The beautiful, clear waters of Nodia are a popular destination for swimmers, divers, and aquatic creatures alike. It is home to a wide array of natural wonders: coral reefs, kelp forests, and even an underwater river! (+2 Endurance)

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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/21/2021 12:55 AM

"Just when I think I can't be more amazed by you, you prove me wrong!" Nîdhalbe shakes her head in awe. "You speak of the water as if it's a living thing... is it? I mean, does it communicate with you?"

"It is living, to me at least," Guardian said. "And yes, it communicates with me. But not in the way that you think of communication. It doesn't speak, neither out loud nor in my mind. However, it is constantly giving me information. Slight changes in temperature, in taste, in the way it flows - all of these things speak to me and tell me what I need to know."


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/21/2021 12:57 AM

Nîdhalbe opens her mouth to speak again, but before she can, Guardian suddenly comes to an abrupt halt. She makes a gesture indicating that they should remain silent, as her head whips from one side to the next. Her eyes scan the water around them intently, searching for something.

A shiver goes down the other paragon's spine as she realizes that they may be in danger. She finds herself searching for the unknown enemy, wanting to be prepared. But all she can see around the two of them is nothing but clear, blue water, for as far as her eyes can see.


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/21/2021 2:55 AM

Then, in the distance, a shape takes form against the otherwise endless expanse of blue. From far away, it's difficult for the paragon to understand how this creature could be a threat. But as it begins to draw closer, she begins to realize just how large it really is. It's enormous. And it's moving far more quickly than something of its size should be able to move.

"Stay behind me," Guardian murmurs quietly. "It's already seen us, so there's no hiding from it. I should be able to push it back, but if you are in front of me you will be pushed with it."


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/21/2021 2:59 AM

"Oh trust me, I'm not going anywhere," Nîdhalbe said in a tight voice. "Can I ask... what is that thing? Does it want to eat us?"

Guardian gives a single nod. "Yes, it intends to eat us. Of course I will not let that happen. As far as what it is," she hesitates. "I'm not exactly sure. It is ancient, I know that much. But if it has a name, I have never heard of it. All I know is that it is insatiable, and will devour anything that comes too close."

The other female gulped. "I guess it's a good thing I didn't run into that thing while on my own."


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/21/2021 3:02 AM

"It's highly unlikely that you would have been able to reach this depth without my assistance," Guardian said, not recognizing the sarcastic tone in the other paragon's voice. "We are far deeper than you could have swam yourself without some sort of breathing apparatus."

At these words, Nîdhalbe suddenly stills. "So, once I have the crystal and am able to breathe underwater, I'll need to be careful how deep I dive. Unless the crystal is powerful enough to also protect me."

"It is not," Guardian confirms what the other female had already known. "It will allow you to breathe, but nothing more. You should indeed be cautious of the beasts that lurk within deeper waters."


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2021 8:43 PM

Now that the sea creature is close enough for Nîdhalbe to properly see it, she realizes just how terrifying it truly is. Two large fins, similar to the wing-like fins of a manta ray, stretch out from either side of its body. Long sharp spines trail from its head all the way down the length of its body. It has two legs in front, and a set of ten tentacles that it uses to propel itself forward. Two beady black eyes peer menacingly at the two paragon, and when it opens its mouth, it bears a set of razor-sharp teeth that it clearly intends on using.


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2021 8:47 PM

Nîdhalbe gulps. "That thing... it's horrifying! What sort of monster is that?"

Keeping her eyes trained on the beast in front of them, Guardian answers, "It is a leviathan. Some consider it to be a guardian of the water, like myself. Unlike me, however, they are creatures with very little intelligence and no distinction between friend and foe. To them, everything is prey. They are lords of the sea; no other sea creature stands a chance against them."

"Except for you... right?" the other female asks, her voice shaky.

At this, Guardian glances over her shoulder and winks. "Except for me," she confirms.


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2021 8:52 PM

Something about the other paragon's confidence puts Nîdhalbe at ease. Even with the enormous leviathan bearing down upon them, she finds a strange sense of calm washing over her. It doesn't make any sense for her to feel safe in that moment, and yet somehow, she does.

