The slums are a rundown, old heap of a town tucked deep in the jungles, with townsfolk consisting mostly of poachers, black marketeers, thieves, and fugitives. While the ideal tourist spot, some travel to the Slums to make use of the black markets. (+2 Defense, +2 Speed)

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Inside Reinee's Head [M:E] [Mature]

Postby amanda784 » 11/25/2016 4:20 PM

Inside Reinee's Head

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Reinee's mind is everywhere. Some would say she's bipolar. She's not. She's broken. Her minds been warped by massive amounts of manipulative words and insult torture. She's been beaten,cheated on, and almost killed yet the only thing she dwells upon are the words. She still remembers the word that hurt the most from the heroine addicted first love. She still remembers most the insults from the recent almost-husband. Now, she's so close to being okay. She feels as if she might make it, but one handsome man from her past now holds all the power over her mind and the man that controls the mind... controls the girl.
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Re: Inside Reinee's Head [M:E] [Mature]

Postby amanda784 » 11/28/2016 12:43 PM

A big white Tahoe stood in the middle of Reinee's front yard. Although he had never owned a car of such expense, nor was it likely he ever could Reinee immediately knew it's owner. Storm. She saw his face flash in front of her bedroom and scramble to the kitchen phone. She needed to call for help. Why couldn't she dial? She looked at the phone then looked out the living room window where Storm was slowly climbing the porch steps. He crossed in front of the window smiling at her. Reinee was unable to move. Her mind screamed for her to do something, but she was frozen in place. She could no longer see him, but she imagined he was at the front door now...

Reinee awoke with her heart beating violently. Her nightmare was over, but she felt anything but safe.
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