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The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 01/04/2010 11:01 AM


A podium stands upon what seems to be... well, a very run-down stage.  Atop the podium is perched none other than Hexle, the Concept Draculi.  It seems as though he doesn't want to be there, but he also has no choice, thanks to the shackle on his foreleg preventing him from actually getting down.  Someone must've really wanted him to stay there, huh?  His empty eyes stare you down as you approach, and one has to wonder what's on his mind...

He utters nothing but a heavy sigh, looking over what appears to be bite marks on his back before turning his attention back to you.  "Welcome to the Evelon Pageant," he says in an annoyed tone.  It looks as though he's reading from something, but it's hard to determine what, exactly, he's staring at.  "If you'd like to register your pet, please make your way over to Contest Central and post your entry there.  Pyris will send you a PM upon seeing your post, and you will find you name on the list below."  He points to a list tacked on the front of his perch.  "Please make sure to read the rules above me before entering.  Thank you for entering the New Year's Evelon Pageant."

Maybe he'll cheer up once the Pageant starts?

The Sign Reads:

"Hello!  Welcome to the New Year's Evelon Pageant!  There are a few things you might want to know before entering... Not to mention there are a few rules.  ^.^

Who may enter:  Anyone!  (If you do not reply within the time limit, however, I'm afraid you will be booted from that Category. ) We invite all members, from ideal sweethearts to psychos to scientists.
What are the prizes? Every Category winner gets 50 KS (10 KS to the runner-up).  After that, the prizes fall as so:
First-- A custom on your wishlist not exceeding $20 (USD), or, I will choose one I can afford myself.
Second--  The #11 SS giftbox!  (The only one I could afford.  =C)
Third-- One buyable retired pet.  ^.^

1. Your pet must have completed five posts in their roleplay (if in a roleplay) before you can enter them!  (The one pet, one roleplay rule does not apply, however, so your pet can be here as well as the Criass Caverns, should you choose! 8D)
2. If you do not enter your post within the posted time limit, I'm afraid your pet will be bunked from that Category.  Meaning, it will automatically lose it.  It will, however, still be entered in the next Category.
3. Follow all Evelon rules here (except of course the one that is exempt), and be kind and courteous to one another!  
4. ALL posts must be roleplayed. This does not include the Personality Category.  (Just don't put happy, eager, angry, sad.)
5. Only one (1) entry per member!  You may, however, post a pair in the pageant, together.  They will only be judged as one pet, though, so you only have a chance to win 1 prize.

If you have to be gone for some time (like a week or three days) please PM me and notify me so you and your pet won't suffer in the Pageant.
Also, do not post your entry here, please post it in the Contest Central thread.  After I see it, I will PM you stating that you are now listed, and then I will list you in the following post.

How many contestants will there be? 10, so I'm afraid some of you just may not win anything.  =/  (because I'm poor)  The two who do not get runner-up, Pageant winner, or Category winner, will get a 5 KS consolation gift.

"Now!  On to the Categories!  I'm sure you'd all like to know about them!
Category 1: Personality
Who's your pet?  Be descriptive!  Tell us about him/her!  This Category will consist of a simple posting of your character and their personality.  If you want to tell me their background story, that would be just fantastic.  If not, well, that's equally fantastic.  The Personality Judge and myself will read each of your posts once the time limit is over, and then Hexle will announce the winner and runner up of the Personality Category.  (And the Personality Judge will post, should they have anything to say.)

Category 2: Presentation
How does your pet present itself?  This Category will involve you, the pen person who tends to the pet entered, drawing a masterpiece of your entry.  This will not be judged solely on how good is, but how well you bring out the characteristics of your Evelonian friend.  Just as in Personality, the Presentation Judge and myself will look over every picture and make a decision.  Once the time limit is over, Hexle will then announce the winner and runner up of the Presentation Category.  (And the Presentation Judge will post, should they have anything to say.)

Category 3: Performance
We know who your pet is, what they look like, but will they act the part?  This Category is a roleplaying session, in which Hexle will announce an action for your pet to respond to (Must be a minimum of 5 sentences).  After the time limit, the Performance Judge and myself will read every reaction and decide who is most in-tune with their pet and it's character. After we choose, Hexle will announce the winner and runner up of the Performance Category.  (And the Performance Judge will post, should they have anything to say.) Depending on the judge, you may get points off for grammar, so be careful!

