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Picking up Lost Pieces

Postby Kheisa » 09/23/2007 11:19 AM


It was a way of being; a state of mind; a place in space.

It was a noun, an adjective, and a verb.

All of which applied to her.

Hex stopped walking, sat down on a bench, buried her face in her hands. It was just too much to bear sometimes. The salty air in Jawan was great for clearing her mind, but once it was cleared, it all came crashing back down; the knowledge that none of her memories would ever return.

"Khe... You coming?"

"No!" a hand lashed out, whipping around inches from the Kuhna's face before retracting, held to the chest as the black-clad girl stared in horror at what she had almost done, eyes wide, breathing heavy. "I'm not Kheisa! I can't be Kheisa! I would remember if I was her!" She clutched her head, as though if she held it hard enough she would somehow squeeze out some memories.

The Cherry Kuhna backed off, ears back, and sat down a bit away from Hex. "You... You really can't remember?"

"God, Peppermint! If I could remember, I would have told you!" She growled, then pulled her ears and hair down, groaning. "Ohhh, god... What can I do? I don't know anybody anymore, even myself..."

(please only join if you have roleplayed with me before; if your character has met Khe or if I chat with you a WHOLE HECK OF A LOT.)
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Postby aisu10 » 09/23/2007 11:43 AM

Aisu was taking a walk through Jawan with Echelon and her two Rollabies. It was a perfect day, with blue skies several light, puffy clouds floating past the sun. It was cool, but not cold, for the Fall had just begun. Aisu was wearing a long, black and white striped scarf that was billowing in the breeze, and was carrying Echelon in her rainbow-arm-warmer clad arms. The Lubshi's red ear-tips showed brightly against her pale blue shirt with white short-sleeves. The black Rollaby with the bioluminescent swirls was hopping along beside her, sticking close to her legs, on which were dark blue denim jeans. The other Rollaby, Spec, was rolling along in front of Aisu, just happy to be out and about.
Spec uncurled a few yards away from Aisu and sniffed the air. Picking up a familiar scent, she scampered over to a bench where a girl and a Kuhna were sitting. The girl smelled like Kheisa, one of Aisu's closest friends, but with a slight difference. She didn't look the same, either. But, Spec didn't mind. This had to be Kheisa. Her nose never twas wrong! Sensing the girl's sadness, Spec rubbed her head against her owner's friend's legs reassuringly. Even though she didn't know what was wrong, Spec felt it was her job to spread happiness.
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Postby Kheisa » 09/23/2007 12:12 PM

Hex shrank back as the Rollaby came closer, but loosened up a bit when it was obvious she didn't mean any harm. Reaching down with her ungloved right hand, she tentatively rubbed the head of the rainbow colored creature. She gave a nervous chuckle, ears going back. "Hey... You're a pretty little thing aren't you... Where's your mommy, lil' girl?" Her eyes traveled up from Spec to Aisu, and she pulled her hand away with a jerk, ears almost plastered flat on her head. "I didn't do anything, I swear!" She said fearfully, scooting away from Spec down the bench and towards Peppermint.

Peppermint stood and quietly came closer to her, murmuring, "It's only Aisu... She was your friend."

"My... My friend? Aisu?" Hex ventured, coming out of her shell slightly (in a metaphoric sense of course) to greet her once-friend, the same ungloved hand held out. Her left one, the gloved one, was held in a tight nervous fist against her chest. Her tail, which had been stiffly hanging between her legs, began to twitch slightly, and her ears lifted off of her head.


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Postby Moira » 09/23/2007 12:13 PM


Roxanne raced alongside Moira, stretching out to her fullest capacity. Moira sprinted, her hands shook with the effort, after five miles of full-out racing, but she didn't care. Lungs burning with every breath, legs begging for a hiatus, and brain wreaking havoc, undecided, trying to get her to stop, but being forced by her soul to tell her to keep going; Moira would be what one could decisively call a wreck.

It didn't matter that she hurt, or that she was tired. What mattered was that her life was crumbling around her feet. The world had no boundaries anymore, chaos would reign without abandon, no heroic force would step in to fight til doomsday.

None of it. It was all gone.

When Moira neared the bench where Kheisa sat, she had her mind made up. She knew the unfortunate circumstances of Kheisa's disapperance, and she herself had shed all trade-mark recognizable shreds of clothing. She wore nothing but dusty, dark jeans and a (unfortunately form-fitting) T-shirt... that read, "Build a Bridge and Get Over It". Perhaps this new Kheisa would find humor in it?

"Moira, perhaps we should--" Roxanne began, gesturing with a claw before Moira's blazing glare cut her off... soon extinguished by tears welling in her eyes.

Roxanne shrugged, and leaned against Moira's leg.

Calmly, slowly, blood pounding in her ears and racing through her body, she stepped forward, towards the bench. Her vision seemed racked with tremors, unable to adjust to her up-and-down movements of walking.

Moira stopped a little bit away, placed a clawed hand on Roxanne's shoulder, then ground her teeth (so hard it hurt) and continued on.

