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Postby Kyrit » 06/25/2008 2:48 AM

The Draculi wasn't too happy about her reply about the monster thing, but he couldn't bring himself to make it an official order and such. Couldn't bring himself to really truly force her to do anything. Maybe that was another reason he didn't quite fit in as the first mate of the ship. He had a hard time shouting out orders because he didn't like to boss people around. It was his job though... so he did it at least while he was on the ship. Out here things could be different though, and he didn't have to give orders.

Eww~ Peanut butter. He thought about it, and thus thought about how it'd stick to the roof of his mouth and take him ages to get off. It didn't taste bad, but it was such an annoy food to try to eat! Course it was a bit better when you ate it with jelly... Tended to make it not stick to the roof of your mouth as much. Jam and peanut butter had a lot better of a ring to it then stinky pirates, so he finally agreed in his mind to let them go with that one. It had taken him so long to come up with that one though~

Treasure? His best friend? Riphest couldn't help but laugh at that. Yeah, he loved treasure and all, but did gold talk back to you? Not unless you were some mental case. You didn't see gold coins talking up a storm to every person that picked them up. Well... maybe if they were drunk someone might think the coin was talking to them, but he wasn't a drunkard! Sure, he drank from time to time... but he didn't talk to coins! Spearow though, at least she talked. Sure, she probably thought he was a moron at times, but she wasn't always putting him down and didn't just sit around doing nothing like a bracelet or ring.

Her words about the names of her new little pets finally brought Rip back out of the rambling on that had taken place in his mind. He looked down over at the Goldclaw, and then at the others. Names... heh... Well, everything had to have a name that was living, right? That even included oversized fish with freakish fangs. "Kring, Harp, and Zappeln. I think I can remember that... maybe..."
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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/25/2008 10:25 PM

Since he kept the comments to himself, Spearow was just left to stare at him while he was rambling to himself. It was that, or elsewhere, but she'd already stared elsewhere. might as well stare at him too. A little odd piece of logic, but it worked.
It wasn't as if she was aware of Rip's personal issue with peanut butter. Had she known, she wouldn't have been able to stop herself from laughing. That was just like a typical animal reaction, getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth. How silly. Secondly, it was also typical of a pirate to love treasure. She made a perfect assumption, when it came to most pirates. A good lot of them just cared about getting wealthy. It was nasty to be a victim to greed, and just as nasty, if not more, to those you tossed around to get there.

"They're not that hard to remember." She stated back in response to what the other pirate said. "Kring is the leader and a Goldclaw, leader, gold, like a king. Harp, that's just an instrument. And's kinda like zap... like what happens when it gets all stormy and those things that scare me, uh, the beams of electric static that come from the sky." Aw, she didn't know what lightning was called, and just admitted that she actually kind of scared during lightning storms, without so much as realizing it. It was sad, being afraid of being struck by lightening, the chances were so small, but water conducted electricity! She had a right to be afraid! Plus...There wasn't lightning under the ocean either...

She lifted up the end up her tail a bit, her attention falling to that so easily. Humm...It'd dried out now, which meant she could return to being a human. And that was what began to happen, it was like the tail fin began to recede, the scales melting away into her flesh- the beginning of the process. "Ah!" She looked up at Rip, pointing her finger in the opposite direction. "Turn around!" So she could return to her full human self in secret and get the stupid pants on so she wasn't running around in just a skirt, well, and the pirate flag.

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Postby Kyrit » 07/02/2008 11:08 PM

Aww~ So cute! She was afraid of lightning. In his mind he wanted to hug her and say how adorable that was for some reason, but he refrained from doing so. That'd probably just cause her to become quite angry, and thus he'd end up on the wrong side of a mermaid with three killer fish. Still, for some reason in his mind he just thought of her being afraid of lightning as cute. Fears weren't supposed to be cute, but hey. At least he wasn't going to laugh at her either. He knew that was far from a nice thing to do. She feared lightning, he feared things with large teeth that could possibly tear him to shreds.

It was rather sudden, her exclamation to look elsewhere. In jolting to look around, the Draculi almost went out of the boat and in to the water. Luckily the boat just rocked back and forth a bit, keeping upright. Blinking, he looked out into the distance at what he was possibly supposed to be looking at. But... there was nothing there. "Uh... Spearow..." he began without turning around, incase he might miss whatever it was by looking back at her. "I'm not... seeing anything..."
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Postby ToxicShadow » 07/03/2008 2:03 AM

The inner Spearow eeeked as the boat began to rock back and forth, and she grabbed the sides of it with both hands to balance herself out at the time, praying that he didn't fall out and splash her, for they'd have to start the process all over again. Who would want to do this again? Sitting and chatting on random subjects with killer fish swimming around them, more a concern for Riphest then Spearow, while the other pirates conspired against them. They still hadn't thought up much of a plan for when they returned. It didn't seem logical that the captain could or would get rid of the men who'd started this, especially with the time they had to feed him lies. The proof, there wasn't anything solid for either party, and, on another note, could they afford getting rid of those sets of hands?

