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Night Shift (P; Snicky Hunt)

Postby Sappheara » 02/05/2010 2:33 AM

Chato looked around The Slums. He could see the old worn out buildings, people where coming up to him trying to sale him random objects. The Common Kuhna hated it here, the last time he was here, he almost got killed by a crazy Fallen Angel. He wasn't even sure why Chanlyeya, Connecticut & Namas wanted to meet in this died ghost town. It wasn't really a ghost town but still he couldn't see Chanlyeya agreeing to a meeting here. He looked at his watch on his right wrist Well, is that great. I got here early. Chato deiced to lean on what looked like an abandon building, which it wasn't. He saw two drunken people stumble out from the door entrance. Leaning on the building he felt something sticky on his back. "What the..." trailing from his sentence, he took off his green Army jacket.

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Postby Sappheara » 02/05/2010 8:28 PM

Chanlyeya was upset that his feathers where getting dirty in this waste land. This wasn't a town this was a garbage bump. Why would anyone come here? shaking out his golden feathers, Chanlyeya keep walking along a dry dusty path. He wanted to know why Namas wanted to meet here. As the Treasure Roosken walked an old ragged woman walked up to him trying to sale him a silver jewelry box. It had to be something special about the box or she just soled the box and want to get rid of it as soon as possible. "No I don't what to buy it." The old woman wouldn't leave the Roosken alone. Chanlyeya was getting very irritate by the woman. LEAVE ME ALONE! Chan said between clench teeth "I don't want to buy anything from you!" he calm down a bit. The Treasure Roosken looked away from the old woman. The old woman walked away from him, mumbling under her breath. Chanlyeya keep walking on the dusty path, as he walked he saw Chato taking off his Army jacket. The Roosken wasn't sure what Chato was saying, he could see that he was mad.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/07/2010 1:23 AM

Connecticut descended from the afternoon sky, the sun was starting to set. The night was coming upon them, and it's going to be soon. The Sky Yonyuu knew that the Tarnished Garagnir's meeting had to be about the staff. All that she already knew about it was that the staff belong to the Gate Keeper. The hole staff was make out of gold, 4 serpents wrap themselves around the staff's handle, all the way to the top. The serpents heads came together at the very top, in the center sat an black orb, swirling blue light in the center of the black orb. Connecticut landed slowly on the dusty ground, next to her sat a black market stand. Her paws landed on the ground softly but swiftly, it was like she didn't even touch the ground. The Yonyuu folded her white feathered wings close to to her body as she walked towards the black market stand. Connie was curious what the man sold. The black market deal was very pale, his blue almost black eye sunk into his face. He was tall and very skinny for his size, wearing a ragged white shirt. His black jeans had holes in them, the size of the jeans where double his size.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/10/2010 11:34 PM

Namas didn't know what or how to start the meeting that she planned. The others should be there already. The wind blow a cross her wings as she flapped them in the air. She looked around the area, Namas could see that the night was coming soon. The Tarnished Garagnir wasn't really worried about it, she does better at night. Descending from the bluish gray sky, Namas landed on the grown lightly despite her large frame. Folding her wings close to her body, she wasn't really sure why she choose this place to hold the meeting. Drunks, black market salers, ragged buildings, blood and slim where every where. Namas couldn't find one place that look clean or even decent enough. The Tarnished Garagnir walked along the dusty slimy path, she didn't much care for the place. Namas could see that people running away from her, she was use to it. She didn't think people where use to Garagnirs, it was rare for her to see other of her kind.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/11/2010 2:54 AM

Chato was a little angry for getting his favorite Army jacket dirty and sticky from something, he didn't even what to figure what the sticky stuff was. Draping his green jacket over his right arm, he looked hoping that he see the others coming. Chato spotted Chan walking towards him, he could tell by the Roosken face that he was no mood for any crap. The Common Kuhna was still going to give him a hard time, just for the fact the Chanlyeya was an up tight Roosken. Chato never understood why Sappheara took the creature into her own home. He know that his trainer would never let anyone go if they need her help. The Common Kuhna shook his head at that thought. "Hey Chanlyeya!" he shouted out loud to make sure that the Roosken heard him. "Is anyone with you?" He moved over a bit to see if one of the other two where behind Chan. He know that Namas wasn't with the Roosken, he would of saw her first, she was way to big to hide behind the Roosken. He couldn't see the Sky Yonyuu any where around Chanlyeya.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/11/2010 9:44 PM

