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The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 2:58 AM

Rella’s slim body twisted swiftly though the air. In the night sky she flowed through an intricate dance. Behind her a larger male chased after her. His eyes narrowed and his wings beat furiously. Rella refused to look behind her, focusing only on escaping this male, she knew she would not win a fight with him. Her plan was to wear him down until he was too tired to continue. However, they had been at this sine sundown and the moon was almost at its peak. Rella was beginning to think her plan was backfiring. She had lush jungle around her and plenty of obstacles she could put in his way but he always caught up to her. she was always scanning the area around her, search for a place that was small enough that only she could fit into it but was expansive enough that she could hide from his grasping claws. Her wing beats began to falter, and she could feel his outstretched paws skim the sharp claws at the tip of her tail. Diving down in order to give up flying she flicked her tail side to side, hoping to catch one of his paws and cut it open. Her eyes spotted her release, a hole in one of the half dead trees, the perfect size for her to squeeze through hand not get caught. With a final burst of speed she pushed her wings to get out of his reaches for long enough to get her body into a safe place. Like a miniature rocket she shot into the hole and backed herself against the hard rotted wood. The yellow and black male hissed as his paws clutched for a piece of her. She had half a mind to bite them off but restrained herself. She didn’t want to risk getting caught.
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Re: The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 2:58 AM

Slowly the male began to back off, Rella wasn’t stupid enough to poke her head out but she was able to relax a bit. Her body slumping down and her breath coming in heaving gasps, she knew he would be there waiting perched on a nearby hidden branch. She would spend the night here, then when her muscles ached and her stomach complained of being empty she would stick a tentative paw out and prey he chose a hiding spot a little ways away from her hiding spot. It occurred to her that he may be a dream weaver. It was hard to tell these days who had what abilities. He had wanted her alive, so the worst that could happen would be a nightmare. Although that wasn’t exactly calming it did help her drift off to sleep. Her body tightly tucked into a circle and her wings only barely able to rest. Dawn woke her and she groggily jumped up, forgetting for a moment where she was. Then her night hit her and she realized that now was the time to see if she could escape. Maybe he was still asleep a thought that was shaken away. Even if she got no reaction from an outstretched paw didn’t mean that he wasn’t there waiting.
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Re: The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 3:00 AM

Slowly her paw stretched outside the hole, her body ready to pull back any time. She was very sore and the cramped space didn’t allow for any stretching. If she was to make her escape she could only hope he was feeling the same way she was. No response from her outstretched paw, though she didn’t leave it hanging for long. No need risking being pulled away from her safety. Rella knew she couldn’t stay here all day, her body needed food and with a diet consisting mainly of fruit she became malnourished quickly. Even her spots, which usually glowed brightly were almost to dim to notice. With a small sigh she leaned against the rotting wood. Unsure of how to proceed she was not going to poke her head out, but she couldn’t sit around all day either. Leaning forward she stuck her whole forearm out of the hole and waved it around a bunch. This time she left it there for a few moments, hoping to spot movement before withdrawing this time. A yellow flash surprised her and before she could withdraw she had claws around her arm and she was being wretched out of her safety den. Hissing as menacingly as she could and allowed her body to be pulled all the way out of the den. Becoming a dead weight once her body was in the open air they lost a few feet of altitude but he was stronger than she had expected.
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Re: The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 3:01 AM

The male was able to keep them both hovering but he couldn’t do much in the way of moving them. he did try and Rella had a jolt of fear flash through her when they moved a few feet towards a branch. She had started to squirm though and he had to halt his progress in order to steady himself. “I’ll drop you.” He warned his glaring eyes stared down at her. She returned his gaze; she still had time to get away. Only a few thoughts made their way into her head before she realized she was falling. “You let go of me.” she screeched her wings working to catch up with her body. He was flying just next to her now, an amused look on his face. “I told you it’d happen.” He said watching her but not helping her. She was able to steady herself before she crashed through the undergrowth and made sure to put some distance between her and the forest floor. The chase commenced, the male didn’t give her any time to catch her breath before he was after her again.
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Re: The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 3:01 AM

Rella had to admit this was the hardest she had to work her body, and no amount of training would have prepared her for this. Her wings fluttered furiously, and her soreness was driven to the back of her mind. She zipped through the foliage and made sure to put as many small spaces and spike filled plants between her and her pursuer. She could tell it was affecting him more than it had the night before, or maybe she just chose tighter spaces than before. Soon she could feel that he wasn’t right behind her and though she didn’t relax she began to choose her path carefully. She kept her body from touching the surrounding foliage and chose the smallest holes and sometimes doubled back in order to keep him confused. For a long time she didn’t see him at all. She was lucky that his fur color was a big contrast to the green and brown that filled most of the jungle. However her black and blue fur wasn’t doing her any favors.
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Re: The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 3:01 AM

