to. How many do you have in your team then?"

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