Chanlyeya could see that Chato was trying to see if anyone else was with him. The Roosken could hear the Chato questions, Chanlyeya looked around himself. He couldn't see the girls, they're probably running late. Hi, Chato! he felt like a fool for yelling out loud. This was not the proper way to talking, the Roosken cleared his throat. "No one is with me!" still walking along the dusty path. He got closer to the Common Kuhna, now they didn't have yell at each other a cross the distance. The girls should be coming soon. He looked around, he could see a large run down building. The building was shape like a chruch building, it had a clock tower. Chan could see the it was 5:45, the girls still had 15 minutes.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/12/2010 2:57 PM

As Connecticut walked up to the black market dealer. She could see wallets, purses, pens, toy cars, dolls of every kind, cell phones, books, and even pets. They where small pets, maybe she should help set them free. It wasn't right, who was she? telling the man that was illegal, it wasn't like she was the police. Connecticut didn't want to start a fight with the dealer. The Sky Yonyuu keep looking around maybe she could find something to buy for the others. She looked at her watch Gods I'm going to be late! I have 15 more minutes to be there. Connecticut flapped her wings, lifting of the ground. Dust and dirty went flying every where beneath her. The black market started yelling at her to stop, all of his items started to fall to the ground. Not paying attention to the man Connecticut took off towards the direction of the meeting.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/12/2010 10:00 PM

The Tarnished Garagnir walked along the path, she wasn't sure why she choose this place. Not liking the humans that inhabit this area. A drunken human male stumbled into her, she looked at the human who was yelling at her to move. If she was an evil animal she would have taken a large bite out of him. "If I eat him, there would be nothing left." Namas shook that thought away. She wouldn't even try to eat the human meat. Namas looked around she could see Chanlyeya and Chato together. Where is Connecticut? The Sky Yonyuu is never late. The Garagnir scratched his head with her right clawed hand. I might have to start the meeting without her. Namas was a couple of feet from the guys now. Hi guys, have you see Connie yet?
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Postby Sappheara » 02/12/2010 11:05 PM

Chato looked at the Roosken. "What happened to your feathers?" he said with a lop sided grin. He could tell that the Treasure Roosken was already irritated, Chato didn't care. The Common Kuhna didn't really like Chanlyeya, the Roosken always complained about something or someone. Why did Namas invited him? Chan may be irritating but he is smart. "The girls should be on they're way. I think they might have lost track of time." Chato was talking to himself more than he was talking to Chanlyeya. He moved further away from the slimy wall, Chato didn't want any more slimy stuff on him.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/13/2010 10:21 PM

Chanlyeya watched as Namas came closer to them. "No we haven't seen her yet." shaking out his tail feathers. This place was dirty, maybe they should go to a different place. The Roosken looked at his large companion. "Can we have this meeting some where else?" he wrinkle his nose in discuses as he thought about the Slums. "This place is dirty." Walking away from the worn out building. There's nothing here for them. Unless this place had something to do with Namas's meeting. Chan couldn't be sure, he know that the Tarnished Garagnir need to tell them something.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/13/2010 11:05 PM

Connecticut could see that everyone was gathered together next to a run down building. She could see the other talking away. Landing softly on the ground, she folded her feather white wings close to her body. Walking softly but swiftly towards the others. "Hello everyone" she looked at the clock tower. The Sky Yonyuu could see that she was only 2 minutes before 6 pm. At least she wasn't late for the meeting. Now that they're all together what was the next step. The others looked at her and she smiled at them.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/17/2010 3:07 AM

Namas didn't know how to start the meeting. This place, where they are standing, wasn't the place. "We must go some where else. Some where we know to be safest." She turned to face the others. "It's go to the inn, where you first enter the Slums, off of the Barakka World Bridge." It wasn't a question, it was more of a statement. Walking towards the Fire Inn, she looked back to see if the others where behind her. Namas could see that they where thinking of heading out. Stopping to make sure that they would come. "Are you guys still coming? Or not?"
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Postby Sappheara » 02/17/2010 3:32 AM

Chato thought to go some where else. He didn't want to play tag, espically this place. "Why is this meeting is so secretive?" the Common Kuhna would stay, just to find out what this meeting is about.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/17/2010 4:04 AM

The Treasure Roosken was debating if he should follow Namas or if he should go his own way. Knowing that this meeting was important, he followed the Tarnished Garagnir in the same direction of the inn. Chanlyeya looked at Connie and Chato  to see if they are coming as well. "I'm coming with you Namas."
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Postby Sappheara » 02/17/2010 5:48 AM

"Ok, I'm going to fly there. My feet are starting to hurt" Connecticut flapped her white feather wings. Faster and faster her wings beat, lifting her off the ground. The Sky Yonyuu slowly started flying in the direction of the worn, dirty inn.
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