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A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/06/2009 1:33 AM


The night was like a curtain over the city slums, the smell repugnant and lingering. Dim lights from windows higher above and faint stars were the only light that brought sight to Acane's eyes.  Stretching out in her makeshift bed, she tried to think a few things over.

Now, she wasn't always one to be thoughtful, but on nights like this, when the stars were actually bright enough to see from the Slums, thinking was just something one did while gazing up at them.  Her entire life, she'd acted, and acted, and refused to stop and think about all she'd done in life.  Really, though, what had she done?  Nothing much, that she could remember, anyway.

Growling lowly in the back of her throat, a gloved fist came in contact with the brick wall by her side.  "Life sucks.  What's worth living for when you've got nothing?" she questioned aloud quietly to herself, getting herself up to go for a walk.

The cool, brisk wind cooled her head as it passed through her messy brown hair.  She'd cut it mostly off with a knife not too long ago.  It had been getting in the way every time she turned around.  Now it didn't go passed her ears, and many people thought she was a guy.  Not that she particularly cared.

Standing under a flickering street lamp, Acane thought it might be nice to just maybe, once, like something she was doing.  Maybe it would be pleasant to feel like she was going somewhere.


"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Postby Icy Rose » 12/06/2009 2:09 AM

anthropormorphic form.

Uzak sighed. Back in The Slums again. It's almost like his home now. But, yet, he was a total island away from home. The thing is, he was almost on the total other side of Barakka, while he lived on the complete other side of Lambastia, near Rorlaldi. Confusing it was, to be traveling back in forth. But the true thing is, he hadn't been home in . . . what, months? No one even asked questions, they just . . . let it slide. Not like the Trikuhna cared though. No, he didn't mind that no one even asked for him. He liked going unknown. It was just how he is. He liked who he was. "Pfft," He muttered to himself.
No one cared about him.

The kuhna was in his anthro form, sitting in an alley way. He wasn't very far back in the dark alley, he was just in the very entrance. His legs were stretched out, across the floor. He was tall, about six feet. He had a white cigarette sitting in his lip, hanging out. Cigarette smoke floated above his head, going above the roofs of the buildings, and up to the night sky.  He sighed once more, stand up. He might as well go bunk in Meein's home, apartment, what ever it was he had down here. It was getting late. He walked stood up, walking out of the alley way. He walked out, and after heading to the left a few steps . . . he nearly walked into another person. "Shi- . . . I'm sorry," he spoke quickly. He took a step out of the street lamps light, back into the darkness. His different colored eyes, one olive and one red, looked straight at her.

(short :P)

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Re: A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/06/2009 2:16 AM

Amber eyes narrowed as someone bumped into her while she wasn't paying attention.  Glaring at the offender slipping into the darkness, she, being the type of girl she was, just had to tell him exactly what she thought of that.  "Watch it, would ya?  Can't you see me standing here?"  Just because she wasn't paying attention to him didn't mean he could just bump into her like that.

It took Acane a moment to realize she was snapping at the guy's chest, which made her eyes widen when she looked up at his face.  What pretty eyes he had.  They were the type of eyes that one would never be able to forget.  Not even if they tried.

A cigarette dangled from his lips, she idly noted.  "And that'll kill you one day," she muttered, looking up at his face this time.  She wasn't really in the mood to beat him up; yelling at him would be enough tonight.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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post 2

Postby Icy Rose » 12/06/2009 3:01 AM

The Trikuhna felt awkward at this moment. He hadn't really engaged in a conversation in a very long time. He took his hand and rubbed the back of his neck - awkwardly. His dark, black, dark brown hair fell down over the side of his head, falling over his eyes.. The black ears that stood ontop of his head twitched a few times. Out of habit. Everytime he heard something, he would twitch his ears. Just because he thought it would make him hear better. "Watch it, would ya? Can't you see me standing here?" The girl said. He raised his brow. She had . . . very short hair. His hair was longer. He raised his brow at her. "Well, I'm sorry ma'am. It's . . . a little hard to see you," He replied, commenting on her height. He had a smirk placed across his lips.

He took the cigarette away from his lips, blowing smoke away from the girl. He didn't want to give her some second-hand smoke crap, that wouldn't be too . . . nice. His eyes didn't even look away from her. Though, he did have to look down at her. Hopefully he won't get a headache. "And that'll kill you one day," She lectured him. He snorted. "Look, girl. I don't really care. The thing is, I have nothing to live for," He started, nearly growling it. Then he stopped, feeling a little bad for it. "I'm Uzak," He said plainly, putting out is hand.

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Re: A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/06/2009 3:16 AM

Scoffing, Acane rolled her eyes.  "That makes two of us, but you don't see me wasting what little I do have," she muttered, mentally shrugging off the fact that he was very obviuosly looking downward at her.  Was that necessary? Surely 5'4" wasn't that short.  "Name's Acane," she said shortly, taking the hand and shaking it before pulling away.  She had little trust for strangers, considering her place of residence.

