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The Mousehold [Yes, Again] [WIP]

Postby Mousen » 12/18/2018 12:20 PM


There was a cat following you. A small cat, black and white, the usual sort. In fact, you hadn't really paid it much attention. There had been other things to think about, like the bitter wind or the perilous steps cut into the rock. The steps lead down to the House, and to the House you were going despite your better judgement. The House was a small cottage, white-washed, with a slanting roof and small windows.

There was a cat following you. No one else, just the cat. So it was a bit of a surprise to hear a voice behind you. "Watch out, the banister is crumbling on this next section." The cat is no more, and instead, a man. Or what appears to be a man, the exact species is a little difficult to identify. Certainly it sounds human, certainly it sounds male. He's short, shorter than you. The bottom half of his face is obscured by a large, black, scarf, the top half of his face is obscured by a mask. From what you can see of the mask, it has far too many teeth for your liking.

"I'm Chester, I will show you to the Library. That is what you wanted to see, is it not? From there you can find out many things, I warn you though, it is more than a little disorganised."
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Re: The Mousehold [Yes, Again] [WIP]

Postby Mousen » 12/18/2018 12:21 PM


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Most of the pets in my pen are available for lifemating! If you see someone you'd like to put one of your characters with please give me a message to discuss it.

Feel free to throw characters of any gender at anyone listed as "unknown" or "???", the same goes for queer characters. If you're not sure about a character, just throw someone at me anyway and I'll let you know.

Some of my characters are open for more unconventional story lines like queer platonic stuff or polyamory. If this is your kinda thing, message me and I'll dig up the relevant characters.

If we plan on lifemating our characters and the RP dawdles for more than 2 years and you seem to have vanished off the face of the earth, I'll probably open my characters up to lifemating again. Feel free to stay in touch via Discord though, if you're going through a busy time and want to keep things going but don't have the the time for Evelon.
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Postby Mousen » 12/18/2018 12:33 PM


Part 1: The Estate
How mysterious.

i) The House Under the Hill
ii) The Brodnax Estate
iii) Faerie Courts and Faerie Creatures
iv) The Circus & Assorted Strays
v) Cynthia Brodnax Detecting Agency
vi) The Campbells
vi) Miscellany (the DeMorgans, etc.)

Part 2: The Rest
Everything except the kitchen sink.

i) The Time Traveller's Association
ii) Herringford's School for Gifted Students
iii) Paranormal Investigators
iv) Victoria's New & Second Hand Books
v) Witches
vi) Pirates
vii) Knights
viii) Ill-Prepared Adventurers
ix) Space Merchants
x) Magical Girls
xi) Angels & Demons
xii) The Whisper Forest Clan
xiii) Mystery Dungeon
xiv) Miscellany II (Inc. Russ, Louernios etc.)
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The House Under The Hill

Postby Mousen » 12/19/2018 11:21 AM

> Chester <

“ Please, follow me. ”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
asexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Mysterious, capable, showy, pedantic.

Helper to the mysterious being known as Mousen (well, not really, Chester does all of the being mysterious and she spends all of her time drinking tea and trying to organize the library). Nevertheless, he runs errands on her behalf sometimes.

Chester tends to give very little away as to what he's thinking and enjoys keeping an air of mystery around himself. It's rare he gets angry or upset, but when you've displeased him in some way, you're the first to know. He's a little bit theatrical and appreciates a good bit of drama as much as anyone. If you can persuade him to talk, then he's an excellent source of gossip. He enjoys novels, particularly the classics, and is very fussy about tea (he refuses to drink anything but loose leaf.) Chester is surprisingly agile and likes to sit and read on precarious-looking ledges or roofs. It's very rare anything surprises him, it just seems as if he could cope with, well, anything.

Chester is first and foremost a perfectionist. If something isn't right, he will be the first to say so and the first to put it right. For this reason, most of Chester's seemingly inexhaustible supply of relatives all dislike him. When it comes to making sure things run as they are supposed to, Chester is a bit of a tyrant. Amazingly practical, his talent for domestic matters seems almost inhuman. He's a little bit vain and has a high opinion of himself. He has a habit of looking down on other people without realising. Although, once he finds out that he shares a common interest with someone, it's rare he'll hear a word against them. Despite his airs, Chester is always perfectly polite and .

Really, though, the most unusual thing about Chester his appearance. He's only around four foot eleven, and his overall frame is quite slight. He dresses very well, typically seen in his good black coat, and if not a suit. He's been known to occasionally brave jeans and knitted sweaters, but even then these are as neat and as prim as the rest of his clothes. He he has one unusual trait, though. No matter the weather or season, Chester does his best to obscure his face. He'll achieve this through high collars, big scarves, and hats pulled low over his face. The only time he abandons this is when he's wandering around as either a cat or a mimebones.

> Grim <

“ Well, well,well. What do we have here? ”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
pansexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Dangerous, flirty, self-assured.

Grim was the third person to inhabit the house after Chester first moved into the house. One wonders why Chester was so willing to have Grim anywhere near him in the first place, as the two of them are always at each other's throats. Grim hates Chester for the same reasons everyone else does, for his personality and for various other undisclosed reasons. Chester hates Grim because Grim is a loud, dangerous demon who's not only incredibly messy, but all the other members of the household seem to adore him.

Grim is one of the more obviously abnormal parts of the family, and apparently one of the most powerful. He enjoys theatre, and is a bit of a movie buff. He listens to several very obscure radio plays, and is quite fanatical about them. Grim will flirt with just about anyone that catches his attention. It's rare he has a romantic partner for longer than a few weeks, if that. He can be incredibly vulgar and doesn't care much for anyone else's opinions. He is, however, incredibly fond of Alice, Thomas and Paisley and will go to great lengths to make sure that they're okay. His relationship with Boris is slightly strained, although he almost killed Chester when he was under the impression that her fear of him was something to do with Chester's behaviour rather than something entirely more abstract.

Grim is impatient, lazy and over-confident. He hates having to be sensible, and is incredibly irresponsible. He often gets into fights and only has qualms about murder if the household are likely to find out. He's incredibly curious and hates not knowing things, he's especially interested to find out what's wrong with Chester. Grim is fairly intelligent too, and cunning. Although, he's probably less dangerous than Chester makes him out to be. Grim has very little patience, too little patience for any sort of really vicious scheme. He's usually fairly generous too, and if he has money he'll buy his friends and family members extravagant gifts before spending money on himself. He's tends to be fairly amiable unless disturbed while sleeping, and overall appears to be a fairly nice guy. It's just that when you get down to it, Grim has no real moral compass.  

Appearance-wise, Grim is exceptionally tall, being around six foot three. It doesn't help that he can float, and prefers to float about about a foot off the floor instead of walking anywhere. He has bright ginger hair that falls to just above his chin, and enjoys wearing bright colours, particularly pinks and purples.

> Alice <

“ These pots won't wash themselves! ”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
hetrosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Sociable, busy, stubborn.

If Chester is the butler of the house, then Alice is the cook. Though that's less to do with her cooking and more to do with the fact she's taken over the kitchen. She's appears to be one of the more normal cousins, lacking Grim's strange eyes or Thomas's general eccentricity. What she does have, however, is a rather amazing talent for finding things, wedding rings, handbags, husbands, that sort of thing. While not quite magic in the typical sense, it's certainly something. She uses this talent to run her own business, and Alice has a steady stream of customers that travel down from the main part of Jawan just to see her.

Chester tends to do most of the actual cooking in the house, Alice likes to potter about in the kitchen and invent new enchantments to find things while making soup at the same time. Often this ends up with a finding spell that requires three onions, one large potato and some chicken stock and onion soup that calls for one discarded love letter, three tears of grief and one hair from an albino donkey. Suffice to say, no one enjoys Alice's cooking.

She's quite scatterbrained, although has a strength of personality that's quite something. Alice is incredibly stubborn and has a habit of getting people to do things simply by talking at them for awhile. (Alice is one of those people that has a habit of talking at people, rather than to them.) She's a one-woman hurricane, and always seems to have seventeen different things going on at once. She's bubbly, feminine and has absolutely no time for any sort of fuss or bother. Alice is very capable and she and Chester are more similar than she'd care to admit. Both have an uncanny ability to talk their way out of any situation, and they can accomplish things with alarming speed.

Alice is on Grim's side of the family. So instead of being short and dark, she's six foot tall with bright auburn hair. Alice has a heart-shaped face, light green eyes, button nose and a rather pointed chin she's sensitive about. She's of a slim build, but has broad shoulders. Alice adores the vintage aesthetic and tends to mix that with things she picks up from her local alternative clothing shop.

> Kreep <

“ ... ”

Last known residence:
The House Under the Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
it|kree doll
Personality words:
Probably not sentient.

The doll has been in the cottage for as long as anyone can remember, and no one knows where it came from. It seems to move about the house of it's own accord and the doll has taken a particular shine to Alice, who has named it Kreep. It tends to stay in the kitchen now, watching Alice's customers come and go with blank eyes...

> Thomas <

“ Oh dear. ”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
hetrosexual|lifemate: Paisley
Personality words:
Nervy, distant, polite.

Thomas is first and foremost a writer. He's Alice's younger brother and arrived at the house at the same time as her. He quickly claimed the attic as his own and began writing. Even now no one quite knows what he's supposed to be writing, any explanations of the plot or the characters only serve to confuse anyone who asks. Thomas spends nearly all of his time writing and rarely leaves the attic, sometimes not leaving for days on end and while despite his eccentricities he might on first glance appear to be fairly normal, Thomas is possibly the strangest out of everyone living in the cottage. He's bound to two spirits who call themselves Bad and Worse, they manifest whenever Thomas has writer's block and are exceptionally dangerous. As such, whenever he feels uninspired he locks himself in the attic.

When Thomas isn't in the grip of writer's block, he's a pleasant sort. He loves hearing about other people and their pasts, even if he does only think in the world in writer's terms. Thomas rarely stops writing and when he isn't writing his novel, he's scribbling in one of his notebooks, most people find this rather off-putting and it doesn't help that Thomas is a rather shy, nervous individual. He used to suffer quite badly from a stutter in his youth, and although he's mostly over it now, he finds it difficult to speak quickly when he's upset.

Thomas gets distracted easily, and often appears rather distant and standoffish when he doesn't mean to. Oddly enough, he's one of the few people who can put up with Chester for any length of time. He finds him charming, although that might just be because Thomas is trying to base a character on him and needs more information. Like Chester, he's more than a little bit old-fashioned and eccentric, although as a general rule Thomas is a good deal kinder than Chester.

Thomas is actually a couple of inches shorter than Alice, with bright auburn hair. He's handsome, in a sleep-deprived writer who owns far too many sweater vests sort of way. He even wears glasses.  

> Bad <

“ Hah! Your characterisation is off and you can't write for toffee! ”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
genderless|inferno barghest

Personality words:
Malicious, chatty, impudent.

Bad is an evil spirit, and the first part of Thomas's curse. Usually, when Bad appears, Worse isn't far behind. As you might expect, Bad isn't as, well, bad as Worse. (Who is, as you might have expected, worse. Much worse.) Generally, Bad appears as a barghest although it has been known to take other forms, and is generally prefers to appear more feminine than masculine.

In terms of personality, Bad can be very malicious and cruel. It seems to be under the impression that it's constantly doing the right thing by Thomas, and that all of it's cruelty is for his own good. Bad is terrified of Worse and tries to do it's best to keep the spirit at bay. This, for Bad usually means tormenting Thomas. Luckily, while Bad isn't completely incompetent, it can be outwitted and Thomas, who's had to deal with the spirits for a long time now, finds this incredibly easy. If Bad is in the right mood it can be rather chatty and even occasionally verges on being personable.

> Worse <

“ Cut your fingers off, I hear it gives a good perspective. ”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
genderless|oilspill barghest

Personality words:
Vicious, dangerous, intelligent.

Worse is, as it's name might suggest, the worst out of the two spirits. Worse often appears simply as a shadow, especially at the beginning although it then quickly changes form, constantly shifting and moving. Worse, when it appears, often curses Bad for trying to keep it at bay. So, it does appear that the slightly better spirit is indeed attempting to help Thomas, even if most of it's methods are rather backhanded.

Worse is a vicious creature, malevolent and verging on violent. It's both smart and cunning, always trying to think of new ways to cause trouble. While, there is very little the spirit can do, even when it does manifest it tries to bother Thomas with intrusive thoughts and when that doesn't work, it may even attempt possession. It is most annoyed by Thomas's well-thought out defences, and the fact that most of the household are both aware of it, and are angered by it rather than frightened. But it is both older and more dangerous than one might expect, who knows how bad it would be without the other spirit there to keep it in check?

> Paisley <

“You'd make a wonderful portrait!”

Last known residence:
The House Under the Hill, Jawan
Technical info:
heterosexual|lifemate: Thomas
Personality words:
Calm, open-minded, genial

Paisley is a fairly recent addition to the house. She's Thomas' fiance, to the surprise of most people who know him. They met at some family function that Thomas was dragged into and hit it off from there. She has endless patience for his eccentricities and doesn't seem phased at all by his cursed companions. She is equally untroubled by the rest of the house, and enjoys Chester's quiet manner over the more boisterous Grim and Alice's increasingly odd attempts to make friends. She's probably closest to Victoria.

Paisley is an artist. She uses the other half of the attic to paint. She does very beautiful watercolour and charcoal studies, but her main interest is in portrait painting. Her works have started to become desirable, and it's not unusual to see her with her artists tools swung off her shoulder heading out along the fields until she reaches the bus stop to take her into town. If she's not selling things to a gallery, she's out for a commission. Money has never particularly been a worry for her, her family being rather wealthy and she often stops by to see them.

Paisley is a pleasant and forthright woman, with an attitude that's free from judgement. She's observant, and likes to laugh. She adores Thomas' work, and is the only person who seems to be able to keep up with the novel he's writing. She's quite introverted, and likes her own company as much as a crowd. The most curious thing about her is her unflappable nature in the face of the supernatural, despite seeming to be perfectly normal herself.

Paisley has a thoughtful face, with wide eyes and blonde hair that's permanently pinned out of the way. She generally wears an artists smock, or old sweaters she doesn't mind getting paint on, but when she does dress up she's particularly fond of pastels, florals and long, sweeping hemlines.

> Boris <

“ Curiosity killed the cat. ”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
she|trick chombones
asexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Intelligent, determined, detatched.

While Thomas needs the attic for his profession ("the view is inspiring!") Boris needs the basement for her's. She creates and repairs automaton. She hasn't been at the house for too long, although the others find it difficult to remember a time when she wasn't tinkering around with machines beneath their feet. She's apparently Chester's sister, and the two of them are very alike, although for whatever reason Boris can't stand to be in the same room as him.

Aside from this, Boris a perfectly logical and reasonable individual. She likes to deal with whatever is in front of her first and worry about the rest later, she's methodical, bright and passionate. She's a bit nerdy and sometimes finds it hard to figure out the emotional side of things. She loves science and experimentation, and its frustrating that her current project keeps being disturbed. Her automaton are nearly always haunted, or possessed in some way.Of course, she'd probably have less trouble with the supernatural if she didn't keep invoking minor imps and other small nasties to experiment on their effects on automaton. Boris might be an engineer but the occult arts have always been her forte, no matter how much she denies it. In reality, much of what Boris is really necromancy. Highly dangerous an experimental necromancy. She's incredibly curious and when faced with a question she can't answer, that cheery down-to-earth personality becomes clinical and detached.

Boris has a narrow focus when it comes to her projects, and easily becomes obsessive. Her emotions and the part of her that knows when an experiment has gone to far all seem to go away in her quest for knowledge. She's done things she regrets.

Appearance-wise, Boris looks a lot like Chester although she's far less fussy about her appearance. She has better things to worry about. she's quite short, around five foot two, with blue-grey eyes and short black hair.

> Rookery <

“ What to do... What to do?”

Last known residence:
The House Under the Hill, Jawan
Technical info:
bisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Cheerful, carefree, intellectual

Rookery, known to most people as Rook is the middle sibling between Chester and Boris. They were the last to come into the house, though and have taken up a permanent residence in the old guest bedroom. They are unflappably cheerful about most things, and spend their days getting into as much mischief as they can. It's not so much that they mean to cause mischief, it just... seems to happen around them. Like Victoria, Rook gets on quite well with almost everyone in the house. Although, she finds Thomas a little difficult. There's no history there, they're just very different kinds of people.

Rook is adventurous and happy-go-lucky. They have a kind of hard-headedness that involves them simply never considering the fact that things might not go their way. Though, they're not stupid by any means. They simply consider themselves smart enough, and capable enough to have anything they want. The main problem for them, is that on any given day they don't really know what they want. Mostly, it seems to be new experiences of one sort or another. They frequently bounce from job to job, baffling employers with a CV that defies all logical sense (and physical possibility). Rook, like the rest of the family, seems to have some sort of magic going for them, but what that is or how it works is something that only Rook knows. If Rook even knows themselves.

Rook is short, with shoulder-length dark hair. They have a white streak just towards the front that has been there ever since they can remember. They wear a lot of jewellery, often mismatching, and have several piercings in each ear.

> Victoria <

“ I-is everything quite all right? ”

Last known residence:
The House Under the Hill, Jawan
Technical info:
cat, zombones, human
demi||lifemate: maybe
Personality words:
nervous, diligent, protective

To put it bluntly, Victoria is what happens after Grim decides to go scouring through Boris's personal texts. Well, what happens when Grim reads those texts, attempts what is described within and Chester gets infuriated at him not being precise enough and steps in. Victoria is undead, quite literally, a zombie of sorts. That being said, she's completely sentient and very human-like, save for the fact she consumes close to nothing and has rather more stamina.

