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.:Contest 18 - Winners announced!:.

Postby Kyrit » 11/13/2011 1:29 PM


As you all may have noticed, it's been far too long since we last had a contest. Well, as it so happens, I am in the process of brutally butchering some of Baal's beloved creatures, as you may have noticed with the Maham and now the Yonyuu(that still needs a tiny bit of work) above. So where do you come in? Well, have you ever thought of some insane edit that you'd like to see be done to a pet, such as removing appendages or giving it some mutated fifth leg? If you have, then good! That's what I'm looking for.

To be exact, I'm looking for body modification ideas. Thing is, they have to be more creative than my wingless/featherless Yonyuu and my Merham turned in to a hamster. There are already tons of edits like that that I plan on doing for the Origin pet coloration line.

If you can do art and would like to provide a sketch to help get your idea across, that would be lovely. If not, please give as good of a description as you possibly can. You don't have to give me any colors for the base(though you can if you wish), as I'm mostly just looking for bodily edits to test myself with. Some of these, depending on how things go, could possibly even be used in an event that we have been thinking about for a while.

1.) You may enter as many edits as you wish.
2.) All edits must consist of body edits, meaning I'm not looking for accessories.
4.) Breedables(other than Kuhnas), Khimera, and Khalmar edits are not accepted.
3.) Not really a rule, but the end date is the 1st of December. Meaning your last day to enter is the end of November.

1st place - A custom with your edits and 1000 KS
* Custom can be replaced by an Alonia pet if so wishes.
2nd place - A mysterious egg and 500 KS
Any others chosen - 300 KS
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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Cookie » 11/13/2011 3:53 PM

1. Bruma without the light on its head (not sure what the technical term is)
2. Tali without wings (dog, domestic or wild)
3. Draculi without wings (cat, domestic)
4. Rollaby with cotton tail (bunny)
5. Torken with Triceretops looking head, remove tail flame
6. Albie without horns
7. Leebra with the bottom half actually lion-ish.
8. Gyrophant, remove horns and change legs to look like http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/72701.gif or remove horns and change tail to make it look like a giraffe.
9. Penticorn, change tail to actual horses tail, remove spikes on head.
10. Cavallion, add unicorn horn
11. Fenling, remove all but one tail (fennec fox)
12. Ferrikoon, remove wings (ferret)
13. Kasuga, remove the curved horns, make less undeadish (deer/reindeer)
14. Shielupe, remove ribbon like things (doberman/great dane/pit bull)
15. Turkezilla, make less feathery, change head a bit and make wings webbed and no tail (pterodactyl)
16. Tengumi, remove long tail feathers, neck frill, head frill (flamingo or ostrich)
17. Shartile, make arms shorter, remove hair on head (baby t-rex)
18. Serraptor, remove frill on head and tail, remove necklace, remove feathers (? I think that's what they are) hanging out of hair, add frill similar to http://www.barefootbare.com/wp-content/ ... nosaur.jpg
19. Carpetfang, remove fur (boa constrictor)
20. Hydrolisk, remove webs (croc)
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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Shieba » 11/13/2011 5:27 PM

I sadly can't do art. =/

- A Fellox without the mask. Since you already made the Yonyuu into a "real" fox, I don't see the need to remove more extra-stuff from the Fellox or it'd be too similiar.
- A Cavallion with wings, since it already has an awesome pose to be a pegasus. Making it white and its pattern/tail/mane golden would rock.
- A Fenling with a third eye on its forehead.
- I think the Polly is in an awesome position to be turned into a phoenix by making his beak longer/straight and adding more of the long tail feathers, as well as removing those feathers under its chin that kinda look like a beard.
- A "Roosken" that is more female than male, as in looking like a chicken (making the tail feathers less prominent and that thing on the head smaller, as well as probably removing some of the ornaments on the wing)
- A female Hunter without the mane and maybe more "jewlery" instead of just looking like its made out of stone.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 11/13/2011 5:54 PM

All of my ideas, minus drawings since I ran out of time~

1. Hydra Hollowheart (Colored shades of green and yellow (yellow belly, green skin?) with three heads and no legs, keep the wings but remove all patterns, including the heart. Remove the ribbons from the horns as well. Possible pattern to use for colors, only replace belly color with yellows, blue with lighter greens and red with darker greens.)