Category 4: Purity
What's your pet's alignment?  Is it Good?  Lawful Good?  Neutral?  Chaotic Evil?  Whatever it may be, just how often does your pet act it's alignment?  In this Category, Hexle will once again post an action for your pet to respond to.  Then, you will respond in kind (with a minimum of 5 sentences) as closely to their alignment as possible.  When the time limit ends, The Purity Judge and myself will evaluate both the Performance post and the Purity post and make a decision.  Upon doing so, Hexle will announce the winner and runner-up of the Purity Category.  (And the Purity Judge will post, should they have anything to say.)  Depending on the judge, you may get points off for grammar, so be careful!

Mind you, the Performance winner will not necessarily be the Purity winner(and so on, and so forth).  That's why there will be 4 different judges!

After the four Categories, the Final Round will commence.  This will be one final action from Hexle for the Four Category winners to respond to.  Then, all four judges and myself will evaluate their pet's altogether performance, and choose a winner, second and third.  After the choices are made, each judge will post their evaluations and rate each pet by number (1-10, 10 being amazing, 1 being horrible), and then Hexle will announce the winners.  (If you fail to post within the time limit, you're out of the win and win absolutely nothing except your Category win.  Then, your runner-up will get a chance to post in your place.)Depending on the judge, you may get points off for grammar, so be careful!

If you think the judges scores are unfair, I'm terribly sorry, but I chose these judges for their unbiased opinions, and not how much they like you or your pet.  

If you would rather not be in the Pageant, but would like to help out, please PM Pyris, and she'll tell you what she needs, and you can decided if you'd still like to help.  (I'm afraid I cannot offer you anything in return for helping out except your name on the list of Contributers.  For I am but a simple broke member of the Evelon Society.)

For those of you who do not want to scroll through all that looking for that sign-up link, here it is.
Contest Central: Pageant Sign-ups
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 01/04/2010 11:11 AM

Pageant Contestants
1. Fireheart's pair; Ath'yeri and Giada
2. AnimeTheia's Majimono
3. Rabid's Lie
4. Draiz's Runt
5. Silversky's Veritas
6. Carlie's Garnet
7. MidnightDraconia's ... Midnight Draconia
8. Jessari's Quian Nagori
9. Krypto's Florence
10. Arctic Snail's Grendel

Personality: Freezair
Presentation: Toxic Shadow
Performance: Pyris
Purity: Kodai

Contributers (Thank you so much ahead of time. <3)

Category Winners/Runner Ups
Winner: Rabid
Runner Up: Jessari

Winner: Krypto
Runner Up: FireHeart

Winner: MidnightDraconia
Runner-UP: Draiz

Winner: AnimeTheia
Runner Up:Krypto
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 01/05/2010 5:20 PM

Standing on his podium, Hexle leans over, staring at all ten of the contestants and their entries.  "I see we've really attracted ten people.  What a pity," he said simply.  "Since we have three of our four judges, we may begin the pageant."  His voice sounded slightly stressed, like he was keeping his tone in check.  Maybe someone had scolded him for his previously unbecoming attitude?  

Stretching a bit, like most Draculi did after a period of rest, Hexle looked over each pet, making a mental note of their individuality.  "The first category is Personality.  What this requires is a descriptive expression of your entry's personality.  We'll be asking many questions as we look over these messages.  Questions like; 'Do they look the part?'  'Are they supposed to?'  'Who is this pet?'  Although I'm sure that's not all we're looking for.  Please remember to post your pet's Evelon picture along with your description.  It will be most helpful for us."

A small bell sat in front of the Concept creature.  As his emotionless eyes scanned the small crowd, his paw reached over to it.  "This Category will last three days, or until all the entries have been posted.  As today is Tuesday, January 5th, the time limit will end Friday, January 8th at 9 pm Eastern Standard Time.  Good luck to you all."

At that, the bell rang.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Yomegami » 01/05/2010 5:31 PM


Grendel has always been evil to the core. Over the course of his life, he had made habits of ravaging villages, plundering treasure, and basically wrecking all sorts of havoc. Wherever he went, devastation, death, and despair were sure to follow. In fact, he was so evil that when his overconfidence got the better of him and led to his death, Hell wanted nothing to do with him. As a result, he was reanimated and forced to remain in the mortal world as one of the Undead.
If you think death changed him for the better one bit, you're wrong. If anything, death made him worse. He's still a vicious and mean beast, with the added effect that he smells as bad as his temper. His limbs have been stained with the blood of everybody he has killed (not that he minds that), and to top it all off he has plans to start a cult around him and to start a war of Evelonian succession. He wants to have a load of children, but would any self-respecting female want a breeding with him given all this? On the plus side, any children he might father would have some sort of special power...or maybe that's something he made up to get breedings. Who knows?
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Carlie » 01/05/2010 6:10 PM


Garnet grew up in a small, strict family. She was to be polite, respectful, and well-behaved. If she was not, things were made very bad for her. As she began to grow older, she began to make excuses to spend less time around her family. She would say that she was doing something good for the family when what she really did was go off with her friends. Eventually, she realized that if she flirted a bit, she could get what she wanted. She used her good looks to her benefit. As the years went by, she began to become more manipulative, as well as devious. Thinking she was better off on her own, she ran away from her family.