Victoria is an interesting character, she's charming, gentle and demure. She's unsure and a little bit scared, especially when being introduced to new things. She's diligent and hardworking, even if she's not too talented at most things, cooking and cleaning particularly. They're better left to Chester. That being said, she does not react well to anything that might hurt the people she considers to be family. She, perhaps, holds the most affection for Grim, then Chester and is most upset at the fact that they still dislike each other.

Victoria is short, with sleek black hair cut that falls past her shoulders and a full fringe. Her eyes are grey, and she dresses very primly, liking short petticoats, ribbons and frills, provided everything is either black or white, that is. She rather resembles Chester and Boris.

> Hodgepodge <

“ Skree!”

Last known residence:
The House Under The Hill, Jawan.
Technical info:
Personality words:

Hodgepodge is a small serrobat that lives in the basement, he's taken quite the shine to Boris and often follows her about. She spoils him rotten (hence why he's so fat). However, don't be fooled into thinking that Hodge is completely harmless, he has a very nasty bite when provoked.

> Mousen <

“ Well, that's unfortunate. ”

Last known residences:
England and Evelon
Technical info:
useless lesbian
saffron batti|university student

Fortunes Told, Mysteries Revealed, Questions Answered. Things Cursed.

Spells, charms and enchantments performed.
No love potions.

Reasonable rates - No Nonsense

Witch, fortune teller, spirit botherer.
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The Brodnax Estate

Postby Mousen » 12/19/2018 8:09 PM

> Osred The Elder <

“  Grandson of Brodnax ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
he|cursed albie

Personality words:
Stern, Loyal, Ancient

The Elders currently number four. They function as a powerful advisory force behind the current head of the Brodnax family. They are generally younger siblings of long-dead heads of the household, having given up direct power in favour of living a long life. Sometimes the family elders are heads of the family that have willingly stepped down. Osred is one of these. He is one of the first heads of the family, a part-demonic being who's long life was not accompanied by a long youth. He sits with the others and slowly withers. He lost his eyesight long ago.

His power has only grown over the years, even if he does not really have the strength left to wield it. Any head of the Brodnaxes will only disturb Osred if they really, really need it. He opinion carries great weight and his disapproval has generally deadly consequences one way or the other. He does not speak any modern languages and spends much of his time contemplating omens from a small dish filled with bones. His concern is the family and the family only. He doesn't care much for those that have married into the family, seeing them only as a means to an end.

> Nanny Eormenhild <

“Elder and sea witch.”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
she|cursed gorgeel

Personality words:
scheming, intelligent, esoteric

A sea witch of some great power who has managed to cling onto life through some unknown means.
Eormenhild is a great-great-great grandaughter of Osred and the only one who ever really has any direct conversation with him. She is the main figure among the elders, the one who passes on the mainstay of their judgements. She has buried more Brodnaxes than any other member of the family, the graveyard is largely her own work.

She's more opinionated than the others, a little louder and more personable. She's not necessarily nice, though. Just blunt. She was impressed by Silas and had been rooting for him for a long time. She likes it very much when she gets her way. Eormenhild is very morbid, she almost seems to enjoy it when a member of the family dies. It's her who whips the servants into shape and covers the house in black crepe and brocade. She really comes alive. When the moon and the tide are at the right points for her rituals she will still creep down (slowly) to her cove where she has been making sacrifices and performing her rites for hundreds of years.

> Cynethryth Brodnax <

“Long ago leader.”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
she|cursed yonyuu
Personality words:
tired, argumentative, strong-willed

An old head of the family, murdered and brought back into the body of a young serving girl, Cynethryth stayed on as an elder, feeling that her time had passed. She looks young, fair and willow-y, unlike the usual Brodnax who typically is dark-haired and broad shouldered. There is a kind of glassiness to her eyes that suggests something that has been dead for some time.

She spends her time gathering information for the family though her various familiars- hundreds and thousands of red spider mites. She sees what they see, though needs many to get a good impression of anything. She's often elsewhere, following the many familiars as they collect information for her. She loves nothing more than exposing other people's secrets. She has nothing else to do now. Her strength has largely failed her, but there's a part of her that is still feisty, that still very much wants to be a leader. She and Eormenhild bicker constantly.

> Eadwulf Brodnax <

“ Youngest of the Elders ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
he|cursed kasuga

Personality words:
Protective, wry, sinister

Eadwulf is Elias's oldest uncle. Elias convinced him to take up the position of elder after Elias took over the position as head of the household. Eadwulf was not totally happy about this, but has certainly found the process fascinating. He is rather old, but by no means past it for a vampire. Being that he's still able to get around without much trouble, he spends much of his time following up things that the other elders decide need properly investigating.

He doesn't give much away and has a rather dry sense of humour. He has formed a kind of friendship with Cynethryth and they often end up chatting together. When she goes too far, following her spider mites,
its him that brings her back. Eadwulf has become more than a guardian than anything else, a protective force in the background. Elias, who killed his brother and took away any of Eadwulf's power to act against him,
can't quite bring himself to trust the vampire, although that might be a lingering feeling of guilt as opposed to anything concrete.

> Elias Brodnax <

“ Head of the Family ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
he|sanguine kuhna
homosexual|lifemate: closed
Personality words:
Driven, charming, immoral, loyal

Elias is son of Tristam, and although Tristam was not the eldest of the brothers, he became head of the household through being far and away the most powerful and bloodthirsty. Eadwulf preferred to keep his distance, especially after his own son and heir, Silas ran away. Elias is the eldest of his siblings and the obvious choice as an heir, he even studied under Osred for some time.  When it became clear that his father was starting to become less capable, Elias challenged him. Elias, following the old ways that he'd been taught by Osred, ripped out and devoured the heart of his father. This has not been common practise for centuries, and it shows the kind of thing that Elias is capable of. He always was terribly, terribly ambitious.

Elias comes across as charming and flirtatious with and ruthless streak that doesn't lie far from the surface at all. He has no qualms displaying his fickle emotional states to the rest of the family. He is particularly susceptible to bad news, and barely manages to stick to the old adage of "don't shoot the messenger". He doesn't get upset too easily, but bad news is often very bad news when you're playing the odds like Elias does.He feels everything very strongly, there's never anything he's in the middle about, it's always one or the other. He is, however, excellent at covering up his emotions when he needs to, and has a knack for deceiving and manipulating others. Elias will do whatever it takes to get what he wants every single time, even if its something small. He's persistent and not afraid of playing the long game if it calls for it. Elias is curious, and can't stand not knowing things. He has a big ego and while he's sensible enough to not act out when it gets bruised, he will get petty if the opportunity arises.

He cares deeply for the members of the family, but does pick favourites. He's not one for playing members of the family against each other the way his father did and prefers them to stand as a reasonably cohesive unit. He's terrified of the kind of infighting that lead up to him feeling confident to challenge his own father. Elias has no children. He actually has his heart set on one of his twin sister's, Marguerite's, children taking over when the time comes.

Elias is a little shorter than you might expect, broad-shouldered with long, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears the look of someone who knows what they're attractive and will use it to their advantage. His age is difficult to place, even more so being a vampire. He looks to be in his late twenties, perhaps? He dresses well and is more than a little vain about his appearance.

> Brennus <

“ Head of Staff ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
bisexual|lifemate: Lucinda
Personality words:
diligent, loyal, proud

Brennus has been with the family for as long as anyone can remember, even the Elders. It's said that he was in the service of the first Brodnax, who made a deal with him. If he truly has been alive for over a millennium, it doesn't show. He appears as a man in his late thirties with blonde hair pulled away from his face with a dark ribbon, and the kind of servant's attire that was fashionable a few hundred years ago. He has other clothes, of course, but like Elias he too has a flair for the dramatic. He's a tall man, with a lean face and soft features.

Brennus is loyal to a fault, knowledgeable about almost every aspect of the Brodnaxes and knows each of them well. His main concern is the head of the household. It is now Elias, whom he looked after as a child and is extremely close with. Masters who do not respect his history of loyalty and commitment quickly find themselves ousted. He also doesn't care for despots, who often find a similar fate awaits them. His talents and abilities seem to be manifold, although physical displays of strength aren't his forte. He's a careful perfectionist and charmer, and some of Elias' love of the dramatic seem to have come from him.

He has a rather peculiar sense of humour, and a knack for appearing just as you need him. He moves almost silently through the house, and only touches the iron pokers with gloves. His talent for organising is beyond compare and he has an exquisite eye for detail. He does have his blindspots though, and his children tend to cause him trouble.

> Lucinda <

“ ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
she|spirited evergreen
???|lifemate: Brennus
Personality words:

> Linnet <

“ Kitchen girl ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
unknown|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Hardy, cheery, honest.

Linnet looks after the kitchens, which might seem like an awful lot of work for one person but she manages admirably and takes on a few temporary staff during the holidays. With the human side of the family having their own small kitchen, her duties generally include baking cakes for birthdays, giving them a hand with fancy meals, and often being up to her forearms in blood. She does, of course, sort out the supplies for the non-human members of the family as well. Linnet can exsanguinate with ease almost any mammal you care to name. She's not squeamish about it either. She knows the proper etiquette for each, how it needs to be stored and kept. She's even dealt with human blood, on occasion.

Linnet appears to be around 18 or so, and certainly acts like a teenager. Her work is fun and all, but she loves her days off. She's cheerful, likes gossip and argues constantly with her twin brother. She's loyal to the family, but feels the separation between herself and the Brodnaxes even less than Brennus does. Only Elias and the Elders really intimidate her. She has a ruthless, unflinching streak and is much more honest to herself than either her brother or her father. She's down to earth, being able to pick things apart and see a clear way through. She's level-headed and tries to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble she can't get out of.

Linnet's hair is a soft strawberry blonde, but in all other aspects she looks very much like her father with her lean build and soft features. She wears her black servants clothes with a red apron (white would be truly useless), but the moment she's free she switches into trousers and t-shirts that expose her midriff. She's rarely seen without her red neckerchief.

> Luther <

“ Dogsbody ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
unknown|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Mysterious, unlucky, short-sighted.

Luther is Linnet's twin brother, and he's inherited Brennus' air of mystery, if not his habit of thinking things through. His role in the house is dogsbody, working under Brennus where need be or helping out elsewhere. He particularly enjoys gardening. Dogsbody also generally means skulking around the estate and killing off anyone who means the Brodnaxes harm. His "stab first, ask questions later" has been the source of some trouble. In fact, Luther is often in trouble. He's notoriously unlucky, although a potion of that might be his own fault. When he's indoors and not chasing down a vampire hunter intend upon ending the family line, he can be quite clumsy.

He's an excellent fighter and marksman, not built for strength but for stealth. He's got a quiet, easy charm. He keeps his own company a lot, and no one really knows where he goes or what he gets up to. When he does speak, though, it generally escapes him before he's had a chance to think about it. He needs to learn to be more cautious, trusting his own abilities more than he should.

Luther also takes after his father, although he keeps his hair fairly short. He wears clothes that are suitable for spending a lot of time out of doors, heavy boots and a coat that's stuffed full of weaponry.

> Etheldreda Brodnax <

“ Cousin of Elias ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
heterosexual|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Fiery, efficient, political.

Etheldreda is Elias' cousin, and a force to be reckoned with. She's a werewolf, and the family are still trying to work out where that came from, especially with Rowland (her father) swearing that he carries none of the family's magical blood whatsoever. Ethel is loud, stubborn and unashamed of making a fuss. Elias can generally persuade her to agree with him, but this is the woman who's almost gotten into fights with the Elders.

She has a few children, who have (for now) moved out of the Estate and she spends her time managing some of the less-pressing affairs of the house for Elias. It's her who deals with the heating bills, keeping the electric wiring up to date, pointing out any repairs that need doing to Luther or Brennus. She's meticulous and completely devoted to the family. She attends many circles in Elias' stead, making connections with the werewolf packs, the magician's gatherings. She enjoys politics and has a knack for getting her own way. Really, she's invaluable, although Elias would be loathe to admit it. Ethel can take an inefficient, floundering group and revolutionise it in a matter of months. She's involved in all sorts. She doesn't seem to notice the contradiction between the good work she does, and the dark nature of many members of her family.

Ethel is in her fifties, her red hair is curly and greying and the lines of her face are deepening. She's broad shouldered and plump, but the kind of strength she has is clearly visible. Her animal nature really only comes through when she's upset, her teeth and nails elongating into fangs and claws.

> Jacob Brodnax <

“ Ethel's brother. ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
he|common werecain
heterosexual|lifemate: Sigrid
Personality words:
Fair-minded, reserved, kind.

Jacob, unlike Ethel is much more reserved. He takes after his father that way, having a lot of patience and a long temper. Which isn't to say he won't get involved. Jacob is fairly vocal about having everyone taken into account on the family's decision-making process and is often annoyed by Elias' sudden moods and secret keeping. He's also irritated by the way he picks favourites, usually based on how much use they are to him at the time. This is perhaps why he doesn't seem to mind that his eldest daughter, Cynthia, abandoned the family as soon as she got a chance to. He's the one of the few who's still in contact with his equally absent sister, Netty.

Despite this apparent disloyalty, Jacob genuinely believes that the family is stronger together. Elias might annoy him, but he's infinitely better than his own father. He's a softie at heart, and worries about him. Jacob has a very orderly mind and likes to try and find the fairest way through any given situation. He's an intellectual with an interest in ethics and moral philosophy. There's parts of the Brodnax family tradition he finds frankly medieval, though he can't escape his own feeling of duty. He works in law as a barrister, which comes in handy for a family like his. He finds the supernatural difficult sometimes, although like his sister Jacob also turns furry under the full moon.

Jacob appears pretty stern to most people, although he's very kind to his children. He tried his best to instill within him the qualities he finds most valuable: integrity and strength of character. Cynthia he doesn't speak to now, for obvious reasons and he finds Morgan increasingly difficult to relate to as her training with Nanny Eormenhild continues. He's married to Sigrid, a valuable spy for the family, and this might seem to be contrary to his values, he understands why she has to do what she does. They both have their duties, after all. He's still madly in love with her, even after all these years.

Jacob is broad-shouldered man in his fifties, greying at the temples. He has a few scars he doesn't really talk about. He's generally found in a suit and tie, although he's been known to switch to cords and a jumper while at home.

> Sigrid Brodnax <

“ The Brodnax's Spy, and Jacob's Wife ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
she|custom lucain
bisexual|lifemate: Jacob
Personality words:
Precise, loyal, unflinching

Sigrid is a powerful shapeshifter, able to disguise herself as almost anything she pleases. There's almost no limit on size, shape, mass or species. She can even turn herself into inanimate objects. This makes her an incredibly useful addition to the family, and she's quite up for spying for them. She met Jacob while doing reconnaissance for another family in the Brodnax household, after several days, creeping through the house of a small spider she'd become quite attached to Jacob and revealed herself to him. She never left.  As someone who could become anyone, or anything, Jacob's fair-mindedness and integrity was everything she'd been looking for. Too often she'd been asked to turn into old lovers, impossibly proportioned women and other things she doesn't wish to recall.

Sigrid is difficult to pin down, both physically and emotionally. She can be distant, blunt at times too, she doesn't hide her feelings so much as wait for the right moment to show them. She seems... practised within herself. Like every action has been carefully thought through. She's an excellent liar and a passable actress. Her own emotions are subdued, although Jacob has learned to read them. She's patient, but her anger, once roused, burns cold. She's incredibly protective of her family, especially her daughters and will do anything to protect them. She hates having her loyalty questioned, and sees herself entirely as a Brodnax. This is the family that took her in as one of them, and treated her not as a tool to be used, but as a person. She was given a choice. She chose to help them, by continuing her work. She's close with Morgan, if worried for her, and Cynthia she deeply misses dearly, but angry and hurt at the nature of her goodbye.

Sigrid found happiness among the Brodnaxes. She's got a wry sense of humour: there's no soft edges, even her jokes are precise. She's smart too, enjoys reading and debating with Jacob and Ethel. One of the reasons Sigrid is so very precise is because of the fundamental malleability of her nature. It's scary, to have no fixed point of self, dizzying even. Sigrid tries to keep hold of her natural appearance, although she's not sure she'd know if she started slipping. Day-to-day, she's a tall woman, slightly pear-shaped with her hair shaved close to her scalp and several piercings up her ears. Her eyes are brown, and she likes to wear clothes that are simple and well-cut. She appears to be somewhere in her forties.

> Aethelflaed "Thea" Brodnax <

“ Quote ”

Technical info:
preferred pronoun
sexual orientation|romantic orientation
Personality words:

> Morgan Brodnax <

“ Jacob's Daughter ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
she|bladderwrack reaper
unknown|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Chatty, youthful, eldritch.

Morgan is a sea witch, and Nanny Eormenhild's apprentice. She can feel the ebb and flow of the tide in her veins, and can hear the whispering of the ancient, accursed creatures that sleep beneath the waves. Despite only being in her late teens, she's fairly far on in her training and is talented in her magic. Elias finds her indispensable, her youth and small size making her a weapon that is very easily underestimated.

