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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby crow » 01/16/2018 3:09 AM


Red was always ready to cater to her lady's needs, but sometimes those needs were a bit.. odd. An errand for a single potion was right up there in the 'unusual' category. But, well, she'd pledged to serve, hadn't she? And it wasn't like this was hard.

What was so special about these potions, though? It seemed like a perfectly ordinary store to her.

"Hey! I couldn't get one palette potion, could I? I have these two vouchers..." She hadn't pegged her lady as the type that used coupons either, but being frugal wasn't the worst quality someone could have.

[Paid; 2 Marketplace Vouchers]

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby jobiehanna » 02/07/2018 7:36 PM

A potion shop was right up her alley. She dabbled in all sorts of magic - and brewing new concoctions was one of them. On this day in particular she was in search of some special potions. She wanted to test them and figure out what sorts of ingredients caused what. She didn't think she'd get very far, as this Mage had concocted things that were well above her own simple abilities. But it was worth a shot, and if she didn't get anywhere, she could always give the potions to those who needed them.

"Ahem, excuse me. I need to make a purchase please. I'm in need of one Elixir of Fertility 175, three Fortuity Potions, and one Generative Draught. You'll find all the fund necessary in this  bag. 300 keystones I believe." She placed a rather heavy bag on the counter with a grin.

[Paid; 300 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Kodai » 02/26/2018 4:03 AM


Hmm. She'd been here a year ago, right? Something like that? Was this going to become a yearly thing at the House? Not that Kayo minded, of course; it was always nice to have a task to do, but the thought of Baron becoming predictable was a bit shocking.

Then again, this stuff always went to another person, so maybe it had more to do with them than the rabbit.

"Hello hello helloooo!" she called out cheerfully, hopping up onto the counter as usual. "It's me again! I'm back! Didja miss me? ...Well, you probably didn't. But that's fine! You can't be expected to remember EVERY person who's come into your shop EVER. Unless you have, like, a photographic memory? That would be pretty awesome!"

The Kitrell pulled out the note and KS from their container on her leg. "Well, here you go! You don't need to look it over too hard, though. I think it's the same thing as last time, actually! Although you probably don't remember what that was, either. Which is fine! The KS is new, though!"

"Greetings. We would like to purchase:
- Elixir of Fertility for 175KS
- Generative Draught for 50KS
Going to Omnisearch
Thank you."

[Paid; 225 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]

they're lesbians, harold

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Silver » 02/26/2018 6:56 AM

The strange bird like creature flapped his way into the marketplace. He bounced around a bit like a bumble bee, floating this way and that as he flew. His long tail swayed like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. Flying seemed to cause him a great effort, and he seemed quite relieved to get his claws on the ground again. He skittered into the shop and up to the old man who ran it.

"Hello, I am looking for an Elixir of Choice. Actually, I'll be needing three of them. I have this Marketplace Voucher, you'll accept those here, right? I'll pay the difference, of course." Ichabod reached his wings into a satchel he carried and pulled out the voucher and about five keystones. That should cover it. This was a pretty easy mission, actually. Maybe he would try to do another once he got home.

[Paying 5ks and my one 25ks Marketplace Voucher for 3 Elixirs of Choice.]

[Paid; 1 voucher, 5 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby crow » 03/15/2018 6:51 PM


Gabriel wasn't usually allowed to go out by himself, but sometimes he could sneak away. It wasn't very often. Lawrence had gotten pretty good at putting him under a constant watch over the years, so he was never left unsupervised; and now they had the people to do it too.

Still, he did manage sometimes... not that he knew what to do with his time when he got out. Browsing shops seemed as good a way to pass the time as anything, and he had a little money.

"I'd like these please," he said, dropping his selections onto the counter.

[Purchasing 1 Elixir of Fertility, 1 Generative Draught and 1 Emission Liquor]

[Paid; 375 KS]

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Silver » 03/20/2018 5:45 AM

There was only one thing left on his list. All he had to do was stop by the shop and get some potions, then he could go home and take a nap. There were few things he liked more than a good nap by the fireplace. Mephit climbed up the stairs and into the shop to take a look around. He hadn't actually been here before. It smelled kind of weird, so he was eager to get out.

"Hello," he said to the man who apparently ran the place. "I'll be needing four palette potions please." What on earth did they need four of them for? "I've got the ks right here," he explained, using his ribbon to display a large chunk of money. The rest of his ribbons were all held out as though he was expecting to be handed something.

[Paid; 200 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby crow » 03/31/2018 7:08 PM


A small black creature oozed under the door, its form distorting liquid-like as it passed through a gap that should by all means have been too small for its body. But it managed to fit through anyway, its contents jingling somewhat as it moved.

Crawling up to the counter, it spat out a note along with some coins. 'I require one Chaos Draught. Please find enclosed the payment, and send the item back with my assistant.'

[Paid; 50 KS]

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby RunningAir » 04/04/2018 3:53 AM


Soon, she was out of the Huntsman's Hall and down to the Mage's Brewery. She hadn't done too much in this side of town before, so she really was quite a bit nervous to be here! Everything looked so expensive that she really didn't have much to say; she didn't want to knock anything off at all. She takes her little bag of keystones and places it on the counter, and then raises up on the counter quietly. "Hello there, I am in need of one Elixir of Fertility, one Generative Draught and one Emission Liquor. I also need these sent to Crow." She was just above whispering level right now. She had no idea what these things did, but a job was a job, and it wasn't like she was expected to cart them around for anyone! She nudges the keystone pouch across the counter with her nose, and then stands there, anxiously moving her tails. This was fine, right?

