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.:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby .:The Marketplace:. » 04/22/2014 4:18 AM

There's a strange mixture of exotic aromas as you enter the seemingly harmless shack in the middle of nowhere. Stepping into the dank, stale dimness of the place, you can see an odd figure bent over a counter, bottles hovering in the air around him obediently. Upon the walls are various odd ornaments and many types of unrecognizable herbs dangle on strings from the ceiling. There is a small drawing on the corner that seems to have been done in haste by a rather sloppy artist...


The white-bearded, elderly man seems caught up in his work before he finally realizes you are there.

"Oh, hello there. I am Kelloc, the sorcerer around here," he rasps in a voice like ancient parchment, blinking. "Please... Feel free to browse and if you have any questions 'attall, ask away."

Rules and general info

° This thread follows all Marketplace Rules. Additional rules and information specific to this shop are listed below.

° You may purchase multiple of any potion at a time, so long as you do not exceed the yearly limit listed for that potion. Many are listed as unlimited stock and as such may be purchased in as large of a quantity as you would like.


Lovey Love Potion - Supplied by Breeding Facility
"What an odd potion. It seems that if your pet drinks this elixir, it is able to do one breeding with a pet of the same gender; and you only need one pet in the breeding to drink it. If used in a breeding, please make sure to indicate which pet goes in to the male and female section, unless you have no preference. This potion now comes in five all-natural, fruity flavors! Oh, and it seems as though these potions may be traded and switched to another creature, so long as they have not been used. Of the breedable creatures, only Diosol do not require this potion during same gender breedings."

Palette Potion - 50 KS - Unlimited Stock
"Sometimes, couples look for something... particular in their children. Perhaps they wish that they would pass on more of their father's genetics, or maybe they want their mother's beautiful blue eyes. This potion is only potent enough to work on one child, but it allows the parents to lock in the DNA of an offspring. By providing a reference of their child, one will be born that is quite similar, though not always an exact copy depending on the parent's genetics. Predictions may not include marking mutations, unless used in combination with an Emission Liquor. This potion may not be used with a Chaos Draught, as it seems to have a tendency to overpower the potion."

Mega Palette Potion - 5 GT - 3 per user per year
"Much like the Palette Potion, the Mega Palette Potion allows couples to lock in the genetic profile of offspring. Only, this one allows them to lock in the genetics of all offspring rather than just a single one. By providing references of all potential children, offspring will be born looking quite similar, though not always an exact copy depending on anything the parent's genetics lack. As not all desired offspring may be produced, unless being used with a Generative Draught, please list offspring references in order of preference. Predictions may not include marking mutations, unless used in combination with an Emission Liquor. This potion may not be used with a Chaos Draught, as it seems to have a tendency to overpower the potion."

Elixir of Fertility - 175 KS - 1 per user per year | 8 GT - 1 per user per year
** You may buy one EoF with KS AND one EoF with GT per year.
"An extremely rare, highly coveted potion, the EoF will allow any two Kuhnas, even those believed to be sterile, to breed and produce a unique litter. Breeding with this potion produces 2-3 unique kits, with the better chances of a third kit if you have a partner. These potions are one use only and may be traded to another user.."

Fortuity Potion - 25 KS - Unlimited Stock
"A sister potion to the Elixir of Fertility, this one is far weaker, more common, and will only last for one breeding as well. It can be given to any Kuhna and will give them any basic gene of your choosing. For example, you may choose Preluhna genes, while you may not choose Dusk genes. If Ancient genes are chosen though, you must specify the Ancient's color. It will not give you unique kits, but it is an affordable replacement for those who just want to be able to have kits with that special someone. If you decide you no longer need the potion though, you are free to trade it to someone who will find a better use for it."

Elixir of Choice - 10 KS - Unlimited Stock
"Sometimes you're looking for a very exact kid out of your Kuhnas. Genetics don't always work out in your favor though. With the Elixir of Choice you can choose a single Kuhna kit to be guaranteed in your litter! It must be a child that can be produced from the provided parents though, and due to the unique genetics of the wildcard species (ex; Elder) it cannot be used with them."