For her own part, Morgan is like any normal young adult. She's fairly cheerful, enjoys teasing people and dyeing her hair unnatural colours. She can be a little impulsive and impatient, and while she has a better connection to the outside world than most of the family members her need to be near Eormenhild to be trained means she's a little isolated. Despite this isolation though, Morgan is definitely a home bird. She's loyal to a fault, a trait shared with most of the family, and she particularly adores Elias who dotes on her. She understands what it is to be relied on, and feels its her duties to use her abilities to further the ambitions of the family. There hasn't been a sea witch quite as powerful as her since Eormenhild so there's a lot of expectations sitting on her shoulders.

Most things, even the Elders, can't frighten her, and beneath Morgan's usual mischief and goodwill is someone who has power and understanding reaching right down into the briny depths. That sort of knowledge changes a person, and Morgan finds it increasingly easy to detach herself from any emotion she might be feeling at the time.

Morgan is a young girl, no older than nineteen, with short black hair dyed teal at the ends. She has a few piercings along her ears and wears a lot of hoodies. She has heterochomia. One eye is blue, the other brown.

> G̺̺̝̝̬͊r͕͙̭̬͗̀̌̈ã̰̌̒͌̿'͈̲͔̟k̠̩̟̊͐ḷ̟͔̳ͩuř̒ͭ̅h <

“ Eldritch Abomination ”

Last known residence:
The Briny Depths
Technical info:
none|khalamar mark i

Personality words:
ḩ̹̗̹̰͉͔̺̗̚͡e̳̼̤̳̬ͥͩͬ̐̒̇͢͝r̾͊̔̀̂̿̚͏̪̻͍ͅe̩̯ͦ͂ͬͬ ̝̤̯͔̫͍͋͛̚͟͟ͅa͍̱̻̜̣̫̗ͧ̌͆̌͡r̵̮̱̪͚͖̹̘̎̿ͥͩ̾̕͜ẹ̖͍́ͮͭ͂̐̾̉̾̉͘ ̛̺̖͋̂̅̉̄ͣ͊̐͘͜ņ̢̖̙̞̪͙̙̠̮̔̏ͩ̑͟o̴̫̰̲̬̽̒ ̧ͯ̇҉̣̜̼̦̭̯̺͓̥w̙͇̝̘̗̟̒̄͑̍̔ͯͤ̂ö́ͤ̑͞҉̵̰͚̼ȑ̖̣̼͎̪̰̪̘̳́͋ͤ̾ͫ̏̆̏d̬͙̟̈́̐̈̕͜ͅsͨ͋ͪ͊̍̾̚͏͏̷̞̝͔̳̘̗ ̖͙̦̼͍̒̎

The creature has skin that seems almost opalescent in the moonlight, glowing with a thick, inner light. It is covered in seaweed, barnacles and small parasitic fish that flap uselessly at its side as it raises itself from the water. It is the size of a small island, a mass that's almost the shape of a squid but with far more tentacles. It writhes, glowing eyes visible in the shadow of its horrific, unnatural face. Gra'klurh is Morgan's familiar. She can hear him whispering to her even while she sleeps. She calls him Grackle for short.

> Cyrille Brodnax <

“ Accomplished Spinster. Elias' great aunt. ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
she|bred lucain [genevieve/ahmesseker]
homosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Severe, careful, strong.

Cyrille Brodnax is one of Elias' spinster aunts. She's a peculiar old bird, appearing to be in her sixties (although she can't possibly be that young) with a short braid of salt and pepper hair. She has heterochromia, one eye the typical Brodnax blue, the other a deep brown. She dresses very finely, usually seen in a long dark coloured dress and an embroidered cardigan. She was, in her youth one of Nanny Eormenhild's apprentices, although their magic was really quite different. Cyrille is a necromancer and uses these skills to not only sew life into her various creations, but to speak to the ancient dead. She's also a talented augury, being able to read the future in he flights of birds. She has a good sense of intuition, often having premonitions before something unfortunate befalls a member of the family.

Cyrille is a severe woman, precise in every way with a caustic sense of humour she puts to good use. Nothing seems to trouble her, she has quite the poker face. She can turn on the charm when she needs to, and is adept at manipulating others for her needs. Years of speaking to dangerous spirits will develop those kinds of skills in a person. Her attitude can be a little cynical, and she's certainly not afraid of lashing out at the people she thinks deserve it. She holds everyone about her to a high standard and gives praise only rarely. She's always been this way, even in her youth.

She has a softer side, though, which really only comes out with the children of the family or any apprentice she's taken on at the time. Boris is a favourite of hers, and so was her mother, Marguerite. Cyrille is observant, though has a habit of underestimating people. She has long-running feuds with Etheldreda and the family druid, Osgyth. Her temper is much worse when she's bored, which is often.

> Euphrosyne Brodnax <

“ Librarian and Elias' other great aunt. ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
she|bred lucain [genevieve/ahmesseker]
bisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Friendly, single-minded, independent.

Euphrosyne is definitely the softer of the two siblings. She's smaller than Cyrille and looks a little more frail. Her long hair is white coming down past her waist, her eyes the delicate pink of someone with albinism. Her clothing is less precise than Cyrille's, being oversized and often mismatched. She's definitely an eccentric. Euphrosyne, Syne for short, is perhaps another witch. Her magic is the subtle kind, though. She manages the family library, keeping the list of heirs and has the only key to the chest containing the family tree. She can open her hand and the right book will wall into it, run her hand along the contents and stop at the exact passage she needs. She enjoys collecting rare volumes, and has been known to write. Often working with Cyrille to collect obscure stories from the family history.

Syne is much more jovial than Cyrille, having a good natured absent-mindedness about her. She's polite, never sees anyone as being beneath her and has a habit of leaving undrunk cups of tea wherever she goes. This absent-mindedness hasn't become senility though, she's as sharp as a pin. Eurphrosyne has endless goodwill to deal with her sister's severity and her brother's mysteriousness. If you look closely at her, you can get the sense that she knows much more than she's letting on. She's normally housing up a visitor or two in her quarters just above the library, the family rarely know they're there. Syne likes being social, and if she can lend someone a hand with their own research without jeopardising Brodnax secrets then she sees no issue with having one or two strangers about the house.

Syne doesn't enjoy authority, and quite determinedly follows her own ideas regardless of what's going on around her. She's fairly intelligent and single-minded in her occupation with the family's libraries and records so it rarely ends in trouble. Still, there's a mischievous streak in her that means anyone who tries to force her hand will regret it sooner than later.

> Isidore Brodnax <

“ Elias' great uncle. ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
he|bred lucain [genevieve/ahmesseker]
heterosexual?|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Unreadable, flirtatious, protective.

Isidore is the youngest of the three siblings, and his sisters never lets him forget it. He's a strange figure, though, difficult to pin down even by the standards of the Brodnaxes. He's an expert in curses, and has been known to bring whole families to ruin in his younger days when he was working at the behest of Elias' father, Tristam. Elias, too has been known to ask for his help. He doesn't open up about his work at all, performing all of his magic in secret in a room just along from the kitchens. His other interest magically is in curse-breaking and healing magic although he finds this much more difficult.

Isidore is still quite the ladies' man, even at his age. Even now he always seems to be with a woman, and despite all this interest he's never married or had any children. He's handsome for his age, salt-and-pepper hair and beard, and bright blue eyes. He tends to divert away from any personal question asked of him with a laugh and a vague comment, and like Cyrille doesn't like to appear out of his depth. There always seems to be a lot going on behind his facade, and everyone in the family finds him tricky to pin down. He is known for being determined, and doesn't take any slights against the family lightly. If his temper showed anywhere else but his magic, it'd almost certainly rival his sister's. Apart from this magic, Isidore shows himself to be calm, genial and polite.

There's perhaps an insecurity within Isidore even now, he can be a worrier and is protective about the people around him. If anyone tries to harm the family through magic it is likely Isidore they will have to deal with. He knows how easily people can come to harm and always seeks to prevent it.

The Familliars. Belonging to: Cyrille, Euphrosyne, and Isidore wrote:
> Pierrot, Waverly, Vashti  <
Appearing as a taxidermy vulture, a small albino lizard and a small white owl.

> Roland Broadnax <

“ Elias' Youngest Uncle ”

Last known residence:
The Brodnax Estate
Technical info:
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Evasive, mild, thoughtful.

Roland is Ethel and Jacob's father, although you wouldn't know it to look at him. For someone who claims to not have a single drop of magical blood in his veins, he's looking incredibly good for his age. An age, mind you, that exceeds the usual lifespan of a normal human. He seems like a fairly mild-mannered fellow though, managing to exist quietly through Tristam's tyranny and eventual murder, Eadwulf becoming an elder and Silas' disappearance. Not to say these things didn't affect him, it's just that no one felt like he enough of a threat for anything to happen to him directly. He raised his children and nursed his wife through her illness and her eventual death through old age.

Roland is a quiet man, offering solid advice to his children who are possibly the most normal members of the family. He dislikes violence and excess and wishes there'd been another way to deal with Tristam. He carries a lot of regrets about the past. His reserved nature prevented him from acting out or saying things he felt should have been said. Both he and Eadwulf failed to protect Tristam's children from the worst of his temper, and he worries the impact it all had on Elias. He spends a lot of time with Eadwulf, and there's no one in the house who isn't fond of Roland. Even Cyrille finds him tolerable. And despite not being seen as important to family politics, Roland is trained in various forms of combat and quite capable of defending the family if need be. The rumour that he changes into a strange, winged creature made of stone does help matters. Even if Roland is quite firm in his denial of such things.

Roland appears as a lean, athletic man who's age is possible to gauge. He seems to look older and younger as the mood takes him, or he remembers how old he's supposed to be. His hair, which is short and curls around his temples is usually only flecked with grey, as is his stubble. He wears a lot of cord jackets and jumpers, looking a little bit like an old english professor.

The Gremlins wrote:
They're affectionately known as the Gremlins, a set of baby gargoyles that Roland brought home one day. He insists that they're not his, although he certainly treats them like his own.

> Osgyth <

“ Druid to the family. ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
unknown|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Curmudgeonly, hardworking, mystical.

One of the last of a line of Druids that go right back to the first Brodnax himself, Osgyth has a lot of history behind them. They're a priest of Brigantia, the goddess of the land that Brodnaxes were born and settled into. They arrange the family's sacrifices, read omens and perform some amount of magic for the family. They are under the family's protection and rely on them for almost everything. Luckily for Osgyth though, they're not in a hurry to upset the person who is closest to their patron goddess.

Osgyth is grumpy and opinionated, long-winded in their speeches about the will of the goddess and their bardic training and has a habit of reciting the most boring stories they can think of when asked to talk about the old myths. That said, though, in ritual and particularly during sacrifices their stern expression turns wild. They look much younger, their white robes and hair whip about them and they exude an electric kind of energy. Osgyth likes their own company and they're about as much of a recluse as you can get, that being said they are scathing to anyone who is late to their sacrifices. Attendance is non-optional.

If you can catch them while they're doing something for their practise, collecting mistletoe or hawthorne or perhaps reading some of the old legends, they can even be pleasant. It just seems as if they're really not good with people. Their faith is unshakeable, though, and Osgyth works hard to serve the goddess as best they can.
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Faery Courts & Faery Creatures

Postby Mousen » 12/29/2018 4:37 PM

> Aelfred <

“ King of the Faeries ”

Last known residence:
Somewhere in the Faery Roads
Technical info:
who's to say?
Personality words:
Solemn, silly, changeable, powerful

Aelfred has many names and titles, but he's one of the many kings of the fae folk. He has all their usual charms and weaknesses, a fickle nature, a deep curiosity for things he doesn't understand, a playfulness, a mean streak, a love of gold and a hatred of iron. He can be found, called for, but prefers to seek out the people he wishes to talk with. He's as old as the hills and has seen twice as much, but laughs like a child when the mood strikes him. Powerful figures have turned to him for advice over the years, some of which he has even helped.

He's been known to take many forms, a red squirrel, a face sleeping gently in a rock, a ladybird. He's mischievous at times and deeply spiritual at others. He has a love for the land and his friends, but sometimes appears to be quite silly. It's often difficult to take him seriously. He'll get drunk and dance, finishing the night by being sick by the oak tree, or he'll cure sicknesses or turn wrong-doers into dragonflies. It depends.

He has as many faces as he has moods. Sometimes long haired and handsome, decked in green leaves. Sometime he wears his beard short round his face and looks a lot like he's pretending to be a leprechaun. Admittedly, the red hair doesn't help.

> Hilde <

“ Please! I know you're laughing really. ”

Last known residence:
Somewhere in the Faery Roads.
Technical info:
she|clover sabbit
pansexual|lifemate: closed
Personality words:
Directionless, quirky, uncaring

She's one of Aelfred's daughters or a young, female relation at any rate. She's delicate-looking and beautiful with her red hair, tawny eyes and dresses the colour of leaves that have caught the frost. She has tattoos, geometric patterns along her arms and several piercings up her ears and one in her lip. She's not quite what you would expect.

Hilde loves humans, loves culture and art and the constant change. She lives for her excursions to cities and for the attention she gets. She's a trickster though, leaving chaos wherever she goes. She's not particularly malicious, per say, but finds delight in disturbing telemarketers, confounding baristas and being the bane of landlords and hoteliers everywhere. She glamours door handles to vanish, turns phones into live fish, convinces people she's an alien from another planet and is generally bizarre. Hilde is bored and frustrated with the shallow nature of her own magic, the unreality she lives in and the lack of consequences she faces. If she's angry, she's doing very little damage. If she's sad, her exploits don't earn her much pathos.

Hilde is as changeable as all faeries, just as charming and completely disagreeable. She's lost, and without much staying power. She does enjoy the theatre though, and will put off her antics for long enough to act in a small drama festival or something else that catches her interest.

> Pyramus <

“ Huh? I wasn't listening... ”

Last known residence:
Somewhere in the Faery Roads
Technical info:
he|biolune rollaby
pansexual|lifemate: closed
Personality words:
Happy, lazy, moral

A happy, directionless faery without any real ambition. Pyramus is happy to spend his days eating roast chestnuts and drinking mulberry wine. He loves a good dance, adores his friends and hates hard work. He can be persuaded to do anything if its for an animals' benefit, as he's a huge softy. He's quite good at taking care of people or animals and is technically supposed to be keeping Hilde out of trouble. He's never managed it yet. Pyramus is easy to confuse, which says less about his intellect and more that he just doesn't really listen to things that are said.

If something motivates him, though, he can be quick off the mark. He is technically one of his king's chosen champions, and can hold hi own magically and with a sword. Generally though, Pyramus would prefer to talk things out, preferably over a drink and a bite to eat. He enjoys any pleasures offered his way, although never at the expense of someone else. One of the few things that jolts him from his happy-go-lucky attitude is his need to stick up for the little guy.

Pyramus is a big guy with a shock of dark hair that trails down his back. He's got long eyelashes that make give him a rather docile look, and his eyes are very pale. When he has to fight, he colours his dark skin with fluorescent pigments that swirl in a variety of hypnotising colours.

> Cressida <

“ I can dumb myself down for you, if you like? ”

Last known residence:
Somewhere in the Faery Roads.
Technical info:
she|festive quicksylph
bisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Quick-witted, sardonic, introverted

Cressida is the slightly older faery, and has some of the mystery associated with them. She's supposed to be Hilde's matron although she's rather become part of the gang. She' very talented magically and much more studious than either Hilde or Pyramus. She likes to deal with humans in the old fashioned way: she sees them as beneath her. In fact, Cressida sees most things as beneath her and not worthy of her time. It's not so much egotism as it is her dismissing things so she doesn't have to deal with them.

Cressida's love in life is reading, and would much prefer to be curled up with a book than anything else. She's quiet, would generally prefer to be in her own company unless she's with Pyramus and Hilde. She's quick-witted, always the first with a come back, and she enjoys any challenge she can excel in. Namely, displays of wit and magic. She does have a nice side, and Cressida's big interest in life, apart from books, is healing. Although her bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired.

Cressida is a piskie, she's much smaller than Pyramus and Hilde, having to use glamour if she wants to pass for a human. As a piskie, her hair is bright green, she has a small pointed face, upturned nose and large ears. She has bright purple wings and a glow to her skin. She keeps the spiky green hair as a human, although the wings and glowing vanish. She has thin lips, a sharp, mischevious grin and high cheekbones.

> Tova <

“ Faery Queen ”

Last known residence:
Whisper Forest
Technical info:
she|spenser sabbit
unknown||lifemate: -
Personality words:
Manipulative, powerful, vengeful

Tova is the queen of a small faery court in Whisper Forest. They particularly enjoy preying upon innocent travellers, leading them deeper into the forest so they're never seen again, or else inviting them into their dances, giving them enchanted food, or offering them deals that are sure to backfire. The forest is quiet, and so messing with anything that passes through it is their main source of amusement. It's not that they're purposefully evil, so much as that they never particularly considered that the life of mortals was worth anything more than a few moments amusement. It's funny, after all.

Tova is proud, fierce, and absolutely not to be crossed. Her magic is second-to-none and she knows it, her illusion in particular. She's proud, any slight against her appearance, character or family is liable to send her into a rage. She can be kind, generous, charming, but only when it suits her. Tova tends to act in the interest of herself and her subjects, and doesn't care a jot for anyone else, unless they have something she can use. She's incredibly protective of those closest to her, and will go to any lengths to ensure her court continues to flourish.

Like most fae, Tova has that unearthly beauty. There's something off in it, though, like something that's only pretending to be human. She long dark hair, and eyes as cold as frost. Her age is impossible to place.

> Eoin <

“ Crown Prince ”

Last known residence:
Whisper Forest
Technical info:
he|observe sabbit
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Apathetic, patient, subdued.

