Whenever we have a contest, it will be here! =D Good luck! Users may also hold their own 'Evelon-related' contests here as well in the sub forum, but remember that you can only give away things that you rightfully own!

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby crow » 04/04/2017 2:59 AM

Quest 1: Start a roleplay in Vast Plains and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.


Quest 2: Draw one of your pets dressed up as an "Easter Bunny;" this may be more Evelon based, showing traits from existing Evelom rabbit species, but does not have to be. Show the drawing AND the pet's regular image. Any medium is permitted, it is NOT judged on quality, only by completion.



Bunny TK at a fansign~ ('cuz giving idols flower crowns and animal ear headbands are a Thing at fansigns,
and you can't tell me TK wouldn't rock the hell out of a bunny headband) He wants a carrot.

Quest 3: Write seven or more sentences, giving us feedback on recent features. (The Valentine's Event, the Hidden Holiday Hoard shop that opened after Chirstmas, and/or the Monster Hunt Side Story war event that just concluded.) May include what you liked, disliked, what could be improved upon, any suggestions, etc.

Hoo boy. I love the Hidden Holiday Hoard shop. Like, really, I can't say enough how much I appreciate it. It used to be such a nightmare trying to get your hands on old seasonals, especially since people tended not to know what they were going to turn into at time of purchase for Easter and Christmas pets. Plus there are some years where everyone is broke. :P And then there's, say, only three of a thing in the system and two of them belong to inactive members, or something, and you're SOL. But now you can actually get whatever it is you wanted, which is fantastic. I got the two Carol Wilsons I wanted for Miru and Kaku last Christmas with a little help, and it was the best feeling. *v* It helps that this stabilizes the prices of those seasonals too, along with the Salvage Saloon. Pricing these things used to be a hassle, but not really anymore.

Quest 4: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters playing tricks on others, in the Spirit of April Fools. Must be started in this month. Link it.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby FieldsofIris » 04/05/2017 4:02 PM

Quest: Draw one of your pets dressed up as an "Easter Bunny;" this may be more Evelon based, showing traits from existing Evelom rabbit species, but does not have to be. Show the drawing AND the pet's regular image. Any medium is permitted, it is NOT judged on quality, only by completion.
Reward: 30 KS

Drawing of Kosok
... He's not very happy about the bunny ears. (Sorry about the color quality, I was at work and all I had was crayons ><).

Quest: Write seven or more sentences, giving us feedback on recent features. (The Valentine's Event, the Hidden Holiday Hoard shop that opened after Chirstmas, and/or the Monster Hunt Side Story war event that just concluded.) May include what you liked, disliked, what could be improved upon, any suggestions, etc.
Reward: 25 KS

First, I'll start with the Hidden Holiday Hoard. I really loved that y'all did something like that! For someone who's new around here like me, I found it awesome that I had the opportunity to purchase pets that I wouldn't normally! I wish I would've had more KS to purchase pets at the time, but I look forward to having more opportunities in the future. I really enjoyed the Valentine's Day event, as well! It really helped me feel more comfortable in the community and branch out a bit to meet others! Even though I didn't win anything in the raffle, I still had a good time participating. The earning tickets through blind dates was also a really good idea. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to participate in the War event, but I hope to become part of that in the future!

*Also, the egg coloring contest was really fun. c:

Quest: Start a new thread in Gossip and Chatter. May be about any topic of your choosing. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 15 KS


Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters playing tricks on others, in the Spirit of April Fools. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/30/2017 5:37 PM

Quest: Write seven or more sentences, giving us feedback on recent features. (The Valentine's Event, the Hidden Holiday Hoard shop that opened after Christmas, and/or the Monster Hunt Side Story war event that just concluded.) May include what you liked, disliked, what could be improved upon, any suggestions, etc.
Reward: 25 KS

With the Monster Hunt event, it was nice to have something going on with the war that actually drummed up some activity. That is, a lot of the war is just users having to come up with their own roleplay ideas, or finding their own partners for battles. Having something that did that for us was great. However, the battle portion of the event did raise some concerns with me. That is, I feel it would be best if the staff hosting in charge was also had to adhere to the limit of posting in the battle within so many days. Either that, or that the user battling had as many days as it took the staff to reply to return a reply (if it went over 3 days). My momentum was sort of ruined because of that, during one of my battle turns, and I would have liked to have taken another turn, if at all possible, because of that, but I wasn't able to.