2. Corbine of Paradise (Remove mask and wing metal, make the wing and tail feathers a rainbow of pastel-ish colors and long flowing tail that is also many pastel colors, with long ribbons on the back of its head. Also the small stripes at the base of its wings and any other small markings should be in pastel colors. Main body color should be white, eyes be aqua blue. The metal around it's neck should be gold, and the gem in the center should be rainbow like an opal.)

3. Sea Teigu (A teigu colored ocean-ish shades, like blues and greens, eyes could be white or pinkish. Give it webbed feet and gills, and fins on the sides of its face like these. Give it a dorsal fin on its back, possibly like this one, and a finned tail sort of like a mermaid's. Maybe give it one of those little dangly light things like an angler fish has~)

4. Pine Palmie (Piney? Texture of the trunk would be vertical lines instead of zig-zaggy, eyes and mouth stay the same, replace leaves with a tall Christmas tree-looking shape like a fir tree or pine tree, and have tiny brown pinecones hanging from its branches.)

5. Destructo Scorpinch (replace claws with round razor blades, like these but maybe more cylindrical, and legs with knives? Also have the metal be black or dark grey, with fiery (reds, oranges, yellows) colors replacing what is green on a typical Scorpinch V2.)

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Kylo » 11/13/2011 5:55 PM

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby HunnyBun » 11/13/2011 6:13 PM

Just sticking my ideas here, just incase someone else thinks the same thing. Will add images eventually.

1. Ferrikoon minus wings / with angelic wings
With Angel wings, No wings
2. Serraptor minus feather things.
3. Mekkayena not mekka.
4. Akail more lizard like and less fin things.
5. Quickslyph with different neck item (this one may not be allowed)
6. Wockee with no headphones, possibly no mask.
No earphones, No mask
7. Fellox minus flames.
8. Bandol minus bandages. (so in other words, a whale)
9. Kitrell with bat/demonic wings. Or Kitrell with no wings and front paws.
Ba wings, No wings, paw
10. Evergreen with no face mask. (I've been wanting one of these so bad.)
11. A released Barghest.
12. Shimin with a different skull.
13. Snowgriff, one I had thought of about a year back.

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Thunder » 11/13/2011 7:30 PM

May or may not draw these P=

1. A Kasuga with icicles instead of flames.
2. A rotting Bleeder with bones sticking out of its skin.
3. A Trumpetter with fins that would resemble a leafy sea dragon: http://divegallery.com/Leafy_Sea_Dragon__1.jpg
4. A Kuhna with no tails, like a manx cat: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... uching.jpg
5. A Serraptor with spikes instead of a feathery mane and tail.
6. A Rexxel without the flames.
7. A Florana with dragonfly wings instead of butterfly wings.
8. A Shinzo with horns instead of ears.
9. A Garagnir with broken-off/cracked parts of its body.
10. A Nagi with dragon wings instead of feathery wings.
11. A non-robotic Corbine.
12. A Kuhna with more canine-like features, so it looks like some weird dog/cat hybrid thing.
13. A Bandol with flowers instead of bandages (dunno if this is allowed?)
14. A Baskerville or Fenref with multiple heads.
15. A "shark" Werebetta. That is, instead of the wispy fins, it has shark fins.
16. A Sabbit with two hind legs, and only two hind legs. No forelegs.
17. A Palmie with bananas instead of coconuts. Or whatever those fruits are on the Palmie P=
18. An aquatic Akail with fins instead of stalks.

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 11/13/2011 7:42 PM

Aries: To turn the Aries into a female goat instead of a male. Shorter horns, change the shape of the face to fit the horns.

Leebra: Turned into a regular lion, or even a female Leebra. Female leebra loses mane (Body is a regular lion for example of a regular leebra)

Tuskow: To turn the Tuskow into a regular cow. Longer tail, shorter horns, udder added.

Fenling: Give the fenling only two tails to make it more like a fox, and make the ears smaller and mouth closed.

