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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Adelie » 07/31/2018 5:43 PM

BONUS QUEST:  Create a new thread and roleplay ten posts (or more) with a partner for The Lost Seraphim event. Link it.

there isn't actually any coffee in this thread
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby FrostWynd » 07/31/2018 10:27 PM

Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS

Start a roleplay in Yuunu Sea and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

[75 KS]

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Kylo » 07/31/2018 10:38 PM

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters celebrating a birthday. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Draw one of your pets/characters enjoying one of their hobbies! Show the drawing AND the pet's regular image. Any medium is permitted; it is NOT judged on quality, only by completion.
Reward: 30 KS

Ceres' hobby is gardening.

[105 KS]

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/09/2018 8:10 PM

All KS rewards and raffle prizes have been sent out for July!

Only one of the raffle prizes were given out for the month, and the winner is as follows:

The First Prize: Spring Ipinox has gone to crow!

As usual, thank you, everyone, for your participation! <3

New quests are already live!

And, if you take a closer look, you'll notice the rules for the roleplay quests have changed just a little bit, which will, hopefully, help out those users who'd prefer to complete the quests with a friend or two!

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Sarah » 08/09/2018 8:40 PM

Quest: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.
Reward: 25 KS
1.        He doesn’t technically need to eat food. On top of that, most foods taste absolutely repulsive to him, or have no taste at all.
2.        He suffers from PTSD, but the triggers have been all but lost since his traumas occurred on an alien planet with alien species. That’s not to say he’s never triggered.
3.        Long ago, when he was first sent to Venus, he was taken by the Vex. They cut him open, operated, sewed him up, and sent him on his marry way. No one could tell what they’d done to him if anything at all.
4.        Although he does not have a master in the Taken universe, he can traverse the space between spaces – similar to planar travel – and teleport himself long distances this way. It is excruciatingly painful and unsettling in ways that make the pain bearable.
5.        He has accepted that he will never return to the place he was before.
6.        Quickly after landing on Evelon he learned he was pretty much useless without a Ghost.
7.        Ütezi does not trust easily.
8.        His greatest fear is that the darkness will find its way to Evelon.
9.        Although he lost the Traveler’s light Ütezi still doesn’t have to worry much about mortality.
10.        He is colorblind.

Quest: Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS
      Beach Maus

Quest: Start a roleplay in Dead Coast and make at least ten posts. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters exercising/working out. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

[150 KS]

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Isalynne » 08/15/2018 9:43 AM

Quest: Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

Vacation Tali - had to link because the pic is too big!

Quest: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.
Reward: 25 KS

This is the lovely Clemente!

- Clemente is a wizard, who specialises in herbology and the natural magics. He is talented with raising plants and breeding them, though he has to write himself constant reminders to feed and water them due to his forgetful nature.
- He is allergic to peanuts! Adores the smell of them, can't actually tolerate consuming them.
- His attitude towards his appearance is lackadaisical at best. Rather than buying new clothes regularly, he prefers to wear his old ones until they are in tatters!
- He is a huge fan of wearing amethyst jewellery; the most common accessory of his is his earring, from which dangles an amethyst.
- It is his dream to one day own an apothecary, though he doesn't believe it to be a realistic goal.
- He has a considerably older sister - his elder by twenty years or more - but hasn't seen or been in contact with her for a good while.
- He is afraid of dogs. They move too quickly and are too unpredictable for his liking.
- Although he doesn't make much money, he hardly spends it on things that aren't absolutely necessary to his survival, so he is not too hard done by.
- He has a strong case of impostor syndrome that permeates almost every corner of his life.
- His favourite dish is baked fish!

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters exercising/working out. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Feel the Burn!

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby zapdragon555 » 08/16/2018 5:01 PM

Quest: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.
Reward: 25 KS

Cyril Pearcival

1. Cyril is the oldest of four siblings. In his original stories, the youngest of those siblings, his only sister Gabriella, dies of an unknown illness she was developing since birth. This affects him deeply despite never having time to spend with her.

2. I made Cyril originally because I needed a throwaway character for a serial killer-type villain in his youngest brother Erastus' main story. Over the years he eventually became more developed than Erastus ever was, oops. Cyril can be played either in this "canon" serial killer-esque character path, or as simply a troubled young heir under the thumb of his CEO father. I feel he flourishes more as a character in the latter, but I like both, and the serial killer roots came first.

