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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/13/2015 1:14 AM

Jack was strangely comfortable sitting on Steinman's lap, he wasn't sure if it was from finally being off his feet, or feeling the warmth of another person again. He readjusted a bit when the doctor's arms wrapped around him, thus letting himself totally relax. He was expecting the other to make a move on him, but what he asked instead took him aback.

He wanted to see his... plasmids? Well that certainly was unexpected, but he couldn't argue with showing off what new 'talents' he learned during his stay in Rapture. "All of them?" he questioned, already sending familiar electrical patterns over his hand. Steinman knew of electro-bolt already, knew it well even. Jack switched it off, igniting his hand with Inferno. "Not all of them are so blatant, like telekinesis, sonic boom, or cyclone trap," he switched again, his hand becoming coated in ice as large icicles protruded from his flesh.

The boy debated upon bringing up insect swarm. The plasmid was a bit... much, and he didn't favor having crawling insects all over him, and did not question how the damn thing worked. "There is also um... insect swarm, enrage, security bullseye, target dummy, and one to hypnotize Big Daddy's. I don't know if you are interested in seeing them at all but, that is what I have."

He shifted a little on Steinman's lap, putting a hand on his shoulder. Strange how he was getting used to being with him now, most likely due to the fact that he was the only person that was trying to actively kill him.
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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/13/2015 1:39 AM

At first, Steinman tensed as Jack chose the electro-bolt first. It was risky, asking Jack to do this and he could very well be stunned again, long enough for Jack to knock him over the head with something (there was enough debris in here for someone resourceful like Jack to use). Alternatively he wondered if Jack got shocked as well. How did that work exactly? Plasmids had never fallen into the field of his work and so he knew little of their workings and implementations.

"So many... By Aphrodite, godling, you have been engulfed in Rapture's claws whether you wanted to or not. These are spectacular," he grinned, holding Jack's arm just at the point where it seemed his skin did not  seem affected by the plasmids.

He did look indeed like a god with these though. "I have never seen anyone utilize all of them so quickly, and so easily. Colleagues of mine, they took too many. They either ended up obeying the call of the sea, they were found dead outside the walls, bloated and grotesque, or they exploded into a million, tiny pieces," he huffed, "But you... I would see them later. The electro-bolt, if you please," he said, strangely kind in his request despite the fact that his arousal was already slowly beginning to bud with the weight on his lap and the exhibition of power before his eyes. "Touch here, right at my neck," he tapped his pulse with gloved fingers, tipping his head to the side, exposing his jawline and throat.

It was definitely another risk but one he was eager to take.


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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/13/2015 2:12 AM

"I guess I just have a knack for them, odd that I seem to be immune to those otherwise horrible effects," he could recall all the other ADAM addicted splicers he had encountered, they were like wild animals rutting around for just one more hit of the red fluid. Yet, there he was, loaded with plasmids and as perfect as the day he crashed in that plane. No horrible side-effects, his mind still clear, not one feeling like a strung out drug addict looking for one more hit.

Jack smirked, grinding against Steinman's lap just to tease him further, loving the bit of control he had over him. It was actually quite a nice feeling, and what the doctor asked him to do only made him feel like he was in power even more. "If you wish," he purred, bringing his hand to where the doctor pointed out, running his fingers lightly on his skin.

Was the doctor really getting off on this? He pinned him for a weird guy, but not this weird. Then again, with how much enjoyment Jack was getting from messing with him proved that people could enjoy the strangest things. Jack sent a very light shock to the skin beneath his fingers, his other hand trailing down Steinman's back. "You seem to be enjoying yourself," he purred, slowly rocking back and forth on his lap. Jack was actually quite happy just messing wit him like this, knowing he would be asking for it later, but for now he could enjoy being the one to make the other squirm.
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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/13/2015 2:40 AM

Steinman was too busy thinking about possibly having to grab his gun and shoot Jack if something should go wrong but instead- Jack was moving over his lap, an unexpected change and one that eagerly had the doctor quietly making noises. He seemed to be fighting off showing any signs of satisfaction, but he wasn't doing a perfect job of it, quiet groans  and the tightening of his hand balling a fist in Jack's shirt near his spine.

