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Wild's Sketchy Sketches (an art shop)

Postby Wildheit » 02/11/2008 2:12 AM

What's this, you may ask?


For those of you who may not know me, I'm Wild. :D Hi there.

This is my art shop. :]

Why have I started an art shop?



a) I was told to by Baal and Moofie (both of whom I love, adore, and admire (kissing up is totally not below me but it has nothing to do with this particular moment of gushy-ness, I promise)).

b) I like drawing and I think I could use the practice (coughcough) xD

c) I would really like KS to buy a badge to take part in the war... 8'D (because I did all that work putting in fun and exciting fighting movies in my pets' stats... <_< -ahem- ... -is vewwyvewwylazyyy-)


PRICES: ...Eh. This is difficult. But I will go with 5 KS per picture right now. 10 KS if extremely detailed... (This usually pertains to things done in Realism, as I tend to take more time and energy on things done in a realistic style... Shading has a lot to do with this. There are also things such as fish or dragons with their individual scales... I'll post examples of what I consider "extremely detailed" hopefully soon).

WHAT WILL I DO?: Pencil Sketches, Pen Sketches, Full-color drawings (usually in pencil, occasionally in watercolor paint if I'm feeling frisky xD), portraits, landscapes... (and the occasional Roleplaying scene--a particular scene from a roleplay--usually comic-like/not serious... though it can be... ) <--I'm probably getting WAY too in-depth with this lol

Ultimate Goal here is: 75 KS ***REACHED!!! Thank you, Moofius <333***

Examples of artwork are located HERE and also HERE

For some immediate examples (for those of us too lazy to click a mouse on a link... -raises hand-... -coughs-):


-will update this again with newer stuff later... makes a mental note to do so-



...Order away? (PrettyPlz?)


1. Moofius--Moofie and Ein--Colored FINISHED
2. Freezair--Krii and Justice--Lineart/Uncolored FINISHED
3. BaalsBaby--Lord Baal--Colored WORK-IN-PROGRESS
4. Draiz--Idzuna--Colored WORK-IN-PROGRESS
5. Gizmo--Prismatic Rengosett--Colored WORK-IN-PROGRESS
6. GrayGriffin--Fei and Odhran--Colored WORK-IN-PROGRESS
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Postby Moofius » 02/11/2008 2:28 AM

I want a drawing of me and Einsor the Mad~! ♥

So yah. -shoves links and info at chu'-

Description of Ein (written by Baal)

Personality: Perhaps the most intellectual and insane of the Hierarchy, the only reason Einsor does not find a seat among the Circle of Five is his lack of complex sorcery (that most other demons possess). But where he lacks in magical abilities (able to perform only the most basic of spells) he makes up for in scientific finesse and intellect, possessing an inhuman knowledge of the physiological and anatomical workings of nearly every type of organism; able to fully disassemble a full body, rearrange it to his liking, then bring life back into the new organism. Having performed countless experiments upon subjects both dead OR alive, Einsor's sadism goes far, having used countless numbers for his own personal gain; he's even known to perform agonizing experiments upon his own siblings, trying to fashion ever more effective weapons to be used in the War against the Seraphim and the Rebellion. Having been scorned by his beloved mother in his youth, being called a "monster of Hell", she had cut a cross-shape into the left side of his face. Now as demented as ever because of that event, Einsor replaced his lost eye with a mechanical replacement and even cut off his own right arm as an act to try and forget a hidden sin, a mechanical claw replacing the lost limb... Highly favored by his Father and feared all throughout the ranks of demons.


(So you don't draw him actually CARING about me. XD

Concept Art of Ein (by Baal)

And then... Moofie -tosses links like mad-


Christmas Comic - Portraying Sillyness?

AND Moofie and Ein together pics (To get a feel of how they are "together"?)