3. He's a terrible cook, never learned how, and will go for takeout 100% of the time if left to his own devices, but loves home cooked food and always prefers it.

4. Despite looking rather sharp and well dressed, Cyril isn't well versed in fashion when it comes to more casual clothing. Rocking suits and tuxes does not exactly make one a fashionista. He does like sweaters, though, more than he would admit.

5. Cyril is not fond of dogs in the slightest, especially big ones. They don't seem to be fond of him, either. He much prefers cats or birds.

6. Cyril is a jealous person. At best, this manifests in a high level of attention and/or the vague impression of clingy intent. At worst, he becomes manipulative and conniving to the point of self destruction, or destruction of others.

7. He's aggressively dominant in his personality and mannerisms with one exception but always attempts to keep up appearances of polite genteelness, ingrained into him by his father.

8. When a serial killer in his plots, his weapon of choice is a particularly ornate knife with an abstract panther's head carved into the butt of the handle.

9. Cyril was the first of my main OCs that I brought to Evelon after my several-year hiatus! As a result, he has a special place in my heart. It was only recently that I started using him often again, though.

10. Cyril has issues with control; despite his domineering personality, he grows panicky and unsteady when he feels control is being forcibly taken from him in any way, shape, or form. As a result he is a constant live wire of tension when with his father, suppressed only by necessity.

Quest: Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

A summery bartender wockee!

Quest: Submit a hunt to the The Lone Saloon. Must be submitted in this month. Link it the post.
Reward: 15 KS


Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters exercising/working out. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

[100 KS]

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby crow » 08/22/2018 12:03 AM

Quest 1: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.
Reward: 25 KS

Han Sol

- he has five siblings, all with monosyllabic names like his
- Sol rolls around a lot in his sleep unless there's someone in bed with him, since he slept in the same bed in a big pile with his siblings growing up
- he has a picture of his siblings in his wallet, and another picture that's just of the youngest two, who are twin girls (the only daughters in the family)
- his nickname among the other boys in his idol group is 'Han Manager' because the way he runs around taking care of everyone else makes him seem like one of their managers, rather than a member
- he has a lot of energy, but when he runs out, he crashes really hard--- he's either going at 100% or taking a nap on someone's shoulder in the car or something, no in between
- he offers a lot of love advice to his friends if they have romantic troubles, but he's never actually dated anyone
- the thing he considers most physically attractive about a person is nice hair, specifically if it looks like it'd be nice to play with
- he believes in ghosts
- most people think his given name is 'Hansol', since it's a common given name for boys, though it's really just 'Sol' (surname Han)
- he drinks a lot of milk in hopes of getting taller (he's 5'7"); so far it hasn't been working

Quest 2: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters exercising/working out. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest 3: Start a roleplay in Dead Coast and make at least ten posts. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest 4: Submit a hunt to the The Lone Saloon. Must be submitted in this month. Link it the post.
Reward: 15 KS


[140 KS]
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Silver » 08/22/2018 3:01 AM

Quest: Start a roleplay in Dead Coast and make at least ten posts. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Weary Travelers

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters exercising/working out. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest: Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

Bikini Trumpetter
(Based on some swimwear I have.)

Quest: Submit a hunt to the The Lone Saloon. Must be submitted in this month. Link it the post.
Reward: 15 KS


[140 KS]

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Night » 08/25/2018 1:20 PM

Quest: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.
Reward: 25 KS
Park Yeong-sik