She wasn't sure what to say after that, which she found unusual, considering her basic nature.  She felt like she should say something, but what it was, she had no idea.  There was an awkward feeling there; she just didn't know what to do with it.  With nothing to say, she only gave him another look-over, watching his uneasy movements shift as his mood did.

His hair was fairly long, possibly longer than most of the guys she'd ever met.  She kind of liked it, not that she'd ever admit that out loud.  She'd liked her own hair when it was longer, too.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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post 3

Postby Icy Rose » 12/06/2009 3:51 AM

The Trikuhna flicked his two tails behind him, continued to wrap them around his hips absentmindedly. He didn't even notice that he did. He tapped his foot in the same manner as well. He didn't even notice it. He seemed to do it out of . . . habit. That's what he did to entertain himself during the war in the Barracks, most of the time. Because, let's face it. There was nothing to do. He got very . . . bored, during the war. Though I suppose that everything that happened during the war actually came to a good point. Everything ended up well-and-swell, correct? Congratulations, Uzak. Now will you stop being such a pessimist now?

"That makes two of us, but you don't see me wasting what little I do have," She replied back to him. Uzak scoffed. "Well, thats you, girly." He said bluntly, taking another drag on his cigarette, blowing the smoke away from her. He flicked one of his ears, his eyes averting her gaze, and looking straight forward. "Name's Acane," She introduced herself, shaking his hand for a moment before pulling away. He raised his brow. "I don't bite, hon," He winked at her, before taking yet another drag on his cigarette. "Lovely name."

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Re: A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/06/2009 4:13 AM

Simply glaring, Acane found herself a little thrown, but let it roll off her shoulders in an easy shrug.  "Everybody bites," she returned easily, not liking his tone.  She wanted to tell him not to call her 'hon.'  She felt like she should tell him her name was not lovely and that maybe she didn't appreciate him winking at her.

But she didn't.

No, instead she just ran a hand through her messy, filthy hair and debated on what to do next.  She couldn't very well stand there and lurk in the awkward that was their conversation.  She would go get something to eat, or maybe find a bed to sleep in, but she knew that would merely be a fruitless search.  After all, she no longer had friends to let her crash at their place, and she never made a decent buck to simply go buy food.

Thinking about the eating she was not doing and the comfortable bed she was missing out on made her scowl deepen.  She had a handful of quippy remarks to offer Uzak, but it seemed that none would be used, so she just looked around to decide which direction she would take next.  A night of walking didn't seem all that bad, once her primary options were crossed out.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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post 4

Postby Icy Rose » 12/06/2009 4:37 AM

Uzak kept on tapping his foot to a random tune. He had never really listened to music, so the beat he was playing with his . . . foot, was one that no one had really heard of. Since, he had just made it up. He couldn't even hear his foot tapping. He hummed a random tune then, only for a moment when Acane spoke. "Everybody bites." Uzak raised his brow. He supposed that was true.  "Well, I haven't taken a bite out of everyone since the war. . ." He trailed off, taking a drag on his cigarette. The cigarette was nearly down the the butt. Lucky him, he still had a whole pack in his pocket.

The look on her face just seemed to get more disgusted the longer she looked at him. Uzak raised a brow. "Dear Xai're, what are you, some sorrow pet? Or am I just that disgusting? It's not like I'm shoving you against the wall and kidnapping you," He spoke matter-of-factly. It was true though. This girl seemed in such a mood. He didn't appreciate her being such a downer. Though, himself, he wasn't much fun either. But whose fault is that? All his, I suppose. He could change if he wanted to. But it is so hard to change, and everybody knows that.

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Re: A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/06/2009 4:47 AM

Blinking in a slightly confused manner, Acane just... blinked at the man.  "Huh?" she said intelligibly before "Dear Xai're, what are you, some sorrow pet? Or am I just that disgusting? It's not like I'm shoving you against the wall and kidnapping you."  At first she wasn't sure how to respond, and then she was angry, which was shortly followed by a scoff.

"Like you could kidnap me," was all she said before a low, irritated grumble resounded in the pit of her gut.  A faint, barely there blush spread over her cheeks before she crossed her arms and glared at nothing in particular.  Of course her stomach would decide to tell her she was frickin hungry just when she had something to say.  How horrible of it to interrupt!  "I don't like you very much right now," she muttered instead, vowing that if she ever saw him again, she'd definitely put him in his place.

For now though, she had to settle her qualms with her growling food-pit.


"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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post 5 -- stats recorded

Postby Icy Rose » 12/06/2009 7:48 PM

His cigarette went out, all the way down to the butt now. He sighed silently, throwing the cigarette butt over the girls shoulder, bouncing off the ground and rolling on the ground for the next few seconds. He took the cigarette packet out of his pocket then, opened it slowly, taking out one cigarette. The Trikuhna put the white stick up to his lips, taking out his lighter. He lit it, still looking at her. Once he did, he took one long drag and blew the smoke away from her once again.