Finished First Sketch On Photoshop

First Kiss? Sketch

First Kiss Continued - Sketch

So yah. There you go. You have free reign, do as you please. -snoggles- I luff joor art! ^O^
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Postby Freezair » 02/11/2008 3:01 AM

Eeeeee. Will you draw aaaaanything? Because if you will, I would love to get a picture of my pet Krii and my friend Ender's pet Justice playing arcade games together. :D Doesn't have to be colored; an inked drawing is fine.

Krii is a Blaze Rengosett. Copypasta'd directly from the Evelon site:

Blaze Rengosett

Colorwise, that's exactly what he looks like. But proportions-wise, he's not all fluffy like that. He actually looks more monkey-like. Uncolored ref pic:

Likewise, Justice is a Xing Yun. See:

X??ng Y??n

Anyway, the pic. They should be standing in front of an arcade machine. They should have light guns, like in those games where you have to use a "gun" to shoot at the stuff on-screen. Krii should probably be in front, since he's tiny, and Justice is huuuuuuge. Make them look all concentrated, like the Fate of the World is in their hands.

They're battling radioactive zombie werewolves. :P

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby Wildheit » 02/11/2008 9:07 PM

MOOFIUS--Just so you know that I'm not sitting on my arse doing nothing (ahem), I've got a badly-resized/scanned preview of the picture I'm doing for you...

Here it is (hopefully it doesn't make the page huuuuge):


Sorry again for the bad quality... The final product WILL be better, I promise! ^^;

EDIT: FREEZAIR--I shall do your piccy as soon as I've finished/inked Moofius's piccy :3 Thanks for the order!!!

EDITEDIT: BAAL--HOW DO YOU DO THIS?!?! -is referring to the mechanical hand/arm...- You. Are. A-Maze-Ing.
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Postby Moofius » 02/11/2008 9:14 PM

HOMGHOMGHOMGHOMGHOMG!!!! 030 Did I ever tell you I love you with the ... strength of 100 platypuseseseseses! ^O^ Yah. =3

And uh... -snoggles- ^O^
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Postby Wildheit » 02/12/2008 12:43 AM


...Stupid scanner killed the colors though -grumbles- I need to take some photos of it too later to see if I can get you to see the true brightness of the colors... (siiiigh x_o)

Anyways, without further further ado... ... ndEin2.jpg

I really, really, really, REALLY hope you like it... !!!


P.S. Freezair's piccy is next... I'm slow but I'll try to work as fast as I can :P EDIT: This pic might take me longer than a day o__o;; Just to let you know, Freezair. Sorry about that x_x
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Postby Freezair » 02/12/2008 12:55 AM

No problem. Take as long as you need! :D

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby BaalsBaby » 02/12/2008 1:05 AM

OH OH Einsor and Moofie! 8DDDD *dies* Right uhm soo yah... Baal's gonna like... stalk this thread now... >.>

Order: Me wants a Lord Baal yussh! But not just ANY Lord Baal... A Lord Baal doing.. uhmm... karaoke! 8O Or... uhh... being a swimsuit model or summat. I dunno, something really funny. xD And yesh, can I order him as a human in a colored piccy? =D

Annnnd now link time! In case you neeed thousands of refs, please see here. xD Heehehehe.

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Postby Moofius » 02/12/2008 1:11 AM

Wild~ -whines-

You made me asplode from happiness! TOT

I luff eet so MUCH! So, how does... 100 zillion KS sound? ... Or like, 50 for... No... Not enough.

-pays 80KS- Hope that's not to little. TOT; If joo want more just asssssk... =3
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Postby Kyrit » 02/12/2008 1:19 AM

Draiz wants to order arts~

"A cry sounded through the air, the body of the demon fellox falling to the ground. From his shoulder blade to his hips ran a long gash, rather deep in some spots. Blood... Everything he saw was tinted with red. He tried to get up, his body wishing to do otherwise. Slowly, very slowly, he managed to rise to his feet. He was barely able to stay up, but his opponent seemed much the same way. This would be it... if he could hurry he could land the final blow and finish it all."