1.) He was fairly withdrawn as a child, tending to prefer reading and watching the daytime dramas his mother liked to playing outside.
2.) He didn't actually want to be in an idol group, and initially auditioned with his current company to be an actor - unfortunately for him, they felt as though his looks and talents would better serve him in a kpop group.
3.) Yeong-sik has terrible allergies, and can't really function without medication of some sort.
4.) His younger sister is ridiculously over the concept of her brother being famous, and thinks that any mention of him or his group mates/group by her friends in school to be excessively annoying. (No, I can't get you his autograph stop asking.) She has a really hard time thinking of him as anything but her lame big brother that worries too much.
5.) He was an avid fan of a drama that one of his groupmates was in as a kid, and was kind of ridiculously starstruck when they initially met - which likely didn't do him many favors.
6.) He's one of the more fit members of NOVA and should theoretically not have any problems with learning choreography, but has a general lack of understanding of how to move his body with any sort of grace. He has to practice any sort of choreographed dancing excessively to be any good at it. (Random play dance is his worst nightmare.)
7.) He has a "secret" (read: Not that secret) stuffed bear that he keeps buried in the back of the closet in his and Sol's dorm room. He's had it since he was a kid and generally refuses to acknowledge that it exists, but when he's sick or having a bad day he brings it out to cuddle in bed and sulk.
8.) His stage persona is significantly different from his real life personality - on stage he's very confident and flirtatious, and tends to play his looks to his advantage to try and bring something to the group. (He can't sing and he's the worst dancer, he's got to make things up somewhere and rap doesn't always cut it.) When the cameras are off and there's no crowds, however, he's fairly shy and prefers to stay out of the way.
9.) He is entirely unable to read people's intentions when flirting with him, and is horrifically embarrassed and awkward in the event he does notice.
10.) He's easily freaked out by scary movies, but tends to put on a lot of false bravado in an effort to cover this up. It really doesn't work. He's the kind of person that can't sleep after watching even poorly edited B-list horror movies.

Quest: Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

[50 KS]
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Kylo » 08/31/2018 12:52 PM

Quest: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.
Reward: 25 KS
1. Fox LOVES pickles. When I say love I mean he has an unhealthy obsession with them. When he got his first pay for a real job he spent the money on a barrel of pickles and tried to eat the whole barrel in one sitting. He got so sick he was in bed for days...but still kept insisting he could eat more. He was then banned from buying large numbers of pickles from that day forward. He will not share his pickles with anyone. Anyone. You'd have to be the most special person in the world for Fox to willing give you even one of his pickles. So unless you're really special to him *cough* Thomas*cough* you're out of luck.
2. Fox is transgender and in his day and age that isn't exactly a fact you would advertise or make well known. Despite this nearly every Whaler knows this and just accepts it. I mean when you have a gang of murderers, assassins, and generally awful people around you really stop caring about things like gender and sex. Who cares what's in your pants, as long as you can kill you're good.
3. Fox is a decent swimmer, but has reoccurring nightmares of drowning in dark waters. Because of this he is leery of the river and the ocean. he can't help but feel like those dreams aren't just dreams, but premonitions.
4. Fox has precognition, or prophetic, dreams of the future. Despite this he can't really interpret them so they are basically useless to him. He dreams frequently of the Void and has come to find the place calming and soothing in a way he can't quite place his finger on.
5. Fox genuinely does not understand why people hate and fear the Outsider. He finds the man to be pleasant company and enjoys what infrequent visits he receives from him. He often will talk about his day at shrines and always thanks the Outsider for listening.
6. Fox is a collector of many things, but mainly sea glass, sea shells, and drift wood. Despite his fear of the ocean he spends a lot of his time on the beaches collecting whatever gifts the ocean has to offer up for the day.

Quest: Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS
Beachside Resort

Quest: Submit a hunt to the The Lone Saloon. Must be submitted in this month. Link it the post.
Reward: 15 KS

Quest: Start a roleplay in Dead Coast and make at least ten posts. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters exercising/working out. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

[25 KS]

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/31/2018 4:19 PM

Quest: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.
Reward: 25 KS


1. Out of all of his siblings, Ryo has the most difficulty passing judgement that would end a person's life, finding more value in individual lives than they do, in the general sense.
2. Absolutely hates the scent of blood and smoke, after previously slaughtering and burning down the entire village that he was first assigned to protect in his earliest years of godhood as punishment after they sacrificed the woman he was interested in to another god; thus, effectively, having her murdered.
3. Is something of a neat freak, his home being entirely spotless when it comes to dust and the likes, and typically cleans everything the mortal way rather than using his godly powers.
4. Thoroughly enjoys cuddling, but doesn't usually openly admit it.
5. Based on his long string of past not exactly relationships and booty calls, he gives the impression of someone that only likes to fool around, when in fact he is almost painfully loyal and extremely invested in anyone he actually deems important; for this reason, he also tries to remain detached from most others and, for the most part, as succeeded.
6. Fills his life with valuable things on the initial thought that material objects last longer than most people, but now also uses them as assets and means of monetary survival.
7. Somewhat fascinated by the show of others extraordinary or unnatural abilities, even if they pale in comparison to his own.
8. Hasn't stepped foot in his own dedicated shrine in well over a hundred years, though it remains protected by his magic so that no others may enter it, either.
9. Secretly, and it's kept very deep down, he has a bit of a death wish, not finding his potentially endless life to be the ideal; doesn't like the idea of out living his loved ones and, were it not for his siblings still being alive, he would have given up on life a long time ago.
10. Has three siblings, born as one of a set of triplets with one older sibling, and even keeps a picture of all of them on his person at almost all times; most fond of his older brother and even admires his decision that put his life at risk, but is terrified of potentially losing him.
11. Gets a kick out of messing with other gods or powerful beings, perhaps, in part, because of fact #9, and "just because it's amusing."
12. Can be both extremely impulsive, having a bad habit of acting first and dealing with the results or consequences later, while also having been made to be extremely calculating on whether or not something can be spun in his favor, what he can get out of others, and the likes, but he gets real tired of having to be so calculating, sometimes.