Eoin is Tova's second son, and has an eye on Tova's throne. He's never particularly cared for her attempts to recover her eldest son, although he's never said as much. Eoin seems to be very much like his mother, although he seems very apathetic about most things. It's difficult to get him to show any emotion other than disdain. He makes the effort to please his mother, though, and she absolutely dotes upon him. He's spoiled, given anything he asks for, which is surprisingly little.

He enjoys travelling to other faery courts, which he feels are less backwards and remote than his own. He's got some ideas, if he's ever actually allowed near the throne and his half-human welp of a brother isn't co-erced into taking over. There's a sarcastic side to Eoin which his mother never sees, and he's not as blindly devoted to her as you might think. He spends a lot of time looking after William, and is faintly concerned about the boy.

Eoin is the spitting image of his mother, though his eyes are much darker. He's broad-shouldered, tall, and like his mother there's something unsettling about him.

> William <

“ Stolen away. ”

Last known residence:
Whisper Forest
Technical info:
he|snowshoe sabbit
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Sheltered, charming, lost.

William is a human, who was stolen away as a baby and replaced with a changeling. Tova considers him one of her sons, and he's treated as a prince by the faery court. However, he was only partly raised by Tova who found it difficult and tedious to raise a human child. He knows almost nothing of the world outside the court, and is really rather naive. He has the glazed over look of someone who's been suffering under many enchantments for many years. William often seems confused, or slow on the uptake.

There was a time when he wasn't like this, though. And he seems to find it easier on an evening, where he can be quietly charming, and has a good sense of humour. He blends in seamlessly with the faery nobles, enjoys parties, and doesn't understand why his brother worries about him so much.

William knows he's human, but doesn't seem to grasp the implications of that. He's a tall boy, in his early twenties with a mop of chestnut hair and wide brown eyes.

> Cygnus <

“ Where are we? ”

Last known residence:
No fixed abode.
Technical info:
asexual|partner: Marguerite & Ceres
Personality words:
Avoidant, quiet, caring.

Cygnus is a run-away faery prince. He's ruler of a small court made up largely of piskies, gnomes and brownies, a court he tries his best to avoid. They want to crown him and make him king, and frankly, Cygnus does not want the responsibility. He's a day dreamer, a free spirit and finds choosing what he's going to have for lunch stressful enough. He doesn't have the head for politics or the strength for leadership, and so he goes back for the big celebrations and mysteriously vanishes before anyone can think to talk business. He met Marguerite while travelling and they've been inseparable since. Cygnus is good with people, kind, patient and understanding. He's a good listener, happy to let people bounce their issues off of him.

He's quiet and thoughtful, remembering odd pieces of information about places and people bu being unable to keep track with what day or month it is. He's not particularly fond of crowds of revelry, and like Marguerite would rather curl up with a good book. He enjoys a party now and again, and has a fondness for elderberry wine. He can be unreliable, but he's generally good at keeping his promises. He's definitely better when Marguerite is with him. He's good at thinking on his feet, and people find him difficult to dislike. They want to help him. Cygnus isn't stupid, he knows how far his luck will stretch and uses it to his advantage. He'll put a lot of work into ensure that he doesn't have to do things he dislikes, and he's good at taking care of himself and Marguerite. He often picks up curios at antique stores and sells them up. He's got an eye for these things.

Cygnus has sky blue eyes and a mop of unruly brown hair that falls past his shoulders. Like most faeries, his grasp of fashion is a little bit odd and he wears a long blue coat and heather-coloured boots. He's usually carrying a satchel and a large rucksack too.

> Marguerite Broadnax <

“ Please tell me you didn't forget the map. ”

Last known residence:
No fixed abode.
Technical info:
she|nightwalker kuhna
asexual| partner: Cygus & Ceres
Personality words:
Calm, adventurous, practical.

Maguerite is Elias Brodnax's twin sister. They were very close all the way through their childhood and continue to share a close relationship, despite the physical distance between them. As a child, Marguerite wanted nothing but the freedom to explore the world, something her father would never let her have. He lavished praise upon Elias, and cruelty on Maguerite. He always promised to let her go, first once she was of age, then once she'd provided the family with possible heirs, but nothing was good enough for him. Marguerite was one of the main reasons Elias challenged his father. During the aftermath of it all it was Marguerite who took care of Elias, making sure he was well enough to leave the house in his hands. With the death of her father, Marguerite is willing to come home from time to time, to see Elias and the others and take care of any business that needs doing.

Marguerite is both practical and free-spirited. She hate being pinned down, and love being able to live life on her own terms. She's not pretentious or overly fastidious instead keeping her hair fairly short and dressing in clothes that travel well. She's caring with those she trusts, but not particularly sentimental otherwise. Her emotions tend to be cautious and well-hidden, as though she's fearful they might be used against her. She loves too see new places and hear new stories and is curious about the world around her. She has something of a nose for trouble, and has no qualms about upsetting people. She can be quite blunt, not having the patience for deceit. She expects dishonesty from others, though and is slow to trust. She's not a nervous person, trusting her own abilities. She has a strange sort of charm about her and she knows it. Her practicality does not allow her false modesty. Marguerite tries to not harm others unduly, though she is a vampire and finds some harm necessary, and otherwise she sees no point in suffering fools.

Her closest friend and companion is Cygnus, an absent-minded faery prince who spends his days travelling so as to not have any real responsibilities. She adores him, finding his companionship an essential balm against the loneliness that comes with constant travel. Her down-to-earth manner perfectly contrasts with Cygnus' happy-go-lucky attitude.

Marguerite looks an awful lot like her brother, the same broad shoulders, the same strong jaw and slightly arched nose. Her short hair the same shade of black, her eyes the same blue. She's someone who'd almost be better described as striking than traditionally pretty. She's rarely seen without her deep, plum-coloured lipstick.

> Prague <

“Mmfh? Sorry. Eating frog. It tried to escape. ”

Last known residence:
No Fixed Abode
Technical info:
they|rejection kuhna
pansexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Blunt, ferocious, loyal

Prague is a strange creature, an unidentifiable mix of magical species. They are mostly faerie, and their best guess was that the main bulk of their ancestors were made up of changelings, with some imps or pixie blood. As for the rest? Sometimes they grow horns in the spring, and they can feel the cycles of the moon in their blood. They are a mongrel, the result of many generations of mingling between the various magical communities. They've inherited the weaknesses of those creatures as well as their strengths. Several decades ago, they were cursed to wander endlessly, for some crime they committed against a witch. However, they quickly realised that so long as they wandered they didn't age. The other person who received that curse, an investment banker who happened upon the scene, now travels with her.

Prague is blunt, not having the patience for delicate discussion. They can verge on rude, and seem to have little concern for the feelings of others. Their command of language is... debatable, but they can get their point across. Their manners are scattered at best. They look after themselves, most days and seem to have very little concern for others, although, its generally hidden under their brusque manner. Prague has a temper too, they're ferocious when roused, their teeth elongating, their hands turning to claws. Prague is stubborn as a mule, and will only do what they want. When Ezra argues with them, all hell breaks loose. They're not all bad, though. They're a loyal, protective friend and they would do anything to ensure Ezra's safety. They're close friends. Prague is apparently also a hit with faeries, and spends many evenings out partying with them. On those nights, they either come home drunk and covered in flowers, or have found some pixie's bed to stay the night in. It seems they can be quite charming when they choose to be.

Their white hair is shaggy, and hangs down their back in messy curls. There's something inhuman about them, perhaps in the shape of their face or limbs. They look like an impression of a human rather than something genuine. Prague is short, but thin and spindly. Their teeth are elongated and sharp and their nose slightly upturned.

> Ezra Michaels <

“ Oh good grief. ”

Last known residence:
No Fixed Abode
Technical info:
heterosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Tired, orderly, repressed.

Ezra was an investment banker until he happened to knock on the door of a witch's cottage. Even after all this time, he can still hardly believe what his life has become. It seems more like something out of a story than something that would actually happen. His and Prague's curse has them endlessly wandering throughout Evelon, and that's what they do. But they also make a habit out of finding, and disposing of dangerous monsters. If there's a bounty, it's a good way to keep them both fed, it not, it provides a service to the community. He's learned a lot about combat over the past few decades, and is not to be messed with.

Ezra has a deep inner feeling of exhaustion. He figures its probably the curse, although it affects Prague much less than it does him. The constant wandering, collecting bounties. Prague is his only point of focus in a world that offers little stability. He seems jaded, exasperated by their antics, but really he's very fond. They make a good team. Ezra's emotions are very subdued, and he's concerned with the way that things should be done, and how a person ought to behave. He values tidiness and restraint, the complete opposite of Prague, who feels that he's repressed. Ezra has a sarcastic sense of humour, and his mood rarely gets better than quietly grumpy. He enjoys reading and quieter pursuits, although has been known to drink with Prague on occasion, where he laughs few the first few drinks and becomes completely inconsolable after the ninth or tenth. He can laugh and smile without being drunk, he just generally doesn't. His other outlet for emotion is killing monsters, which he does with deadly efficiency and a degree of enjoyment.

He looks like you'd expect an investment banker from 80 years ago to look. His hair is short, well kept, he tries to dress as presentably as he can (difficult when he spends most nights asleep in the back of a truck). He has a strong jaw, but a forgettable face.
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The Circus & Assorted Strays

Postby Mousen » 01/04/2019 2:15 PM

> Mortimer Wiles <

“ Welcome to the Circus ”

Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
Technical info:
he|common kasuga
bisexual|lifemates: Silas & Drucilla
Personality words:
Inconsistent, loyal, strange

Mortimer Wiles is the Circus' ring master. He's been the ring master since the disappearance of the previous one, Silas. He previously worked for the circus as a magician, but he was also a competent juggler and musician. He'd been in love with Silas for many years before his disappearance. Mort himself is undead, suffering at the hands of a particularly malicious faery who wished to get her revenge. It's lucky that the previous ringmaster was so talented at necromancy. He suffered another blow, when his own son ran away from the circus and hasn't been back since.

Mort is mysterious, charismatic and always seems to have all of the answers... until he doesn't. Mortimer switches quickly from one persona to the next, so quickly that it's difficult to tell what's actually underneath all of that. His thought processes are quite macabre and he's in the habit on wandering off into long, existential rants at the drop of a hat. Or any rant at all really, he's a gifted story teller and a born and bred showman. There's a frailer side underneath that, though, and can become quite fretful where his family is concerned. He can be cloying and over protective, even if he always means well. He can also be rather violent at times, though this is never directed at any member of the circus. He's a quick thinker and his main priority is to keep the circus together. At any cost.

Mort likes to dress up, and does so. It's rare he's seen without a waist coat and cravat. He's bright ginger, slightly greying at the temples, and extraordinarily pale. His eyes, however, are just blank sockets.

> Laudanum <

“ Hiss! ”

Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
Technical info:
any|chaos bleeder

Personality words:
Bad-tempered, vicious.

Mortimer's bleeder Laudanum came about after the disappearance of Silas, although it had been festering since Atlas ran away. It's very vicious and will bite pretty much anyone that comes near it. Unless those people are Mortimer or Zari, that is.

> Silas Brodnax <

“ Ringmaster ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|common fellox
bisexual||lifemates: Mort & Drucilla
Personality words:
Soft-spoken, charismatic, wistful

Silas, like many of the people from the circus, moved away from his family. There was so much blood spill and political intrigue and he wanted none of it. It was in the days just after Elias had taken over that he left, and in the chaos no one thought to follow him or dig up his whereabouts. He quickly found people he cared about, and all of them being geared towards the stage and performance, they set up the circus.

Silas was always an understated man, quiet, and difficult to read. He rarely spoke at anything other than his usual, soft volume. He could control huge crowds with that voice, make them silent so as to catch every word. He brought an heir of mystery with him, and a gentle sadness. He was incredibly charismatic, and a good leader. It was difficult for anything to feel our of control with Silas at the helm, he was completely unflappable. He loved both Drucilla and Mort deeply. He had a great amount of respect for his friends and was good at making people feel valued.

Silas looked like a typical Brodnax, with dark hair and blue eyes. His features were a little finer, though, and he took after his father Eadwulf. The only time Silas would dress in anything other than a black jumper and worn green coat was when he was doing his act, and that's when the top hat and tails would come out.

> Drucilla <

“ Is that wise? ”

Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
Technical info:
bisexual|lifemates: Silas & Mort
Personality words:
Precise, quiet, reserved.

Drucilla is the circus's other acrobat, and the one who trained Zari. She was the first person Silas became friends with after he left the Brodnax's, and they've always been inseparable. She was part of the three of them that originally founded the circus. Morte as an illusionist, Drucilla as an acrobat and trapeze artist, and Silas as the ring master. She, Mort and Silas were in a polyamorous relationship before Silas vanished, and while Mort and Drucilla still care about each other, their relationship is strained.

She is a quiet, reserved soul. She only speaks when she has need to. Drucilla is the voice of reason for many members of the circus, but particularly Mort. He was strange beforehand, but she feels that the necromancy unhinged him even further. She's not the motherly type though, and is generally rather cold towards most people. She is quiet, collected and very rarely shows her emotions openly. Drucilla does not mince her words. She's not afraid of saying the things people don't want to hear, and is a particularly strict teacher. Beneath all of that, though, there's a softness. Like someone who has seen a lot of things pass by her. She cares very deeply for the other members of the circus, and is similar to Mort in more ways than she'd care to admit.

Drucilla is a thin woman in her mid-forties with silver-white hair cropped very close to her head. She's very tall, and very elegant with ice-coloured eyes. She was a great beauty when she was younger, and still is.

> Zari <

“ Let's run away. ”

Technical info:
Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
she|biolune cavillion
heterosexual|lifemate: Belias [Duskie]
Personality words:
Headstrong, blunt, impulsive

Zari seemed destined to be one of those girls that always ended up in trouble. As the second child out of five was a little bit more wayward and outspoken than her siblings, too curious for her own good. When she was twelve her youngest sibling was taken in by a group of poachers, thieves and ne'er-do-wells. Family life became even more difficult after that, so she ran away and joined the circus. Once there, she started training to become an acrobat.

When they were near the Fe'gan Mountains, Zari decided to make a visit to Basantha Shrine, where she met a grief-stricken battleheart. She convinced him to go travelling together and after a time, they fell in love. Now Zari splits her time between travelling with the circus and living with him.

Zari is feisty, and tenacious, she doesn't give in until she's gotten what she wants. That being said, she can also be rather petulant and argumentative at times. She's dedicated, and loyal, with a little bit of a wild streak. Even though she's had more than enough trouble for a life time, it just seems to be drawn to her. She's generally rather practical, with a dry sense of humour. Zari does not have time for airs and graces and has has no problems saying as much. She can be incredibly blunt. When it comes down to her true feelings, though, Zari can be rather guarded and it's often difficult to tell what she's thinking.

Zari is around five foot five, olive skinned with dark, curly hair. Her eyes are oddly pale-coloured, due to her biolune colouration in her cavillion form. Her clothes are a mix of ostentatious silks with intricate embroidery and over-sized t-shirts and jeans. There's very little in-between. She also has small, intricate tattoos that curl across her wrists and over her palms.

> Charlie Charles <

“ Goodwin! I just had the best idea! ”

Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
Technical info:
he|nitro fellox
pansexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Cheerful, charming, innovative

Charlie Charles is the one of the two fire-eaters. He came to the circus after several buildings in his home town mysteriously caught ablaze. That being said, he's not a pyromaniac, but he is rather single minded and he knew that from a young age he wanted to be a fire-eater. Hence the unfortunate mistakes. One particular mistake actually caused him some serious damage. Charlie suffered from severe burns to one side of his body, mainly on his shoulders and neck. The scars are still there.

He's something of a genius, always looking to be new and innovative. He can be manic at times, always looking to pick things apart to see how they work. He's not as reckless anymore, the only person he's willing to take risks with is himself. ... Which usually means that he ends up with more burns than before. He's a pretty harmless guy, but his habit of talking without thinking gets him into trouble a lot. Weirdly enough, though, people tend to find Charlie weirdly charismatic and he never has a shortage of girlfriends or boyfriends. (Though, with his absentminded nature, his relationships never last very long.)

Charlie is tiny, around five foot two with short-ish curly blonde hair and rather strange eyebrows. (Parts of them have been burnt off.) He dresses in an eccentric manner, which usually means that he throws on whatever bright coloured pieces of fabric will cover the appropriate areas.

> Goodwin <

“ Oi, kid! ”

Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
Technical info:
she|blaze battleheart
homosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Loud, outspoken, personable

Goodwin had a brief career in the army. After a few (read: a lot) of things got set on fire, she ran away to the circus rather than facing the repercussions. She still regrets that a little bit sometimes.

Goodwin is a loud, bossy, practical kind of creature. You always know where you stand with her, good, bad, whatever. She tells you what she thinks, and that is that. On the whole she's very personable, and tries to look after them. In some ways, she's almost motherly, if you count motherly as teasing you mercilessly while also threatening anyone who so much looks at you funny. On the whole, Goodwin is practical and reliable with a surprisingly good memory. She knows more than she lets on.

She's over six foot, with muscles that would make most rugby players jealous. Her hair is very short, just long enough to curl. Goodwin is more bothered by practicalities than vanity, but she can sure as hell be dapper when she wants to be.

> Tabitha <

“ Your star matrix is coming into view... ”

Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
Technical info:
she|emerald gruss
heterosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Temperamental, spiritual,  

Tabitha is new to the circus. She didn't have a home to return to, but she did have a pack of cards and a talent. At the tender age of fourteen she's the circus's fortune teller. She's not quite finished with learning, much to her chagrin, but she's pretty good.

