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A Song of Freedom {Dragon Roleplay}

Postby BasilFox » 03/07/2009 8:18 PM

~Long ago, so long ago that there is scarce anyone that can remember even the stories, Dragons roamed Everzynn. That isn't to say they don't now, because they do. It's just that, in that long time ago, the Dragons roamed /Free/.~

Our story begins in the land of Everzynn, a world in which, like Earth, humans are dominant. However, in this world it is even stranger that they are than it is on Earth. Yes, there are bears, tigers, wolves, and other such creatures, but the one thing that is the defining difference is the fact that /Dragons/ roam this land. Not free as they are in our stories, but as slaves. It has been forgotten how the dragons managed to get into this plight. Some say it was always this way, others say that it was a treaty gone wrong. Still others say that it was the vast number of humans and their traps and evilly-cunning ways that sealed the Dragon's fate.

It is a common site, even in a poor household, to see a dragon in service. Whether it be as small as a canary and useful only for song, or as large as a horse, useful for what horses would normally do. There are limits however, and the poor are only permitted a dragon as large as a common cur.

But our story does not involve the common-folk as so many often do. No. Our story involves the antics of the higher class, and their dragons, who are said to be as glorious as the spare few dragons that are permitted freedom so that they may light the sky with their beauty.

Three Noble families, The Farfarans, The Zaphyzans, and the Karakas, are among the most noted of the nobles because of their dragons. Fine breeding, impecible service, and of course the rebellious natures beat from them by whip, brand, or other methods...Or so they thought.

Times are changing, and news of a rebellion spurred on by a ballad entitled 'A Song of Freedom' is quickly spreading through the land. How will these families deal with it and more importantly, could this be the Dragons' shot at regaining their former glory of freedom? Or will the majicked collars and shackles that bind them extinguish the light of hope?
Alright. For this roleplay we need:
~Hunters [later, if the dragons escape]
~Members of the three families mentioned

I'm going to have to be quite firm about numbers. The F's, Z's, and K's will need to stay reasonably even with the dragons. For those that say they will join as something {Hunter/Family Member} and join as a dragon when the numbers even out...Well I'm going to be honest with you. Once the roleplay gets going, adding more characters will just cause confusion. If you can add your new character in without much shock{unless we need it to revive the roleplay}, then more power to ya'.

~Keep it literate. Believe me, I won't balk at denying someone entrance or kicking them out if they prove to be or are from my own experience, 'not literate'.
~No powerplaying and keep the godmodding to a minimum. I understand GMing in a fight to a degree, but try to keep it reasonable.
~Your characters. Keep them reasonable. I can not tell you how annoyed I get when someone brings in a characters that, to all appearances, is invincible. Another pet peeve of mine is when some changes their character or puts: 'Powers: Unknown'. That basically means you plan on adding powers to suit the situation of your character [in other words so that others are kept from having the advantage]. You put what powers your character has on the form. Whatever is there is what you stick with for the roleplay. So, I recommend being descriptive. I'm not going to allow a character 'the ability to freeze time' just because they have power over ice. The two things are unrelated. Put your character's stats up for all to see. XD
~I have no qualms with romance or violence.
~In addition I would people to refrain from joining as a family member and a dragon. This keeps other players from getting a family member to serve and causes problems. If no one requires a master,then you may join as your dragon as well as the family member.
Now that I'm done rambling, we can get to the form, and then to paragraph intros, and then to the roleplay! Wewt~


*Human [Hunter, Farfaran, Zaphyzan, or Karaka] or Dragon
**Roleplay-it-outs are fine. I myself have trouble writing down my character's personality. x3

In additoon, if you are roleplaying a dragon, please state which family they are from. Someone who chooses to roleplay a member of that family may then ask if your character would be their character's dragon. :3


*Farfaran Dragons*:
*Zaphyzan Dragons*:
*Karaka Dragons*: Svenka{Basilfox}


"I cringe.
The sound of my voice rips through me.
They scream.
The sound of my laughter stabs them.
He cowers.
The sound of his breathing betrays him.
I smile.
Only the sound of my music remains."
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Re: A Song of Freedom {Dragon Roleplay}

Postby BasilFox » 03/07/2009 8:22 PM

Name: Svenka
Gender: Female
Age: 217 [A servant of the Karakas for quite a while, obviously]
What: A Dragon
Appearance: Luminous green eyes contrast sharply with a silvery-grey color. Svenka possesses large claws and long, lynxish ears. Instead of the usual scales, she has a long, somewhat shaggy coat. Saber fangs protrude slightly past her upper lip. Also unusual for a dragon, she has bird wings instead of leathery bat wings. These strange traits somehow look graceful on her serpentine, yet somehow lupine, form.
Personality: I know this isn't particularly good for a board leader to say but...It shall be revealed throughout the roleplay. XD
Powers: Svenka, when her owners allow it, practices the lower qualities of her powers. Her powers are based around Wind [breeze to gale force winds caused by her large wings], Ice [Powers over it], and Speed [her fur concealing an agile figure]. However, like most of her kind she is controlled and subdued by a collar majicked by the finest mages.
Other: Nothing except that she is open to be claimed by a Karaka.

"I cringe.
The sound of my voice rips through me.
They scream.
The sound of my laughter stabs them.
He cowers.
The sound of his breathing betrays him.
I smile.
Only the sound of my music remains."
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Re: A Song of Freedom {Dragon Roleplay}

Postby Comet » 09/07/2009 1:18 AM

((I would love to join!))

Name: Comet
Gender: She Drake
Age: 678 (Teenish)
What*: Dragon
Appearance: She is a pure white european style dragon with a lightening bolt shaped tail and light blue eyes.
Personality**: Comet is rediculously stubborn dragon and refuses to be broken, which is why all the humans refuse to buy her from the dragon tamer who captured her. She is super loyal to her friends, though she dosen't really have any that still live, and she loves hatchlings. She is little more than a hatchling herself but she is almost grown to her full size and has the wisdom and experiance of a very old drake anyway because of all the adversity she has gone through. She has some pretty severe trust issues because of this adversity but if you do manage to get on her good side she will never fail to be there for you.
Powers: She can breath fire, ice, water, and lava as well as speak into other people's minds.
Other: Farfaran Dragon
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