As for the other features, well, they were my brain children, so... of course I liked them. I loved seeing the turn out for the Valentine's event, in particular, and would like to see more similar sorts of events in the future. As for buying old pets, heck yes! I know some users might be concerned with the prices not being jacked up enough, or that their pets wont be rare any more, but, honestly, most seasonals are just valued at their original prices when traded, as is, so even buying them for a slightly increased rate because you really want them isn't going to bother Evelon's economy, in my opinion. It's hard enough to get the pets, after the fact, since most users don't really buy extras these days, either. I only bought pets that I REALLY wanted, and couldn't really get my hands on, otherwise.

Quest: Start a roleplay in Vast Plains and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Skeetzybug » 04/30/2017 11:04 PM

Quest: Draw one of your pets dressed up as an "Easter Bunny;" this may be more Evelon based, showing traits from existing Evelom rabbit species, but does not have to be. Show the drawing AND the pet's regular image. Any medium is permitted, it is NOT judged on quality, only by completion.
Reward: 30 KS

I had a WAY better one, like shaded and everything, AND I LEFT IT AT WORK TODAY before even taking a photo!! Lame. :T [clicky]

Quest: Write seven or more sentences, giving us feedback on recent features. (The Valentine's Event, the Hidden Holiday Hoard shop that opened after Chirstmas, and/or the Monster Hunt Side Story war event that just concluded.) May include what you liked, disliked, what could be improved upon, any suggestions, etc.
Reward: 25 KS

Recent events have been really nice! The Valentine's Event was really nice, I really appreciated the push to RP with other people. However, what really sucked about it was that if you didn't use your points at the end, they just went away. I think I was the only person who forgot to use them, and so I got nothing for the work. It was really depressing. I think that they should have either automatically gone into one of the raffles a person already entered, or turned into a small amount of KS or something. Otherwise it's just kind of like, oh your life is busy and you forgot to submit this in time? Too bad lol. It was pretty lamely handled.

Quest: Start a new thread in Gossip and Chatter. May be about any topic of your choosing. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 15 KS

[Favorite Webcomic?]

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters playing tricks on others, in the Spirit of April Fools. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

[Whisper Forest - Heirlooms]

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/03/2017 4:20 AM

KS prizes have been sent out for April, and new quests are already live!

As for the raffle prizes:

The First Prize: Choice of one Retired Sky Pet, goes to Skeetzybug. Please PM me with your choice!

The Second Prize: 100 KS, goes to Crow! The KS has already been added to your account!

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby crow » 05/03/2017 4:38 AM

Quest 1: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.

Quest 2:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.


I mean, if you asked him, I feel like Chan-ho would tell you his biggest dream is to make it big, to perform at an international venue in front of ten thousand fans. He has a more canned version of this answer for when he gets asked this on TV too, with extra bits about bringing joy to people and making the KUNA name known together with his teammates. And to a certain extent, it's true--- he really does want to be famous, he loves the attention, he loves performing, and money never hurt anyone either, right?

But there's that whole what you want vs what you need thing, and fundamentally fame and fortune isn't what he needs. Neither is, say, a dozen willing friends with benefits ready for a casual hookup, or even a big circle of friends in general, necessarily. Chan-ho's whole thing with his need to be in the spotlight and to be the funny guy, the fun one, all stems from being an orphanage kid who never got the time of day from his caregivers or anyone else either, so he always had to go the extra mile to stand out and get noticed. Fortunately he's found success and a mostly-positive channel for it, but I think what he really needs is like... at least one, but hopefully several relationships where he doesn't... feel that pressure. He's not even cognizant of the effort he puts into everything right now because he's never felt secure enough in anything to relax and let it go; consequently he's also never been completely honest with anyone. Once he finally gets there, he'll be happier in general, and on the road to taming his own demons, as it were.