Tabitha is pretty typical for a teenager, her moods can be quite changeable, especially if she thinks she's being spoken down to. She tends jump to conclusions and assume the worst, and so speak out before she's fully understood the situation. Tabitha is worried about having to go back to her previous life. That being said, she's an intelligent young girl, who's quickly picking up the mysticism of her craft. She's very dedicated, and enjoys the wisdom that reading cards gives her. She's become quite good at giving advice, and has a knack for seeing what lies at the center of a person's problem.

Tabitha is stocky with short, turquoise-green hair and wears ungodly amounts of costume jewellery.

> Milan <

“ I don't know anything about the lizards in the trifle. What about you, Pepejin? ”

Last known residence:
The Circus, Whisper Forest
Technical info:
he|banana sliky
who knows? |lifemate: -
Personality words:
Cheerful, strange, quiet

Milan is one of the circus' two clowns. He's a friendly guy somewhere in his forties, and so often seen in make-up people are often surprised to remember what he looks like out of it. He spends most of his time with his partner in crime, Pepejin and even out of the circus tent they're normally planning some kind of prank or ridiculous joke. Their relationship is a strange one. Most people figure they're in an established relationship, but they could just be very good friends. No one, even in all the years they've been at the circus, has dared offend them by asking.

Milan is the slightly older one of the two, and a little more serious. He does his best to make clowns something that people enjoy, as opposed to something completely terrifying. He does the announcing, tells the jokes, and he also interprets for Pepejin, who is hard of hearing. Milan is a sensitive soul and becomes easily emotional. Silas and Mort long suspected that they were up to something, though as they're private conversations were often about money, and they have a habit of being able to find anything that gets stolen from the circus.

Milan is light-haired, with a small moustache, he's a tall thin build.

> Pepejin <

“ I've never even seen a trifle before, Milan. ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|blackberry slithy
who knows? |lifemate: -
Personality words:
Mischievous, cheerful, odd

Pepejin is a sweet fellow. He's got a certain kind of charm, with his short stature and long, curling moustache. He styles it with moustache wax daily, and is very proud of it. He's otherwise bald, so that might be why. He wears embroidered waist coats and cord trousers worn out at the knees when he's not dressed for his circus act with Milan.

Pepejin is the quicker of the two, catching onto things and planning mischief before anyone has noticed. He can read lips pretty well, being deaf and his first language is sign. He taught a little of it to Zari and Atlas when they were children, and the rest of the circus knows a little, here and there. He's more practical than Milan and usually has an eye for how they can turn situations to their benefit, monetarily speaking. He's a hard worker, but likes to laugh, and finds his job at the circus suits both of these wants. He has a rivalry with Goodwin, over some prank that occurred many years ago.

> Atlas Wiles <

“ I have to go. ”

Last known residence:
Freyja's Farmhouse, Vast Plains.
Technical info:
homosexual|lifemate: Rexus [Duskie]
Personality words:
Evasive, easy-going, charming, troublesome

Atlas is the son of Mort and a faery queen that lives in whisper forest. Her name is Tova, and she was teaching Mort the tricks of faery glamour when she fell pregnant. He agreed to let her keep the child, but it never sat right with him. When she brought Atlas to visit him one day, and noticing how think and sickly he looked, he swapped him for a piece of wood. Effectively fooling Tova with the faeries oldest trick. She was furious. After the accident and Silas bringing Mort back, he was so careful to keep Atlas safe, so invested in his happiness. Atlas found it claustrophobic, and he began to act out, often dragging his adopted sister and partner in crime, Zari, into it. Everything came to a head, and Atlas ran away when he was sixteen.

He made a life for himself like that, travelling from place to place, playing music, occasionally crashing on Zari's sofa. His mental health was better, but not great and he still found it difficult to cope. He hit rock bottom after running away from a relationship, almost getting himself killed after getting involved with fae folk. He came back to Rexus, and he's managed to build himself and the relationship back up.

Atlas suffers from feelings of inadequacy and self-hatred, always people are better off without him. He's so desperate to get away, to start over, to have space that he forgets about the people he's hurting. He's good at putting on a front though, he's a flirt, easy and confident and charming. He got his father's showmanship and charisma. He plays the accordion well, and he's suited to life on the road, enjoying passing through new places and seeing new people. He's got an easy, unruffled manner about him about most things, and a mischievous streak that gets him into trouble. He's curious, and likes pushing things to see how they'll go, always wanting to see something new. He's adaptable, and quick witted, being able to think on his feet and reach snap decisions. Going without money or a roof over his shoulders doesn't stress him either, he knows he'll find somewhere. He prefers to be self-reliant and hates burdening other people, although he's always been a little frail and finds that his health continues to give him problems. He'll do anything for the people he holds close, and is very loyal, despite how bad he is at keeping in touch.

Atlas is fairly short, about an inch shorter than Zari, with pale freckled skin and long ginger hair he tends to tie up. He has a strangely handsome face, though there's something of the fey about it, something off. He's usually seen in a purple duster jacket, with his rucksack and accordion case slung over his shoulder. Up close, he's covered in tattoos, a stick and poke compass over one side of his chest, a horse skull on the other. On his forearm, birch trees, and through them, in the distance was a small encampment, just visible are the tents and flickering lights. On his thigh are three human skulls, intertwined with flowers, and there was a sunflower on his right calf, and a large tattoo across his back, a dark pine forest that falls away into constellations by the time it reaches his shoulders

> Friends & Relatives <

> Jahir <

“ What do you mean "you can't save everyone?" ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|bred lucain []
heterosexual|lifemate: closed
Personality words:
Protective, hot-headed, stubborn

Jahir is an old neighbour of Zari's, a few years older than her as she was growing up. He's also an veteran, coming back from the war with a shattered knee and a limp. Between him leaving and coming back, his girlfriend passed away. Jahir is still reeling from the loss of everything that made his old life worth something, but he's trying to not let is show. He's an old war buddy of Zari's fiance.

Jahir is someone who grudgingly will do the right thing regardless of the consequences, he's stubborn as a mule and always determined to help. He's generally got a friendly demeanour about him, and can be even be quite charming. He's often too honest for his own good, but doesn't suffer fools and knows when people are trying to deceive him. He's got a long temper, except when he feels like someone is harming others, and then he's liable to snap, sometimes before he's thought things though. He never seems to care about the personal consequences of his actions, often forgetting that he's not as young as he once was. He's proud too, and dislikes accepting help if it's offered to him. Once he's made up his mind about something its a rare person who can get him to shift it. He's got a real raucous sense of humour and can be the life of the party when the mood strikes him.

Jahir is in his early forties, with deep olive skin, brown eyes and short dark hair. He tends to have some stubble, and is terrible for forgetting to shave.

> Amina <

“ Zariah, what on earth do you think you're doing? ”

Last known residence:
A small village in the Wilt'no.
Technical info:
she|common cavillion
heterosexual, don't be impertinent
Personality words:
Stubborn, house proud, close-minded

Amina is Zari's overbearing mother. She's had to be tough to raise four children alone, although her habit of assuming that she knows best for her children is something that they find quite hard to take. She's stubborn as a mule, and not afraid of getting into shouting matches with anyone who cares to take her on. She sees things her way, and can be difficult to shift from any idea she's got her heart set on. She's frugal, practical and down-to-earth. She doesn't particularly enjoy travelling, and would like to see her children married or in a stable job before she dies.

The father of the children she no longer speaks to, after he got involved with a pack of raiders and poachers, and took the youngest daughter, Fatima with him. She tried to get in contact and bring her daughter home, but found it fruitless. She often treats Zari the hardest, as she finds her choice of friends and career questionable at best. She has a particular distaste for Mort, the father figure in Zari's life. The twins Sara and Hana are still causing trouble at home, and Alessa runs an inn in Nabias, a fact that she's exceptionally proud of.

> Alessa <

“ Welcome to the Dog & Body, how may I help you? ”

Last known residence:
The Dog & Body, Nabias
Technical info:
she|blossom cavillion
mostly straight|lifemate: Ves [Kestrel]
Personality words:
Tough, practical, business-like.

Alessa grey up in the Wilt'no desert. Her mother runs a small in for traders, and so Alessa spent her formative years smack bang in the middle of nowhere. She grew up learning to deal with all kinds of people and all kinds of situations. When she was in her teens, her youngest sister was spirited away by smugglers and one of her other sisters, Zari, ran away from home. During this time Alessa became the backbone of the family, and it's probably why she's so strict with both herself and others.

Alessa is precise, stubborn and very loyal. She wouldn't go against her family or loose touch with them for anything, though, with her inclination to find trouble she realises they don't need to know everything that goes on in her life. She's smart enough to know when she has to lie to her mother to keep the peace. She likes to deal with the here and now rather than getting carried away be the consequences. She's got a bit of a fiery temper and will refuse to back down from an argument or a challenge.

Alessa runs a small bar and inn in Nabias, curiously far away from her family. Her bar is doing pretty well for something so far out of the way, and in such a bad part of town. In a place so filled with smugglers and poachers, Alessa manages to make an honest living. She's tough enough to keep the rabble down, even when they're drunk. Her rooms are clean, and there's no fighting in her bar. Even the flowers outside haven't been touched. Sometimes she wishes there was something more to her life though, beyond waking up to clean the rooms and pulling pints on an evening. She's happy, really, she just longs for something to break the routine. As much as she doesn't get on with Zari, she finds herself longing for adventure.

She's a young woman, in her early thirties with dark olive skin and shoulder-length dark curly hair. Like the rest of her family, her eyes are blue. She's a little taller than average, being around five foot seven. Alessa is naturally pretty, but has no real interest in fashion and likes to wear simple clothes that are comfortable in the humid jungle.

> Sarah <

“ Told you so. ”

Last known residence:
A small village in the Wilt'no
Technical info:
she|blaze cavillion
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Sneaky, girlish, sweet.

Sarah is the more girlish of the two siblings, having Hana lie for her while she flirts with the local boys. She's sweet, and generally well meaning and always, always in trouble. She has a particular love for finding out that Alessa and Zari are in trouble, and she keeps things she knows so she can use them against them when it's particularly beneficial for her. She's a few years younger than the two of them, only just in her early twenties.

She's mischievous, and loud and currently rather directionless. She and her sister both work at the local inn, pulling pints and making simple meals for the travellers, but what she wants to do beyond that she doesn't know. Her and her sister have dreams of learning at some big university, or rather, those are Hana's dreams. Sarah isn't sure yet. She quite likes the quiet day to day stuff.

> Hana <

“ Told you first! ”

Last known residence:
A small village in the Wilt'no
Technical info:
she|blaze cavillion
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Sneaky, thoughtful, distracted.

Hana is the more ambitious of the two, rolling her eyes as Sarah asks her to cover for her going out with another village boy. She's done it herself occasionally, but found that the novelty has worn off. She enjoys going out alone, though, digging up bones and fragments of pottery in the dust outside of the village. She's got a good sense of direction and finds herself wandering further and further. She's neat and organised in her studies, noting down where she finds things and doing her best to guess the era they're from.

She's a little quieter than Sarah, but enjoys causing a ruckus. She also will get her siblings into trouble if it means Amina's not breathing down her neck. She's more easily distracted than Sarah, and tends to accidentally bring Amina's wrath onto her with her day dreaming. She's sarcastic, and is usually the brains behind the twin's schemes.

> Fatima <

“ ... ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|void cavillion
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:

Fatima was separated from her siblings by her father, she has presumably been raised by him, although no one has ever managed to contact him and figure out what happened to Fatima.
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The Cynthia Brodnax Detective Agency

Postby Mousen » 01/05/2019 2:54 PM

> Cynthia Brodnax <

“ If you're looking for answers, then you've come to the right place. ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|lucain [sigrid/horatio]
homosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Brilliant, tough, exacting.

Cynthia Brodnax is a fire cracker of a woman somewhere in her mid-twenties. She caused quite a fuss when she became the only Brodnax in recent history to defy the family, symbolically abandoning all ties with the family by cutting off her hair and dropping it at Elias' feet. She hated the favouritism, the politics, the various criminal industries the Brodnaxes have dabbled with over the years, the seedy underbelly of her former home. She came to Aldrect, to begin a detective agency and was joined by several brilliant young women. The fact that she continues to use the family name, particularly in the business of solving crime is a particular sore spot for Elias.

Cynthia is good at what she does. Her world view has very little time for sentimentality, she's tough as nails and likes to get the best out of people, especially her girls. Though, she's also very protective of them. She's a natural leader, cool and confident. She's meticulous, but good at seeing the wider picture and finding patterns in events that, on first glance, seem completely random. She's orientated towards justice and doing the right thing, even at personal cost to her or her reputation, but she's not against being sneaky when she needs to be. She's a detective, after all, and sometimes being sneaky is part of the job. She's got an excellent poker face, and her co-workers often struggle to tell what she's thinking, she's good at moving the conversation away from things she'd rather not discuss, particularly any part of her family history. She's stubborn, and will not compromise her standards or her morals for anyone. She's got a lot of vision, and she's got plans for the detective agency and everyone in it.

Cynthia is tall, with dark hair that falls just above her shoulders. She has a look of her mother, but has the Brodnax nose and blue eyes. She dresses well, though most of her clothing is fairly androgynous. She has a deep green leather jacket she's quite fond of and is often found wearing.

> Osanna Libresco <

“ You want to know more about me? Get in line. ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom lucain
bisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Closed-off, confident, intense.

Osanna is a mysterious woman. She gives very little away, and makes even Cynthia's poker face look transparent. You can know her for years, and know almost nothing about her. She seems to like it this way. Only Cynthia seems to have any information about her past, and even that's limited. She knows all about Cynthia's past though, and was the first detective she hired. They're flatmates as well as co-workers.

Osanna is cool-tempered and quiet in her mannerisms. She's extremely confident in herself and her abilities, and doesn't seem to have an ounce of insecurity. She's intelligent and good at anticipating events before they happen. She trusts her instincts and her intuition is very well-developed. She enjoys being in control, and hates not knowing things. Osanna does have a petty side, she's got a long memory and will tease her co-workers ruthlessly. When someone has truly angered her, she will go to great lengths to see them suffer and she expects nothing less than complete devotion in her romantic relationships. If she has any hobbies or interests outside of work, she doesn't speak of them much. She's the only person who can dissuade Cynthia from her impulsiveness.

Osanna has long hair she keeps in cornrows that fall past her shoulders, and very dark brown skin. She has a nose ring on the right side of her face. She's a little taller than Cynthia and dresses more femininely, often wearing long skirts or dresses when she can get away with it.

> Gertrude James <

“ Of course my files are in order! ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|bred lucain []
heterosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Meticulous, serious, pleasant

Gertrude, known as Gerry to all her friends and co-workers is the organised power house of the detective agency. She has a fine eye for detail and her twin passions in life are figuring out truths and pretty stationary. She doesn't like to rush in, meticulously building her case and working on evidence before rushing in. This kind of thing is time consuming, and sometimes she's too hesitant to act on things she knows are likely. She likes to see things done properly and this sometimes comes at the expense of practicality, but on the whole Gerry is down to earth, she's not particularly fanciful and is always quick to remind Bobbie and Esther to not get caught up in the romance of the job.  She enjoys various handicrafts in her spare time, and her fondness for crochet and decoupage seems at odds with her choice in career. As much as Gerry loves a good scrapbook, she can work a gruesome murder case without flinching.

Her day to day manner is pleasant, and she gets on well with almost all the detectives. She's fairly talkative and open about her feelings. She's determined and hard-working and finds compromise difficult, particularly in relationships. She came to the detective agency at around the same time Bobbie did, and they've argued profusely ever since, having very different approaches to their job. They make a good team when pushed, though. Before that, Gerry worked as a secretary in a police department until she realised she was doing more detecting than the actual detectives.

Gerry is a small and unassuming woman, curvy with short light brown curls. She wears her pink framed glasses on a lanyard and is usually seen in cute patterned day dresses and cardigans.

> Bobbie Bishop <

“ I like sex, violence, and bringing criminals to justice. ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom lucain
homosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Witty, impatient, unconventional

Bobbie Bishop is a sharp-shooting maverick detective and lady killer, or at least that's how she sees herself. She's certainly a good shot with her pistol, after Osanna, is the person Cynthia trusts most with the dangerous cases. She can be impulsive though, wanting to dive into the action and get to the bottom of things quickly. Some of the more tedious parts of detective work she finds troublesome. She'll do what she has to get her suspect, but scrolling through hours of security footage was not what she became a detective for. She's got an unconventional thought process, and she's good at helping others to see what they're missing.

Bobby is confident and takes no shit from her friends and partners. She's flirtatious but likes to be upfront. She doesn't have time for people playing games, unless of course, they're the kind of games she enjoys. Bobbie likes to have fun, and isn't interested in the ephemeral. She lives in the here and now, and she sometimes fails to look out for the consequences of her actions. She's not a bad person though, she looks out for her friends, and although she will gently tease them wouldn't have anyone else say a bad word about them. She's an intense character, quickly flitting from one topic to the next and fitting in a few jokes along the way. She dislikes taking things seriously.

Bobbie is tall, a slim hour glass figure, and bombshell blonde of course. She likes to wear blue lipstick and anything else that makes her stand out from the crowd. Cynthia has tried many times to get her to wear sensible shoes to work, but her heels never gotten in her way so far.

