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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Jedi » 12/13/2020 2:17 PM


The mercenary didn't believe in luck or fate. He didn't believe in gods or devils. The only thing he believed in was cold, hard truth. So then, why was he here, at this wishing well. To be honest, he didn't have the slightest idea why a client would send him here. But he didn't argue with his customers, especially when they pay in advance. He retrieved a coin from the small purse and dropped it in the well. He only looked down briefly, but it was enough to see the flash of magic in its waters. He ruled it out as seeing light reflected off the coin, but deep down, he knew it wasn't so. Still, he lied to himself, denying the mysticism of the cobblestone well.

[Posting for the Raffle]

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We are strong

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby amanda784 » 12/13/2020 5:56 PM

Xavier had no idea what his future held. Since the moment he woke up like this he had so many questions. He knew getting a second chance on life would be considered a blessing for most. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if his second chance on life was a curse. He wasn't even sure he could be considered "alive" anymore.

Part of his new "curse" was that even a small amount of light was blinding to his eyes. Because of this he had to visit the wishing well at night. Xavier despised only going out at night, but he had to admit the moon looked beautiful in the water of the well.

"I wish..." Xavier had an overwhelming amount of wishes to make, but only one keystone to give. "I wish for clarity. Is there a reason for all of this? Why was I spared when my friends were not? Do I have a purpose?"

Xavier tossed his keystone into the well, knowing he would likely have to find his own answers.

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Kylo » 12/13/2020 6:03 PM


Orion was cold. He hated being cold. He shivered as he pulled his jacket tighter around himself.

In the near distance the well he had had heard rumors about stood. With a huff, he set off towards it, trudging through the thick underbrush. There was no snow, or even cold wind, but he still felt frozen. He hadn't felt truly warm since Xanatos' death. It was as if he was bathed in ice at all hours of the day and night.

He finally reached the well and pulled out a credit then tossed it in.

"I wish to know the truth, no matter how harsh it may be. Tell me how my husband died. Please."

(Raffle post)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Freezair » 12/13/2020 7:39 PM


Damien couldn't let yesterday's embarrassment stand! That was the ONLY reason he was still coming back here! It wasn't at all because he hoped the well's magic would rub off on him, because, being a well, it didn't have any magic.

That little girl was here again. She was excitedly babbling to her mother about how she'd finally gotten that green hat she always wanted and maybe the well would give her mittens to match this time.

Well, Damien wasn't going to touch that! He'd seen how badly things had gone before, and he wouldn't risk another magical screwup.

That made it all the more surprising when he saw the little girl drop her Keystones into the well... and in a cascade of sparkles, her gloves turned green too.


((Raffle post!))

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Jaykobell » 12/13/2020 7:54 PM

As she stepped by the well, she frowned and huffed. For generations, they had passed the legend of the Wishing Well, this mysterious, magical place that seemed to have its own source of magical energy. People wishing for things, and while it didn't always grant those wishes, multiple cases had been reported.

She looked down the well, and she focused. Sure, fine, she could feel something around this place, some sort of energy. But it didn't compare to her own. "So you grant wishes, huh?"

She thought back to the mysterious syringe she had in her home. Something extremely rare, something few had seen in their lifetime. To own this item made her the enemy of many, even though she only had one half of a set. She was missing the other half, just as rare as the one she owned. If she found one in her lifetime, it would truly make her the most powerful witch in the whole of Evelon...

"How about this, well?" she called out, hands on the edge of the well, propping herself forward to peek down a bit more. "Think you can make a literal miracle happen?"

[Raffle post + wishing for a Sol Strain]
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Sarah » 12/13/2020 10:00 PM

Hilda was just passing through really. She didn't know anything about a Wishing Well. The little shelter that housed it looked much the same to the surrounding area. When she looked in her purse later she couldn't believe the little piece of paper she found. A ticket of some kind. Where had she picked that up from? She hadn't come across anyone on her walk.
(Raffle Post)

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/14/2020 12:31 AM


Stepping toward the well, the young woman tightened her coat around herself, fastening the buttons. She loved the cold, compared to the heat, but that was only because she could choose warm clothes, and layer them as needed in order to be cozy and comfortable. And, though the wish that she had was not one that was, perhaps, the typical thing one visited the well for, Toxic thought it best to give the well a visit, anyway.

Looking over the side of the well, she peered down, but was unable to see the bottom. She smiled faintly, before digging into the pocket of her coat, and pulling out a few small keystones. As she held them in both of her hands, up close to her face, she whispered her wish.

"I hope that everyone is well and safe in the upcoming year. That their difficulties become less, and they can be happier."

Once those words were uttered, she tossed the keystones into the well, and turned to leave only after another minute or so had passed.

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby FrostWynd » 12/14/2020 12:42 AM

There had been a sudden uptick in rumors and stories floating around the nearby town about some sort of old well, and the details about it... were quite peculiar. Now ordinarily, a well itself was the sort of thing that Midnight would have no actual interest in whatsoever. Even with it's alleged age coming up several times, there was ultimately no inherit value to such a structure that the draconic man could perceive from the first look.

Luckily for the well, that seemingly boring and ordinary appearance was what helped in sparing it from what everything else involved in his occupation would normally be fated with whenever he'd taken an interest. Instead there was something else related to it that had captured his attention, and now that he was standing before the thing, the man would follow in repeating the most common procedure performed by other visitors. Taking a small handful of keystones out of his pocket, and giving them an abrupt toss right into the void in an unceremonious fashion.

