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Cloud's Island

Postby cloudwilk » 05/25/2016 10:45 PM

The island lies a distance away from everything. The quiet beauty awaits as a sanctuary.

Image taken from pintrest which was taken from mikeballen.tumblr.com.

Immedietly you are met by a tali, presumably the owner of the island.

"Ahyo!" He says cheerfully "I'm Cloud! ... and this is Cloud's Island." He gives you a quirky smile. He almost starts another sentence, pauses awkwardly, then continues, "Erm... If you have anything you want to say, or any questions you want to ask, you can just come to me. New registration is up front, homes over on the east island, amenities over on the west. You can also just walk between islands because theres a little underwater sand bridge between them. It's very nice."

Personal Information
Name: Cloud
Gender: Male
Personality:  "Wise, imaginative, quirky"
History: He's a peculiar character not from here... In fact, he's from far away.
Roleplaying Status: Special

Biological Information:
Diet: Carnivore
Height: 18 in
Weight: 21 lb
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
This creature possesses wings and therefore has the ability to fly.
 Forest Dweller
This creature can survive in and navigate forests with relative safety and ease.

Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws
Automatic (Prerequisite) – This creature has very strong jaws filled with pointy teeth. (Grants a bonus to Offense)

Solid Stance
Automatic//Air - This creature plants its feet firmly on the ground in preparation for wind-based attacks. (Halves Air damage received)

Level:1 (Posts:0)
Element: Air
Offense: 6
Defense: 2

Precision: 7/50
Endurance: 8/100
Speed: 7/100
Fame: 8/40
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Re: Cloud's Island WIP

Postby cloudwilk » 05/26/2016 2:16 AM

Personal Information
Name: Char
Gender: Male
Personality: Char is good. He's the kind of person whose fun to be around from time to time but sticks pretty true to his morals- morals that lead him, more often, alone- as he frequently plays the devil's advocate. He sees everyone through the eyes of his soul instead of with his actual eyes, though he doesn't realize this. He's isolated from his body and stuck between who he wants to be and who he was, unfortunately only being able to show what small traits he's found to warrant a predictable reaction. This can lead him to get very quiet from time to time. It's no help that he's very calculated and stuck in his head. Char has many big dreams but cannot truly fathom their worth.
History:Char grew up with his pack in Lambastia, specifically in Roraldi Forest. Growing up was fun since he had a knack for imaginary games. As he grew older, however, those games became less tolerable, so he had to let them go. He managed well for awhile, but without the kind of support and relief they gave, his mentality eventually took over him and he found himself stuck in his mind to the point of destruction. He kept it hidden fairly well as a lone tali. In fact, it wasn't always a problem. His days of exploration and adventure gave him satisfaction he never dreamed of. Still, his chains were there and he found, too often, he was trying to escape from the inescapable. His arrival to Cloud's Island was one of those mental escape plans of his. Hopefully he'll find comfort and rest here as he continues on his journeys.
Roleplaying Status: Open

Biological Information:
Species:Wood Tali
Diet: Carnivore
Height: 18 in
Weight: 22 lb
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
This creature possesses wings and therefore has the ability to fly.
 Forest Dweller
This creature can survive in and navigate forests with relative safety and ease.

Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws
Automatic (Prerequisite) – This creature has very strong jaws filled with pointy teeth. (Grants a bonus to Offense)

Level:1 (Posts:3)
Element: None
Offense: 6
Defense: 2

Precision: 7/50
Endurance: 8/100
Speed: 7/100
Fame: 8/40

Adventure Log:
A Bit of Charm (3 Posts)

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Re: Cloud's Island WIP

Postby cloudwilk » 05/26/2016 11:40 PM

Personal Information
Name: Lewisia
Gender: Female
Personality: She's friendly, funny, and a little bit of a prankster. She loves seeing new things and new people- sometimes getting a little too carried away talking with the locals. Sometimes she can be a bit abrupt, running directly into her own point without the consideration of others, but for the most part, she is pretty accepting.
History: She grew up happily with her family at the Idalani Falls. As a child, Lewisia was playful, but also orderly.
Roleplaying Status: Open

Biological Information:
Species: Blossom Matches
Diet: Insectivore/Granivore
Height: 12 in
Weight: 3 lb
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
This creature possesses wings and therefore has the ability to fly.