Turn the Nyghtmare into the Nyghtstallion by adding feathered fetlocks, a longer mane that extends down the back, a longer tail, and a different coloring, as well as something celestial within the mane and tail, perhaps.
Turn the Nyghtmare into the six-legged Nyghtmare or Nyghtstallion; One has feathered fetlocks (stallion) and the other doesn’t (Mare). Both have a longer mane and tail.
Nyghtstallion example
Six legged Mare example
Six legged stallion example

Kasuga: Get rid of the Kasuga’s bone mask and replace it with a face with either a cloth over it’s eyes, or pitch black eyes that are empty, but surrounded by flame.

Frightmare: Turned into a type of ‘hound of hell’ horse. Back feet are turned into horse legs, and skeletal wings are added (or decaying feathered wings might work) And the tail is no longer bones, but is some kind of serpent tail. Coloring is dark.
Turned into a ‘war horse.’ The remnants of a war-torn horse that can be with/without tack (You said no accessories, so I assume without). Looks battle scarred and war-torn; appears almost spectral. Appears very roughed up.
War Horse example
War Horse example 2

EDIT w/ more ideas

The Ursa: Turned into either  raccoon or a red panda (I think the red panda would be more fitting)

Anala: Turned into a large, elegant type cat creature with Egyptian themes.

Turned into a duckbill dinosaur (otherwise known as Parasaurolophus.)
Turned into a platypus type creature.
Dino Example
Platypus Example

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/13/2011 9:47 PM

1. Icthysaur - Add a set of demonic/dragon-like wings (and possibly some spikes) to make a form more fit for land, probably including the removal of the decorative bubbles. (As they currently seem water-based.)

2. Icthysaur - Make it more aquatic, by adding a fin "spine" down its back, fins added to the tail (somewhat like this perhaps) and either webbed feet, webbed legs (where they span from the front legs to the hind legs) or just fins growing from the arms/legs.

3. Gyrraptor - A more "bird-like" or "chicken-like" creature (a domesticated cousin?), instead of having feathered arms they have actual wings, and fathers for a tail rather than its current reptilian tail. It may or may not make them capable of flight.

4. Kuchi Nagi - A female Kuchi Nagi, which would essentially mean armor changes, such a more feminine breast plates, fancier patterns rather than splotches, perhaps swirl-like, and possibly the addition of more decorative features (such a spikes on the tail) could represent that the female's can be even more dangerous than the males (like is pretty common in the animal kingdom).

5. Seawinder - Replace the fins and ear fins with feathered wings/appendages (which I would assume would be waterproof like a duck's feathers), again with the intent to bring it from the water.

6. Penticorn - Essentially, make it into every little girl's dream of a unicorn-pegasus. Give it feathered wings (I imagine the wing in our visable direction to be out-stretched), possibly some feathery additions above its hooves and base of its tail (where there is currently fur) and bam. xD;

7. Gallizar - An additional neck and head, because it totally looks like it would kick major butt (and get into crazy power struggles with itself) if it did. Besides, aren't two heads better than one? In the case of a Gallizar, based on its descriptions, I totally think so.

8. Fellox - Essentially, a Fellox that continued to commit sins and thus mutated farther. Chop off its tails, (possibly) give it a second set of ears, a shackle for the fourth leg and a shackle tight around the mid part of its neck. An even farther possible addition, which could be like a second idea, would be to also give it a second set of front legs also with shackles. If felt needed, the flames could be turned into a smoke-y essence, to represent its further mutation path of having less accessible power.

Fenling - A second set of ears (because its ears are already huge and adorable, a second set would be even more adorable), possibly draw in the second front leg which is normally hidden behind the body, and maybe chop off the set of tails on the right side. (Essentially, the idea is that the power in the two tails were used to create the second set of ears to increase their hearing, balance and such.)

