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Postby chris » 05/03/2019 4:49 PM

I am new and have (hopefully) read all the rule posts. I just wanted to make sure - does this site have a necropost rule? As in, do threads expire after a certain amount of time/shouldn't be replied too? Or is it just more of a common sense thing?

I was going to peruse some of the writer sections but I didn't want to reply if it's been too long.
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Re: Necroposting?

Postby Redd » 05/03/2019 5:24 PM

Heya! We have no hard rules or restrictions about necroing, simply that it does boil down to common sense. You can necro threads if you like with zero repercussions but if the OP is anything like me, they may have forgotten the thread exists to begin with xD;

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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