Things were not nearly as easy as she expected. She had no money and nowhere to live. She could find people to help her a bit like she always had, but it wasn't enough for the life she had desired. One day, she realized that stealing might help her get by. She started off small and was very successful.

She is now an all-out thief. She is sly, cunning, and can be very dangerous. She seems to have many sides to her personality. Usually, when first meeting someone, she is incredibly flirtatious. She will act like so for a while and see if the person can be manipulated and used to her advantage. If she decides that someone is of no use to her, she can become very cold and sarcastic. She can even be very dangerous if you really get on her bad side. If she doesn't like someone, she has no problem with making their life much more difficult. Then, there is her true personality, the one that's not an act. Very few people get to see her act like this often. Around those that have broken through her shell, she is incredibly caring and affectionate.

In fact, she has an "adopted daughter," a sad sleepyheart she found half-starved, whose name is Gem. Gem was on her own for a while, but too young to really get by. One day in the Slums, Garnet fond Gem in an alley, trying to get food. Garnet, hating to see such a small and innocent creature suffering, took her in. The two are very close and Garnet would easily put her life on the line for Gem.

Overall, Gem is someone that you want to like you. If she does not, you should watch your back. At the same time, she can be shockingly sweet if someone manages to really get her to like them.

When the lit match hit accelerant, we were just two kids back then. Words were few, we let our bodies do the talking for us both. Those days I felt less counterfeit, trouble hadn’t found me yet. Big city love, never sleeps until the skyline sun turns red.
It was always only you, I’m sorry there’s no proof of that, I’ll try to get back to the days you knew, I always told the truth.
It was always only you...


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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Silversky » 01/05/2010 8:06 PM

(meaning: Truth)

Long ago, there was a prophecy that said, When the stars have fallen and the light is eclipsed, the savior of the truth will be revealed. Veritas, and the Reiz Kuhna he met, Asteri, believe that he is the subject of the prophecy.
Veritas has always known deep inside that he has a destiny. He’s always had a feeling like he was meant for something more, and he has the skills to do things that others cannot. He can sense that there’s something special happening around him. Knowing that he can make a difference in peoples’ lives is one thing. Actually doing something about it is something else entirely, especially when he’s not sure exactly how. He is someone, however, who will do all in his power to help people, even one step at a time.
Veritas has a very strong sense of justice and morality. He’ll never do something designed to hurt someone else, either physically or emotionally, unless his enemy was cruel or evil. The Preitor Kuhna will always defend the weak or the innocent, and will protect anyone who is unjustly accused of something. To Veritas, the world is easily divided into black and white, good and evil. This can lead him to be quick to trust people, and willing to make friends with anyone who seems open, or friendly, and relatively calm. One thing Veritas defiantly isn’t, nor ever will be, is hyper. He’ll also be friendly toward anyone who seems shy, or weak, or afraid to come out into the open. He’ll help them come out of their shell, and he’ll be protective of anyone who can’t take care of themselves.
This division of the world in Veritas’s eyes also makes it hard for him to forgive easily. If he trusts someone, and they betray him somehow, it really hurts him. It’s very difficult to get Veritas to trust you again, if you betray him. Asteri is trying to get Veritas to realize that not everyone is pure good or pure evil. Everyone has the potential for light, and everyone has some darkness. Veritas will rarely lie, unless it is a small one to keep him from hurting someone’s feelings. He’s very open and dislikes keeping secrets.
He’s brave, and very smart about most things. He loves learning. He’s especially interested in astronomy, and Asteri is getting him to like astrology and showing him a more mystical way of looking at the sky. The stars hold countless untold and unsung wonders for Veritas. He loves to stargaze, and wonders about the mysteries of the sky. He’ll search for answers to his questions all his life, if he needs to.
He met Asteri on a night in Idalani with beautiful shooting stars. She was lost, and he was stargazing. They were friends almost right away, though Veritas didn’t really think about it until later. She heard the prophecy in her mind during a lunar eclipse, and when she realized it could be him, she told him. He confessed that he didn’t have any memory of his past. All Veritas knows of his past are what he has found out from other people, and the fact that one day he awoke in Roraldri with no memory of who he was or where he came from.
While they were there, a shooting star fell all the way out of the sky, and landed by a waterfall. Veritas found the meteorite, and when he tried to give it to Asteri she refused, saying that he should keep it as a reminder of his destiny. He polished a crystal found in the meteorite and he carries it with him at all times, with a wire bracket and a loop of string.
One strange thing about Veritas is that he seems to have an ability to slow down time for brief periods, for things close to him. He preserves moments in his mind, fixing them in his memory so they can never be lost and will always be carried with him. Asteri tells him that she's heard that Preitor Kuhnas can become invisible, or phase in and out of reality, but he'd never even heard this and he's never shown any sign of being able to do so.