The shock came, a lot less painful and all-encompassing as the last attack but it was enough to make Steinman jump a bit, jarring Jack in his lap. "A-ah! Shit!" he yelped, looking at Jack with a new hunger in his eyes. The arousal beneath Jack grew more prominent, more pressing.

"H-hmmm... Perhaps a little," he admitted with a huff, unused to someone else dangling the string before him. He was always the one in charge, he, Dr. J. S. Steinman. But now the boy was having his fun and Steinman couldn't bring himself to stop him. "Ngh. More..." he demanded quietly, his own hips starting to move a little, gloved hands clenching tightly around the other's waist before he was moving to undo the top most button of his coat. The coat opened up, still showing that he wore a dress shirt (but it seemed different today, had he changed? At least the clothes beneath the ever-bloodied coat?). The collar he tugged at a bit to show off more skin, revealing the hint of a seam, a scar running over his clavicle and down for who knew how far.


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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/13/2015 3:06 AM

"I suppose I could comply with your demands, Steinman," he gave another quick pulse, making sure to keep the power of the electricity as low as possible, just enough to give a pleasurable jolt. He kept rocking against him, feeling the other's arousal against his bottom, only proving to Jack just how much his partner was enjoying himself.

Jack smirked, knowing he was getting further with him when he started to unbutton his coat, something the surgeon didn't care to do during their first encounter in his little lab of horrors. He had to admit he was curious to know what Steinman looked like without his coat on, if he was grotesque or somewhat normal under all of that. From what he could see of him, it wasn't too horrible-- nothing like the other denizens of Rapture of course.

The younger pulled back for a moment to pull his cable-knit sweater over his head, revealing lean muscles and bruised skin from earlier injuries he had sustained. He smiled softly down at Steinman, returning his electrified hand to his neck, stroking the skin there and resting his head on the doctor's shoulder. He was curious to know when he would be told to stop, only to let the older take his rightful position of being in control.

He moved his head again, this time to lean down to kiss him, not caring that there was a surgical mask in the way. As curious as he was about seeing his whole face, he would dare ask him to remove it yet, maybe in time he would.
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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/13/2015 3:37 AM

"You suppose?" Steinman grunted, but he made no move to back up his unwillingness to admit Jack was putting a spell over him of sorts. The usually unhinged doctor was completely enraptured (hah) by Jack's ministrations, just light touches and the stinging pleasure of the little shocks, each little volt making him harden.

The doctor watched with dilating pupils as Jack removed his shirt, revealing once again that beautiful body he knew was Aphrodite's temple. There was a pang of jealousy and ownership, emotions roiling through him thanks to the ADAM in him, causing him to hastily remove his gloves and chuck them aside, his warm, slightly damp hands moving already to touch and feel again as if he wanted to relearn it all again and again.

He dared to remove his eyes for only a moment, to search the walls for any sign of the fact that perhaps his friend could be watching. After all, perhaps he wanted a show, and Jack was definitely enough of one to flaunt. Steinman was brought back again by the shock to his collarbone, as if chastised like an errant puppy, and all of his attentions returned to the boy from the surface world. He hissed softly before there were lips pressed to his masked lips, the man growling as he snagged his fingers into the other's hair and deepened the kiss as best he could.

He was almost tempted to tear it off. So tempted.


His hands snaked their way back down, grabbing the other's ass before he started to scoot backwards a little onto the bed, keeping Jack in his lap as they moved to get a little more comfortable. "How beautiful you are, godling," Steinman said, allowing himself to lapse just for now into a moment of adoration. Such powers at his fingertips, such strength. He started to unbutton his coat all the way down, less and less looking like some rust-colored, ambiguous figure and more a man; a dark dress shirt that he hesitated on the buttons and equally dark pants to match. Looks like he had indeed changed.