> Esther Wang <

“ I'll do my best! ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom lucain
bisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Shy, determined, sweet.

Ester is the new detective on the agency. She's always wanted to be a detective, and approached Cynthia directly. She'd solved a few crimes on her own before and Cynthia thought her ingenuity was enough to earn her a spot on the payroll. She was the one who suggested Roscoe for the secretarial position. They've been friends since childhood.

Ester is fairly unassuming, polite and relatively shy around new people. She's sweet though, a hard worker who tries to do her best by others. She's worried about not being good enough, and originally found the strong personalities of the other detectives a bit much for her. She's settled down a bit now, and is considered one of the team. She idolises Cynthia. Her love of detective work means that she's got a good memory for old cases and has a fine eye for detail. She's soft-spoken and meticulous. Esther can be defensive of her decisions, and hates it when people question her judgement. She's an over thinker, and although she seems shy she's always ready to stand her ground. She's not one to back down from a challenge either, and although insecure at times has confidence in her abilities.

Esther is of average height, but a thin willowy build that makes her look like the next gust of wind might blow her away. She's got a plain, unassuming face and a bad habit of hiding behind her curtain of pin-straight black hair. She dresses as professionally as she can and tends to wear blazers into the office.

> Roscoe Jocelyn <

“You won't find a cuter secretary.”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
homosexual|lifemate: closed
Personality words:
Charming, sneaky, dramatic

Roscoe's parents were theatre actors and it shows. He never refuses a chance to be dramatic. He loves glitz and glamour and is rarely seen without his nails done and a little bit of make-up. He very much enjoys being feminine, comfortable enough in himself to experiment as he likes. He's a bit vain, and uses his good looks to his advantage as much as he possibly can. He's an average height, a little broad-shouldered with high cheekbones and full, dark lashes. His eyes are sage green. He's got a golden complexion and sandy-coloured hair.

Roscoe is very particular, and like Gerry, must have things organised. He can't abide mess, especially not in his office. That being said, if things are tidy enough for his liking he won't hesitate to shirk work. His moral fibre is somewhat lacking at the best of times. Like Bobby he can be impatient, preferring to live in the here and now. He enjoys a good party, but loves culture: good museums, art galleries, theatre and poetry readings. His one indulgence is trashy television. Roscoe enjoys a good gossip though he keeps anything that really upsets him close to his chest. He's not a vindictive person, and doesn't gossip at the expense of anyone he's fond of.

Roscoe is extroverted, fairly chatty and charming, and although his humour can turn sardonic and jaded he likes to be optimistic about the world where he can. Roscoe is something of a damsel in distress, often getting himself into trouble without meaning to. He's intelligent, just often too wrapped up in things to notice that he's stumbled into something he shouldn't have. Roscoe is a good actor, coming from his theatre background, and takes more notice of things going on around him than he seems to be, on occasion.

> Nakamura Eizou <

“ You will tell me everything you know. ”

Last known residence:
Aldrect Police Station
(asleep at his desk, with one eye open)
Technical info:
he|watching nonaga
bisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Hard-working, cynical, unflinching

It's fairly common for crime syndicates to have the police in their pay, to have spies in strange places, to always be prepared in case someone snitches or acts against them. Eizou is a police detective who takes a rather similar approach to his own line of work. Eizou has many spies working for him, bringing him all kinds of information he wouldn't be able to get otherwise. Almost all of the gangs working out of Aldrect have a leak that goes back to Eizou's deep pockets. He works constantly to make sure his captain and the head of department at Aldrect have all the information they possibly can. He never seems to miss a step, always planning ahead, his job is his all-consuming passion. He'd be running the whole damn show by now if it wasn't for his stubbornness. It's more beneficial in the long run for him to be able to work from the shadows, and he was never in it for the prestige.

Eizou is the child of two immigrant parents, and he's never forgotten the pressure they put on him to do well. Added to that is his own ability to get what he wants, a strong sense of righteousness and a complete disregard for his own personal safety and you have a man that is closer to being a bulldozer than a fallible human being. Eizou does not allow himself to make mistakes, and takes losses very hard. Most days he's wound tight enough to snap, although you'd never know it by looking at him. He wears a permanent slouch, sloped over himself, hands stuffed into his pockets. He has a barking laugh, an incredibly cynical world view, and eyes that betray just how much he's paying attention to everything. Eizou is a fairly quiet man who speaks in clipped sentences when he actually opens his mouth. He seems underwhelming until he snaps into action.

Eizo dresses badly, his clothes are nearly always wrinkled, his hair needs cutting and falls in front of his face. He's much taller than he seems, and although his build is wiry he can take care of himself when he needs to. He's the Detective Agency's main police contact, he appreciates their work ethic and isn't hemmed in by a dedication to tradition.
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The Campbells

Postby Mousen » 01/08/2019 5:11 PM

> Netty Campbell <

“Things'll work out, pet.”

Last known residence:
Not far from the industrial district of Lamenolai.
Technical info:
she|bred lucain [??? x Lord Baal]
heterosexual? | lifemate: Maddox Campbell
Personality words:
Friendly, pragmatic, confident.

Netty Campbell traveled extensively in her youth. She's another Brodnax, Ethel and Jacob's youngest sister. She got permission to leave the family for good and has little to do with them save for a few phone calls to her siblings and nieces and nephews. Traditionally, Brodnaxes keep their name regardless of gender, so the Elders and family weren't impressed to hear she gave it up. Still, there's little they could do about it. Netty has seen almost all of Evelon, and always seems to know someone, somewhere. She only stopped travelling when she met a young man named Maddox. They got married and started a family (although not quite in that order). She's not at all retiring or settled, though. It's just that her priorities are somewhat different. Although, now that her brood of children can fend for themselves, she's considering taking it up again.

Netty works as a mechanic. She's practical, hard working and tough as nails. She doesn't suffer fools lightly, and is usually the person people go to for advice. You wouldn't think it by looking at her, but she's quite wise beneath all of that muck and motor oil. Her manner is typically very personable, and polite. Her accent is different from her husband's and children's, a little more formal, perhaps? She's very protective of her family, and will go to any lengths to keep them safe. Very few things surprise or frighten Netty, she's seen most things in her time. She's always prepared for the worst to happen, but is consistently upbeat in her attitude towards life. For most of the people that know her, she's the ideal person to turn to in a crisis.

That's not to say she's perfect, however. Netty has quite the temper, and is as stubborn as they come. Woe betide you get on the wrong side of her, she doesn't find it easy to let go of grudges. She struggles to keep a lid on her anger, even if it's misplaced. Netty's generally very friendly, it can be difficult to tell what she's thinking underneath that.

Netty is a curly-haired woman in her mid forties. She's usually found in overalls, repairing something that one of her customers has brought her.

> Maddox Campbell <

“ Y'alright chuck? ”

Last known residence:
Not far from the industrial district of Lamenolai.
Technical info:
he|custom lucain
heterosexual? | lifemate: Netty Campbell
Personality words:
Opinionated, kind, reliable

Maddox works in one of the large factories on the edge of Lamenolai. It's a mass-scale smelting operation, and Maddox works with some of the more dangerous machinery. He's been doing it since he was a lad, and is capable at what he does. He's also a union man and a thorn in the side of many of the foremen and managers. He's fought for better pay, better safety standards and better sick leave for many years now and isn't someone to back down in a fight. He's got a loud mouth on him, which is particularly sensitive to any injustice he feels might be going on. He's got a softness for waifs and strays, bringing home injured animals and even broken clockwork toys. He's an optimist, and doesn't like to believe that anything is completely beyond repair. He's generous, always trying to be there for people where he can be.

He knows what the world is really like, he's not naive, he just would like to change it for the better, where he can. After all, there's no point adding to the sadness and misery is there? He's as tough as he is kind though, and particularly dislikes to see that kindness get taken advantage of. He's broken a couple of noses in his day. Maddox met Netty when she stopped for a bit on her travels, they got on very well and after a period of her coming back and forth to see him she decided to stay. He'd do anything for her.

Maddox is a man in his mid-forties, he's tall and broad shouldered and generally found in his work uniform. He can occasionally be convinced to be presentable, but Netty was never really one for dressing up either.

> Erin Campbell <

“ Of course I'm going! ”

Last known residence:
Not far from the industrial district of Lamenolai.
Technical info:
she|bred lucain [netty/maddox]
heterosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:

Erin is the oldest child, argumentative like her father and stubborn like her mother, she embodies the most confrontational parts of each of them. Luckily she's apprenticed to a watchmaker and doesn't have too many opportunities to get herself into trouble. Because her personality mixed with her youthful ambition and general nose for trouble is pretty much equivalent to burning candles in a fireworks warehouse. She and Maddox are usually having some kind of friendly and meaningless debate at the dinner table and most of her siblings have worked out that its impossible to try and get her to budge once she'd decided on a course of action. Only Netty can really dissuade her.

She's not all bluster though, there's the kind of nervousness that comes with being young and trying out a lot of things for the first time. She's not a massive partier but has been known to go and drink with friends. She's an extrovert and likes being around people and organising things. She enjoys politics quite a lot, often turning up to meetings with her friends. Netty hopes the girl's common sense will be enough to steer her clear of anything dangerously revolutionary, but sometimes she's not so sure.

Erin is a red-head with hazel eyes inherited from her father's side of the family. She's got a slight build, the kind of fineness you associate with someone doing delicate work like watch making, although her hands are calloused for it. She's normally found in her work apron with the fine tools needed for the job tucked into her pockets.

> Cole Campbell <

“ The view is much nicer from above. ”

Last known residence:
The Thucydides , an airship.
Technical info:
he|bred lucain [netty/maddox]
queer|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Carefree, short-sighted, wily

If there's a black sheep of the family, that would be Cole. He's Mavis' twin and suffered terribly throughout his childhood with various ailments but mostly problems with his lungs and breathing. Feeling that getting him out of a city known for it's air pollution would help, Cole spent a fair bit of time being raised by Ahmose or Maddox' relatives, Netty not trusting her own with him. This rather unusual upbringing means that Cole has always felt more comfortable on the road and doesn't really see Lamenolai as his home. No one's quite sure how he managed to afford an airship, but he did, and now he his small crew spend most of their time above the clouds. On paper they're small-time merchants, but in reality that often translates to sky pirates.

Cole is very devil-may-care, he likes to leave his problems to sort out themselves, tries to enjoy life and doesn't want to think too far ahead. Worrying irritates him. He knows everyone worries about him back home and he's determined to take care of himself. Sometimes it seems like he's compensating for his bad health. He can't stand people thinking of him as ill. He can be a bit impetuous, taking things personally when he doesn't need to. He sometimes overestimates his resilience and abilities but he's a smart kid and can usually just about get himself out of whatever scrape he's caused. He can be a wind-up merchant, picking fights with people bigger than himself for the hell of it and generally being something of a trouble causer. But hey, he's a nice guy, smart, with a knack for turning situations to his advantage. It's difficult to stay mad at him for long.

Cole wears his dark hair fairly long. He takes after his mother, the distinctive Brodnax nose visible in both him and Mavis, but he has his father's green eyes. He dresses like any two-bit sky pirate on a budget. Old worn coat that flaps nicely in the breeze, and a good bandanna to keep the chill off.

> Mavis Campbell <

“ Well, well, well. What do we have 'ere then? ”

Last known residence:
Not far from the industrial district of Lamenolai.
Technical info:
she|bred lucain [netty/maddox]
homosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Down to earth, trustworthy, stubborn.

Mavis is Cole's twin sister, and despite the amount of time they spent apart as children they're actually very close. She's the grounding influence to Cole's waywardness and she's easily the most sceptical member of the family, she's methodical and not easily swayed from her decisions. Her family were unsure about her entering the police force, but her mind was made up. She's got a strong sense of justice and her superiors find her as reliable and unshakeable as her family do. She and Cole have a mutual agreement to not discuss their work around each other, as it only leads to arguments.

Mavis is a home bird, and doesn't enjoy being away from her family for any length of time. She loves her siblings dearly, even if she finds their antics a bit out there. Mavis sometimes worries her relatively quiet, steadied personality comes across as dull, but she's never really found the need to change. She's honest, if a little reserved, and as warm and friendly as any member of the Campbell family. Being a gay woman from a slightly unusual family, there's a lot Mavis chooses not to share with her co-workers.

Mavis is a broad-shouldered woman with short dark hair, an arched nose and green eyes. She's slightly taller than average, she and Cole are exactly the same height. She has a few freckles across her cheekbones and is usually found in her uniform. She's quite frequently mistaken for a man, both in her uniform and out of it, but it doesn't bother her.

> Deidre Campbell <

“ Spirits! I beg you, let us feel your presence at this seance. ”

Last known residence:
Not far from the industrial district of Lamenolai.
Technical info:
she|bred lucain [netty/maddox]
heterosexual?|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Eccentric, theatrical, introverted.

Deirdre is the odd ball of the family. Pale-haired and pink eyed, she inherited the albinism that sometimes comes up on her mother's side of the family. She's a tiny slip of a thing, small-boned and almost bird like with her arched nose and small frame. She's the most feminine of the three Campbell sisters, she's never cut her hair and tends to wear it carefully twisted on top of her head. She wears a lot of black and grey dresses and lace shawls.

Deirdre earns her living as one of the city's mediums, and has become fairly well known for it. It's a gift she's had since she was small, although as per her mother's request she refuses to speak to any of the ghosts on her side of the family. She's quite close to Maddox' grandmother though. She hears the messages spirits have and passes them onto their loved ones, sometimes they speak through her or she contacts them through seance. So far, no one has managed to prove that she's a fraud. Because of her unusual appearance and strange gifts, Deidre is often moving among those in high society, and she has many high-paying clients.

Deirdre herself is a quiet, eccentric young woman. She appears slightly out of time, a relic of a past age. She's easily distracted from conversation with living people, and more than a little morbid. It's difficult to tell what she's thinking, and she isn't always as empty-headed as she seems. She's astute, noticing small changes in people. Like all the Campbells she's capable of being stubborn when she needs it. She enjoys reading and finds large groups of people exhausting.

> Lance Campbell <

“ Um... No sir. I wasn't speaking to the deceased, Sir.  ”

Last known residence:
Not far from the industrial district of Lamenolai.
Technical info:
he|bred lucain [netty/maddox]
heterosexual?|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Shy, quiet, hardworking.

Lance is a quiet boy. He's the youngest of the Campbells, and generally the shyest of them. Like Deidre he finds dead people easier to deal with than the living, although Lance has found work as an undertaker rather than a medium. He's quite glad that the dead don't talk back to him. He's not particularly squeamish, and a hard worker. While all the other Campbells hold their own in arguments with each other, Lance prefers to sneak away and avoid conflict. He's a little bit of a wall flower, and not really good at having strong opinions.

Because of this, nearly any time one of his siblings need help with something it's Lance who gets dragged into the trouble. He's a bright kid, but he finds it difficult to say no to things. As the youngest, his siblings are also dedicated to keeping an eye on him, no matter how weird and unsettling they find his job. Lance, like Deirdre, prefers reading and quiet activities to going out and being with people. He has a habit of idly chatting away to himself, or possibly worse, the corpses he embalms. He's intelligent with a good memory, and not quick to leap to judgements about others. He's not easily frightened by strange or eccentric characters, but finds large crowds and people his own age difficult. He worries and overthinks.

Lance is a young man in his late teens. He's the only one of Netty's children to inherit the Brodnax's blue eyes. He keeps his hair fairly short and generally dresses in fairly plain colours, trying not to stand out as much as possible.

> Tessa <

“ Communist? Never 'eard of it. ”

Last known residence:
Not far from the industrial district of Lamenolai.
Technical info:
she|lab rattegan
queer|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Political, tough, inventive.

Tessa is one of Maddox' co-workers, they've worked together now for the best part of twelve years and know each other very well. If Netty and Maddox are heading out for a drink, it's almost inevitable that Tess will go and join them. She's been like an aunt or an older sister to their children, and is also very good friends with the Campbell's eldest, Erin. Tessa's as keen on union rights and politics as Maddox is, although rumour has it she's one of the leaders involved in some underground meetings, although she doesn't speak about anything openly.

Tessa has had to make it in a dangerous and male-dominated industry. She knows how to play the games to get what she wants, and has just about enough patience to make it work. She's got a mouth on her, though and a temper its sometimes difficult to keep a lid on. She's incredibly efficient and takes pride in being good at what she does. She doesn't have time for high-minded ideas unless they're directly going to help people. She's always trying to work her way towards change. In her own time, Tessa draws up inventions and spends her time in her workshop trying to produce devices she can patent.

She cares very little for her appearance. Tessa is in her late thirties, barely over five foot with ashy hair and her googles perched on her head. She's usually covered in soot and oil grease.

> Ulysses Civitello <

“ I have no desire to speak to you. ”

Last known residence:
The Thucydides, an airship.
Technical info:
they|bred soveris []
queer|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Sarcastic, picky, logical.

Ulysses Civitello is the know-it-all navigator of Cole's airship. They come across as fairly stand-offish and cold, unwilling to talk about themselves or their past. They get wound up pretty easily, because they have very high standards and hold everyone including themselves up to those standards. They cannot abide slackers. Although, they seem to get on pretty well with Cole, ignoring his jabs or just returning their own. They've got a sarcastic and slightly acidic sense of humour. They're not easily offended by anything Cole has to say to them though, and they spend a lot of their day bantering back and forth. Ulysses gets bored fairly easily and appreciates the distraction. They're intelligent, and find doing the same thing for too long difficult. In most situations they find that they can out think others, and this leads Ulysses to have a fairly low opinion of others.