(I may edit this, but I promise it won't be edited after either the deadline or when all the entries are added.)

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby SpringsSong » 01/05/2010 8:14 PM

Ath'yeri had never really been one to let appearances dictate what one thought of you.  Generally, she just lets it all roll off of her back.  However, if you bring her or her family directly into something, more specifically her combination of species and wings, you'll find yourself with more than just a few dainty scratches; no, you'll be lucky to still be alive after that.  The phrase she lives by is, "Just 'cause I got these girly wings don't mean I won't take you down if ya get on my bad side!"

She holds true to that; every being that doubts she has powers equal to [or even surpassing] her Death-God father will find themselves learning that the Butterfly wings are no indication of how the Grim female acts.  She has amazing powers over fire, but the full extent of her powers can only be tapped when she is with her sister, Giada.

Ath'yeri first took an interest in the art of the element of fire when she first hatched.  She thought nothing of the bladed tails that were also around her; no, she just wanted to get at the pink flames that were Aila's tail.  She batted at it, caught wisps of it, and showed no indication of having received a burn from it afterwards.  If anything, she was even more delighted feeling the fire on her skin.  Aila began to teach her how to use her powers at a young age, and Ath'yeri soon showed her fire's color: silver.  When she grew, she awoke to see a marvelous silver fire-shimmer around her, and then, she saw her tail.  Normally, it matters not whether or not the Paragon has a flame-tail or not, but having one puts the source right in your reach, which takes less energy than having to summon it from within you.

Ath'yeri knows when to and not to use her powers; when an opponent has become immobilized, she was taught that it was dishonorable in Re'klet to deliver a death-blow to an opponent who was down and unaware.  She could never bring herself to violate this code.

Giada, however, is not quite as rash--or as into fire--as her sister is.  When Ath'yeri tried to "hand" her some of the fire, Giada shrank away, taking shelter behind the tail blade of Deraj.  However, for a long period of time, Giada lived away from any true family--adopted or otherwise.

When she returned to the Fire-Forests, she was stunned to be greeted not by Aila, or Deraj, or Ariana, or even Ath'yeri, but by a Grim Paragon with razor-sharp wings and a flamed tail that matched the colors of her feathered one exactly.  He looked her over, as though in shock, and could barely whisper the phrase, "My daughter..."

Giada, of course, did not believe this, so she immediately sought Aila out and demanded to know the truth.  Aila said that the male Grim that greeted her was, indeed, her father; Yesac.

Still doubtful, Giada ran to her sister's side.  She told her about how the Grim had greeted her, what Aila said, and how she could not believe it at all.  The sad look in Ath'yeri's eyes, however, only confirmed what Aila said more.  Because she knew that her own sister would not lie to her, she finally came to accept that she had a God of Death for a father.  She tried to discover who her birth mother was, but alas, all they could learn was that she was a Fairy Paragon that could summon demons--but with rather terrible side affects.

One day, when Giada and Ath'yeri were out exploring the lay of the land, Ath'yeri noticed a strange pattern of shadows following Giada's every movement.  Ath'yeri suggested that she try to grab one with her claws, and it came out of the ground, which stunned the Fairy.  Her sister flew away for a few minutes, and the shadows instantly disappeared.  Both of them were stunned, but that provided a perfect reason for them to remain together all the time.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Middy » 01/05/2010 8:33 PM


((From my own Lore/Universe))
Real Form 1 2

One of three children spawned from the Dread Lord, Karuze. Master of disease, plagues, and toxicity. Midnight was born into a pre-written life undeath and becoming the Goddess of Death and seeker of chaos. Once she had succeeded in doing so and birthing the art of Necromancy, Midnight was fulfilled on her duties.
Once free from completing her destiny Midnight finally had a life of her own and not following in her father’s shadow and orders. She was now a normal child of Karuze like her two siblings… the fiends of Blood and Fear. Devouring souls across many worlds to fuel her own powers. Then one day, Karuze had sent her on for another duty, thus wiping her of her freedom once again to become the mother of the eleven demons of the apocalypse. War, Famine, Pestilence, Decay, Insanity, Oblivion, Pain, Mutation, Harvest, Poison, and Deception with her being at the head as Death.

