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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby HunnyBun » 07/15/2016 3:29 PM


A little Kuhna rushed into the room, breathing heavily. Mommy's birthday was yesterday and she still hadn't gotten her a gift. Now she was super late, and if she didn't get a gift soon her Mommy would be sad. She didn't want Mommy to be sad. Never.
"Please! Please! Please!" She shouted, making her way to the front.
She stopped, looking at all the choices. There was so many. Which should she get? It had to be perfect for Mommy!
"Uh... Uh... A Skellie Morloth, Dove Lubshi, and a Renegade Battleheart."
She tapped her chin.
"Oh! And a Grab bag! She'll love that!"
The Kuhna's tails swirled around excitedly. Her Mommy will be so happy.

{Gifts shipped}

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/22/2016 5:36 PM

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The newest customers that appeared in the Boutique were seemingly dressed to match, both wearing top hats, button up shorts, dress pants, and so forth, in spite of the warm weather outside. At least the two of them left their long coats behind.  The young woman was walking a few steps behind the man, with an uncertain expression, while the man seemed to have a permanent scowl.

"But my birthday has already passed," she spoke up, her eyes strictly on the back of the man in front of her.

The man, Pown, sighed. It seemed he was annoyed with her, although it had entirely been his idea to bring her here. "Look, Toxic... Even so, you still can collect your birthday gifts here, just like I told you. What's eleven days? You were still born this month."

Although she still wasn't entirely sure about this, she nodded her head. Either way, it wasn't as though he would let her leave empty handed after bringing her all the way here. Although he was easily annoyed with her, it seemed that he still cared, if he was willing to go out of his way like this.

After pursuing the catalog available gifts, twice over, she made her decision. "Uh, I would like to claim a Nian Rengosett, a Skellie Morloth, a Renegade Battleheart, and a DoKupe Snowball, please. My birthday was earlier this month, but I've heard that it's still okay...?"

Once she had declared what gifts she wanted, the man stepped up, and handed over a slip of paper with the address for delivery. And, with that, he grabbed onto the woman's hand and lead her out back out of the Boutique.

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Freezair » 08/03/2016 3:32 PM


With a horrible mechanical clunking noise, the multi-legged mechanoid wheezed up to the shop. It was a Khalmar! In the birthday shop, of all places! But while some of the patrons ran in fear, some noticed that sticking out of the back of the creature were wings that looked downright mechanical. A visor lifted in front of the Khalmar's face, showing a perfectly normal, if slightly wry, purple squiddish face that grinned at the host of the shop.

"Sorry for shocking everyone with my robot suit," he said. "But how else am I gonna make an entrance? Lessee... I'm here for my good buddy Freezair. It's her birthday at the end of the month, you know. Hard to believe we've been friends for so long! She's picking up a Peridot Stargoyle this year as her present. And what's she gonna get on the side, hmm? She told me to surprise her, and I'm thinkin'... a Dove Lubshi, a Renegade Battleheart, and a Capillus Matches! I really dig that... mask-thing on the Renegades. Sweet piece of hardware there."

{Gifts shipped}

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/20/2016 12:41 PM


A young man strolled into the place, and leaned against the counter - seeming a little winded from the long(?) journey to get here. Or maybe he was just out of shape. He held up a finger for a moment, and attempted to catch his breath. Once that feat was complete, he did actually speak.

"Okay, so I've been told this is the place to go for birthday gifts. I've been sent to pick some up - although they could have chose a better day. Seriously, it would have to be when I'm sick... Anyway. Umm..." He paused, and looked up at the offerings, considering the choices. "Alright... Let's see if I can do this without messing up. The birthday in question was on September 17th, so... I should be able to get those things. I'd like a Grab Bag, as well as... let's see.... A Renegade Battleheart, DoKupe Snowball, and.... Oh why not - A Skellie Morloth. Did I do that right?"

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Postby Kyrit » 09/30/2016 11:54 PM

Was she already 25? It was hard to imagine that she'd turned a quarter of a century old the day before. Still, it hadn't kept her and the rest of the crew from pounding back the liquor, and man was she feeling it now. Kyrit rubbed her head as she entered the shop, the popping of party streamers bringing back the ache that had started to go away. She'd have to make her trip quick and get back out of there.

"Hey, uh... I'd like to claim some of those birthday pets?" she started out, walking up to the counter. "I'd like a Sapphire Stargoyle and to go with it I'll take the..." There was a pause, as she had trouble thinking with the pounding of her head and the loud music paired together. "Creo Beetanke, Renegade Battleheart, and DoKupe Snowball."