By now, the leviathan is close enough that it could probably grab Guardian with one of its tentacles if it wanted to do so. Instead, it opens its mouth and lunges for the two females. Its teeth come alarmingly close, until the water around it suddenly begins to move. The tide changes, a wall of water coming from the spot where Guardian swims and pushing outwards, carrying the leviathan away with it.


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2021 8:56 PM

Even though Guardian had told the other paragon her plan, it was still incredible to see it in action. The lavamancer gasps, her jaw dropping in awe. "That was incredible!" she cheers. "You truly are powerful."

But the other female is not ready to drop her guard. "It isn't over yet," she said. "Leviathan don't give up that easily. It's going to come back, and this time it may attempt to approach from a different direction." She gestures for Nîdhalbe to come closer. "Tell me if you see anything moving. If you see me turn, you need to move as well so that you stay right behind me. Understand?"


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2021 9:00 PM

The warning should have brought back Nîdhalbe's fear. But after having seen the placid shove back their enemy with ease, she found it difficult to be afraid. As long as she kept Guardian in between herself and the leviathan, she had no doubt that she would be safe.

"I understand," she confirmed with a nod, although the other female wouldn't be able to see it.

Silence stretched between the two of them as they focused their attention on the water around them. The lavamancer turned so that her back was to Guardian's, allowing her to keep an eye on the other paragon's blind spot.


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2021 10:37 PM

Eventually, the calm that she had been feeling began to slowly fade. The silence was unsettling. And to make things worse, the sun seemed to be setting as the water around the two paragon was beginning to grow darker.

"What happens if we can't see anymore?" Nîdhalbe asks, in a deceptively unworried tone of voice. "We won't be able to see if the leviathan comes back if it's too dark. Unless you know of some sort of way to light up the area?" She glanced at the other female hopefully.

But Guardian shook her head. "No. There are some underwater creatures that can create light, but I am unable to summon them."


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2021 10:40 PM

"My eyes are accustomed to even the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean," Guardian continued. "Regardless of how dark it gets, I will be able to see. I'm assuming this is not the case for you?"

Nîdhalbe sighed and shook her head even though she knew that the other female wouldn't be able to see the movement. "No," she confirmed. "I'm already struggling to see." She hesitated, before asking, "Is that going to make things difficult?"

"Of course not," the placid responded confidently. "The water speaks to me, remember? I will be able to sense its vibrations and know when our enemy approaches."


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2021 10:44 PM

The lavamancer let out a soft breath, feeling quite relieved at this information. "Oh, good," she spoke in a low voice. "Should I be quiet, to let you focus on the water?"

"It's not exactly necessary," the other paragon answered. "But it does make things a bit easier for me, yes. I didn't wish to be rude and ask you to become silent. However, if you are offering, I would be grateful if you could cease speaking for a while."

Instead of answer, Nîdhalbe simply nodded. It wouldn't have bothered her if she had been asked to be quiet. Especially when it came to matters of life or death.


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2021 10:47 PM

This time, the silence didn't stretch between them for very long. Before Nîdhalbe could even see the shape of the leviathan, the other female seemed to sense its presence. She swiftly turned to face a different direction. Following the instructions that she had been given earlier, the lavamancer moved at the same time, keeping herself behind the placid.

Peering out from behind Guardian, Nîdhalbe managed to make out the shape of their enemy. However, something was different this time. It was moving much more quickly than it had before. In seconds, it had nearly closed the distance between itself and the two paragon.


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Re: Underwater Exploration [Event]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2021 10:49 PM

"Careful, he's charging!" Guardian called out the warning. Then she spun slightly, her tail whipping through the water. This time, the water was lifted into a huge wave, much more powerful than the small barrier that she had created earlier. Once again, the leviathan was caught up in the rapidly moving water, pushed away from his intended prey.

Meanwhile, Nîdhalbe was staring at her companion in awe. The more she saw of the other female, the more impressed she was. Of course she had already known that Guardian was powerful, but it was still incredible to see her in action this way.


[Crystal Synthesis Complete]

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