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Turning in hunts?

Postby Kitsumi » 10/31/2020 4:39 PM

I am so sorry I had multiple tabs open and accidentally originally posted this in Updates instead of Help, oof!

Forgive me if this is already listed somewhere, I read the FAQ and the information in the Saloon, but I wasn't entirely sure. So if I'm doing a co-op hunt with someone, does just one of us post to redeem it, or do we each post separately? If the former, is a pet rolled for each of us, or is a single pet rolled and we decide who wants to keep it?

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Re: Turning in hunts?

Postby Redd » 11/01/2020 4:40 AM

Y'all good, hopefully I get to this in time but this quote from the FAQ should help you:

I'm roleplaying with my friend and they turned the thread in as a Hunt. Am I penalized?
      No, you'll both receive a prize, though they'll be separately rolled. Co-op roleplays have different post requirements though.

It probably needs rewording so it's a bit clearer but only one person needs to turn in the thread and you'll both be rolled for at the same time. However you must include the other person's name on the form when you turn it in.

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Re: Turning in hunts?

Postby Kitsumi » 11/01/2020 1:12 PM

Thank you for the answer! I wasn't 100% sure what that question meant by 'penalized', but you cleared it up for me now :)

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