They don't like to spare people's feelings and take a pretty utilitarian view of most things. They're a sceptic and an atheist, and find Cole's superstitious beliefs amusing. They're logical, although by no means unemotional. They enjoy a certain level of company, and care deeply about their friends. Ulysses can't stand being asked about their past, anything to do with what they were before they met Cole. Cole knows more than most but isn't letting on.

Ulysses has a tall, willowy build, a long androgynous face and long dark hair. They have some red markings around their eyes, which are an old birth mark that never properly faded. They seem to be a little older than Cole but not by much.

> Ahmose <

“ There and back again. ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|tomb imuet
bisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Avoidant, quiet, observant.

Ahmose is Netty's old travelling companion. They met somewhere near the Wilt'no, and travelled together on and off for many years until Netty met Maddox and settled down. While he was never jealous of Maddox in a romantic sense, he was sad to leave Netty behind. He still travels around a little bit, settling back in the desert in the winter months and otherwise spending his time close to where Netty and Maddox settled. He's become quite the merchant, bring glass lamps, rugs and spices from the Wilt'no and returning to them with fashionable watches and imports he picks up from the docks.

Ahmose enjoys being on the road, and has never really felt like anywhere was home. He's still like that now, although he feels he needs a bit more stability in his life. He's a fairly quiet man, preferring to watch the situation unfold than but in. He's got a sarcastic sense of humour, and tends to tease those he's closest with. He's very fond of Netty and Maddox and is always bringing gifts back for them and the kids. He's currently spending his time in Lamenolai in Tess' spare room until he can find lodgings that better suit him. The two of them bicker constantly. Ahmose has an avoidant personality, preferring to run from his problems than face on. Sometimes his dealings get him into trouble.

Ahmose has olive skin and wide, dark eyes, his hair falls around his ears. He's of an average height, and a wiry build. He has a long face that generally looks a little tired. Ahmose is often bundled up in coats and scarves even when the weather is mild, as he finds even the slightest chill intolerable.

> Drake Hargate <

“ Get me another coffee would'ya, Doll? ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|custom lucain
unknown|lifemate: open
Personality words:
jaded, nervous, fatalistic, intelligent, hypochondriac

The Drake Hargate that returned from the war was not the bright young man who'd signed up to fight in the first place. He doesn't talk about it much, but the missing eye and the change in demeanour are obvious. He's still a private eye, but a jaded, sullen one. Although, he's not really the hardboiled gun-slinging type. If nearly dying has taught him anything, its that he's terrified of it. His hands shake if he so much as holds a gun, let alone tries to fire it. He's skittish in fights, freezes up, even the tiniest graze is a cause for concern. Very few people realise this, his case record being what it is. Fewer people still realise he's using his secretary as a body guard.

Drake is whip-smart and still enjoys working cases, even if the thought of getting hurt terrifies him. He is taciturn, generally grumpy when disturbed and keeps himself to himself. He's suspicious of others and over-cautious in new situations.  He doesn't go out of his way to make friends, however, he does have a lingering reputation of respectability. This might be because he doesn't end up with girlfriends so much as women he has long-running arguments with. He's known mostly for being a good detective, if one who is very serious about their work. Drake doesn't have much of a sense of humour, either.

Drake is reasonably tall, dark, and possibly-handsome, if you could make that judgement based on a face hidden by an upturned coat collar, or shadowed by an old hat. He's missing an eye, and either wears a glass replacement or an eye patch. He normally looks slightly worse-for-wear, which seems to be a matter more of habit than circumstance.

> Juanita Santana <

“ Only if you get me a raise, Mr. Hargate. ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
heterosexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Strong-willed, evasive, vivacious, talented

Juanita doesn't like to give much away, she's from a big family she won't talk about, and wants money to go to school far, far away from the city she grew up in. She's obviously learned to take care of herself, because she can throw punches with the best of them and is totally at ease with most fire arms. She dropped her job working in a bar to become Drake's secretary, although her secretarial duties consist mainly of shooting at people before they shoot Drake. Occasionally, though, she can be persuaded to answer the phone.

Its difficult to get the jump on her, especially now she's acting as the brawn to Drake's brains. She's at home with violence, although you'd never know it by looking at her. Generally, Juanita is cheerful and unflappable with a steely determined streak that comes out whenever people try to push her into things she's unhappy with. She thrives on feeling capable and self-sufficient, enjoys flirting, and unlike Drake actually enjoys going out and meeting new people. She likes to look ahead, she's surprisingly optimistic about the future. She dreams about applying to a good university and studying psychology. She can be a little impulsive or overestimate herself, especially in dangerous situations. She seems to forget that the danger she's facing is very real.

She's very tall for a woman, about the same height as Drake and even taller in heels, with thick, dark hair and olive-toned skin. She's long-legged and curvy, favouring red lipstick and dark eyeliner. Juanita loves to wear bright colours and long dresses, anything tropical, but sticks to more practical things whilst on the job. Her appearance has given rise to a few rumours about why Drake chose this particular secretary, but honestly, she's seen the way he plays Scrabble. No thank you.
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Miscellany I

Postby Mousen » 01/18/2019 4:48 PM

> Brigantia <

“ Goddess of family, loyalty, victory and war. ”

Last known residence:
Don't ask.
Technical info:
a goddess
Personality words:
Powerful, loyal, pugnacious

Brigantia is an ancient goddess, originally she was a local goddess springing up from their rough coastlines and unforgiving moors. Her people were hardy, their Druids offering her sacrifices before battles and on the auspicious days of the year. She looked after the family, the women and children, and women would pray to her for safe childbirth, but she also looked after the men. She was a goddess who could the tide of war, and was often depicted in her armour. Her favour often meant victory, and she was most impressed by acts of true loyalty. Her name means "The High One", her symbols are the adder and the kestrel.

She appears often in those forms, or sometimes in the guise of a woman dressed ready for a fight. The only members of her tribe who have survived down the ages are the Brodnaxes, who still offer her sacrifice in accordance with the old ways. She looks after them, although rarely appears to them directly. Instead she works though signs, often communicating with Osgyth the Druid to the family. She knows that the end of the Brodnaxes would have significant consequences for her, so she's motivated to keep making sure they end up on top.

Like all goddesses, Brigantia is difficult to pin down. She's fierce, powerful, proud and hates anyone or anything that thinks they can change her mind. She can be fickle, even cruel, but shows great loyalty to those who show loyalty to her or those she cares for. She is a goddess that celebrates the close ties we have with the people around us and how those ties make us stronger. She hates the goddess known as Alma and the two of them are known to have quite the rivalry.

> Alma the Weaver <

“ I weave the tapestries of fate, and cut the threads. ”

Last known residence:
Don't ask.
Technical info:
a goddess
Personality words:
Powerful, distant, reserved.

Alma is a mysterious goddess, originally a goddess of the deMorgans, brought with them during the conquests almost a thousand years ago, when they came to the land that the Brodnaxes were living on. Alma is a goddess of death and fate, she operates largely according to the whims of the universe and only occasionally will twist things in the favour of her chosen people. She acts on a level almost above the concerns of humans, although she is responsible for ferrying the souls of the dead from one realm to the next.

She often appears as a woman shrouded in black cloth, her symbols are the spinning wheel, the dove and the spider. She was important to the deMorgans as they were largely necromancers, interfering with the threads of fate, unless she rewrote them accordingly. The deMorgans spent the next several hundred years fighting the Brodnaxes for various things, land, power, influence, Elias' father eventually wiped them out and the deMorgans became a footnote in history. Well, all save a handful of them. Two of them managed to save themselves, and one was chosen to be Alma's eternal servant, collecting the souls of the dead for her.

Alma is quiet, difficult to read, diligent in her work. She sees things in a way that tend to make her above normal human matters, although she seems to take a very human kind of delight in swamping Rexus with work, and fighting with Brigantia, so she's perhaps not as "above it" as she seems. She's powerful and patient, seeing things far ahead of when they'll happen.

> Rexus deMorgan <

“ Servant of the Weaver, collector of souls, part-time necromancer. Mostly just tired. ”

Last known residence:
Chernock House, Sa'fir
Technical info:
he|custom kuhna
demisexual|lifemate: open
Personality words:
Insular, guarded, exhausted

Rexus was the heir to the deMorgan family until the incident that lead to their downfall. They were a ruthless bunch, even more so than the Brodnaxes who are generally draw the line at hurting members of the family (Tristan being a notable exception to this). Rexus had a very rough childhood, his saving graces of being a talented necromancer and being heir did shield him from some of the worst of the physical abuse, however, he was rigidly controlled and consistently manipulated. His only true friends were his cousins, Tamora and Ezekiel who were unimportant enough to escape the mind games. He was quite friendly with Elias Brodnax for a time as they were experiencing similar things from opposite sides, and the families ran in the same circles. Eventually Rexus called things off when it became too risky. Some time later, Elias' father acted against the deMorgans, and their ancestral home was burned to the ground. Rexus thought he was going to die when Alma appeared. He became her servant, ferrying souls to the after life for her. He lives in an old library, where he keeps the books he salvaged from the house and bought himself. His actual living space is below that, and his space for necromancy is his heavily warded sub-basement.

It's only now that Rexus has any kind of peace in his life, he spends a lot of time reading and researching various aspects of necromancy and writing papers. He's turned away from the morally heinous stuff he experimented with in his younger years and his interest now is largely academic. He's also interested in finding a way to help his cousins, who's escape from their home was not as easy as his own. Rexus is an insular and damaged individual, suffering from fatigue and likes to keep his thoughts occupied when he's not sleeping on one of the library sofas. He's pessimistic, the only real softness he has reserved for his cousins. He's got a wry sense of humour, and he has a habit of finding misfortune amusing.

Rexus is probably one of the best necromancers in Evelon, having been considered a prodigy in a family that specialised in the dark arts. He's quite academic, although does read novels when he's not researching or out working for Alma. Rexus is loyal and dedicated to those he cares about, but he's incredibly guarded. He prefers being left alone to having company and is rarely upbeat.

He's a very short man in his late thirties, with short dark hair that usually needs cutting. He's exceptionally pale, and like all the deMorgans has curiously red eyes. His eyebrows seem slightly too large for the rest of his face, although that might be because he wears a permanently dour expression. He wears a lot of cardigans for someone with an interest in necromancy, although has the decency to put on a long black coat when he's out collecting souls.

> Ezekiel deMorgan <

“ Cheer up, poppet. ”

Last known residence:
One of the Crypts in Sa'fir cemetery
Technical info:
he|fallen luhna
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Charming, witty, bitter.

Ezekiel was another one of the handful of deMorgans that managed to escape the burning of Bracknell. It came at a cost, though, already effected by one of the many curses Isidore Brodnax had cast. He's caught on the edge between life and death, he's a kind of ghoul. He does not sleep or eat, and only travels by night so as not to frighten anyone with his appearance. His long blonde hair is permanently ratty, he keeps it in a plait down his back, his skin seems like it doesn't quite fit right anymore. His mouth he stitched shut himself after hearing the sound of his new voice. His eyes are deeply shadowed lights in his skull. He used to be the handsome one out of the three of them, tall and angular with a mischievous expression and a devil-may-care attitude.

It's funny, even after the curse Ezekiel retains some of that attitude, signing lewd comments at Rexus as he's trying to eat his breakfast, and putting his muddy feet up on the coffee table. He's bitter about the whole thing, of course, but that only really comes to the surface when he's frustrated. Only a little of his previous magical talent remains, enough to click a lock open or keep a flickering lamp going. He's still, somehow, kind of charming, with a good wit. He's more optimistic about general life than Rexus, although when it comes to his curse its Rexus who is insistent they'll find a way to reverse it. He worries about Rexus and his sister a lot, preferring to not talk about his own problems if he can help it. He used to be very good with people, able to guess what they were thinking. He was very much a people person, always trying to drag Rexus out of his shell.

He spends his time away from Rexus in the local graveyard, in one of the crypts where he reads by torchlight. He feels a little more at peace on consecrated ground, the restlessness that plagues him temporarily stilled. Ezekiel has always been fairly hardy and he does his best to not let any of this get to him, and can be relied upon for a quick comeback and a roll of his unnerving eyes.

> Tamora deMorgan <

“ It'll be all right. ”

Last known residence:
One of the Crypts in Sa'fir cemetery
Technical info:
she|avalanche panzer
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Determined, kind, unpredictable.

Tamora is Ezekiel's sister and while she didn't end up cursed herself she found herself trapped the day everything went wrong. Caught in the basement floor of a burning building and with all kinds of chaos going on above her she made her panicked decision. She reached out and made a bargain. Having nothing left to bargain with, the creature took up residence in her mind. While she may look like the Tamora that lived and breathed before everything went wrong, there's something a little off. She looks more angular, her eyes are deeply shadowed and her eyes have a strange light in them. Her extremities have a blue-tinge to them as if she's very, very cold.

Tamora is practical and reserved, she's quiet although not timid. She's more practical than the two boys and is the grounding influence on both of them. She struggles now, though, with keeping her mind in the right place. The demon is always fighting her for control. She can be erratic and snappy when things are particularly bad, and Ezekiel and Rexus have to watch for any slip-ups. She worries she can't trust herself anymore, and second guesses her decisions more than ever. She shows a lot of strength though, despite her predicament. Once Tamora has dug her heels in, she won't give up for anything. She's a force to be reckoned with, determined to the last. She also manages to show kindness and concern for people outside of the three of them, and desperately hopes that they'll manage to work their way out of this.

Like Ezekiel, Tamora spends a good amount of time in the crypts. She finds keeping control easier there. She tries not to let Rexus especially see the toll its taking on her, Ezekiel is smart enough to figure it out even if she hid it. She's resourceful and inventive when she needs to be, and tended to be the strategist out of the three of them. She's a fairly tall woman with strong features, her pin-straight hair falls into a bob just past her chin. She's never been particularly feminine, and dresses in clothes unlikely to attract any attention to her.

> Ernestine Solomon <

“ I'm going to help you. ”

Last Known Residence:
Technical info:
she|bred lucain []
homosexual|lifemate: closed
Personality words:
Heroic, reserved, strong-willed.

Ernestine Solomon is a private eye who specializes in the paranormal. She didn't always start out that way, though. When she was just out of college she got into a relationship that quickly became dangerous. she'd always had a small amount of magical talent, though nothing had really come of it in the past. This time, she used it to summon a demon and bound it to the body of her aged cat. She used the demon to give her abuser what had been coming to him. This got her into quite a bit of trouble with various magical agencies, but someone offered to take her on as an apprentice and the agencies became much less concerned after that.

Ernestine is what is known as a summoner. They generally don't have too much of their own magic, but they have a knack for summoning and binding things. That borrowed power can make them very dangerous. Ernestine has a couple of demons and a fey creature under her command and she be capable of adding a few more to that list in a pinch. Solomon is very good at what she does, no two ways about it.

She's a tough woman, with a hero complex and an obsession for doing the right thing. Especially where other women or children are concerned. Her version of "right" might be a little skewed, but she sticks religiously to her morals. She dislikes showing her emotions openly, but has a habit of revealing them in stressful situations. She's stubborn and dislikes working with other people. Ernestine is a real lone wolf. She expects a lot of herself and comes down very hard when she falls short of her own expectations.Ernestine is a kind soul at heart, she hates seeing people suffering and tries to do whatever she can to help. She's not the most gentle person, her brusque, cold manner doesn't really help too much. She's incredibly studious and thorough, particular, even. Ernestine hates feeling outclassed more than most things. She's a pragmatist with a dark sense of humor, who rarely drops her serious and professional attitude. Her closest friends are the demons she's bound to work for her.

In terms of appearance, Ernestine is tall for a woman, at around five foot nine. She's of an an average build, with broad shoulders and is in her early 30's. She has wavy bright blonde hair that verges on white, and despite her age there's already a few grey hairs. (That's what being a summoner does to you.) She has steely grey eyes, a strong jaw and a nose that shows the evidence of being broken more than once.

> Delos <

“ C'mon, Solomon! ”

Last known residence:
Solomon's house
Technical info:
he|infernal bleeder

Personality words:
Sarcastic, sneaky, cheerful.

The weaker of the two demons, he's a particularly sneaky little creature. He's very good at going undetected, and his powers are suited to delicate work, where he shouldn't be noticed. Delos is extremely sarcastic and cheeky, he always has an attitude. He's always talking back. You know there's something wrong with him when he shuts up.

Delos doesn't mind being in service to Solomon, although he was rather angry about it originally. Even given the opportunity there's no way he'd lay a finger on her, as much as he loves to tease her. He also teases Nostos, who is more easily annoyed by his barbs than Solomon.

> Nostos <

“ Don't you think you're making a mistake? ”

Last Known Residence:
Solomon's house
Technical info:
they|imp shinzo

Personality words:
Manipulative, quiet, independent.

Nostos is much more powerful than Delos, they're the demon Solomon relies on when the real heavy stuff goes down. They were a reasonably high ranking demon, and it took Nostos much longer than Delos to adjust, although they can't deny that Delos helped. Nostos is pretty independent, and much prefers to do their own thing. For a bound demon, they have a lot of agency to do as they wish. If Delos is a dog, then Nostos is a cat. They only really speak when necessary, but like Delos, they do enjoy poking fun at Solomon.

Nostos is much more guarded than Delos, and is much more closed off. They don't really express themselves often. They're very intelligent, and try to turn every situation to their advantage. They like playing mind games, especially with Solomon. Nostos is probably the only one out of the three who realizes how co-dependent they all are and is quite happy to keep it that way.