"Like you could kidnap me," She told him. He raised his brow questionaly. He wasn't very sure about that. He opened his mouth to speak, but, was so rudely interupted by Acane's stomach. He chuckled. "Hungry now, aren't we?" He told her, smiling. "I could take you somewhere. I know a few places. Some late night, underground restaurants, and my friends home. You pick." He tried to sound casual - not creepy - as he took another drag on his cigarette. I don't like you very much right now," He chuckled once more. "I don't blame you."

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Re: A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/07/2009 1:49 PM

Frowning, Acane was glad the full moon wasn't out.  If it were, her ears would've pricked at the offer, she knew.  He did offer... And it was late.  It was a little confusing for her, though, why he would want to take her out to eat something when she just said she didn't like him.

Usually, the best place to get information was from the source, so she asked, not trusting his intentions were pure by instinct.  However, she got the feeling that her stomach would probably win this argument with her head.  Where was she going to scrounge up some grub this late at night?  "Why would you want to do that?" she asked bluntly, never one to run around in circles for things.

He'd lit a new cancer stick, and she didn't bother wasting her breath to tell him he was going to die a lot faster that way.  Cigarettes hindered a person pretty badly after a few years of smoking, and she preferred to be as mobile as possible.  Why it bothered her so much, she wasn't really sure.  Thinking about emotions usually meant more trouble than it was worth.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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post 6

Postby Icy Rose » 12/13/2009 2:50 AM

Uzak was trying to be patient, over the time since the war ending his patience was slowly starting to slip away. He had to be patient back then, of course he did. Though ninty percent of the time he didn't need to be, he was out getting his butt kicked, or kicking someone elses. The male started to tap his foot in a tune again, none very specific. Just random beats he made up that moment to keep himself occupied. "Why would you want to do that?" He raised his brow. "Hmm, what? Oh, oh. Well..." He pondered an explanation.

"I guess I'm just that nice," the male shrugged, taking a drag on his cigarette. He crossed his arms, and his impatience came to him. "Look, miss, I'm just trying to be nice right now. If you'd like, I could just leave. Would that make you feel better? By sound of it, I don't think you have much of a place to stay tonight, or even eat," he ranted off, jumping to his point. If she wanted to pass it off, she could. Have fun starving, little girl. Hmph.

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Re: A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/13/2009 2:59 AM

Those little hairs on the back of Acane's neck bristled, whether or not the man had a point.  Stifling a growl, she only sighed arrogantly.  "I was just thinkin' you didn't seem the type to be nice, is all," she defended.  Of course she'd go with him; what reason did she have not to?  After all, he hadn't done anything completely offensive to her, just miffed her a bit.

Her only issue was she wasn't sure how to say 'yes' without seeming like a little lost puppy who needed help.  There were times to step down and just take what one was given, but was this really one of them?  To this guy?  After arguing with herself in her head a bit, she finally muttered, "...I want to go.."

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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post 7

Postby Icy Rose » 12/13/2009 3:17 AM

Uzak took another long drag on his cigarette, right when Acane said: "I was just thinkin' you didn't seem the type to be nice, is all". Uzak raised his brow. She was fairly true, he wasn't the nicest guy. He only had his moments when he was kind and his moments when he was rude. They were fairly balanced out, though. He didn't get along with a majority of people, though. Of course he didn't, no, not everyone does! But maybe if he made a pretty decent impression - like he was hopefully doing now - things would end up okay. All Uzak could hope for was that this was the case and everything would end up great.

He finally caught onto the idea that Acane probably didn't like his little white stick. He took one last drag, blew the smoke the other way from Acane, and then flicked the cigarette away from them. He watched it as it started to roll away down the barren street. Luckily, he moved his head up to look at her right when she muttered,  "...I want to go..", and he wouldn't have caught it if he hadn't turned to her. Uzak smiled brightly. "Great! C'mon, I know a place you'd, hopefully, like. It has.. um, practically anything, I suppose. Just follow me. He announced, and started to walk past her. As he walked, his tails were hanging behind him, slightly swaying in the wind.

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Re: A Place for Street Rats [P]

Postby Pyris » 12/13/2009 3:26 AM

'What is he, bi-polar?' She thought briefly before trailing behind him.  "I'll eat just about anything," she said instead, wondering why he'd tossed away half his cigarette.  Sure, she crinkled her nose at it, but was that any reason to go and waste it?  He could have put it out and then put it in his pocket for later if he wanted to be polite and stop smoking just because of her.

Honestly, she wasn't entirely sure how to handle nice people, considering she was mostly accustomed to the less pleasant characters of the Slums.  She followed him with great caution, even though her stomach led the way.  The night air was getting thicker; maybe it'd rain soon.  Acane liked the rain.  She liked the way it made the ground smell and how green it made the few trees in her area look.  Blinking, she realized how much her mind wandered when she was hungry.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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