XX Draught - 50 KS - Unlimited Stock
"Sugar, spice, and everything nice. That's what girls are said to be made of. We cannot say for sure that those are the ingredients of the XX draught, but it would appear that this specific mixture has the ability to make sure that an entire Lucain or Paragon litter or clutch comes out as females. Perfect for a couple wanting lots of girls running in the family."

XY Draught - 50 KS - Unlimited Stock
"Slugs, snails, and puppy-dog tails. That's what boys are said to be made of, among with many other gross or frightening ingredients. I'd be willing to bet that this mixture does not particularly taste as wonderful as it's counterpart, but still I would be willing to say that most of those items are not ingredients. The opposite of the XX Draught, this one has the ability to make sure that an entire Lucain or Paragon litter or clutch comes out as males. Perfect for someone who doesn't mind troublesome little boys."

Generative Draught - 50 KS - 1 per user per year
"Many couples find that they don't quite have much luck when it comes to breeding. Even though the center has worked hard to ensure that parents always have at least two children, some seem to always get the short end of the stick. This potion will solve that problem though! If you're worried about not having a large enough family, but pop one of these lovelies and you'll be sure to get maximum litter size for the species you are breeding! There is also an addition, extremely rare, chance that this potion will give you more than the maximum litter size by one. This is not compatible with Diosol and is one time use."

Chaos Draught - 50 KS - Unlimited Stock
"Two creatures love one another, but maybe their love life just isn't spicy enough. Or many you're a famous breeder and just can't seem to produce anything spectacular and out of the ordinary. The Chaos Draught, named for its peculiar mixing of genetics, might just be what you're looking for. A much weaker version of the Chaos Elixir, this potion will produce random colors and markings during one Lucain,  Paragon, or Soveris breeding for at least one offspring. Some offspring may still come out with the expected colors and markings. In Lucain, this potion can also increase the occurrence of random mini marks, while in Paragon it's possible that the child may be born a complete different species from the parents or acquire a few type of tail or wings."

Impel Liquor - 75 KS - Potion currently retired
"You sent your pet off to the breeding center and they came back with offspring, but they just take so long to grow! Waiting times can be a pain for everyone involved and many people want to see the result of their breeding pair quicker. This peculiar drink will cause your Lucain, Paragon, or Soveris offspring to grow before they even get sent to the nursery! This potion must be used during the breeding and won't work after the breeding has been finished."

Skimp Tonic - 10 KS - Unlimited Stock
"Maybe you have found that for some reason or another your pet seems... too fertile. Every time they go to breed for some reason they come back with a large litter or clutch. After taking a drink of this, for one breeding your pet will produce reduced numbers of offspring. When breeding a pet, you may suggest a litter/clutch size that is the minimum size normally available, or you may request even fewer! You may even request a single child to be born. This potion may not be used at the same time as a Generative Draught as there have been... ahem... rather odd outcomes when that was tried. I'll leave you to think about that for yourself."

Emission Liquor - 150 KS - 1 per user per year
"Marking mutations are exceptionally rare and hard to obtain, so wouldn't it be nice if there were some way to make sure that your Paragon or Lucain gave birth to a child with a mutation? We aren't saying it's the safest choice, but if your pet drinks this potion one of the offspring in their next clutch or litter is guaranteed to have a marking mutation! We are not responsible for any side effects your breeding pet or their children may experience though. After all, you are the one that got them to drink some oddly glowing concoction."

Charcoal Tonic - 10 KS - Unlimited Stock
"Breeding seasons can be pretty nifty, but sometimes they get in the way of what you want to accomplish when breeding two pets. For example, you might be afraid for what the results of a Chaos Draught might bring, yet the current breeding season acts freely as a Chaos Draught without having used one. Fear not though! By drinking this potion before breeding, the weather conditions won't change anything about their offspring. Our other potions are stronger than this one though, so you won't be able to negate any other potion used during a breeding with it."