This creature can use herbs and other natural materials to treat injuries.

Battle Traits: Flame Resistant
Automatic//Fire - This creature is somewhat immune to being burned. (Halves Fire damage received)

Flyby Attack
AP//Air (Aerodynamic) - This creature strikes as it flies past its opponent. (Deals additional damage to one opponent)

Mother Nature's Son
Nature's Son - Automatic//Earth - This creature is one with nature, and so nature is loathe to cause the creature harm. (Halves Earth damage received)

Level: 1 (Posts: 3)
Element: Fire
Offense: 4
Defense: 1

Precision: 8/50
Endurance: 9/100
Speed: 5/100
Fame: 5/40

Adventure Log:
The Matches and the Fenling (3 Posts)

Accepted on May 26, 2016
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Re: Cloud's Island

Postby cloudwilk » 05/30/2016 11:53 AM


Personal Information
Name: Elgyn
Gender: Male
Personality: Elgyn's adventurous, collected, focused, and imaginative. He has quite enough self-esteem and doesn't mind giving some to others. He's always out to be number one, though hasn't managed to snag a gold medal in anything... yet. As much as he loves attention, he's truly an introvert who needs his alone time- particularly far out in the deep ocean.
History: Far out of the Yuunu Sea, Elgyn grew up with his own pack of likutas. He was a bit fiesty as a child and even sometimes a bully. Luckily, he grew out of those behaviors fairly quickly and learned to just be happy with himself. He has a lack of a connection with his family and often strays from gatherings and meetings, taking advantage of group migrations to the winter waters north with no feeling of home-sickness. It's not as though he grew up in an abusive pack, he just lacks the ability to feel that kind of connection.
Roleplaying Status: Open

Biological Information:
Species: Glacial Likuta
Diet: Piscivore
Length: 30 in
Weight: 25 lb
Passive Traits: Graceful
This creature moves with an agile beauty, making even a simple gait or gesture seem like part of an exquisite dance.

This creature has the ability to swim for long distances and to great depths.

Ocean Dweller
This creature can survive in and navigate oceans with relative safety and ease.

Cold Adaption
This creature can easily survive in freezing temperatures.

Battle Traits:Deluge
AP//Water - This creature uses the power of water to attack its opponent. (Deals Water damage to one opponent)

Automatic//Ice - This creature can travel over snowy, icy surfaces with ease. (Negates Blizzard)

Level: 5 (Posts: 21)
Element: Water/Ice
Offense: 9
Defense: 7

Precision: 11/50
Endurance: 18/100
Speed: 13/100
Fame: 8/40

Adventure Log:
Plastic Bleach (21 Posts)

Accepted on May 30, 2016
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Re: Cloud's Island

Postby cloudwilk » 06/16/2016 7:50 PM


Personal Information
Name: Vasion
Gender: Male
Personality: Perhaps in some spiritual world, Vasion would be a librarian. He displays some of the stereotypical characteristics, such as his quiet, watchful, presence, but the primary reason is based on what goes on inside his head. He sees everyone like a book, a book of which he has no place being the narrator. He's very open-minded and passive, typically being careful not to leave too big of a paw print on other's lives. However, he does go the extra mile to find out more information about someone. After all, he wants to imagine their enriched and vivid chapters. He is certainly not shy of talking- he just refrains from small talk.
History: He has traveled a lot over the course of his life- something he is particularly proud of. Out of all the lands, though, Vasion still feels most at home in the Tuun Mountains.
Roleplaying Status: Open

Biological Information:
Species: Lucain
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Spiked Body
Dependent (Prerequisite) – This creature has spiny protrusions on its body that cause damage to attackers. (Causes damage to opponent when opponent attacks and hits)

Level: 1 (Posts:1)
Element: None
Offense: 10
Defense: 6

Precision: 6/50
Endurance: 11/100
Speed: 8/100
Fame: 10/40

Adventure Log:
Dungeon Crawl (1 Post)
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