After years of searching for a mate, Midnight could only come up empty handed. No one was suited to create the spawn of chaos with her… and those who failed to meet the standards faced the consequences of having their bodies destroyed and their souls stolen. After living in solitude and toying with the lives and souls of mortals, Midnight was once again called on by her father to take part in an experimental procedure.

She tried her best to avoid any contact with her father but was finally forced into becoming part of the scientific experiments after 17 other Atarl like herself were subjected to… and they all perished due to the painful and horrific experiments. Midnight rose to be the only successful experiment to live and thus branded with the roman numeral of “18” on her shoulder to express the success.

Her change included highly toxic venom in her large saber-tooth fangs, and high amounts of radiation emanating from her body thus bringing out a strong bioluminescent glow of her skeletal structure. During these experiments her brains were scrambled, making her slightly insane. She was also branded with a barcode to indicate her serial number and the number “13” on her forehead as a sign of bad-luck to those who crossed her.


It had been years since that happened, Midnight was back on her blind search for a mate. She had finally found one, a human named Cyrus. His nickname on the battlefield being Shadow. Midnight had lured the man as her human form, eventually leading up to him falling in love with her and conceiving a child. That child was the first of many children birthed from Midnight, Itami. The Fiend of Pain.
Midnight soon left Cyrus once he was killed on the battlefield, taking his soul to the underworld… she had thought the mortal to be a fool but gave him an appropriate burial instead of devouring his soul.

After years of searching Midnight had finally found her life mate, Vamris… the son of the Dark Demon, Zershar. The two seemed to hit it off right away, becoming close and loyal mates to one another and conceiving 8 of the 11 children needed… Midnight knew in her heart that she would have to tell her mate that she was short 2 more children to complete the Demons of the Apocalypse. The two she was missing were Oblivion, and Mutation. The two demons lived together for many years, Vamris watching over the plains of chaos and Midnight granting death and harvesting the souls of the fallen for her own benefit or to take to the underworld. All seemed to be going to Karuze’s plan and Midnight’s as well.

Midnight soon met Zershar, the devourer of planets or who many called “The Dark Demon” He had made a deal with Midnight that if he could create the last two children with her, then he wouldn’t kill his son (separate history between Zershar/Vamris) Midnight loved Vamris with what heart she had left and was left with no choice but to agree. She and Zershar conceived the last two Demon’s of the Apocalypse, Beta and Zeta.
Midnight broke it off with Zershar once the demon broke his promise and attempted to kill Vamris. Midnight managed to save him and declared war on the demon.

((I don’t want to take up 3 pages so… going to stop it a bit short))

Vamris was in the end killed by his father, Zershar, and Midnight was left to seal the demon in another dimension. She now lives out her days in sorrow, anger and insanity.


Personality Words: Cruel, Heartless, Insane, Remorseless, Shameless, Guiltless, Liar, Manipulative, Bloodthirsty, Ill tempered, Sadistic, did I mention Cruel?
Midnight is seen as a devil to many people, but oh how right they are. In reality Midnight is the Goddess of Death and a devourer of souls and the one who gifted necromancy to mortals (My Universe) She is rarely seen alone and can usually be found by the trail of death and decay she leaves behind.
Due to numerous experiments by her father to make her an efficient biological weapon, Midnight seems to have lost most of her sanity and any sort of emotions of remorse, shame, or guilt.  Making her somewhat of a Sociopath
Aside from being tickled a bit in the head, Midnight is also a cruel and inhumane demon lavishing herself in the pain and suffering of others and also causing horror and torment to those unfortunate souls as well before taking their souls to devour making her a well known sadist (amusement in others suffering)

For being a mother, Midnight is a very irresponsible sort and an excellent liar, leading many people to believe her instead of the truth to meet her own ends. If things aren't her way then her short temper shows in the lifeless bodies of her victims.
Midnight is also a mad scientist at heart, making new creations of undead and beasts alike for her to use in her own benefits such as protection or pitting people against them for entertainment.
She has a cybernetic arm and is sometimes seen wearing a lab coat or a full suit of dark extravagant armor in human form, adorned with skulls and fangs.

