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Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/24/2015 10:42 PM


Bleu ~~~~~~~~ Leonie

Leonie waited impatiently outside Bleu's door, she looked back down at her phone. There was 10 minutes to get to school, what in the world was taking her so long. Finally Leonie couldn’t take it anymore and she took out the spare key which Bleu had given her and stuck it into the hole and she barged into the silent apartment. Bleu's dad had already left for whatever job he had gotten now, so she didn't have to worry about him being upset with her entering the house uninvited.

Leonie waltzed into Bleus’ room and found her snoring sideways on her bed; her window was wide open letting chilly winter air in. She shook my head in disappointment. Bleu still had her costume on, it had looked as if she climbed through her window, landed on her bed and fell asleep.

“BLEU!!!” Leonie yelled at the top of her lungs, she watched with amusement as Bleu jumped up startled and then fell off her bed and landed in a pile of dirty dishes which clanked and clattered underneath her. She heard her moan and rub her forehead, her hand stopped when it felt her black mask, she pulled it off and looked at it in confusion.

“Yeah that’s right you forgot to change out of your costume.” Leonie's hands were on her hips.

Bleu sighed and rolled her eyes, “for the hundredth time, it’s called a disguise.” She stood up and took off her ‘disguise’ and put on a pair of jeans she found on the floor and a wrinkled t-shirt. Leonie followed her into the kitchen where she watched her friend find her shoes kicked in the corner. Then she pulled out some cold leftover pizza from the fridge and dumped ranch on top. Grabbing her backpack she walked over and opened the door for Leonie, when she went through Bleu closed it behind her.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/24/2015 10:52 PM

Leonie glared at her, “you’re the grossest person I have ever met.” Her face drew to disgust as she watched Bleu shovel more pizza into her mouth.

“Wgah youg talking bout?” She questioned with a full mouth.

“Ugh, chew with your mouth closed, and it wouldn’t kill you to brush your teeth or your hair."

She shrugged it off “I’ll do it when I get home.”
Leonie couldn’t believe her, “and now were going to be late for school, thanks a lot!”

“Ah, no problem happy I could help,” she sarcastically grinned at Leonie and wiped her greasy hands on the bottom her pants.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/24/2015 11:13 PM

Leonie opened the big heavy door leading into the school and today it was awkwardly quite obviously since everyone was in class but usually the big main hall would be full of chit chatting, laughing, and the spreading of rumors. However for the last two years there has been something that everyone could relate too and that was the excitement of Dark Ride.

They reached Bleus’ class and Leonie called, “see you in second period!” She waved to her as she entered a class across the hall.

English was one of Leonie's easier classes so she would always end up day dreaming as the teacher would explain the lesson for the fifth time to the kids who wouldn’t listen the first four times.
   “Oh my gosh, did you hear, Dark Ride had to step in and do the cops job last night!”
   “What?!? I heard the police had to ask for her help.”
   “No, my dad works at the precinct that was there when it happened. They were trying to take down the burglar that had been stealing diamonds for the last month and finally they had him cornered but one of the cops was working with the bad guy and they were about to get away when out of nowhere Dark Ride showed up with both of them tied up and all the diamonds in a bag.”

“Well, then what happened?” The eager friend squealed.

“Nothing, just as fast as she appeared she disappeared.”

“Oh My God! How awesome!”

“Ahhhh I know!” The girl with the police man as a dad sighed. “I wish I was Dark Ride”

“Okay you two, quiet down, you can gossip about Dark Ride later, it time to read right now.” The teacher glared at them.

All the two girls did was giggle and continue to talk in hushed voices too low for Leonie to overhear, so she went back to the boring book about talking pigs trying to take over a farm.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/24/2015 11:39 PM

When the bell finally rang she had only made it through at least two pages of the book but it had felt like ages so she was happy to go to photography, the easiest class by far, as well as one of the only classes she shared with Bleu besides math.

Leonie met her in the middle of the hall and they traveled down to the other end of it.

