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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 6:57 AM

"I'm not interested in a relationship," Nelly finally replied. It was sort of a lie, but words that she wanted to make the truth. It wasn't that she didn't want to have someone be there for her, someone that loved her that way, but she didn't believe that sort of thing was possible for her. As if being taller than many guys and not being pretty wasn't bad enough, she was even awkward and clumsy. She wasn't fit for a relationship. "Besides, it's not like he's serious."

"You know, he might be," Blaidds tried to encourage the thought. "Would he make such an effort to talk to you like that, otherwise?"

"I'm sure he talks to all girls that way."

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 8:42 PM

For the time, the subject was dropped, Blaidds easily sensing that Nelly didn't want to talk about it anymore. It was such a shame that the girl didn't believe more in herself, but as she had come to be confident in her work, he could hope that she would gain confidence in other areas.

Eventually, the pair had made their way back to the main shopping district, Nelly pushing the cart the whole way. They arrived at the restaurant, proudly displaying the name, "Bladed Sushi." It was in a prime location and had earned itself a great reputation, despite the oddity of seeing a Khalmar as the chef. It actually could have been their unusual chef that drew in such a crowd, as it was certainly a sight to see when Blaidds worked.

Nelly: 15, Blaidds: 15

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 8:49 PM

Nelly released the handle of the cart, stepping around it to pull out the key to the restaurant. She did so and unlocked it, leaning in to flick on a light. She returned to the cart, and pushed it inside, navigating around the front counter and the tables and chairs to make her way behind the sushi bar. Once there, she made her way to a section of counter that was essentially the chef's platform.

Once she was safely near the platform, Blaidds released his secure hold around her neck and awkwardly hopped down onto it. It was where he was often found, a position that was the center of everything just behind the sushi bar, once things were appropriately set up.

Nelly: 16, Blaidds: 16

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/18/2016 8:07 PM

Blaidds really was the main attraction of the restaurant, outside of their delectable, high quality sushi. Their customers enjoyed watching the Khalmar chef wield several blades at once, prepping their meals with all of his tentacles. He was master of multitasking.

Their menu changed daily, too, which customers equally enjoyed. Not all fish could be acquired all of the time and, sometimes, they would find especially rare or high quality ingredients. So their menu was based on that, although they did have their consistent menu options.

"Which would you like to prepare first?" Nelly inquired once the Khalmar was settled on his platform.

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/18/2016 8:15 PM

As she asked her question, Nelly pushed the cart up close to the chef's platform. Grabbing a few fish from the cart, wordlessly, was his answer. "Store the rest away for now." The Khalmar gave his instructions without even so much as offering his assistant a glance. His eyes were entirely on today's specimens.

"Yes, chef," Nelly replied with a nod of her head. She pushed the cart around the platform, and then made her way back to their area for storage.

Nelly: 18, Blaidds: 18

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/08/2018 10:38 PM

Still without even glancing over at his assistant, Blaidds soon set to work, knives brandished in more than one of his tentacles, chopping and slicing in a strangely almost elegant, methodical sort of way.

Nelly set to her work, too. One by one, she carefully lifted each fish, and stored it away in one of the freezers. Some chefs, perhaps, insisted that the fish should never be frozen, if at all possible, but Blaidds had different opinions. Sushi could be delicious, with fish both ways. Not always perfectly fresh, not always frozen.

Nelly: 19, Blaidds: 19

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