Quest: Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

Tropical Island Flower Mahool

[50 KS]

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby FrostWynd » 08/31/2018 11:19 PM

Submit a hunt to the The Lone Saloon. Must be submitted in this month. Link it the post.
Reward: 15 KS

Start a roleplay in Dead Coast and make at least ten posts. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Color ANY Evelon pet in a "Summer Vacation" theme using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS
Palm Tree Shinzo

[90 KS]

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Adelie » 08/31/2018 11:54 PM

Quest: Choose any pet/character and list at least ten (10) random facts about them. Write at least 150 words. Show us their pet images and tell us their names, too.

i guess today we'll just talk about ian raymond mirny, 'debian.'

1. despite appearances, ian's favorite penguin species is actually the gentoo. they're colorful and distinctive - and being fast and efficient is always admirable.
2. ian's name hails from three different sources - the debian linux distribution; eric raymond, a prominent and very vocal individual in open-source software; and mirny station in antarctica, which in turn is named after one of the first ships to explore antarctica. some recent events in the open-source software community have been on my mind this week, so he's absorbed a lot of that thought, haha.
3. ian and two of my other characters - bell and still-doesn't-have-a-name yet, better known as pigeon sov and lovebirb sov respectively - went to the same university. they're all still friends, although they haven't been especially close after graduation.
4. his favorite color is navy blue.
5. despite being perfectly capable of earning a lot of money - he's got job offers in his email inbox almost every day, at the very least - he's often fiscally insolvent because he lives in a high cost-of-living area and holds fast to his principles about open-source software and not letting his code be used for commercial purposes. most of his income actually comes from collecting bug bounties, as well as contract work on open-sourced libraries - neither of which are very stable income sources.
6. it's not really that he hates going outside - just that he finds it inconvenient. there's a lot of things in the outside world that he's interested in - like good food - but why bother when you can just order it delivered to your door?
7. on that note, his favorite food is sushi. he is also too poor to afford good sushi, but will happily go to an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant and eat his entire body weight in raw fish. this is the only time where he'll accept quantity over quality.
8. perfectionist nature, certainly - not just for his work, but also for other people. he's difficult to work with because of that; he expects the best out of every person, including himself, and is bitterly disappointed when they fail to live up to his high standards.
9. he's an expert at skipping stones. do not challenge him to a stone-skipping contest. you will lose.
10. generally grumpy, salty, and constantly annoyed, but can be nice to a fault. noted within the open-source community for being very open and happy to help new contributors, although one who's rather blunt about it.

Quest: Submit a hunt to the The Lone Saloon. Must be submitted in this month. Link it the post.

smol birb do a thing

Quest: Start a roleplay in Dead Coast and make at least ten posts. (Roleplays with two or more users only require 15 posts total.) Must be started in this month. Link it.

less smol birb refuses to do things

[90 KS]

[Please include ALL quest details, including the rewards from now on]
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

ezra pound, exile's letter
zoo pen | journal | wishlist
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/15/2018 10:20 PM

All KS rewards and raffle prizes have been sent out for August!

Two of the raffle prizes were given out for the month, and the winners are as follows:

The First Prize: Four (4) 25 KS Marketplace Vouchers  has gone to FrostWynd!

The Second Prize: 100 KS has gone to crow!

As usual, thank you, everyone, for your participation! <3

And I'm giving one small reminder: please include the "rewards," portions of the quests when you post! If not, you may not receive your full rewards for completing the quests.

New quests are already live!

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