Beaker of the Ballama Spirit - 25 KS - Unlimited Stock"No one quite knows who named this potion or where they got the container from. We believe it to be a long deceased brand of children's soap. We think that if your pet drinks this icky stuff, it might be blessed, or cursed, forever with a Ballama Spirit! Who knows? But whatever you do, don't question the Ballama!(Ballama is added to your pet's image)."

.:Breeding Room Keys:.

° A total of two key from this category may be purchased per user per year.
° These keys may be traded.

Kuhna Breeding Room Key - 5 GT
"The smallest and the most lightweight of all the available keys, this Kuhna Key will allow your Kuhnas to get some peace and quiet to enjoy each other's company. The cooper key shines with a beautiful color, with its lush green tag that clearly labels it for Kuhnas. This key is about as light as a feather, so make sure your Kuhnas don't end up losing it on their way to the Breeding Area; you wouldn't want your Kuhnas to make the trip for nothing if they lose the key on the way here."

Lucain Breeding Room Key - 5 GT
"There is little to say about this key. It's obviously silver with a red tag, the likes of which read Lucain to make sure that it is not confused with a key of any other type upon return. It is slightly larger than a normal key would be, but still light weight and easy to carry on one's person. Just the right size to give to your Lucain if you would like to send them on their own for a little bit of privacy."

Paragon Breeding Room Key - 5 GT
"After looking at this key, it's pretty impossible to see how one would confuse it for a Lucain room key. It is a completely different color and the tag on this one is blue, clearly labeled as being for Paragon. It is also bulkier, seemingly to make it easier for the much larger Paragon to use. I would consider just sending your Paragon with it, even though it's not much heavier than the Lucain key."

Soveris Breeding Room Key - 5 GT
"This crystal key has a very bright yellow colored tag to indicate that it is solely for the use of entry to one of our top of the line Soveris breeding rooms. The key itself is rather fragile, so we would suggest handling it with care. It's possible you way want to escort your Soveris to the breeding room to help them use the key, but perhaps you trust them not to break it."
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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/21/2014 5:41 PM

Ooooh! The shop had been rather quiet of late, but it was certainly nice to see that it was being restocked and even had some work put into it. Yes, the shelves looked new, and even the counter-top was nice and clean! It looked quite nice. And had the old wizard even trimmed his beard? Fantastic! Reaching the desk, she placed her keystones on the counter. "I'd like one of each of the emissions liquor, charcoal tonic, impel liquor, chaos draught, generative draught and an XX draught."

{Potion(s) recorded}

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Kyrit » 06/21/2014 5:51 PM


It was rather surprising to him that people hadn't jumped on the restock right away. Even the rare potions hadn't been taken up right away, so he'd had plenty of time to make his way over. Semerkhet didn't have much money though, so he knew he couldn't buy too many potions. The first potion he put down was an Elixir of Fertility. Following that was an Emission Liquor. "I believe this is all I can afford for the day. 325 Keystones, I believe. You'll find just enough in this bag." With that he placed a small bag down and waited for it to be emptied out and returned.

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Jaykobell » 06/21/2014 6:01 PM

It was a matter of being faster than others. This wasn't expected, and so he had to hurry. He hadn't done anything in a very long time, but it felt right to come back at this time. New prices and new items: including some that hadn't been in stock in a long time. This also meant that some of these would go fast, and so he had to hurry.

His cape fluttered as he rushed for the counter. His money jingled loudly, considering how quickly he was running through the doors. He couldn't miss this opportunity, and it would be absolutely crushing to miss on this stock. He wanted this one item, and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let it go. "Greetings," he said, always giving the receptionist the respect they deserved, "I would love an Elixir of Fertility, please," he added, putting the required money on the counter. "I trust this is enough?"

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Flame » 06/21/2014 6:49 PM

The young woman scuttled into the store, having heard about a supposed restock. Things had seemed to be rather...slow for the past few weeks, so she'd even been rather unsure about the rumored fresh shipment, but considering how rare some of the commodities the store offered were, it was always worth a visit anyways. She didn't have terribly much by means of money at the moment, but she figured she'd at least be able to pick a few things up that would be very useful in the future. She quickly figured out what was available (and what she could afford), and made her way to the register.