Quest 3: Own any Kuhna with Preluhna genetics. Post its image and lineage, if it has one.
Original Preluhna ovo

Quest 4: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters spending time with their lifemate/romantic partner/signfigant other. Must be started in this month. Link it.
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Kylo » 05/03/2017 5:11 PM

Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS

Name: Orion Phazer
(Demon AU)

Orion's first dream was to be free of his abusive mother, which he managed to succeed in making come true around 1933 through rather gruesome circumstances. His other dream was to be seen and treated as human by all beings, despite his infernal heritage. Due to his demonic nature he gives off a vibe that causes most non-demonic creatures to be suspicious of him and to avoid him, regardless of how he acts. He hopes to one day figure out how to live as a human and to cast off his duties as a demon fully. His biggest dream is to create a better world not only here on Evelon but in hell as well. He rebels against the current power structures of hell and is starting a movement of redemption.

Quest: Create or update your Rental Listing. Must be started or updated in this month. Link it.
Reward: 15 KS

Sedimus's Services

Quest: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

The Whale's Crow

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters spending time with their lifemate/romantic partner/signfigant other. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Saahs » 05/03/2017 5:29 PM

ToxicShadow wrote:Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS

Sasha Komisch here is a lil' fella with some big aspirations! At the moment he's little more than a mercenary with an unfitting sense of honour. One part of him wants to become a hero of Evelon, saving people left and right to prove that, hey, he can make a difference. Another part just wants to kick the biggest butt he can find. Fighting's been a major part of his life since he was a child. So he's not only good at it, but it's his go-to source stress relief. So of COURSE he dreams of finding the biggest, baddest monster in Evelon, and knocking its teeth out. Honestly, these two dreams in particular kind of go hand-in-hand, he could easily become a hero by fighting monsters.

But they're both contradicted by another future he probably wouldn't admit he hopes for: settling down with a family and living a semi-quiet life. It's something he's never really known himself, so the concept of raising kids with someone he loves sounds pretty dang nice. And like it or not, he's tired. Even if you enjoy doing something, too much of it can become draining--and I'm pretty sure almost twenty years of nothing but fighting both in an underground arena as well as being a hired blade has gotten a little more than exhausting, at this point. (Which only makes the idea of being a hero rather than just a no-named killer all the more ideal as well). More than anything, Sasha wants to prove he can be more than just a pair of axes. He doesn't want to just be a walking list of collected bounties, and for gods' sake he wants to be loved. He misses being loved sorely.

ToxicShadow wrote:Quest: Own any Kuhna with Preluhna genetics. Post its image and lineage, if it has one.
Reward: 15 KS

ImageMolten Kuhna. His lineage is Abyss x Cloud!

ToxicShadow wrote:Quest: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Bim, bam, boom.

ToxicShadow wrote:Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters spending time with their lifemate/romantic partner/signfigant other. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
trails of insecurities.

i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

in darkness i trust.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 05/03/2017 9:13 PM

Quest: Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.

Meet Scott. Right now, he's a programmer for a large gaming company, but his hopes and dreams are SO much different. He'd just as soon quit this entire thing, buy a sailboat, and circumnavigate the ocean using the wind in his sails, the sun and the moon, a compass, and not much else. Scott's always been a sailor by soul, and desk-work never really appealed to him... but he was good at it and it paid the bills. The company that hired him did so on the basis of his skill, not his desire. Had he his druthers about working in the office, he'd just as soon have a large window there... but they didn't give him much of a choice. Regardless, he continues to work for them until he can't stand it any longer.

When that day comes, he'll go out and purchase a brand new sailboat - white with blue trim, and a thick bottom. He'll stock it full of supplies, get a new card that he can stash all of his money on, and sail from port to port, buying what he needs, and fish up the rest. It's always been his dream.

Quest: Own any Kuhna with Preluhna genetics. Post its image and lineage, if it has one.
Sendo / Lorna {Unnamed right now}


Quest: Create or update your Rental Listing. Must be started or updated in this month. Link it.
Come on into ~Cherish~ and find the perfect Rental!