With her order placed, she proceeded to get out of there as quickly as possible.

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Middy » 10/01/2016 4:25 PM


She had gotten there early this time, mostly due to Epitaph's nagging. In human years, she was going to be 26 right? Well, when it hit the 19th that is. Skylark didn't want to be rushed to get down there when she was celebrating her birthday, especially when she was planning something special for it. "Oh hey! I am actually here early for a change, usually I seem prone to procrastination," she laughed, coughing a bit, "Okay so I thiiiink I know what I want. Alright! I want a Grab Bag. For the three staff pets, I would like a Renegade Battleheart, Arche Malphas, and Skellie Morloth" everything was in order right?

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Mojave » 10/04/2016 10:54 PM


A small sygriff fluttered into the shop, obviously looking for someone. Once she ascertained that whoever she was looking for wasn't there, she relaxed and paused to examine the list of available species this year. "Hmm.. I think she'll like these." She circled a few pets from the list and ripped the page out of the book of order forms laying on the counter. "Excuse me, but I'd like to surprise Mojave with these pets, please." She beamed, as if this mission was the most exciting thing in her world. "Please send a [b]opal stargoyle, dove lubshi, arche malphas, and..." She paused, as if second guessing her choice. "Actually, make that last pet a DoKupe Snowball." So saying, she crossed out the other choice she had selected. "There we go! I'll just wait for them, if that's okay. Can't have them showing up unannounced and getting themselves lost."

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby GrayGriffin » 11/02/2016 1:13 AM

The hooded figure stepped into the shop, humming to itself as it looked over the chart. "Well, seems like she's grown a bit more fond of Stargoyles since last time. After all, Gray would like to claim a Topaz Stargoyle for her birthday."

Yeah, I think they're neat now. Maybe it has something to do with getting into the head of a rock-elementalist.

"Whatever you say," it said to the air. "Anyways, she says 'she doesn't get half the references,' but she wants a Skellie Morloth, Capillus Matches, and Arche Malphas as well."

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Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 8:43 AM

Timothy slinked into the shop, carefully avoiding the other shoppers and negotiating his way around the displays. This was his last stop today, and he wanted to place his order quickly so that he could get back to his other duties.

He strode up to the counter, where the saleswoman was dealing with another customer, and sat down to wait patiently. He hoped she would see him down here, since he was quite small and the counter was quite big. Just in case, he hopped onto the counter once the other customer had left, and waved his paw to get her attention.

"Hello, I'm here to claim a few Birthday Surprises for Toxxic - it's a few days early, but I wanted to be sure I didn't miss it this year." He looked a bit sheepish, remembering the previous year and how disappointed she'd been when she found out he'd missed it. "I'd like to take an Constellation Penticorn from the Western Zodiac Pets, please; I'd also like to claim a Dove Lubshi, an Arche Malphas and a Capillus Matches, please".

[Pets recorded]
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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Isalynne » 12/09/2016 3:10 PM

The logistics of this expedition had not been on Cassia's mind when she had left the house. How exactly was she supposed to order the presents she had arranged to get without an interpretor? Oh well.. she would have to manage somehow, in some peculiar fashion. The woman furrowed her brows as she stood before the counter, before fishing in her pockets for anything of use -- ah! Her little notebook. She jabbed her tongue out in concentration as she scribbled out a note, then handed it to the shopkeeper with a broad grin.

Good afternoon! My dear friend is turning 20 this month, and I would like to get some presents for her. A grab bag, one Dove Lubshi, one DoKupe Snowball, and one Capillus Matches would be wonderful. Thank you!

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Silver » 12/14/2016 12:15 AM

Rain stared at her feet for the entire trip to the Marketplace. By all accounts, she should be skipping with joy, but she just couldn't shake that sinking feeling. Who forgot their own birthday, anyway? It was utterly silly, really. She just hoped the girl who worked here would understand. What was her name again?

She timidly stumbled toward the counter, and nearly jumped back in fright when she was greeted by the girl behind it. "Oh, um," she wrinkled her face. "I have a little problem, and I was hoping you could help me. You see, and this is silly I know, but I seem to have forgotten my own birthday! It was just over a week ago. And I was wondering, if you would be so kind, to still allow me to pick up a present, even though it's late?" This she said so fast that it all blurred together into one long word. At the end, she took a deep breath and smiled awkwardly.