As it barely began to settle down, the tail had all but receded and she had to manage to balance herself in the little boat to pull the blasted pair of pants fully on as quickly as was possible, so he didn't look back. "Good, you're not supposed to see anything. But keep looking that way!" It was awkward, but she wasn't about to say so, that they were his pants. It was just a weird concept, for the fact they smelled more like him and they were still a bit too big on her. They just weren't hers. She didn't have her boots with her either, so barefoot she went.
By the time she had them buttoned, which was merely a matter of seconds, any reminders that may have remained of her mermaid features had vanished. She plopped back down on her little wooden bar seat, where she began to roll up the bottoms of the pants a few times, to fit her more comfortably, speaking, "Eh. Sorry 'bout that." She never explained what she was so suddenly fussing about. "I'm back to normal now..."

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Postby Kyrit » 07/13/2008 12:59 AM

Not... supposed to see anything...? Why was she making him look at absolutely nothing? Well it wasn't nothing seeing as how there was the ocean out there... but still there wasn't really anything amazing to be looking at. Women....

Back to normal now? The human form Draculi turned around and blinked. Oh... She put on the pants.. "You could've just asked me to look away for a moment, Spearow. Not like I'd refuse." It was a funny sight for him to see her in his pants. Course part of it came from the fact he was a young man, and even if he wasn't like those pigs that called themselves men on the ship, he couldn't help but having certain thoughts. They also came from the fact that well, the other pirates would know that they weren't Spearow's pants when they saw her....

"So should we let Kring, Zappeln, and Harp take us back in? Or would you rather take the slow way and paddle ourselves?" Yay easy way to push weird thoughts out of your head~ Just find another subject. One that brought you closer to home too.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 07/13/2008 9:18 PM

Straightening out the edges just one more time, the now human appearing mermaid finished fussing with the pants. Their thoughts were the same, when it come to the others clearly realizing they didn't rightfully belong to her. Because of the circumstances, she being female, they would, more then likely, try and read more into it. That just wouldn't do. She had to upkeep her image as it was, equal, without there being any effects or affects because of her gender. She was just another member of the crew- that was how it had to be seen, nothing else. It was another test on rather or not it was true.

"I wasn't thinking about being polite about it." She offered in a blunt, matter of fact way as a sort of answer to his comment. It was honest. "Just getting done what I had to get done, which was making you look away as I changed back." So she didn't always go with the seemingly proper way of doing things. When did she do the orthodox thing? Only when it benefited her. And, according to the circumstances, when did pirates have the opportunity to be completely polite? Just gotta blend it. Blend in~

"I'm impressed. You remembered. So far."
Leaning over the boat, just enough, without it being a hazard to her, Spearow peered down in the general direction of the Werebettas. The lot of them all came around. "Hear his question? Would you lot like to pull us in, or should we paddle?" There was a pause, and it was like the fish exchanged glances with one another before giving her some sort of answer. "Us...both? Sure."
"Go ahead and tug on the line, so they can find it." Notice how she avoided referring to Riphest by any name at all. Not by his name, nor by the 'Sir' she usually did. She'd even just told him what to do, without so much as thinking about it. That would be a bad habit to develop, for once they were back on ship, it would be very improper.
Likewise, she pulled out the two ores, to posistion them herself. Something else she didn't much think about.

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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2008 1:56 PM

Rip frowned for just a moment as his listed to her. She didn't have to do that to get him to look away... Could have just asked 'Hey, could you look away for a moment?' But oh well. He'd let her do things her way if they made her happy. Wasn't like it was doing him any harm anyways. Just... left him looking for things that weren't there...

He then gave a nod and spoke, "Yeah. I don't think it's gonna be too hard to remember after all." Of course with his luck he'd probably forget rather quickly on down the road and have to ask Spearow again what the names of each of the Werebettas were. He took hold of the line from earlier and tugged on it a bit as commanded, that way they could find it and they'd be on their way a lot quicker. Not something that he was going to comment about since she'd realize and such, but he couldn't help but mentally laugh at the fact he was following orders from someone under him.

