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Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 5:44 PM


Farley watched in silence as his mate dipped her tail into the colorful paints and dragged it along the small canvas. While Farley preferred his human form she preferred her natural. Farley hated to his very core what he  was: a rat. Both in physicality and in occupation. When he changed into his Rattegan form it was easy to go unspotted. He could easily move into places others didn't even know about. Serena, Farley's mate, sold beautiful paintings. Farley sold something that could not be felt or seen, but yet so much more powerful then Serena's paintings. Farley sold information. It was not a position of power. It was always the people of action who got all the credit. While Farley had uncovered deep secrets, scoped out place of future raids, and risked his own life countless times, his name was never mentioned in the papers. Farley was a rat through and through.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 5:48 PM

A mountain was slowly taking form on the canvas in front of Serena. Farley could never imagine creating anything like Serena did. He supposed that it must be true that opposites attract. Otherwise, Serena would never have fallen for him. Where Farley is common in type, Serena is a beautiful aqua blue. Where Serena is soft-spoken and graceful, Farley's clumsiness and hot-headed temper had almost cost him his life a time or too. Farley often pondered how Serena ever came to fall for him. After all, the slums were swarming with Rattegan. Yet she chose him. It was nice to be chosen for something. It was nice to know love in a place so dark.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 5:53 PM

"Are you going to stare at me until I finish?" asked Serena, looking up at Farley.

Farley shook his head quickly, happy to be out of his own thoughts and standing in the presence of his mate.

"I would like it if you would switch out of that skin so you can give me a proper goodbye," Farley replied with a wink.

"You could always switch into your natural form," scolded Serena.

Farley's eyes fell to the ground, embarrassed and ashamed. He had no desire to take that form before he had to. Tonight's work would require it and he was not looking forward to it.

Serena let out a sigh and switched into her human form.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 5:58 PM

Serena's human form was just as intriguing as her rattegan. While she held no significant difference to any other human here in the slums, her eyes were brighter. Some might think that it was her aqua coloring or the fact she was a natural rattegan that gave her a spark in her ocean blue eyes. Farley knew different. Farley knew the sparkle in her eyes was genuine happiness. Serena was content to spend her days painting. She was lucky to not have to work and she knew this.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 6:01 PM

There were times where this spark would leave Serena's eyes. Times like now when Farley stood before her about to leave for work. She knew all too well how dangerous being a rat was.

"Will you be home for dinner?" Serena asked.

Her eyes became dark and filled with worry. She placed one hand on Farley's shoulder. She wasn't ready to say her daily goodbye to him, knowing it was likely that one of these days he wouldn't return to her. The slums were a dangerous place and Farley worked around dangerous people.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 6:05 PM

"You know that I won't," Farley replied.

He hadn't meant for the words to come out so harshly, but they did all the same. He hated to see Serena upset. It was a daily occurrence that often left him drained before he even began his work.

Farley grabbed Serena and pulled her close.

"I'll be home before you wake up," he whispered into her ear, knowing full well that it could be a lie.

The embrace never lasted long enough, but it was time for him to go to work. It was time for him to do what he was made for. It was time to be the rat that he was.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 6:10 PM

Farley always used a back entrance into the police station although he doubted anyone would notice his small frame slipping through the front door under the scrambling feet. It was important that no one saw his common presence here. If they did, his cover would be blown. This would mean losing his job and possibly his life should the wrong person connect the dots. It was common for Farley to aide in the capture of criminals although no one but the Captain knew it. Should one of them find out who has been lurking in the shadows and listening to their plans even Serena could be in danger.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 6:13 PM

"Good morning Captain," greeted Farley after making it to the captain's office.

Farley knew the captain's name, but never felt comfortable enough to call him by it. To Farley, the captain's name was Captain.

"What do you have for me today?" he asked.

Farley knew all too well the danger he was asking for. The last mission he narrowly went undetected from ended just yesterday and here he was begging for a new one. Bills had to be paid somehow and this was the only way he knew how.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 6:17 PM

"Ever fancy becoming a bounty hunter?" asked Captain, motioning to the chair sitting across from his desk.

Farley gratefully accepted the seat, shocked by the question.

"I need you to find someone for me," the captain continued.

This was rather unusual. Farley often pinpointed who the suspect was for Captain by listening to hushed conversation, but never had he been asked to find the who. Farley was always given a place and a time. He was eyes and ears, nothing more.

"I know this is rather unusual, but I've sent out everyone I have besides you. They have all come up empty handed."
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 7:18 PM

Farley lets the words the captain says swirl in his head slowly becoming more organized. He slowly picks out the details he will need should he accept. The suspect is human or able to change forms. He moves like a shadow and extremely fast. Because of this, "having a human form" is just about the only description able to be given. His crime is breaking an entering and theft. Farley is no stranger to the first of the crimes, but only under order of the captain.

"I don't understand," said Farley, pressing a hand to his forehead. "We see bigger crimes than this all day every day. Why is this thief so important?"

"He's not just a thief," replied the captain. "He or she is also a robin hood."
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 7:22 PM

A robin hood. Those words swirl in his mind. It's what every young boy dreams of: being the hero. In the real world, things aren't so black and white. Doing the wrong thing even for the right reasons is a crime.

"And we both know if he is a thief today..." the captain trails off.

"I understand," said Farley.

He does understand. He has met the hero type. He's even worked with a few. Some people have it so pressed in their minds to do good that they don't see the wrong in their actions. It won't be long until this robin hood character resorts to bigger crime in the name of making things fair.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 7:25 PM

Farley arrives home to Serena asleep in their bed. Her small body looks like it could drown in the bed meant for human form. Her tail is wrapped into her body making her look almost like a dozing cat. There was a time that Farley worried of crushing her in his sleep, refusing to leave his human form if he didn't have to. Those times are long gone now that he worked at night.

Although Farley is paid by completion and not hour it is important to plan before moving. He grabs a fresh notebook from a cupboard and sits down at the kitchen table. On the front he scribbles the words "Robin Hood".
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 7:32 PM

As Farley sits at the table his thoughts quickly take shape into written words on blank notebook pages. Able to change between human and unknown form. It is something quick and unnoticeable. Suspect strikes the corrupt wealthy and gives to the needy.

It doesn't take long until his thoughts gray and then turn to nothing. He taps the eraser end of his pencil to his bottom lip.

The robin hood character had already hit some of the most dangerous criminal's homes. Homes that Farley would regularly sneak into himself to gather intel. Until their is proof there is no arrest. It's why rats are so important.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 7:37 PM

Farley pushes the chair out from behind quietly as he stands. He walks over to the kitchen stove and puts on a kettle of water. Returning to the table, Farley writes the words: Possible Targets at the top of a fresh sheet of paper.


The thought shines in his head like a lightbulb newly switched on. Warren was one of the biggest thieves in all of the slums. The robin hood character seemed to be working down an invisible list. His first job was stealing back items from the most known thief in the slums and turning them all over to a local orphanage. If you followed his pattern Warren's home would be struck next.
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Re: Beginnings [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 11/09/2020 7:41 PM

The kettle screams at Farley telling him his hot water is ready. The sound shakes him into more realistic thinking.

As Farley pours the hot water over coffee grounds he ponders. Warren is not a proven criminal. No names have been released to the public for fear it would spook him out of town. Yet, the robin hood character's third target was not well known either. Every one in the police stations knew, but not civilians. Warren is even more lesser known than that. Only Farley and the captain know of his crimes.
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