“Hey, I heard you magically appeared and captured the cat burglar and his friend then vanished.” Leonie said dramatically while laughing. Bleu was indeed Dark Ride. She found it funny that she was privileged enough to know of one the most biggest, and wanted to know secrets out of the whole city.

Bleu chuckled, “really is that what you heard, hmm interesting.” She laughed as they entered the room.

Leonie sighed and thought, Bleu probably did all of it just so she could hear what the kids had to say about it the next day. “So what really happened?” she questioned her best friend.

“I was actually just planning on watching to make sure nothing went wrong because the police seemed to have it under control this time but when I saw the police car with the burglar speed off in the wrong direction I decided to join in, then it pretty much came to who knew the streets better which thankfully was me. I got to cut him off and pop the tire of the car, when they crashed I tied them up and took them back to the crime scene where I left them for the cops to deal with."

Leonie became confused “Then what about the diamonds?”    

“What diamonds?" She questioned with a smirk on her face.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/24/2015 11:45 PM

By time they were already seated and the teacher was in the middle of explaining what to do. Leonie decided to listen so she wouldn’t get behind. When she looked back over she saw Bleu already had her head on the desk and drool coming out of her mouth, she rolled her eyes and looked back at the board. He talked about the use of different lenses’ and how they affected the camera which was pretty interesting to a nerd like Leonie but she seemed to be the only one who thought this. Looking around the room Bleu was not the only one who decided not to pay attention. Kids used the computers to play games or check their status.

Concentrating in a class full of goofballs was hard. It was also increasing by the second because Bleu had fallen into a deeper sleep and now was snoring extremely loud. She  had got not just the students attention but also the teachers.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/24/2015 11:51 PM

“Bleu!” No response, “Bleu! It is class time not nap time!” The teacher yelled again but still there nothing came from her but a grunt. He stared at Leonie as if it was her job but she shook her head. She was not going to have to have the job of waking Bleu up for the second time that day, once was enough. Finally giving up he walked over to her and slammed a text book onto the desk making Bleu jump up and rub her eyes.

She mumbled something under her breath that Leonie was glad the teacher didn’t hear because she would have been sent down to the office. After he shook his head in disappointment for the third time he walked back up to the front of class to finish his speech.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 12:05 AM

Bleu seemed to not want to be awoken like that again so she decided to scroll the web looking at funny animal pictures doing human things. Leonie sighed and decided it was best to start the project since Bleu wasn’t planning on doing it anytime soon.

A little while later Leonie looked up from the computer to the noise of people packing up to leave. She saved her progress and joined in, gathering her things.

Everyone was waiting by the door to leave when a girl screamed and Leonie looked up in time to watch the large bookshelf of the teachers prized photos start to fall heading straight for the girl.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 12:08 AM

Leonie closed her eyes, she couldn't bear to watch the heavy bookshelf that towered over the girl crush her. They heard a loud ‘thunk’ and she opened her eyes to see Bleu above the girl holding the bookshelf with one of her hands as the other arm pushed the girl out of the way.

She moved it back to standing position as if it were lighter than cardboard. Leonie sighed in relief and helped pick up the fallen picture frames.
“Uh… Thanks…” The girl trembled slightly

Leonie saw Bleu turn to her confused, “ah, no problem,” she shrugged it off. Leonie knew it was a big deal for someone to do that since it was heavy, it would of smashed her if Bleu didn’t step in but she didn’t think that registered with Bleu since to her it was most likely just instinct.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 12:18 AM

Leonie's next few classes drifted by like a normal a routine would. It wasn’t until fourth period when anything interesting happened. They were almost out of class when she overheard a group of girls talking about Bleu.

“Yeah, I know it’s like she doesn’t even care.”

“I asked her one day if she wanted to be my partner in Biology and all she did was shrug and then put her head on the desk.” The rest of the girls nodded in agreement as if all experiencing a similar occurrence.