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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/13/2015 5:23 AM

Jack's breath hitched from feeling the doctor squeeze his rear, but he should have expected Steinman's hands to wander all over his body, right down to his most sensitive parts. He could feel himself blush at being called beautiful, a welcome change for when he had been called ugly during their first meeting. Oh how things changed from their first meeting, a welcome change really. He liked being admired, almost worshipped as some god to him, making him feel as though each light shock he gave him was some divine power he was displaying.

His eyes lazily watched the doctor begin to unbutton more of his clothing, his curiosity only wanting to see more, and if he had the clearance he would just disrobe him himself. That simply wouldn't fly with a partner as unstable as Steinman, he would just have to let him go at his own pace and not force him to do anything-- yet.

So instead, Jack occupied himself by unzipping his pants to relieve some of the discomfort of his own budding arousal, which would be all to evident to the other that he was enjoying himself as much as he was. It took a lot of self restraint to not touch himself now, wanting Steinman to be the one to pleasure him. Instead, he brought his electrified hand to the doctor's crotch, caressing it there for a moment with a very light shock, then brought it back to his neck for the same treatment, wanting to see him unravel more and more.

"What else can I do for you doctor?" he purred, giving another slow roll of his hips. All rational thought was slowly slipping away, being replaced by feelings of lust and need. Jack glanced around the room for a moment, hoping to find proper lube this time around. These places should be equipped with that sort of thing, right?
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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/13/2015 5:44 AM

"A-ah! Goddess...!" Steinman hissed again, his head tipping back and  his hips jerking once when Jack pressed his electrically charged fingers to his crotch. "You little deviant," he growled, wishing now even more that he could use his mouth, his teeth to score flesh and show Jack just how much that excited him. His nails did just as much damage though, raking red marks along the other's back, just enough to let it be known that Jack's adventurous nature was not going unrewarded.

With a commanding tug, he was helping Jack take off his pants, bidding him to lift so he could throw them off somewhere for the boy to find later; and what fun it would be for Steinman to watch him walk around naked, needing to move away and bend over just to retrieve his pants.

He grabbed the other's chin and forced him closer, stealing another kiss before he was following Jack's eyes. "Ngh. Up. Up for a moment, it's time to start preparing you," the doctor said with some restraint. Were he not in his right mind, he would consider trying to use a makeshift lube again, but as it were, they were in a place that would definitely have some lying around. Even so, Steinman was already taking Jack in hand, teasing him with a grin that shown in his eyes, smoothing his thumb along the length before he was plucking up Jack and setting him back down on the bed. With his coat undone, it was definitely apparent how interested he was in this endeavor too, the doctor walking stiffly over to check the floor (litered with money, actually, but of no concern to him) and then the nightstand.


His surgeon's hand came away with a small tube, labelled by a man who had sold his wares that came from dabbling with various sea life extracts to use in his creams and lubes and tonics to enhance the experience; this one, 'Arousing Anemone'. Steinman simply chuckled before he was swirling a finger at Jack for him to turn. "Turn and assume a position for me, my godling," he purred, "It has been some time since we last prepared you."


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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/13/2015 6:11 AM

Now it was once again his turn to be dominated, but at least he got to have his fun toying with the other. He liked being in power, but he knew in this odd sort of relationship that he was to be submissive when the time came. A bit of a tradeoff that he didn't seeem to mind too much, they both got something out of it afterall.

It was a relief to have his pants taken off, exposing his lower half in full, soft moans escaping him as hardened flesh was taken into the doctor's hand, but it was over faster than he wanted. However, he knew that they were just beginning now. Jack sat on the bed, smiling to himself about how worked up he managed to get Steinman who was now looking about the room for something-- most likely the lube.

