A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby D3thNote » 11/10/2012 1:30 AM

"Why me?! Why did I have to get stuck here?! It should have been him." Jackson paced in circles for a while, before throwing his bow into a tree and pouting on a nearby rock. "I'm not cut out for this shit." He grabbed his head in frustration. "Ouch..." He mumbled noticing the bloodied eye he accidentally knocked with his hand. "Great. What's next?" Jackson was fed up trying to deal with his situation. So far he had been attacked by twelve creatures, bloodied, and bruised, and on top of all that, he still hadn't caught any food.

For Jackson, the jungle was the farthest place from home. There were dangers around every corner. He could never stay in the same place for more than one night, unless he wanted to be some animals dinner. For most, this jungle-like place would be a beautiful place where nature was prominent. But for him, it was like hell.

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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby Alexis » 11/10/2012 1:51 AM

[font=Lucida Handwriting]AnnaMaria let out a sigh and nearly let a tear of frustration slip down her cheek as she continued to walk through the dense jungle. There was an overwhelming, heavy kind of heat here and she doubted she'd ever get used to it. That is...if she ever got out of here. The girl had been running for what was going on two days now, and hadn't come into contact with a single other pet. Not that she thought about it she wasn't sure if it was frustration, fear, exhaustion, or a potent combination of all three that was driving this need to cry at the moment, but she knew for sure that she should stop and take a rest. If only she found another pet...Suddenly, there was a loud noise coming from not fifty metres away! Anna squeezed her eyes up tight and tried to make herself as small as possible, praying it wasn't another predator out looking for dinner. [font]
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby D3thNote » 11/10/2012 2:10 AM

A crackle of a nearby leaf drew Jacksons attention. "dinner!" he thought to himself. He readied hos bow, arrow  positioned. Jackson crept slowly to where he heard the sound. Creeping he approached, a figure soon came into view. It was purple, black, and white...? "What in the world is colored like that?!" He thought puzzled. His stomach groaned and he knew it was irrelevant. He continued the pursuit. Now he was right on top of it. He couldn't see it's front but he didn't have to. As long as he got a clean kill shot... "Got'ch ya!" He mumbled to himself, only loud enough for the 'human' ear to pick up...
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby Alexis » 11/10/2012 1:53 PM

AnnaMaria held herself still in fear as the terrible seconds ticked on, praying she'd be looked over. Suddenly she heard a voice just barely whisper "Gotcha!", which spurred her into action. Her arms flailed and she yelled out.
"No! No! Wait a minute! Don't kill me!!" Her assailant seemed to pause for a moment, recognizing the cries of something definitely human, rather than animal. Anna had been wandering in her human for for days. Just then she heard some more rustling and a form stepped out from behind a bush.
__...:::I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell, I know right now you can't tell...But stay a while and maybe then you'll see, a different side of me... :::..__
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby D3thNote » 11/10/2012 10:25 PM

Jackson paused at the random flailing before him. This was clearly not an animal... Only humans were that stupid. "Seriously, what kind of person runs in circles when being attacked?" Jason asked the frantic human, as he stepped out of the bushes. Clearly he wasn't one to talk about good survival, with his cuts and bruises, but at least he didn't make it easy. "Hey, calm down." He stated to the still gasping human. At this point he was actually laughing at her! "Okay, sorry. I don't mean to make fun, but I have never in my life seen anything like that. My name is Jacks. What's yours?" Jackson wasn't really the 'lets be friends' type but given the circumstance...
Jackson put down his bow and arrows before slowly approaching the person. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby Alexis » 11/10/2012 11:31 PM

Doing her best to recover her composure, Anna smoothed out one of the many wrinkles in her dress and took as deep a breath as she could manage in the restrictive clothing. "You can call me Anna.." She said, with a slight accent. She was definitely not from this area. "It is nice to meet you, Jacks." She gave him her best smile for the circumstances and tried to lay on the charm. "You look like a....how do you say...strong warrior? You must know..there is a village in this area that I could stay in?" She gave her best pleading look. "I am very far from home. And very...lost."
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby D3thNote » 11/11/2012 12:54 AM

"Really?" Jackson gave her a look and continued, "If I found a town, I sure as hell wouldn't look like how I do. To be honest, I don't know where we are. You are the first human I've found out here. I'd say it's been a couple of months since I got lost in this messed up jungle. I've barely survived so far." Jackson commented before picking up the bow and arrows again. "But if you feel like surviving another day, then we need to find shelter, quickly. It's getting dark." He started walking away, leaving the option up to Anna.

"Finally." Jackson stated rhetorically. He studied the area well, making sure it was safe. "This will do."
Jackson walked closer to the structure. It was an old section of the jungle that had collapsed upon itself. There was a large crevice in ground and a few fallen trees over it. The top was now mostly covered by moss and other plant life. There was a small indent in one of the tree bases, where one could sneak though into the crevice.
"Not much for the eyes, but it keeps predictors out, hard to detect, and safe from elements."
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby Alexis » 12/04/2012 11:34 PM

Anna regarded the shelter with a look that could only be described as distasteful, and gave a barely audiable sigh.
"You think...we will be finding a town, sometime soon?" she asked. Sitting herself down on a rock she settled to watch Jacks prepare the space some more, not offering help of any sort.
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby D3thNote » 12/05/2012 1:03 AM

"You know this would go faster with two people." Jacks mentioned as he collected nearby fire wood. He got no response. Continuing, Jacks collected a large pile of soft leaves and placed them in the corner of the room but still close to the fire place. He gathered a few rocks around the fire wood to keep it from spreading then went about to make a fire starter tool. He took a thin stick from the pile and tied one end to another tightly with what looked to be string. He then took a thicker branch and looped it between the bow line. Then he took a flat wood piece and placed it on the floor in front. Jacks grabbed a stone and placed it in his palm before placing his palm on top of the one stick. He pulled the bow back and forth causing the stick to rapidly spin on the wood chip. Moments later, there was smoke and soon after Jacks had a fire for the two.

"Go make a bed. I'm going out to hunt before it's too dark." Jacks stated before dashing out of the shelter.

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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby Alexis » 12/13/2012 5:01 PM

The being that called himself Jacks had an accent substantially different from her own and spoke in a clipped and rather aggressive manner, something that made it slightly difficult for Anna to understand every word he said. She did manage to peice together that he wanted to her to create some sort of bed though, and with reluctancy she set about the task. Once again regarding the foliage around her with some distaste she thought about what would make a good sleeping pallet. Of course, it would be nothing like the luxouriously comfortable beds she was used to but it would have to do. Eventually she settled on using palm leaves from near the hut and shaping them into something resembling a bed. By the time she'd finished it had gotten dark and she looked at the door with suspicion - it wouldn't exactly keep out anything that *really* wanted in, and from what she understood this forest was just crawling with things that wanted to eat her.
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Re: Run! Said the Doctor. (L,V... All. 18A)

Postby D3thNote » 12/16/2012 5:08 AM

There was soon a noise by the entrance. Anna quivered in fear and suspicion. "You okay lov'?" Jacks asked as he poked in through the opening. behind him he was dragging a corpse. "Eww!" Anna screeched as Jacks tossed it close to the fire. "Be grateful. We get a feast tonight. Most days I'd come back empty handed." He then pulled out a knife and cut into the creature. It was quite gory but eventually it was clean. There was some 'steak' that was recognizable and when Jacks tossed it over the flame, you could hear it sizzle.
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