With the offering now made... he was supposed to make a wish now. Provided that everything was being done correctly, at least. "Provide me with an item that's... difficult to come across." He'd mutter after a moment of thought, phrased as though in a challenge to the powers tied here.

If this experiment worked, he'd be coming back for sure to conduct further research into what was responsible for the granting of wishes. Whatever might come about from doing so, could be very interesting...

(Wishing for an Everfall Strain)

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Adelie » 12/14/2020 3:13 AM


So that had been that. She'd stood around awkwardly for some unthinkable - literally, since she didn't want to think about how much time she'd wasted already - amount of time and all she had to show for it was a chance encounter with a lost bird.

The bird hadn't even stayed around long enough for her to get any interview questions in, damn it. Not that it would've helped much, either - she'd come here to investigate the wishing well ticket incident, and she had certain doubts that someone who didn't even know where the wishing well was would have any thoughts on the subject.

Still, she probably should've asked.

Well, what's done was done. She'd just have to wait for the next unlucky individual to make their way over to the well, and hopefully when she accosted them, they'd have something more to say than "I'm lost."

(raffle ticket please!)
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Celtic » 12/14/2020 10:39 AM


The plain lucain padded up to the wishing well, excited but also highly doubtful. They said this time of year something interesting was happening-- wishes were finally being granted again. Or maybe it was just that people were wishing again? She shook her head, another great chicken and egg scenario. Ah, well. None of it mattered to her-- she was simply happy that she could wish for something.

Dropping her keystone into the well, she squeezed her eyes shut and breathed out her wish. "I wish for a...." All of a sudden her mind went blank. What did she actually want? Money was always nice, but there were also a few items she desperately wanted to get her hands on... But it all seemed so shallow, now that she was here. Shouldn't she wish for something like peace? There already is peace, the wars ended. One eyebrow raised as she nodded her head-- that was true. Peace would be a waste (yikes that sounded awful).

So, I guess first idea? "I wish for money please." After all Christmas was just around the corner, and her pocket was awfully light. Sure it was selfish, but that didn't make it a worse wish.

(raffle post)

Spring)and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves

- e. e. cummings

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby SpringsSong » 12/14/2020 11:14 AM

Lana. Xyshari.

The women returned once more, after having been nowhere to be seen the day before. Whatever it was that had kept them, they seemed rather at peace with everything that had transpired.

"You'd think that that was the first time that they had actually... talked as mother and son," Lana remarked. "There wasn't a single feeling of contempt the whole time they were talking."

"Because that was the first time they've spoken, I assume, since... everything happened. Malcom dying on Iokath, everything with the Eternal Empire, the Order of Zildrog..." Xyshari said.

"Too bad we can't wish for things to be the way they were, right?" Lana asked with a small laugh.

"I wouldn't want things to be the way they were," Xyshari said. "After all, we were on different sides then. I'd rather us be together than separated by our allegiances."

"Then why don't we wish for continued prosperity, today?" Lana asked, taking out another of the realm's strange keystones. Xyshari mirrored the action, and the two women dropped the keystones into the well.

(Raffle post!)
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Sarah » 12/14/2020 3:49 PM

Hilda came back the next day. Ticket in hand she followed her path exactly. She was careful to take note of the contents of her person every few minutes. Another ticket appeared sometime during the last half of her walk. It was too bad she didn't have more time to spend in the area. Soon enough she would have to return home and the strange tickets would remain a mystery.
(Raffle Post)

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Indigo » 12/14/2020 5:11 PM

The spirit did not wish for anything, in general. It had desires on some level, certainly—the desire to be untethered from its current location, for one, but it had long known that this was something the well could not provide. In fact the well was possibly the last thing it would ask for help, considering the circumstances of its imprisonment here.

Now it stood by the well and watched the influx of strangers, something it had never known to happen in the time it had occupied this place, and it began to consider the idea of a wish. What did it want, apart from the ability to roam? For someone to notice it, perhaps. That might be a nice change of pace. It hovered around the well, circling, and waited.

(Raffle Post)

What are you looking at?

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Kitsumi » 12/14/2020 5:13 PM


He had come to find his brother, but it appeared that Xen had already left. The alien sighed, frustrated that he had come too late. Why was it that Xen was always two steps ahead of him?

Just as he was about to turn back, he heard someone speaking about the well and it's magical properties. He paused, curious. Was it really as simple as making a wish, throwing in one of these strange stone things that the people used as currency, and then waiting? It seemed so silly... but if there was even a chance that it might work, he had to try.

Moving in close to the well, he tossed in his offering - a single keystone - and muttered quietly. "Bring that son of a-" he hesitated, realizing that there were children around. "I mean, bring my brother back to me. He needs to pay for his actions."

(raffle post)

like sunlight shining through the leaves
we are beautiful

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby amanda784 » 12/14/2020 6:31 PM

Nala knew the power of magic. She knew that with many stories about this place, they had to hold some truth. She was hoping the magic would work for her.

Nala let one hand rest gently on her pregnant stomach.

“I want to be a good mother,” she said aloud. “I don’t want to mess this up.”

Nala had many fears about raising children, but as she dropped a single keystone into the well she calmed. Nala knew she would do the best she could. That’s all she could hope to do.

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