Thank goodness he actually found some in there, Jack only catching a glimpse at the label. Boy, they sure came up with some interesting names for these products, didn't they? But it was a hell of a lot better than what they had used the first time, due to the fact that it was made specifically for these kinds of 'interactions' between people.

Jack debated what position he should get into exactly, it would be easy just to lie on his back since all he would have to do is lie down. Or, he could make the effort of getting up and bending himself over the wooden frame. He went with the second option, thinking it would give Steinman more access to him if he did. "So um... what other positions are you going to put me in?" he asked, his face turning red. What else was there anyway? It wasn't like he knew everything still, far from it actually.
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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/13/2015 1:01 PM

Steinman watched interestedly as Jack moved to assume a very nice position for him, smirking as he opened the small bottle of oil and rubbed a dash of it between his fingers; the stuff tingled lightly, a sensation he guessed was procured from the actual diluted venom of the named animal, but he couldn't be sure. He moved over and eyed the boy just laid out for him like an unwrapped gift, reaching out to smooth a hand over the curves of his ass before slapping it.

"Hmmm. You will just have to be patient, wait and see, my godling," he purred, grinning at the red hand print left behind on the other's right cheek. The shocks to his body still resonated with him, so it was only fair he return the favor. He took a bit more of the oil to his fingers, taking care to warm it before he reached down. Nudging Jack's feet further apart with his boot, he smoothed his finger between Jack, sliding the substance around his entrance as he held the boy's hip with his other hand.

That's when he remembered. "Ah yes. If I recall correctly, I was your first, was I not?" he purred. Memory seemed to come to him a bit better when he was around Jack too, it seemed, another of many of his godling's talents where otherwise he was drifting in a haze of ether and sea slug juice. He dipped a finger in as he spoke, pushing past the ring of muscle to rub  some of the tingling substance inside, musing on how Jack might react to the sensation of it. "Come now, my godling, don't lie to me."


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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/13/2015 7:32 PM

Jack yelped out when a firm hand made contact with his bottom, the area of contact stinging a bit. He turned back to shoot him a glare, wondering if this was some clever way of getting back at him for earlier. Any retort was lost when his legs were spread further apart to allow better access, making the boy hold his tongue. Admittedly, he was quite liking the tingling sensation of the lubricant, wondering how it would feel during sex.

A blush came over his face, he never did tell him that he was his first-- right, he pretended that he had been with someone before. "I---" he began to say, but instead groaned out when a finger was inserted, the tingling sensation much stronger now, making him grip at the fabric of the bed. "Y-yeah... you were my first, I admit it now..." it was really odd to think that he was a virgin up until their first encounter.

Did he regret having Steinman as his first? Maybe his first time didn't go exactly how he pictured it to be, but he did like it--- it just wasn't that glamorous as most people's, but at the same time it wasn't too boring either. "I hope you aren't... mad at me for lying to you or anything," he pushed himself against the intruding digit, making it delve in further.

He had to admit, this time around was much more enjoyable for him, and part of him didn't mind doing this again and again with the doctor. Now if only he could have a real kiss...
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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/13/2015 8:52 PM

He could feel just by the way Jack trembled and squeezed around his finger that the boy was eager for this. Seems their first time hadn't deterred Jack at all; a curious thing considering the situation. Did that indeed make his little godling a deviant? That thought alone made him smirk as he added another digit, spreading the lube vigorously, making sure to stretch him, test the limits of what such a new body could take.

"Oh I was?" he purred as though he didn't know, but it was untrue. It was in fact, adorable that Jack even thought to hide it from him. "Mad?" Steinman knew Jack couldn't turn all the way and so couldn't see his face (even then, his expression was hard to read past the mask). He assumed a growl to his voice then, scissoring Jack open even further. "I'm absolutely livid, godling. How dare you hide these things from me...!" Of course, he was grinning though, playing the part before he withdrew his fingers.