When it was confirmed that she could still get a present, she breathed a huge sigh of relief. Instantaneously, she perked right up, now looking appropriately cheerful and excited. "I would like, please, oh and thank you so much, a Tanzanite Stargoyle, a Dove Lubshi, an Arche Malphas, and a Skellie Morloth. You know, I have a stuffed animal at home that looks a lot like a Skellie Morloth! I bet they can be best friends. Well, as much as you can be best friends with a stuffed animal. I know I love mine!"

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I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby DJBrightside » 12/15/2016 1:02 PM


    Camisado was always attracted to bright, vibrant places like Lamenolai, City of the Guardians, or a club at the slums. Always being drawn to new places, this was a new asventure for Camisado. That being said, when she saw this boutique she just had to come and investigate.

"Free pets in your birthday month?" She thought carefully and realized that DJ's birthday earlier this month, December 6th! How could she forget!?! She quickly looked through the avaliable pets and ordered what she thought DJ would like best. "Um....Can I order... a beautiful Skellie Morloth, a Arche Malphas.... and a darling Capillus Matches....along with a Western Zodiac pet?"

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 12/17/2016 1:36 AM

"Pick up the pace, you two," Nine snapped from the front of the line--if one could call it a line. The dark haired boy's eyes flicked to stare at Twelve and Lisa from behind his glasses, the two walking hand in hand down the sidewalk behind him, chattering away. "Hey," Nine muttered, making the two fall quiet, Lisa's face reddening in embarrassment and Twelve looking curiously at Nine's stormy gaze. "We're on a time schedule here, so I need you two to focus and not get lost in this crowd." It was true--on such a sunny winter morning, the city was bustling with activity, which let the three blend in rather easily. "Do you even remember what we're getting?"

"Of course I remember. Do you know who you're talking to?" Twelve chuckled, grinning at Nine impishly. Nine frowned, face a bit pink at that, and huffed. He faced forward again, taking out his cell phone to make sure they were on the right path to the gift shop in question. "But just to put you at ease..." he began, holding out his free hand to Lisa, who blinked owlishly at it for a few seconds before she made a soft noise of realization and reached into her purse. She pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Twelve, who thanked her with a grin and a flourish as he unfurled the small list. "We're getting a Skellie Morloth, a Renegade Battleheart, a Dove Lubshi, and a Sagittarius Western Zodiac Pet. That's all on the list, right?" Twelve murmured to himself, flipping the list over once before smiling at Lisa and making a face. She couldn't help a small giggle, and Nine didn't know whether to be annoyed or smile right along with her. Sometimes he wished he could just enjoy walking with the other two teens, but his brain was almost never quiet, even on a pretty winter day like this.

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{Gifts shipped}

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Skeetzybug » 12/31/2016 6:14 PM

Good gravy, she couldn't believe she'd almost forgotten to stop in! Well, really, she could believe it, and so could everyone else. Winter wasn't exactly the dictionary definition of organized in any way, shape, or form. It was a wonder she didn't get lost every day, really!

"Yes hi, hello there!!" She said happily, practically bounding through the doors and up to the counter. "It's my birthday, so yes, here I am!" Luckily for her, the shopkeep seemed just as excited as she was. They took some time together, paging through the options on the charts. Winter tapped at the counter thoughtfully, and finally, after far, FAR too long, she made up her mind. "Okay thennn... I think I'll just take the grab bag - I mean who doesn't love a good surprise? Oh, and then, this guy, and that one, aaannnddd how about this one?" She nodded as she pointed to each in turn - the Capillus Matches, the Skellie Morloth, and the Dove Lubshi. "Yes, looks good!" She clapped her hands together, smiling brilliantly. "Thank you so much, dear. I'm so excited!"

[Pets recorded]
{Gifts shipped}

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Silverin » 12/31/2016 7:54 PM

A small silver brushed fox scrambled into the building in a mad rush realizing he had nearly missed picking up his gifts this year. He had been previously occupied with spending time with a few of his friends for the first time in a long while both to celebrate his birthday and to reward himself for saving up.

He gasped for air, caughing a few times before finally managing to catch his own breath. "Evening... Did I miss it? I am not too late am I? Ha... If not could I please have... Uh a Dove Lubshi, an Arche Malphas and... A... Um DoKupe Snowball?" finally taking a deep breath. He opened his mouth again to speak in a panic realizing he forgot one last thing. "Oh! And a Grab Bag please."

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There are better folks to gift.
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