Pulling out her meager stash of keystones, she counted out the proper amount to make sure she had enough. "I'd like to purchase a Generative Draught, if I could. Thanks so much!"

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby crow » 06/21/2014 7:00 PM


Rhodes wasn't available for errands today. The cat had finally put his foot down about that, so to speak, and had gone on a rather violent tirade about how much work he had to be doing. He sounded less angry and more hysterical, but the effect had been the same, regardless: Kit had been frightened and concerned enough to back off, telling him that she was fine with going herself, as long as someone helped her with the directions, and with counting out the money. Sivain had to accompany her, of course, but it wasn't as if he had anything better to be doing either. They just disliked stepping off the estate, that was all.

It was tempting to stare at the potions, and maybe to pick one up, but Sivain's glare convinced her that it was probably a bad idea. In the end, she just picked two, and counted out the keystones carefully like Rhodes had showed her. [b]”Could I have a Generative Draught... And an Elixir of Fertility please?” she asked. For her first purchase, it was pretty hefty, and she could see Sivain sighing over the lost keystones out of the corner of her eye, but she couldn't help it.

In retrospect, this was probably why Rhodes had done as many shopping trips as he had. When it came to self-control, Kit wasn't exactly the one you wanted to trust with money.

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Thunder » 06/21/2014 9:56 PM

The notion of freshly reduced prices drew the girl to the brewery. There were quite a lot of people already, and she wasn't sure if she could get her hands on something, but it was worth a shot. She grabbed an Impel Liquor off the shelf and took it over to Kelloc. From her bag, she produced the exact number of Keystones to cover the price. "Just this, please," she said.

{Potion(s) recorded}

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/21/2014 10:15 PM


It wasn't the case that Eris had a particular need for any specific potion. She was drawn, instead, by her own curiosity. As it was, things were different in every world. At some point, she had been forced to learn that the hard way. The notion that potions and elixirs could greatly change so many things was something somewhat new to her, at least when crafted by non-god types. So, really, her interest was more in studying the potions than using them.

"I would like an Impel Liquor," she declared, dropping a pile of small stones onto the counter that she had learned was the currency of this world. After reading the affects of the different potions, she was most interested in this particular one over the others.

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/04/2014 7:37 PM

A peculiar woman in a floor length ensemble strode through the doors of the shop swiftly and gracefully, almost as if she was floating. The soft thud created by her boots said otherwise, however. One could best describe her as steam punk, and in light of the slowly spinning brass wind up key protruding from her back, she appeared to be much like a moving doll. When she reached the counter, her motions came to a stop, and she spoke slowly. Her tone and tempo made it seem as though she was tired, although her features didn't look it. "Excuse...me... I have... a request. I need... a..." There was a long pause, where she seemed to gather her breath, "Generative Draught... Please."

Xillia had been specifically instructed to pick up and deliver such a potion to her master, Jakerz. For what reason, she hadn't the foggiest idea, although it was not in her nature to question such simple tasks. Unfortunately for her, on her journey over, her wind up key began to slow and she was gradually becoming more sluggish. "Could... you... please...turn the... key, too?" She didn't like asking for help, but if she wanted to function well when she went to deliver the potion, then she would need someone's assistance. Oh, if only she could turn the key herself.

{Already own 3 Generative Draughts}

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Sarah » 07/14/2014 11:02 PM

Amber trotted into the shop with Jesper following close behind. She wasn’t exactly sure what they had in stock but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a few potions lying around. Who knew when that rainy day would come to pass. The shop was unusually empty so amber knew that the really special items must have been bought already. Oh well, she wasn’t in search for any really rare items. She made sure to check every potion and read every description. Though she had been here plenty of times just to browse she always read the descriptions just in case. She would hate to return with the wrong potions. After finding what she needed she walked up to the front counter careful not to knock any shelves over. “Hello, I’d like one XX Draught, one XY Draught, one Chaos Draught, and one Impel Liquor please!” she exclaimed to Kelloc. Amber was extremely pleased they had everything she was looking for, and that she had had enough Key Stones with her to buy it all. “Here is the 225 Key Stones for it all,” she added quickly giving the old man the money before she grabbed her new potions and left.