[[ To Be Edited as I complete tasks. ]]
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 05/03/2017 10:37 PM

Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS

Name: Tarana Tanaka

Tarana's biggest hope right now is to be able to save his twin brother, who Abyss has possessed since birth. He's currently on a quest to find a list of very particular, hard to reach components that the creature known as Florekar has requested in order to assist Tarana in achieving his goal, or so he hopes. The price he may pay is high, but he's willing to do so in order to save his twin. He's currently keeping this quest from his adoptive parents so he won't worry them; whether it's a wide decision or not remains to be seen. He's not entirely sure what he wants to happen to Abyss either; he knows what it is but he's also grown up with the creature and can't help but see Abyss as a second brother, one he has rather mixed feelings about. As for other dreams, he wants to do his part in making Evelon a better world to live in.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters spending time with their lifemate/romantic partner/signfigant other. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


There's a reckoning a-coming
It burns beyond the grave
There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Skeetzybug » 05/04/2017 12:18 AM

Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Own any Kuhna with Preluhna genetics. Post its image and lineage, if it has one.
Reward: 15 KS

Deryck, Pure Kuhna - Ian x Sasha

Quest: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters spending time with their lifemate/romantic partner/signfigant other. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Sarah » 05/05/2017 10:38 PM

Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS
Qhaz is one of the few gods that created the universe. In his eyes Evelon is an anomaly, and so he hopes to understand how it came to be. He, and the other young gods, did not intend for magic to concentrate so powerfully. While his fellow gods returned to their duties, Qhaz couldn't help but feel deeply connected and disturbed by Evelon. For now his dream is to chart the stars and how the planet rotates and moves among them. He is certain that the star's alignment has something to do with the spark of power that resides within Evelon, and his dream is to uncover what exactly has caused this anomaly.

Quest: Create or update your Rental Listing. Must be started or updated in this month. Link it.
Reward: 15 KS

Quest: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters spending time with their lifemate/romantic partner/signfigant other. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Middy » 05/09/2017 5:18 PM

Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS
Asteria wants to better understand the world around her, as well as hone her skills as an astrologian. She thinks she could be better at what she does, and also finds her skills as a witch to be something that can be improved upon. She dreams of finding a new anomaly in the stars, and wants to discover a new alchemical recipe on her own. Asteria also wants to own a collection of strange artifacts, like a museum of sorts.

Quest: Own any Kuhna with Preluhna genetics. Post its image and lineage, if it has one.
Reward: 15 KS

Spirit Kuhna (Riley x Echo)

Quest: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby zapdragon555 » 05/10/2017 2:51 AM

Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS

Rameel Sylvanus Tarantino
Rameel is a famous magician trying to surpass the greatness his similarly-employed father once held. He dreams of being the greatest magician to ever have lived, but surpassing his father is his true goal. He holds a grudge against his father for abandoning their family and eventually dying during a magic stunt, a twisted feeling of sadness and remorse, as well as anger. Rameel has made a deal with a demon, a mysterious vixen of a woman named Azazel, in order to heighten his magic prowess to something past simple illusions. He has delusions of grandeur, but has found himself beginning to fall in love with Azazel, who acts as his assistant on stage. Therefore, I'd say it's his dream to not only be the best in the world, but to have her by his side as well. Too bad she's slowly sapping his life force every time he asks for more magic :'D

Quest: Own any Kuhna with Preluhna genetics. Post its image and lineage, if it has one.
Reward: 15 KS

Hachinoji Konpeki
[Kilroy x T'kara]

Quest: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters spending time with their lifemate/romantic partner/signfigant other. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby RiDragon » 05/12/2017 12:31 AM

Quest:  Choose a character/pet and tell us about their hopes and dreams! Write five sentences or more. Include the pet's image and name.
Reward: 25 KS


Xen is a clockwork Hollowheart who has no memory of his past or his creator.  He feels quite purposeless in the world because of this.  He wishes to find a place to belong, and has been wandering around the continent searching for a purpose.  He has dulled emotions, and his biggest wish is to have true feelings.  He also hopes to one day find a purpose in life.  Unfortunately, he hasn't quite found a true purpose yet.  He still holds out hope though!

Quest: Start a roleplay in Jawan, the Sea City, and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


I see the stars,

Drifting aimless
I feel their heat
warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

I will feel the stars crash, crash down
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