Once the 'bettas had the line he moved over next to her to grab hold of one of the ores. "Let's see if we can do this without causing them to go in circles." he spoke out, letting out a small chuckle since if they didn't row correctly they wouldn't be much help in getting back to the boat at all.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 08/06/2008 10:59 PM

Obediently, the troupe of fanged fish clamped down on the line, carefully positioning it between each of their teeth, as soon as it was pulled on. Really, they would come in handy at a later time - somehow. Automatically, they began to swim, after getting themselves settled into a pattern that made it so they could still swim in a straight line while tugging the small boat behind them.

It was almost unexpected when that who was above her took one of the ores from her grasp. It caused Spearow to blink in a briefly appalled manner. "I could have rowed on my own." she stated the fact calmly. It made sense, didn't it? "I believe it's the usual way of things - that the one in a lower category does the rowing in these circumstances." Apparently, she wasn't loosing all of her in set rules and regulations. Riphest would have probably fussed at her though, well, not fussed, but rather insisted that he would help as well. Despite his posistion, he wasn't acting much upon it here. She had to remember that.

"Rowing shouldn't be too hard. It's on of the basic pirate skills, after all." Wasn't it an essential skill? You couldn't be on a ship all the time, the small boats were used often enough. Now, if they could rough together, that was a whole different story. If they couldn't get used to each other's rhythm, it would then become difficult. To manage that problem, Spearow took it upon herself to count down aloud slowly to their starting point, so they could start right on time with one another. With any amount of skill or luck, it'd work.
Still, her mind wasn't entertained by her body's attempts to fall into a mindless motion but, instead, continued on about the problems at hand.

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Postby Kyrit » 09/13/2008 1:30 AM

(Yay repost that'll probably be real lame since I suck at reposting what was lost~ 8D )
"Could have." the human form Draculi spoke with a small smile, "but instead I offered to help. Yes, I probably should be making you do all the work since you're below me in position... but I have a hard time believing that I should just sit back and do nothing. It is partly my fault that we're out here to begin with, seeing as how you were trying to save me."

Oddly enough, as they began to row Rip did rather well for the sheltered little guy he seemed to be. Didn't seem like he knew much about being a pirate, but he could apparently hold his own when they had to. "Although... I think when we start getting closer to the ship I should probably let you go ahead and take over with everything." he finally spoke after a few moments. "It might help out a bit, that way they don't find more things to fuss about."

How could anyone expect him to just sit there and do nothing, while leaving a girl, no offense to Spearow just for her gender, do all the work? Even another guy honestly. He couldn't just stare out at the water or at the person he was with. Seemed like wasting time or something.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/13/2008 3:27 PM

Rowing...rowing... Despite conversation, her body simply fell into the needed rhythm, ores up, ores down, repeat. It wasn't a difficult task to match herself to Riphest. He wasn't a pirate, yet he was, very much so. So odd that one could and could not be something at the same time. But didn't that statement fit her as well? Even if it was in something different, it fit well enough.

" wasn't your fault." She protested, giving a sideways glare to him. "I may have saved you this time, but it was your helping me first that made those idiots act as they did." In other words, Spearow was insisting that it was all her fault and the blame need not be shared. If she hadn't joined the crew of his ship, then none of this would have happened in the first place. She'd grown used to having such an outlook, thus, couldn't be blamed for it. Always looked down upon, indeed. "You wouldn't have been tossed overboard had it not been for me."

It had made sense that Rip wanted to row in order to have something to do. She supposed she could understand that. Sitting out and staring at nothing couldn't have been very interesting for anyone to do. However, she was set on following the rules, the codes. Out of all the pirates of the world, she was probably one of the few who frequently studied and knew it. She didn't want to break it... Yet...was it wrong to decline someone's help when they offered? Jeez. Fine. He'd get away with it, for now. Not long.

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Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2008 9:42 PM

Part of him instantly wanted to blurt out, 'But I never actually had to save you. I made the choice to force them to leave you alone, when I could have just gone about my regular work.' He knew though that saying such would just be grounds for her to try to find something else to pull the blame back on herself, so he let it go. "How about we both just share the blame, since both our actions were done of our own free will?" Bit risky, but if she went on trying to blame herself he'd just give up.