((Phew, that was long))
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Jessari » 01/05/2010 8:53 PM


Imbued with supernatural power
And wise in using skillful means,
In every corner of the world
She manifests her countless forms.

No matter what black evils gather,
What hell-spawned demons, savage beasts,
What ills of birth, age, sickness, death,
Kuan Yin will one by one destroy them.

True Kuan Yin! Pure Kuan Yin!
Immeasurably wise Kuan Yin!
Merciful and filled with pity,
Ever longed-for and revered!

(This poem isn't mine, but is part of the Lotus Sutra 25 found on this website. If I'm not allowed to use it, let me know and I'll edit.)

Over a thousand years ago, the Chinese goddess Kuan Yin descended into hell, disturbed by the cries of those imprisoned there. A great compassion welled up within her when she saw their plight, and she released all the good karma she had built up during her lifetime, taking their guilt upon herself. Thus, Kuan Yin freed many souls from their torment and gave them access to Heaven. Yanluo, the ruler of Hell, was angered by the loss of so many souls. In an act of vengeance, he sent Kuan Yin to Earth, taking her memories and condemning her to spend life after life stuck within the human process of reincarnation until he considered her debt repaid. (the original legend  of Kuan Yin can be found here)

In this life, she is known as Qian Nagori, and other than some very strange dreams, she has no recollection of her life as a goddess. She works as a field medic for the army, tending the fallen soldiers until they can be transferred to a hospital. She has a calm, soothing manner, and can keep her head even in the most chaotic of situations. This quality has raised her to a position of authority among the field medics, and others look to her for instruction when headquarters fails to send specific orders. Her knowledge of medicine is superior, and she is good at improvising with the supplies on hand. Soldiers swear that their wounds heal faster than is normal when she tends them, but she passes this off as flattery. (A leftover trait from her previous existence, perhaps?) Although she is often in the midst of the fighting, Qian refuses to carry a weapon, thinking it would be hypocritical to heal one man and wound another. She has even tended the occasional enemy soldier, something the higher-ups would disapprove of it they discovered it.
Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Rabid » 01/05/2010 9:43 PM

Lie was an average kit; he did as he was told, shared his toys, and always remembered his P’s and Q’s, even with his friends. He frolicked about with the girls when he needed to be polite to them, but he mostly rough-housed with the other boys. This lasted until about the last year of elementary school. The day of the end-of-year party, he brought a large batch of cupcakes that matched his fur, which was mocked for the majority of his young life anyway. The other young pets enjoyed them quite a bit, and told him to ask his mom to make tons more to share. He indignantly retorted that he had made the cupcakes, and decorated them with his favorite color; baby pink.
His last few days were miserable; he was constantly mocked and laughed at, and he told himself that he would never reveal anything of the sort about himself again. Unfortunately, others constantly answered questions that had awful answers; what his favorite color was, his favorite food, his favorite movie, etc. Eventually, he began to lie about everything. He lived a lie for several years, until he became fed up with all the lies. He attempted to tell his friends the truth, but it came out as a garbled mess. He tried several times, but he constantly had the same results. In the end, he lost his “friends” and avoided talking whenever possible.
Despite his unfortunate past experiences, Lie is a very kind soul. He’s very generous, and often gives to those that are less fortunate than him. In fact, he gives to anyone, really. He believes strongly in Karma as well as the golden rule: Treat others how you wish to be treated. He is not angry with those who mocked him, but he does believe that they will get whatever punishment they deserve.
Due to his previous interactions with others, Lie is very shy and timid. He doesn’t like to talk for fear of scaring others away with his odd speech, though he will interact with writing and body language when he’s close to someone. He doesn’t like strangers, and tires to stay away from them, often pulling his friends back as much as he can. Lie also has abandonment issues, for obvious reasons, and hates it when others leave him, even if they promise to come back; he knows how little it takes to lie to someone, even if it’s very convincing. Lie is still very much a child at heart, and will often take on the job of baby-sitting any young pets free of charge. He enjoys these little "jobs", as they give him an opportunity to relax, let loose, and make up for all those lost years of his childhood.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Redd » 01/06/2010 9:44 PM

(He is a Preluhna, but can take the form of a Dusk Kuhna?)

In a past life, one could say Florence was a slave to his people- the Lower Class people of Aldrect. He gave up what he owned to those less fortunate than him, he went for weeks on minimal food as he gave it away, he could steal, so he stole from the rich and gave it back to the community. One might think he did it by choice, but in reality he had no choice. He felt like he had to please other people by going without, so essentially he forced himself into such a situation.