Yeah~ So that's pretty much the pose. XD My dear little Idzuna all covered in bloody wounds. No shirt of course. XD Refs? Oh do I have those~

Whee~ Thar be refs of him there! =D
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Postby Wildheit » 02/13/2008 2:09 AM


Moofius--I SENT YOU A MESSAGE. I hope you gots it Dx -luffs-<33333

OH... WOW. D: -flailscream- I get to draw LORD BAAL?!? AND OOH ANOTHER PRETTY BOY!!!! XDD

I love. This is going to be so awesome o______o -heartattack-

FREEZAIR--THANK YOU FOR THE PATIENCE X3 I totally need to finish a project for art class (still a senior in high school so I need to pass this class... sadly x_x). The project is not going well... Still behind... So I have to work on it big time tomorrow(today xD) and this friday... BUT--This weekend I'll hopefully have it(your picture, that is) up and finished!!!! -squealflail- I hope I make it as superb as the picture I get in my head from what you described x'3

AND YAY WARRRRR xDD I get to draw a battle scene too?!? For Draizy?!? YAY X'3

-overflows with all the happiness- xP


-scuttles off to sketch concepts- xP
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Postby Freezair » 02/13/2008 2:32 AM

Oh man, I totally know how big projects are. XD I will wait eagerly in anticipation!

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby Wildheit » 02/17/2008 6:17 AM

OH MY BOB D: My scanner is about to kaput. It sounds like a cat screaming in pain when I try to scan anything, so I'm AMAZED it managed to scan this one... X_x I think it's about time to get a new scanner (SHHHhhh don't tell it... x_o; Don't want to offend it...).

For Freezair, with luff for all her patience!!!: ... laying.jpg

I REALLY, SINCERELY hope you like!!!!!!!!!!<333

I might color this sometime... I really, really enjoyed doing it x'D Thanks for the opportunity, Freezair! x3

... -pets scanner- Good ol' girl... Niiiiice pretty lady... -petpetpet- OxO;;; Eesh...

EDIT: Totally forgot--I was going to explain this one(the drawing) some, because there's a LOT of 'firsts' in it for me... :P It's the first time in forever that I've drawn anything monkey-like, and the first time by far that I've ever been "serious" about it. Then there's the guns--I DO NOT draw guns well. At all. EVER. Ugh. I had to look up some reference for them, and what popped into my head? SUPER SOAKER. Yes, I'm retro like that. So, I was like "OH YEAH! HEYYYYY!" and found some nice photos on the interweb. :D hehe... So that's why the guns look funny. OH, and Krii has a bigger gun than Justice because... I just thought it would be funny. ^^; Eh... I'm not EXTREMELY satisfied with all of it, and seeing it altogether makes me wish I had used a ruler for the straight lines of the arcade-game... thing.. and the guns. xD BUT--overall, I'm glad I did it, because I really wasn't sure I could pull it off at all (COUGHCOUGH YOU DIDN'T READ THAT! Dx -covers screen/shields your eyes- Nuuuuuuuu!).

Thankies again, Freezair :P

EDITEDIT: OH, and in case you didn't get the whole thing on the side-part of the arcade-game... thingie... It's SUPPOSED to be a radioactive zombie werewolf sucking some unlucky fellow's brains through a straw while holding just the head... And the part written above says "MMM... BRAINS!" ...So... er... Yeah...


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Postby Freezair » 02/17/2008 2:57 PM



In the RP this scene took place in, the game was actually called "Mansion of the Unliving," but "Attack of the Radioactive Zombie Werewolves" is pretty awesome too. Hahaha, this is great! I luffles it sooo muchlies Wild-bud. :DDDD How much do I owe you for this piece of amazingness?

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby Wildheit » 02/17/2008 6:03 PM

GAH You gave me so much x3 -huggles you- And DRAT. I should have asked what it was called... Oh well X'D Thanks so much for letting me do it--and you don't owe me anymore! You gave me plenty! More than plenty! THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!! X]
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