{Potion(s) recorded}

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 08/27/2014 8:09 PM

Click for human form!

A soft, carefree humming filtered in from the outside of the shop, and it grew to a set crescendo for a moment as the door opened. Sencha opened his eyes to peer around the shop lazily at the various potions on the walls, and he thought he might like to drink a few one day, but today was not that day at all. He smiled sweetly as his eyes set on the door in the back, and a soft shadow passed over them, his smile growing just a touch sinister. He stepped over to the door, the chain around his food sliding lazily over the floor, and he knocked on the wood, pitching his voice in a singsongy manner. "Hello~ I believe I heard somewhere that you were selling those pretty Stolen War Badges?" he asked, rocking on his heels, his hands behind his back. "I'd like the blue one… the Purine one, please, if that matters."

{Badge Sent}

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Elektra » 08/28/2014 5:28 PM

Elektra had been looking to get her hands on one of the generative draughts the brewery made for quite sometime.  She just never seemed to be free when they were put on the shelf.  But today, she'd been notified by a friend that there was one still in stock!  So she had rushed to the marketplace with the necessary keystones in hand.  Bursting through the doors, she grabbed the bottle and continued up to the counter, placing both the draught and the payment side by side before taking a moment to breath.  

"I'll be taking that last Generative Draught, please and thank you."

{Potion(s) recorded}

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby crow » 09/24/2014 9:57 PM


It was good to be out and stretching his wings again. The Kitrell was on an errand this morning on his way to pick up the mail. Someone at the estate had a potion they wanted bought, and it didn't take him too far out of his way to oblige them, so he had taken the pouch of keystones with him as he left. Now he entered the shop, calling out with a jaunty, "G'mornin'! I'm here for a Chaos Draught please... Oh, and one of these War Badges. The, er, Imperial ones, I think it was." What they wanted with a war badge, the Kitrell couldn't guess, but that was none of his business, of course. He offered the keystones in his pouch, and sat back to wait, ears twitching.

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Atoli01 » 10/01/2014 12:25 AM


Taking my first steps into foreign territory, I inhaled sharply. Despite all my time spent on Evelon with my assignment all those years ago, I never [img]had[/img] grown accustomed to the place. In fact, the feelings that accompanied my return to Evelon were curious little ones. Nostalgia? Sorrow? Happiness? Such things were hard to label.

"I'll take one of those... Oh... What did she call it again?" My eyes scanned the shelves behind the shop attendant anxiously. "Oh! One XY Draught! That's right!"

Perhaps I had found myself a bit at home experimenting with Immortal magic, I noted. Safe? Dangerous? Good idea? Well maybe if it could bring him back, then... Or maybe bring me back to him...

{Potion(s) recorded}

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: .:Mage's Brewery:.

Postby Nurylon » 10/09/2014 7:08 PM


Nacnhi padded up to her destination, and twirled her ears around for a moment to make sure no one was there before walking through the wall to go inside. It was such a habit of hers, wanting to be subtle--since she'd thought that not having to use doors, due to her concept nature, would get her hurt by other people for such a long time.
The air tasted of spices, though it was quiet enough that there was a certain dullness, too. Not wanting to dwell for too long, she made her way to the shopkeeper's counter.
"Excuse me," she murmured, "may I purchase one of your Stolen War Badges? I--an Imperial badge, please?"
Asking made her a bit nervous, though she wasn't as skittish as she used to be. Memories of Heikku discussing the history of the war (and adventure, of course) skirted through her mind--how one side had gone to find an artifact from long ago, and the other wasn't so touched by the exploration. She wasn't so sure she agreed with him on how innocent the artifact search was actually asserted, but she really wanted to find out more about these initiators' other stories.

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