However there was one occasion when he did actually keep something for himself.
While roaming around a large mansion, he stumbled across a full set of solid gold rings, decorated with Egyptian symbols- a collar, two arm rings, and a finger ring. At first, he could hear a quiet whispering coming from them calling the boy over but as he drew near, the noise ceased. Curious, the boy started putting the jewellery on, just to see if it fit him. After he put the last item on, the rings started vibrating. With a sudden flare of bright light, the symbols faded into nothing and the rings refused to come off, no matter how hard Florence tried to pull them off.
For the better part of his life, the rings were all but quiet, and resisted Florence’s multiple attempts to pull them off.

Due to an unfortunate accident, Florence’s life was cut off when he was 21, but he was resurrected as an Angel under the Seraph, Yorutanekke’s instruction. And for the better part of that life the Angel happily did his job, feeling fulfilled in that he no longer had to help people without sacrificing a part of himself to do so.
However, towards the end of his time as an Angel, Yorutanekke began manipulating the Angel by playing with his affinity to help people and his self-sacrificing attitude. He convinced the young angel that what he said was right and when the time came to it, Yoru would be sacrificed for the greater good of the human race- the race that Florence was attached to. After Florence gave in and believed every word the Seraph said and when the Seraph fell, Florence went with him, albeit a little hesitantly.

Since his Falling, whatever was in the rings has chosen to show itself and whatever it is, it despises the Angel with every fibre of its ethereal being and what better way to show it’s malice by possessing Florence and making him do things that he despises- which is to do exactly what the evil Fallen Seraph tells him to do.
Florence is one who is trapped in a web, unable to do anything but struggle against his prison, and inevitable doom, but due to his character he doesn’t really fight that hard unless he has to harm an innocent who has done nothing wrong. He doesn’t like people knowing about his dark side, but still can’t help, but help people, so he puts on a bit of a facade to make people think he is innocent and reassure himself that he is really a good guy, just in unfortunate circumstances.

As an Angel, Florence has the ability to change genders at will, his male form being a Preluhna and his female side being a Dusk Kuhna and he could manipulate light to his will. Since the Falling he has retained his ability to change genders, but has lost all light abilities.

(Sorry if my spelling is a bit off. I'm Australian so we spell stuff a bit differently to you guys o3o;;)

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby AnimeTheia » 01/07/2010 12:56 PM


Maji doesn't remember ever having parents, as far as she knows she never had them and may as well have been created by the moon and the stars. She lived her life on the streets when she was a cub, getting by by living off scraps from bins and stealing food from dishes left out for other pets. When she was a few years old she came across an abandoned Dreamsnare Yonyuu pup, at first she intended to leave him to die as she didn't need another mouth to feed when she could barely feed herself, but something in the pups intense gaze caused her to drag him to her 'home' and take care of him. The pair have rarely left each others side since.

Probably due to her 'upbringing' Maji has quite an evil streak, She gave herself the name Majimono which means (1) charmed and cursed; (2) something that bewilders; something that leads one astray; the work of demons which fits her personality perfectly as she is both charmed in her abilities (fore-sight/visions) and a curse to others. Maji loves playing mean tricks on others and trying to scare them, she doesn't tend to physically hurt them prefering to cause psychological harm; usually she is quite well behaved as the Dreamsnare Yonyuu (Yume) her best friend for life is able to keep her on the right side of evil. No one knows how Maji and Yume became such good friends, Maji usually scares everyone else off within minutes of meeting her, but the energetic Yonyuu follows her around everywhere though their personalities definately clash, Yume is more pure and good whereas Maji is mean and evil. There are times however when Maji feels the need to break away from Yume and be on her own; this is when she does her most evil work, when Yume and Maji are seperated for any period of time Maji becomes more and more evil until they are reunited.

She has the ability to see visions of the future but this ability is sporadic at best, she rarely helps anyone out with the information gleaned from her visions, but may do so if she finds them (the visions or the pets in the visions) intriguing enough.