> Titus Chapman <

“ Master of the house. ”

Last known residence:
Mount Grace Manor, Aldrect.
Technical info:
he|underworld nyghtmare
unknown|lifemate: Augustine
Personality words:
Distant, ancient, well-mannered, pragmatic.

Titus started life roughly two thousand years ago as the son of a merchant. He was a well educated, bright young man who was always very ambitious. He decided fairly early on that instead of joining his father as a merchant, he would join the army. After several years he became in command of one of their legions, he was calculating, ambitious, and very well-respected. During a particular battle, his side were up against a terrifying group of mercenaries that were much fewer in number when compared to his own legion and yet they were mercilessly slaughtered. Titus was half-dead when the commander of those soldiers stood above him and she offered him a choice. He could choose to live, or choose to die.

For the next few hundred years Titus stayed with the mercenaries. They were a wild, practically feral group, and it wasn't until four centuries later that they were defeated, their leader killed and the rest disbanded, by a group of invaders from the north. Titus spent much time after this wandering on his own, skirting around villages and taking what he could to survive. He became a legend, a nightmare. It was many years later that a priest from the local monastery spoke to him on his own terms. It took a long time for the priest to get through to Titus, as at that point there seemed to be very little of him left. The priest understood what Titus was and brought him sheep so he could take those instead of humans. Eventually, Titus became a part of the monastery and a priest himself and there he stayed until the reformation, where the monastery was destroyed. After that, he fled to the city and became a successful merchant. (Or rather, a successful string of merchants.)

Titus eventually settled down and bought a small manor house on the outskirts of the city and there he's stayed. Well, sort of. Titus spends much time away from home, although what he does while he's away is anyone's guess. Titus eventually became so annoyed with his staff dying while he was away, either through illness or old age he now only hires people who are immortal themselves.

Titus is a very different man to the one who joined the Roman legion two thousand years ago. No longer is he the bright and power-hungry young man he used to be. Titus is a wise man, a strategian rather than a scholar. He's always been someone who lets his actions speak, rather than his words. He's an honorable sort, but always looks for a way to twist situations to his benefit. He's still a warrior, still a soldier deep down, and even now, on occasion he seems a little bit... feral. The years spent hiding like an animal in the forest definitely took their toll. Being moral and acting according to this is incredibly important to Titus, but the years have given him a slightly skewed view of what is moral and what isn't. Time has taught him to be pragmatic about the future, optimism leads to disappointment.

He's a harsh, but fair judge of people and their characters, and the only person he's harsher with is himself. Being around for two thousand years allows one to collect more demons than you could know what to do with. He has difficulty accepting the mortality of other beings and is deeply troubled by the sometimes century-long gaps in his memory. He's been an incredibly significant part of many people's lives... how many of them has he forgotten? Equally, the time he spent feral weighs upon him heavily. Titus generally deals with the modern age well, although the rapid change over the past few decades has thrown him a little. Generally, he preferred things prior to the industrial revolution, things were much simpler then and much easier to keep track of. It's just lucky he's got his staff to keep him on the right track in the digital age.

Appearance-wise, Titus is shorter than you'd expect, being around 5' 6" tall, looks to be around 45, olive skinned, dark eyes and long, black hair that he keeps tied back in a ponytail. His style of dress is old-fashioned, but simple. He's missing his right leg, and hasn't had a chance to replace the prosthetic since 1773.

> Augustine Bywater <

“ His Better Half. ”

Last known residence:
Mount Grace Manor, Aldrect
Technical info:
he|custom soveris
unknown|lifemate: Titus
Personality words:
Patient, moral, dedicated.

Augustine was born the illegitimate son of a wealthy merchant. The merchant, being a self-made man, would never have the opportunity to recover from the scandal that the news of this would cause. So, named Augustine after the first saint that came to mind and dropped him off at the closest monastery. He flourished there and eventually became the youngest priest the priory had ever seen.

In Augustine's time, his religion was still spreading it's roots through the country, so when he heard of a ghastly creature prowling through the villages near to the priory he simply assumed he was an old folk tale. Nothing to pay attention to. But nonetheless he went to investigate. That night, he decided to confront the creature. What he found was Titus, entirely savage and entirely inhuman. Augustine tried to reason with Titus, despite his fear. When that had no effect on Titus, Augustine started praying in Latin, Titus's native tongue. It was this that brought Titus back from the brink. He muttered an oath in surprise and fled. It took four long years before Titus was entirely in his right mind again. He converted to Christianity, and lived in the priory with Augustine. It was shortly after this, that Augustine's health took a turn for the worst and despite barely being in his thirties Augustine was on his deathbed. The young man was still undecided about becoming a vampire when things got dire and Titus made the decision for him.

Up until the reformation, Augustine stayed at the priory and learnt the old style of illumination. Since his career in the church wasn't going anywhere else, he decided to do something useful. After the reformation he followed Titus and has lived with him ever since. They have a strange relationship, Augustine's presence and continued existence is a great source of comfort for Titus. Twelve centuries, they've known each other now, and Augustine has been the only stable presence in a life where people's lives pass as quickly as sparks from a fire. The exact nature of their relationship is difficult to address, but it switches between being incredibly romantic and incredibly platonic.

Illumination is Augustine's passion and his life. For the past three-hundred years he's been working on illuminating the same manuscript. It is a large, in depth representation of as many gospels and pieces of scripture he knows of. His other main passion is more philosophical than theological; Augustine wants to know if vampires have souls or not. He knows that he will never truly find a definitive answer to this, and instead wants to come up with his own conclusion from the scant reading materials that are available to him.

Otherwise, Augustine is an incredibly reserved and passive man. Kind, but perhaps too much so. He's always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when previous experiences have shown that they don't deserve it. He's quiet and patient, preferring to let things take their own course rather than intervene. That being said, when he is brought out of his shell, Augustine can be warm and personable. Though, his habit of speaking in sermons rather than sentences means that he can come across as long-winded. Don't be fooled into thinking that Augustine simply sits by and watch the world pass by, he picks his battles very carefully and once he's decided to take action against something he's not afraid to play the long game.
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Postby Mousen » 01/19/2019 4:47 PM

Part 2:
Everything except the kitchen sink.
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The Time Traveller's Association

Postby Mousen » 01/19/2019 5:24 PM

> R. Turpin <

“Universal Constant”

Last known residence:
No fixed abode.
Technical info:
she|custom meiji
unknown|lifemate: -
Personality words:
Resourceful, quick, resilient.

R. Turpin, also known as Arty to her friends is a strange woman. Everyone seems to know her for one thing or another, she connects people, brings them together, usually for a small price. If you're a restorer of antique daguerreotypes looking for clients, or a vampire looking for an undead roommate Turpin usually knows a guy. She has some magic of her own, sleight of hand, a good memory for faces and an invaluable list of contacts on their phone. There's always someone who knows a guy, always some jack the lad with the set of connections to get you where you need to go. That's Turpin, or a version of her anyway. No matter where you go, in whatever world or dimension or timeline there's a version of her. It's not always her, but its Turpin.

All versions of her know this, that they're a constant. It doesn't particularly bother her, she doesn't like to sweat the big stuff. Turpin is more concerned with how to get out of whatever trouble she's managed to stumble into. She's got a knack for spotting when things aren't right, and just enough of a backbone to see what's wrong rather than get the hell out of there. Turpin is quick-thinking, resilient and resourceful. She's good at surviving. She was homeless for a time, and still doesn't technically live anywhere. That always seems to be the way for the versions of her, wherever they end up its never a cushy existence. Herringford's sofa is always available to her, at least, even if she doesn't always use it. Turpin isn't one to play things by the books, and dislikes bureaucracy. Most agencies regard her as something of a loose canon, she can be very useful, but she can bring trouble with her.

Turpin is a young woman in her early thirties, she's a brunette and blue-eyed. She's usually a bit grubby, her hands heavily calloused, and often reaching for the packet of cigarettes kept in the pockets of her very oversized coat. Her hair is often uncombed and its always pulled away from her face. She's got kind eyes and a lopsided smile. Turpin's given name, which she never uses, is Rachael.

> Red Herringford <

“ TTA President ”

Last Known Residence:

Technical info:
he|custom wockee
bisexual|lifemate -
Personality words:
Mysterious, upbeat, busy.

Herringford is the reluctant head of the Time Traveller's Association. It was never his intention to take it on, despite the fact that he'd always excelled at the mechanical and historical knowledge needed for time travelling. But the old head died and, well, it all just seemed to fall into place. Although the rest of the TTA don't know this, he's also a very absent head master at a school he established in 1910 and is just down the road from the association.

Herringford is a mysterious character, he dislikes revealing too much. He can be rather dramatic when the mood takes him, and enjoys holding people in suspense. He's too curious for his own good and can be rather nosy. Herringford expects a lot of himself, at all times and gets incredibly frustrated if he can't live up to his own expectations. He teaches himself a lot of things, and is always learning something. He enjoys reading, and can get carried away by his own enthusiasm. He always has a thousand things at once going on in his head and he's difficult to keep up with. Even his own thinking refuses to be linear. He's very intelligent, and fair-minded but scattered when it comes to dealing with the people under him. He dislikes bureaucracy but sees why its necessary, and always seems to be swamped with work. Once he's finally focused on something, he's difficult to stop and everyone in the TTA regards him with a bemused sort of reverence.

Younger Herringford is a lot more optimistic than the older one, who's often rather frustrated with his younger self's enthusiasm and reluctance to take things seriously. Herringford often gets into trouble through miscommunication, he has a habit of assuming that people know what he means or that they'll pick up on vague hints. He seems to dislike communicating directly, and instead comes to make his points in a rather circuitous manner. He's very careful about how he interferes in his own timeline, and keeps a small book detailing his interactions with himself.

Herringford is around five foot ten of a lanky build with brown eyes and short-ish strawberry blonde hair. He favours flat caps and braces, generally looking slightly out of time (which, he is). He has a thin nose that is a little bit upturned at the end, and a rather angular face shape. There is something a tiny bit... sneaky-looking about him. Older Herringford is blind in one eye, and even older Herringford has a touch of grey and two fingers on his right hand missing.

> Ginger Bollingmore <

“ The Apprentice ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom wockeee
Personality words:
Brash, fun-loving, opinionated, talented.

Ginger is Herringford's apprentice. She's in training to, at some point, take over as head of the TTA. Mostly her training seems to be doing her usual TTA thing of investigating anomalies, doing historical research and occasionally time travelling for the hell of it, provided the right permits are in order. Ginger is a historian, her partner, Tristam, manages the mechanics side of things. Ginger grew up as a regular kid in the early 2000's, Tristam in the early 2300's. She's been working with Herringford for even longer than Tristam, and she trusts him completely. She's got a knack for all of this, the paperwork, spotting things that are out of time, even if its only a few years. She's one of the few people who aren't intimidated by the older versions of Herringford.

Ginger is a brash, devil-may-care personality. She hates injustice, is quick to pipe up with her opinion and doesn't take disrespect from anybody. She's confident in herself and in her abilities and hates being made to feel like a child. She's only in her early twenties, so she doesn't have the experience that some members of the TTA have. Ginger is always quick to make up her mind and take action, she's not one for sitting in the sidelines. She likes having fun, and is usually dragging Tristam into some plan's she's made. Ginger's stubborn too, she won't blindly dig her heels in, but she hates being moved from something she's set her heart on. Like Herringford, Ginger is good at keeping secrets and while she's generally the sort to lay out her cards on the table there are a few things she plays the long game with. Ginger is rarely scared of anything, the only thing that ever shakes her is the thought of one of the TTA members being hurt.

She's seen the older version of herself, short red curls turned into a greying ponytail, her blue eyes precise and hawkish. She stops biting her nails, and starts wearing suit jackets. This is the woman who runs the TTA after Herringford, who takes no prisoners, but is never too far away from making a pun. Ginger, with her baby face and freckles, who's only seen out of hoodies and sneakers when she's time travelling, has no idea how she ends up like that, but is excited to find out.

> Tristam Peekwood <

“ Her Partner ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|custom wockee
Personality words:
Considerate, precise, easy going

Tristam is Ginger's partner, like all of the TTA mechanics he loves the technology and methods involved in time travel just a much as he enjoys seeing the history. He stepped into the building one day, after realising it was the oldest building still standing on the street he lived on. Tristam would collect any old machines he could, record players, video game consoles, cameras, just for the fun of taking them apart and refurbishing them. He flew through his TTA training and was assigned to be partners with Ginger, who had been a certified TTA historian for a couple of years and travelled mostly with Herringford. He'd heard a lot about her, but the reality was quite different.

Tristam on the surface seems to be a quiet guy. He chooses his words carefully, and likes to make sure that everything is perfect. Despite that, he's not an uptight guy, just precise and he's normally thought a situation through so much that nothing can surprise him. Tristam was not necessarily the restraining influence for Ginger people thought he was going to be. He trusts her, even when it comes to pissing people off. Tristam is good at planning ahead, unlike Ginger who tends to deal in the here and now (minus visits from her future self) and he's got a knack for fine details. Ginger is pretty sure Tristam is trying to write a book of some kind, but he clams up whenever he's asked about it. There's a lot he doesn't talk about regardless, and Ginger has long since learned not to push him. With Tristam small gestures tend to mean a great deal and he's particularly sensitive to people who see him as a means to an end. When the mood strikes him, he can be quite cutting.

Tristam is much taller than Ginger, lanky, with short afro hair and dark eyes. He's a bit more fashionable than Ginger, and even if he's just wearing jeans and a t-shirt he'll put a nice jacket over it. He wears a lot of orange and teal, and is rarely seen without his headphones.

> Diesel Bront <

“ Mechanic Extraordinaire ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:
Easy going, friendly, non-confrontational

Diesel is the genius who manages almost all of the T.T.A's tech. He refurbishes the badly damaged watches, which are the devices the members use for time travel. Typically disguised as pocket-watches, they're only a couple of inches across but exist through six dimensions. It requires a fine hand, and an artificially enhanced eye to repair them. He also deals with the time-keeping within the department, mainly the metronomes where timelines are measured for anomalies. He started out in the association originally as a simple mechanic, but his general dislike of time travel and his competence with the machinery involved got him here.

Diesel is a laid back guy, charming, funny and a complete nerd about the technical side of time travel. He loves physics and engineering, is always listening to some science-related podcast and collects conspiracy theories for fun. He keeps a wall chart of his favourite ones; currently 24th century mothman, and an obscure German 18th century political conspiracy are tied for favourite. He tries to be easy to get along with, but gets flustered when things aren't up to his standards. He's not really the type for confrontation, so this usually results in him going very quiet and whining to Annalee about it later. Diesel can be a bit immature and refuses to grow up. He likes life the way it is and doesn't want it to get any more complicated.

All the time Diesel has spent around machines (and Annalee) means that he's not always the best with the more complicated side of human emotion. He's social and outgoing but finds making close friends difficult. He enjoys a wide variety of interests, but can get quite stuck in his ways. Diesel is used to being right and finds it difficult to compromise for others.

Diesel is a young man in his early thirties, although between the ear gauges, flannel shirts and turquoise beanie he could easily be mistaken for your regular college-age hipster. His hands are covered in minute scars, only a few millimetres across from where he's accidentally stabbed himself with the fine implements used to repair watches.

> Annalee Preston <

“ Timeline Administrator ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
ace/aro|life partner: open
Personality words:
Distant, mischievous, quirky.

Annalee walked into the headquarters of the T.T.A and announced that she was to be the new Timeline Administrator. No one had seen her before this, or knew anything about her. By the time the staff had gotten up to the office the previous timeline administrator had already passed away. Annalee took over. Timeline administrators are individuals that have a more intimate connection to time than most. They do not see it as linear, bur rather all things happening simultaneously. This connection allows them to see anomalies, paradoxes, shifts in time where there shouldn't be. They are essential to the everyday running of the T.T.A, although in general the administrators are seen as being difficult to deal with. Their perspective makes them strange individuals.

Annalee knows this of course, and while she's often very distant, laughing at jokes before they're told and reminding you of things you haven't forgotten yet, she's actually very sweet. Diesel works closely with her, both of them being stationed in the metronome office, and they quickly became best friends. Annalee is distant, but she's not inhuman. Underneath all that knowledge and perspective is someone who enjoys causing mischief. She's frequently underestimated and adores playing pranks, after all, she gets to see the reactions before she's even thought of her joke. She tries not to take life too seriously, and she's surprisingly philosophical.

Annalee likes who she is, and enjoys her job. She wouldn't have it any other way. She hates people who feel sorry for her. Most timeline administrators can't focus on the moment in front of them but Annalee manages it frequently, even if she is easily distracted. She does struggle with the more severe emotions, outbursts from her are incredibly rare though.

Annalee is small-built, only around five foot. She has silver blonde hair she keeps cropped short to her head and wide, pale eyes that always seem to be focused on some distant point ahead of her.

> Janet Rosenthal <

“ Costume Designer ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom wockee
Personality words:

> Violette Coyer <

“ Ancient Disease Specialist ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom wockee
Personality words:

> Miriam Wei <

“ Head Archivist ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom wockee
Personality words:

> Cyrano Abernathy

“ Front desk ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:

> Nancy Truman <

“ Member #142 ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|custom wockee
Personality words:

> Eino Koskinen <

“ Member #141 ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|lost wockee
Personality words:

> Horatio Chandlers <

“ Quote ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:

> Genevieve Bellcastro <

“ Quote ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:

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