"Mind if I sit here?" She asked... Kheisa. Aisu was there, but Moira shot her a covert look, hoping she would play along. But before acting on this, she had held out her hand. Hopefully Peppermint would accept the hand, and give this new Kheisa... confidence in her.
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Postby aisu10 » 09/23/2007 12:29 PM

Aisu laughed, saying, "It's okay to pet her. She loves it," The human-ish girl walked up to Spec and the girl on the bench, wondering why her pet had approached a stranger. Then, as she got closer, she realized that this was no stranger...it was Kheisa! But..it wasn't Kheisa...Kheisa was a happy Zangoose-morph! What had happened to her? She looked distraught. Something terrible must have happened to her... Then 'Kheisa' seemed to remember her for a second, as her Kuhna told her. But..why didn't she...?
"K-Kheisa?" asked Aisu, eyes wide. "What happen-" Just then, Moira trotted up to them and cut her off, asking if she could sit there on the bench. Aisu was bewildered. What in the world had happened to her friend? Didn't she recognize Spec? Did she even recognize her?
Echelon, sensing Aisu's confusion, began to wiggle in her arms. His little earwings fluttered, and he shook his tail back and forth uncomfortably. But Aisu didn't let go of him; instead, she held him close for comfort. Nehorai rubbed closer to Aisu's legs, looking up at his owner and then back at the girl on the bench. He had never met Kheisa as she was before, so he didn't understand what was happening at all.
Spec, on the other hand, did not care that Kheisa had changed. Instead, she flipped onto her back and wiggled about, hoping for a belly rub.
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Postby Kheisa » 09/23/2007 1:41 PM

Hex gave out a wail and threw herself off the bench, away from Aisu and Moira. "No!" she shouted, throwing up her arms as a protective wall between herself and the two other girls. "Not-... Not... Not Kheisa..." She pulled off the glove on her left hand and brandished the tattoo on her left wrist; a barcode, the number "854" and the word "Hex." She pointed to the barcode and fell back onto her rump in the dirt, mumbling incoherently for a few moments. Then she looked up at Moira, sadness, pain, and fear mingling in her eyes.

"Do I know you?" It wasn't meant to be rude like it often was said; it was a simple question, a pleading question.

"I... There's pictures of you up at the house.. Both of you... Who... Are you? To me?" She pointed a trembling finger at herself to emphasize her question.

Peppermint purred comfortingly and nuzzled the obviously frightened and upset Hex, her manner motherly and loving. It lifted the weight on her heart a bit.


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Postby Moira » 09/23/2007 2:07 PM

"If you want to fight me when I approach, you know full well I can match you. We are very similar." Moira said softly. Her dual-colored eyes shone angrily. Sadness for Hex.

"Did I ever say you were Kheisa?" Moira said softly. "If you choose to use what you've been branded with, that's your choice. If you want to know who you were before... you went missing, you should come with us." Moira blinked fiercely, restraining any tears from falling. How she'd hunted for Kheisa... Hex now.

Why did she see in Hex's eyes what she so carefully masked in her own?

"Call me Moira, call her Aisu." Perhaps it was rude to introduce Aisu when she was perfectly capable of speaking herself, but Moira did so anyways.

"If you want to know, come with us... But don't hurt anyone. You're hurt. But you can heal. Give your wounds time to heal; don't stretch yourself and rip them open.

Moira held out her claw to the prone Hex.
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Postby aisu10 » 09/23/2007 2:52 PM

Aisu was still to shocked to speak. Kheisa...wasn't Kheisa any more? Now she was...Hex. So, someone had branded her with a name...and she had decided to keep it. Aisu clutched Echelon closer, and he finally stopped struggling, exhausted. What had happened? Her friend had lost all of her memories. She didn't know who either of her best friends were. She didn't know herself...
"Khe-I mean, Hex..." said Aisu, almost slipping. "What happened to you?"
Spec rolled onto her stomach and hopped up, a little disappointed that she hadn't received a belly rub. But, of course, Spec, being Spec, was back to her usual happy-go-lucky self within seconds. She bounced over to the confused and frightened Nehorai and nudged his muzzle, inviting him to play. But he shook his head; he was too busy watching the strange scene unfolding in front of him. Now the strange girl was on the ground, and the newcomer was holding out a claw to her. What had made the girl on the ground so upset? And what was with that strange tattoo?
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Postby Kheisa » 09/23/2007 3:34 PM

Hex turned away slightly, but did at the same time reach up to take Moira's hand softly, tentatively. "I... I don't know... That's the problem... I don't know who I am... How can I be Kheisa if I don't know who Kheisa is? What she acts like? Who she knows? It's just... So hard..." She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the glove, stowing it in her pocket.

Two pets appeared at this point: a Hunter and an Elder Kuhna. Hex's entire face lit up at the sight of the Hunter. "Kris'ra!" The being who could comfort her when no-one else could trotted over, nuzzled her face affectionately, and looked to Aisu. "She gave up her memories for me... I don't think she meant to give up as much as she did, and even if she had, nothing could have prepared either of us for the capture, y'know?" She gave a gravelly rumbling noise somewhat akin to purring as Jaenelle addressed Moira.

"The chalice is very fragile. The slightest wrong touch can break it at this point, but you are right. It can become stronger if it is filled. Knowledge, memories, it does not matter. Be careful." She trotted to Peppermint, who looked somewhat hurt, but, being Peppermint (and having almost the same personality as Spec), appeared to be getting over it easily enough. They held a murmured conversation during which Peppermint nodded many times, and Peppermint departed, going home to take care of the kits.


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