Maji can seem quite mad at times, running hither and thither or playing about like a young cub, this is especially the case when she hasn't been with Yume for a while and is probably due to her lost cubhood. She spends her time plotting and preening wanting always to be clean and ready for action.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

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Postby Kyrit » 01/08/2010 12:20 AM

One of the first few Kirunds to ever be seen around Evelon, this pup was also the youngest. He does not live on Evelon, but in fact another realm; the realm where the Kirund species comes from. Many people don't know it, but Einsor did not in fact create the Kirund species, though he is the only one that seems to be able to supply others with them. It is possible that he is able to either get to this realm to take them from their home or that someone that lives their supplies him with the rotting canines. The 'owner', or rather just someone that most Kirund listen to much like most other creatures roaming their realm, of this young Kirund didn't give him any name when he was found. They simply called him the runt, as he was so small that he almost seemed like a normal house pet. Well, about the size of a great dane that is, which is still many times smaller than others of his kind that tower over humans. Over time, everyone began to just call him Runt, which he seems to listen to as if it were a name.

Though most Kirunds think nothing of tearing a person to shreds for no reason at all, Runt is more likely to lick you to death. He is much like any normal puppy would be: hyper, annoying, and always getting in to something. His species does seem to come out in the fact that his favorite toy is a severed arm, which he loves to play fetch with. Not a squeaky toy shaped like an arm, but an actual arm from a dead body. It has to often be replaced, as a limb can only last for so long.

Despite his playful nature, Runt appears to be the closest to Oimohe, his 'owner'. One might think that it is odd for such a demented man to enjoy the company of such a pup, but he is the one that seems to raise most of the Kirunds to be the blood thirsty killers that they are. Maybe he has plans to some day get Runt to act like what he truly is.

On the rare occasion that Runt isn't with Oimohe, he is usually traveling around Evelon. He's quite curious as to what so many of his kind like about this place, so he ventures around, exploring.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 01/10/2010 12:50 AM

Sitting atop his podium, Hexle rings his little bell once more.  "Ahem.  The first category, Personality, has finally come to an end."  He straightens from his slouched position and reads his ridiculous little envelope after a good two-minute battle with it.  "It seems Freezair has chosen.  Our Honorary Third Place Winner is Draiz and her fellow Runt.  Though she doesn't get anything out of this category, she can boast to the remaining seven that hers was better.  Congratulations."  A rock seems to fly out of nowhere, hitting the Draculi square on the head.  Glaring at nothing in particular, Hexle continues.  "Our Runner-Up is Lady Erebos and Quian Nagori, who will receive 10 KS for her valiant effort."  Again, another rock hurtles through the air, this time knocking the aggravated Concept in the thigh.  You hear some suspicious sounding words come from Hexle's mouth before he finally gets to the last one.  "Our Winner of the Personality Category is Rabid and Lie.  Rabid will get 50 KS and shall move to the Final Round."

A stick this time seems to fall from the ceiling, a note tied to it as it clatters onto the podium, but not before smacking Hexle in the muzzle.  In a little flurry of rage, the Draculi rips off the small string that ties the letter to the stick and flings the offending item away.  "The second category is delayed.  You will all be sent a PM when it begins.  I apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to see you next round."

Taped atop the paper on the front of the podium is a picture; a very poorly drawn one, it seems.

It seemed a few days had gone by before the Concept Draculi stirred once more, a few papers scattered on his podium as he sat up.  "Ahem.  Now begins the Second Category: Presentation.  What we'll need from you is simply a picture of your pet, expressing his or her personality as closely as possible.  You will have a week and two days to post, and the round will end at 9pm EST on the 20th of January or when all ten contestants post their entry.  Thank you, and have no worries, you don't have to have the fantastic level of talent Pyris has," Hexle tacks on sarcastically, skimming the area for threatening movement as he does so.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Redd » 01/16/2010 10:30 PM

As Florence's appointed 'keeper', a tall, dark skinned man strode towards the podium, the Preluhna-human-formed-scurrying behind the man, with a not-too happy expression on his face.
"Ruihn... can... I go now?" The boy cast his round, brown eyes up towards the man. "I'm not supposed to be here..."

The Demon-Lucain sighed. Why had he been assigned the task of catching Yoru's little pet and entering him in a Pageant of some sort. The things he did for that girl... honestly. It wasn't fair sometimes. But he knew better to complain.
"You know just as well as I do Florence, that Alanah would have my head if I let you run off to that monster you serve." Kogoruihn answered the boy harshly. Curses... if only Alanah let him have his way.This Angel-boy would be nothing but a small speck of ash if she let him. But she had a bit of a soft spot for his helper.
"Oh bugger it." Florence sighed, rolling his eyes. "What on Evelon did I do to deserve this rubbish..."

Kogoruihn dug through his backpack and produced a piece of rolled up paper.
"Here, this is our entry for this round. I hope it suffices." He growled, tossing the paper at Hexle.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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