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Shieba » 11/13/2011 9:48 PM

{I kinda knew that about the Yonyuu, but the one up there looked so much like a fox. o3o Sorreeeeh~}

More ideas:
- The Scorpinch could be easily turned into a spider if you would remove the back part, maybe change the front claws more into legs and make its butt bigger.
- The Shinzo could be turned into one of these...plant-eating dinosaurs I don't know the English name of. The really big ones with the super-long neck. You just need to remove the wings and maybe change the tail a bit.
- I'm not sure how well that would work out or look, but thanks to the different fur colors its face has, the Bruma does have a bit of a raccoon. It would need a different tail, the removal of the light and yeah...true, especially the paws aren't really raccoon-paws, but...
- It would need a lot of work, but I believe the Kasuga would be able to be turned into a real deer. It would just need to have all the undead and flames stuff removed.
- A challenge would be to turn the Meji into something besides a magician. I dunno. A detective with a thinking cap, a bunny in a tuxedo with a cane, whatever. It's bascially the only pet that would really allow you to change clothes.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby amapup » 11/13/2011 10:36 PM

Will add to this list later

- Baskerville with an extra tail mace
- Draculi with smiley faces instead of skulls and googly eyes instead of sad ones

Image Common Sygriff

Remove jewelry
Give them shorter, fluffier tails

Image Common Rattegan

Make the flames extend to the head
Turn the flames into smoke
Remove the tail
Make the ears droop

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Chayden » 11/14/2011 12:17 AM

Okay, I promise promise PROMISE that these will all get sketches. These are just  the basic ideas~
Un-cutesy-fied Rollaby - Ears removed/changed to ram ears + horns
Protruding fangs added
Arm mods - think "Tyrannosaurus"
Tail spiked/plated
Leg spike mods and claws

Some kind of gryffin edit to the Aries
Wings added
A lion's tail, but actually something REALLY pluffy
More pronounced cleft in the hind feet, lion's feet in front

Seadragon-mod Kalamarei
Can be frightening or just pretty; two versions
Lop off the forelegs
Change the feet into leafy bits - see here
Change the tentacles into leafy bits or just leave them; it'd look cool either way

A faerie Batti
Re-pattern the vest - stars? Horizontal stripes? More earthy or vibrant colors?
Feather the wings
Intensify the fangs?
Mascara-and-eyeliner look to the eyes?

/will probably add more ideas, too
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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Palenski » 11/14/2011 9:40 PM

1. Imagine a Snicky. The basic body is a soft pink color. The shell is white with a red stripe and a blue stripe. The spikes are silver. It is a Toothpaste Snicky.

2. An Aries that is completely black with the star pattern being a mix of silver and gold. The horns are dark blue and the eyes are just white. The tail is just a little longer than usual, sort of flaring out.

3. An all purple Gyrophant with a golden front and stomach, and golden horns. The stripes would be white and the feet would be more like paws.

4. A Slynx with cat ears and a cat tail. 'Nuff said.

5. A Serraptor that is mostly yellow with black stripes and bumblebee wings.

6. A Bleeder that is all pink with a red heart face and tail and sort of plump looking with nubs instead of spikes on its back. And the blood could be sparkles or something, I don't know.

And that's it for now. :D
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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby GrayGriffin » 11/14/2011 10:23 PM

Kirund with feathered wings, perhaps "shedding" feathers as well. (You didn't say we couldn't edit experiment pets, so I hope this is fine.)

Penticorn with a snake for a tail

Yonyuu with bat wings

Also, for all pets with feathered wings, maybe have them be shedding feathers, with a "darker" coloration overall

Sygriff with a different symbol from arrows on its wings-maybe curls of some sort?
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: .:Contest 18:.

Postby Freezair » 11/14/2011 11:22 PM

Whispwing: Make versions of the Whispwing for other holidays by replacing the pumpkins on its wings with other holiday-appropriate items. For example, eggs for Easter, or fireworks for the various Independence Days out there. There could maybe be a pair of them for Christmas and Hanukkah, with the Christmas one having a wreath, and the Hanukkah one either having a dreidel, or, if you're feeling dictionary-y, the Hebrew word/characters for "Holiday" on them.

Tundragoon: Make an "Arbor Tundragoon." Replace its icy wings with leafy ones, and make its claws look like the roots of a tree.

Shii: A squishy Shii with a star-shaped body. :D

Leaflet/Learf/Leawolf: Leawolves of different elements, besides Earth. So a Fire Leawolf that looks like a fireball as a Leaflet and has lots of fire around it as a Leawolf, or a water one that looks like a water droplet and then has fins in its full form.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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