Only faintly she began to hear the buzzing of her colony. It was still quite a ways away but she knew that soon she would begin seeing some of the guard posts and gatherers. A wave of hope enveloped her and she began to pick up speed, still being careful to make it hard for anyone to catch up to her. She was happy that her small size was an advantage. For a long time she always cursed her weakness and smaller stature. Today however it was something she praised and was the reason, combined with her mind that she had been able to make it home. Rella tarnished these thoughts, she hadn’t escaped yet and she didn’t want to become distracted. She ducked under and flew over so many branches she was surprised she didn’t run straight into one. Green and browns and small splashed of colors blurred around her, and she always veered away from any black or yellow colors that sometimes caught her eye. The buzzing and some chattering were getting louder and it took all her restraint to not think she had escaped already. Just behind the last branch she could see her colony waiting for her. Their eyes glanced over her and then went to look behind her. They didn’t react badly, nor did they look very pleased so she couldn’t tell if she was in the clear and didn’t take the time to check. She flew into the crowd and they moved around her, still no emotion. At the last moment Rella decided to swirl around and face the male. His black and yellow face was just centimeters from hers. She screeched and fell backwards, her wings beating frantically in order to get some space between them.
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Re: The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 3:02 AM

An amused smile split his face and a nervous laughter came from the crowd. So she would have to fight. That would not bode well, she wasn’t very good at fighting but she was backed into a corner and she couldn’t keep running forever. Her paws found the smooth wood floor or the branch and she relaxed her wings finally. The male did the same and for a moment they stared each other down. He was the first to move and Rella dodged his lunge easily. At the last moment she flicked her tail up and cut the fur from his belly. It wasn’t enough to hurt him but he would be sure to be careful when going after her. She knelt down now, circling him unsure if she was ready to pounce. He watched her and his tail flicked from side to side he would be ready for her when she made her move. One wrong step however and his paw was out in the open. Like a snake her head came in and her sharp teeth found his furry paw. He squealed in pain as her jaws locked around bone and flesh. She could taste blood on her mouth but had to release her grip before she broke bone because he had given her a good knock on the head with his other paw.
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Re: The Colony

Postby Sarah » 02/10/2014 3:06 AM

Now limping he took a few steps back. Rella had in on the defensive but she was afraid he may drop off the branch and she would have to fly after him. In the air she would be easily taken over. He didn’t drop though and when she jumped on him he was only barely able to struggle out of her grasp. In the mean time she had bitten down on his back, ripping out fur and making him bleed. Her claws sunk into his shoulders and hind legs and she clawed at him until he screamed for mercy. “Enough.” A sharp growl came from the back of the crowd. Instantly Rella pushed off of the male and they both sat there waiting for the speaker to approach. She shot a side glance and saw that the male was bleeding pretty badly, but she could see the healer making her way through the crowd in order to help him. “Pastel,” They both said, bowing their head in respect. “You’ve proven that you can protect yourself should the time come.” The woman started, not wasting any time. “Poor bumble here will be bearing your scars forever it seems.” She said the smallest hint of praise in her voice. “I watched your ability to evade your enemy and strategize your next move based on the resources you have around you, you were also able to protect yourself when you became cornered.” She continued, her eyes passed over bumble who was starting to look better now that the healer was working on him. “Bumble proved to be a worthy opponent, knowing your weaknesses and forcing you to improvise. If you wish, I would have you become a guard, or you may pursue another profession if you like.” Rella’s eyes shined and pride swelled inside her. She had been training for so long it was a great release to know that it was finally over. She had gone into training hoping to be a guard too; she would not pass up this offer. “I would love to work with you and the other members of the guard.” She replied, Pastel gave her a small nod before turning and disappearing back into the crowd. Rella was exhausted and wondered if others had such a tiring final exam. She knew they did, she had seen a few first hand and they usually came back bloody and broken. Faintly she wondered if any had come back and fought like she had. Before she headed off she turned to bumble. “Sorry for…” she trailed off looking at his wounds. “Don’t worry about it,” he said softly. “You're good at fighting, its only right that you would show it off.” He added with a smile. The healer had left and most of his minor wounds had disappeared, his paw was still bound and his back had bandages on it. “Go rest and I’ll see you in a few days on guard duty.” He said shooing her away. Rella drug herself back to her den and slumped down in her nest. She only barely noticed the fruit in the corner before she dozed off. Her stomach was growling but she was too tired to care about eating just yet.

* * *
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