They weren’t off, Bleu didn’t care about school. She had told Leonie once that there was more important thing out in the world than learning formulas in Algebra. It irritated Leonie sometimes but not like how these girls thought of her.

“To tell you the truth I don’t even know why she comes, her grades must be terrible.”

Another girl scoffed “Wonder what her parents think?”
“I heard she lives with her dad who’s a drunk and her mom ran off to be a prostitute.”

“Ha! Really? No wonder she's so stupid."
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 12:21 AM

Leonie had heard enough, there’s a lot she could deal with but when people started to spread rumors that weren't true that was when she couldn't handle it. She turned around to face them and turned red from embarrassment for sticking up to all of the girls. However it was the right thing to do and they deserved to hear a piece of Leonie's mind. “Okay first of all Bleu is far from being stupid so before you go off and start guessing get your freaking facts straight. Plus you cannot even begin to understand what Bleu has been through. Until then I would keep your big mouths shut!” As soon as the sentence left her mouth the bell rang. Leonie turned back around and stalked off without looking back.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 12:30 AM

It was finally lunch and Leonie headed down to the cafeteria. She could smell the normal Thursday lasagnas that the lunch lady’s made every week which was pretty decent surprisingly. She saw Bleu already sitting at their normal table eating a big bag of chips with a can of spray cheese. Leonie sighed because she knew she couldn’t get her to eat anything else if she wanted too, that’s just how Bleu was. She sat down with lasagna a few minutes later and Bleu pulled out a bag of jelly beans.
   They both smiled, those were something they bonded over, “they were half off.” She said as she ripped open the bag.
   Leonie's eyebrows raised, “and when did you have time to go to a store to buy those?”
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 9:47 AM

Bleu lowered her eyes “During fourth period…” She trailed off. Leonie shook her head in disappointment but that didn’t stop her from dumping all the beans out onto her tray and start to pick her favorites from Bleu's. Whatever color Leonie like Bleu hated and vise versa. So they never had to fight over who got what.

“Hey so its spaghetti night at my place, you coming over?” Leonie asked as she picked out all the icky purple jelly beans.

“Oh! Sounds good and yummy!” Bleu shoveled about twenty red beans into her mouth then gave Leonie a big cheesy grin that gave her a good view of all of those jelly beans chewed up she wrinkled her nose.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 9:53 AM

Finally the day ended and nothing else seem interesting enough to put much thought into, Leonie was happy to collect her big coat and gloves out of her locker and head home. Bleu was on her phone looking at the online newspaper for that part of town. To anyone else that might have been weird but Leonie knew exactly what she was doing, she was looking at was happening and was wondering what Dark Ride could meddle in. They stopped outside Leonie's apartment building and she found her key to the mailbox. She opened the slot to find it empty.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 10:07 AM

They continued to go inside where they were greeted by the normal doorman that always seemed to smell like peppermint. Leonie had a big family that owned a pretty successful business so her family had the penthouse on top. She had five other sisters and no brothers. She was the second from last so she have only one younger sister who was in seventh grade.

The elevator ride was quiet as Blue kept scrolling grasping everything the paper had to say and Leonie awkwardly rocked on the balls of her feet watching them move up each floor level.

"Soo... How was the rest of your day?" She questioned not looking up from her phone.

Leonie remember her confrontation with the those girls but she replied, "eh, nothing special."

Bleu finally looked, "you're lying." When Leonie didn't say anything she started to pester her, "oh come on! Just tell me."
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 10:21 AM

Leonie shook her head and smiled enjoying watching her friend suffer, however it didn’t last long when Bleu smelt Leonie's mom’s famous spaghetti and she dropped her stuff down. She ran to the table planting herself in her normal seat next to Leonie's.

Leonie took the time to hang their stuff on the coat rack and then joined her friend at the table, in which she found her mom laughing at Bleu. “I feel like you can smell it all the way from school!”
“Well my nose is pretty superior compared everyone else’s noses.” That triggered her mom to laugh even harder as she set down the humongous bowl of pasta in the middle of their big table.
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