It hadn't been too long, maybe ten or so minutes by now, before he held out the handle of the paddle to the mermaid in hiding. Best to go ahead and get out of the way, as surely they weren't too far from the ship now.
(Sorry. Short, but I wanted to at least get something out there for ya.)
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Postby ToxicShadow » 10/17/2008 6:28 PM

It was in her to continue to complain and blame herself rather than accepting that the fault was on them both, however, Spearow did happen to think otherwise, for once. She had been put at fault so many times, but those people...they were different then Riphest was. They never wanted to share the blame, rather, they just pushed it onto her whenever they could. That was what shaped her now, why she was so willing to put it all on herself. But that was the past, one she didn't hold any intention of speaking on. "Alright..." she agreed slowly, "We'll take the blame together then, because you insist."

But then, as she received the paddle from the Draculi and fell into motion to do all the rowing, she added, "But that doesn't change any of this." Rip really was unusual in how he wanted to share all the burdens, but she was okay. Even though she was a girl, it was clear she wasn't a pushover. "What do you think'll happen when we're on board again?" After all, it wouldn't be much longer before they were. She didn't quite see the ship yet, but any moment, any moment it would be seen. Likewise, they would be seen, if anyone was paying attention.

[[Definitely not my best, but I wanted to get a reply to you after so long.]]

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Postby Kyrit » 10/19/2008 2:49 AM

Finally! She had finally but down her 'shield' so to speak, and let him partially take the blame as well. Maybe this meant that she was finally accepting him closer as a comrade? Naw. It was probably just because she wanted him to shut up already. Either way, he had managed to get her to share the blame with him like she should. He could just continue to hope to himself that he was finally breaking through her shell and getting her to truly open up to him.

A small speck caught his eyes in the distance, pulling his eyes away from her completely for a few moments. "Not sure... Things could go quite a few different ways. My father could possibly commend you for saving his son, or I could get scolded for coming back for you. The crew could act like they're greatful that we lived, or they could try to get us thrown off the ship." Riphest let out a small sigh, sitting back down on one of the little benches that made up the seats of the row boat. "There's just no telling really... No matter how the crew acts, we know their true feelings toward us anyways."

He ran his fingers through his hair, rubbing his head. "I just hope that they haven't convinced him that something bad happened and we caused it instead of them... Without us there to defend ourselves there's no telling what fibs those rats have told him..."
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Postby ToxicShadow » 11/01/2008 4:23 PM

As she rowed and listened, Spearow glanced over her shoulder to see just what had caught Rip's attention, even though she was able to guess what it was. The ship, of course. "Not too much longer. You're all doing great." The words of encouragement were sent toward the three helpful Werebettas as she focused again on her rowing rather then the distant ship.
The bettas really were so helpful to them in the short time they'd known them. With any luck, they'd remain their allies. And maybe Riphest would warm up to them even more- but that might be pushing it.

After listening to Rips's thoughts on the matter of the crew and all, something hit her. She grimaced, a little. If only she'd thought of that before agreeing...If the circumstances came up, she might just have to take more of the blame then he. "If they turn on us, let me settle it, will you? Blame I'll share, but my own personal matters..." That was a whole different story, one where she would defend her own self. "At least with the group that bothers me and threw you over- their leader." She was serious, deadly so. "As the code states: if a one crew member holds conflict with another, it may be resolved not by striking the other while onboard the ship, but with a duel of pistol, sword or other approved weapon by the Captain, on shore. Anything lost in battle is not compensated for, nor is either condemned for killing the other if it was deemed nessisary in order to resolve the conflict." So yes, by stating that, she'd declared that she was fully capable and willing to lay her life on the line so long as the conflict was settled. Honestly, she didn't want him to get dragged into this, which was why she said she would. She couldn't allow Rip to do something like that. In her eyes, it wasn't right.

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Postby Kyrit » 11/10/2008 10:12 PM

The boat threatened to tump over with the sudden and violent movement that followed Riphest's hearing Spearow's words. He had stood up to face her once again so quickly that the boat shook back and forth for a few moments longer, almost causing the feline to end up in the dark waters once again. After taking a second to make sure he kept his balance, Rip turned his attention back to the mermaid. "Spearow!" his words came out in an almost squeak. "You have no clue if he'll make it fair! What if he were to choose a weapon that you had no idea how to use? What if he allowed more then one of them to settle the fight with you, since it's not just one of them?"

Just about all color had left his face, sickened at the thought of what outcomes could become of her settling a score with the crew members. If she lost it'd mean either her life, or having to put up with them downing her even worse day by day. "I won't have you losing your life!" Was that... a command? How could you command someone not to get themselves killed? It wasn't like one always had a choice in the matter after all. Things just tended to happen.

"Hear me? You're supposed to be the other sane person on this ship. I won't have you gambling your life over this!" His fists were clenched tightly around the sides of the boat, leaning over the bench so he was a bit closer to her.
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