"In fact, I am so furious that you'll have to be punished for it." He chuckled to himself and leaned forward to grab a pillow, sparing no care as he ripped a section of the casing with his one hand and teeth, tearing a strip, and then another. The first he moved, grabbing Jack by the hair and forcing him to lift his head.  "Now keep still," he hissed and gruffly tied the cloth over his eyes, "Hands. Give me your hands." More demands as he grabbed the boy's wrists and bound them with the second strip. "There we are. My gift all nice and bound, just for me," he purred, slapping the other's rear again with delight.


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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/13/2015 9:23 PM

Jack continued to claw at the sheets as the doctor continued to stretch him, adding more and more of the slick substance, eliciting small moans here and there with every movement the fingers made inside of him. However, he became worried when Steinman expressed his anger-- or was he just playing with him at this point? He knew what the man was like when he experienced his rage filled outbursts, and this just didn't seem like one. As soon as he figured that out, he was able to relax again, until the fingers were removed which made him whine at the feeling of being empty again.

What he asked of him next again took him off guard, forcibly lifting his hands to put over the makeshift blindfold, and shortly thereafter binding his wrists. "W-what are you doing this for?" he asked with a hint of fear in his voice. He had never been bound before, and feeling so helpless made him a bit scared, especially with who he was with. Could he really put that much trust in Steinman? Trust him not to do any harm to him? He said this was some sort of punishment, so what was he planning to do to him?

He squirmed on the bed a bit, not at all enjoying the sensation of being blinded. "You aren't going to hurt me are you?"
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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/14/2015 12:26 AM

The whine was a cute little addition, making Steinman smile as he surveyed the bound prize sitting there patiently. "Like I said-" another slap, the other cheek this time to leave another nice, red welt there, "It's your punishment. You've lied to me for the second time now," he purred stepping away and completely leaving Jack devoid of touch, completely in the dark for a moment. He poor little godling. He seemed so frightened and unsure.

There was the sound of the unbuckling of his belt and buttons undone, off to the side somewhere. More silence.

... And then there were teeth, gently grazing along the other's shoulder blade. Hot breath panting against naked flesh, nipping at the skin. And if one really though hard about it, they might feel the small indentation of a scar or two on his lips as they ghosted along Jack's spine. No mask to hide the needy way his tongue trailed along Jack's back to his neck, sliding hot and wet up and behind the other's ear.

"Hurt you?" He chuckled against the other's shoulder, his grin felt against the other's neck as Steinman pressed his chest (still clothed it felt like) against Jack's back.[color=#BF4000] "Depends on your pain tolerance, my godling. Does this hurt?"[/color] he said and nipped the other on the shoulder again, then the neck and ears, allowing himself to taste skin, a sweet and salty taste he had not indulged in for a long, long time. "Are you ready?" he purred and pressed his tip to the other's entrance, obviously unclothed enough to get the job done.


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Re: .:Beyond the Sea:. [P: Baalsbaby, M:E]

Postby Middy » 02/14/2015 1:12 AM

Another slap to his rump again caught him off guard, making him groan from the sting and from the shock-wave of pleasure it sent up his spine. It almost felt like being blindfolded allowed him to feel everything that was happening to him that much clearer. Sadly, that was the last thing he felt before he heard him pull away, then a rustling of cloth and the clank of a belt buckle that fell to the floor.

Then he felt a new sensation entirely, teeth against his skin. The contact made him immediately arch against the other, the feeling so new and intense. Jack moaned out when the slick muscle glided along his flesh, loving every slow movement it made up his neck and then behind his ear. Damn, he wished he could see him without that mask-- but that was probably the reason he was blindfolded in the first place.

"It--- it feels good," he groaned out, loving how the doctor worked his teeth against his skin. He wished he could be on his back just for the sole reason of sharing a real kiss with him, but perhaps they could always adjust as needed.

Jack gasped at feeling the hard flesh against his entrance, moving against it ever so slightly in anticipation. "Y-yeah..." he breathed, getting ready to brace himself for their coupling. "I want you so bad," he purred, not caring that he was sounding demanding.
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