[Paid; 375 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]
Pull me close and look into my eyes! Smile at me when you stick in the knife...
We're bleeding into a cup, when we've got enough we'll just paint the walls!
We don't care how much it hurts, You think you're cursed, it's what you deserve.
You're talking in rock and roll; Walking karaoke soul!
I can see you desperate to please... Let me treat you for your disease.

~Karaoke Soul by Tom McRae~

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Middy » 04/08/2018 11:14 PM


Yep out of all the things he was told to go grab for lab research, it was potions. With all the scientific advancements, potions were one of the things they needed. Great... whatever, he would go grab them without a second thought. "Hey, I'm here to grab a palette potion and an elixir of fertility please," he mumbled something else and placed a small pouch full of keystones on the counter, still wondering just what the lab was up to with this 'research' of breeding potions. Whatever, it was done.

[Paid; 225 KS]

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Redd » 04/09/2018 4:45 AM


The exosuit came to a grinding halt, outside of the shop, kicking up a small spray of dust. The thing, a suit made of twisted, writhing, organic tendril-like material welded to metal in some sort of crude, primal harmony let out a raspy inhale, nodes on it's body flaring up as oxygen once more filled what one would assume would be it's lungs.

Again, if you'd call it that.

There was a small flash of red light and a girl, barely halfway through her teens materialized next to the thing. She flicked her eyes up to the Infested suit and placed a gentle, gloved hand on it's arm, watching as it powered down, the nodes dimming down, whatever was writhing under it's skin stopping. "Keep watch for me, okay Nidus?" Zeroh happily hummed, giving the Frame a little pat and turning to walk into the store. It was more of a formality than a command, without Transference, Nidus was going nowhere.

"Hey! I'm here to pick up some supplies, give me a sec, I'll be back." the teen called out, before turning and zipping through the store, only stopping to pick up a Elixir of Fertility, Generative Draught and a Chaos Draught. "Heeeere we go. This is what I owe you."

[Paid; 275 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]

It's now or never
Don't surrender
We came too far to die
So claim your weapons
This ain't heaven
We came here now to fight

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby crow » 04/29/2018 9:06 AM


The young man who walked into the shop smiled slightly as he browsed its contents, a quirk of the mouth that might have been a wry or rueful expression. It seemed like he wasn't entirely comfortable being in a place like this, for whatever reason. At length, he picked out a bottle of something, then set it on the counter, before fishing around in his pockets for a wallet.

"Hmm?" He blinked for a moment, then smiled. "Oh, this? It's not for me. It's a... a gift, you could say, for a friend. Art major. Always needs supplies... You know how it is." His smile grew more embarrassed. "I thought I would chip in a little where I could, is all."

[buying one Chaos Draught]

[Paid; 50 KS]

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Redd » 05/01/2018 10:09 PM

A red haired woman dashed into the shop, frantically digging through the satchel bag loosely slung over her shoulder. Oh how could she forget this, that was silly. Okay okay, slow down, just get the keystones out, she mused to herself, ignoring the concerned glance of the attendant at the till.

“Ah, here. One XY Draught please!” She said, casually dropping the correct currency into their hand. She was trying to pretend that she hadn’t just madly dashed into the store anyway. However the redhead was probably totally out of luck. Well. Worth a shot.

It didn’t matter, she had what she needed and hopefully in time.

[Paid; 50 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]

It's now or never
Don't surrender
We came too far to die
So claim your weapons
This ain't heaven
We came here now to fight

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Silver » 05/01/2018 10:36 PM

Iggy loved the marketplace. There was plenty of mischief to be had. Lots of people and lots of stuff was the perfect combination for her particular brand of playfulness. She could sneak around on shelves and jump out at unsuspecting customers or move things from one basket to another. It was especially funny if she could silently convince mums that their children wanted to buy something totally inappropriate. Though she did have an actual reason to be here, and eventually she grew bored of petty theft and decided to finish up so she could go home.

She slithered into the Mage's Brewery. Now this shop was full of things she could ruin someone's day with, but she wouldn't dare to cross the mage. It was said that he held a lot of pull around here, and she really would rather not get kicked out of school and tossed out onto the streets. She slipped into human form, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, and held out a particular bottle.

"I need one of these," she said, displaying an Elixir of Fertility for the mage to see. "Not, uh, not for me. It's for a friend." Iggy explained in the most awkward way possible. Surely he believed her oh so convincing cover story. Either way, she had the keystones, and that's all that mattered.

[Paid; 175 KS]

[Potion(s) recorded]

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby crow » 05/07/2018 12:11 AM


Another week, another purchase. Rhodes had grown accustomed to it by now. This was a shop he visited not infrequently, so he didn't bother to browse over the available wares when he walked in. He knew what he wanted, and there was no reason to unduly delay the process.

"Yes, I'm here for two XY Draughts, if you please," he said. "This amount should be sufficient. Thank you."

[Paid; 100 KS]

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Jessari » 05/12/2018 3:06 AM


The man who entered the Marketplace was barely average height, but something about the way he carried himself made a few of the other, larger customers edge out of his way. Although years and good eating had padded his middle, muscles could still be seen stretching the shoulders of his shirt. He held a list in one large hand as he approached the counter.

"I need a couple things," he said. He sounded a tad nervous, and there was a slight tremble in the scarred fingers as he set the list on the counter. "They're for my wife. Well, for both of us, I guess." He coughed, shifting from one foot to the other.

Luckily, Jessari had written the list - he had enough trouble reading his own handwriting without subjecting anyone else to it.

((Purchasing 1 Palette Potion, 2 XY Draughts, 1 Generative Draught, 1 Emission Liquor, and 1 Charcoal Tonic.))

[Paid; 360 KS]

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Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


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