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The House Under The Hill [New. Again. WIP]

Postby Mousen » 09/24/2012 12:53 PM

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Postby Mousen » 09/24/2012 1:41 PM

List of Inhabitants:

Arthur Maycott
Axel Asplin
Roscoe Valmary
Ester Macnally
Gouen Pevrel
Reynard Baudry
Ivan Santoclair
John Sontheil
Bobby Bishop
Ezra Micheals
Nonna Achenberg
Sonya Achenberg
Luka Achenberg
Gertrude James
Kingsley James
Bernardo Muzzi
Carmen Donalds
Horatio Chandlers
Genevieve Bellcastro
Maddox Campbell
Frederick Makepiece
Netty Campbell
Erin Campbell
Cole Campbell
Mavis Campbell
Deirdre Campbell
Lance Campbell
Daniel Hargate
Garret Ashby
Ebenezer Clifford

Thursday Macloughlin
Gabriel Halsey
[url]Charlotte Travena[/url]
Salome Halsey
Joseph Halsey
Rosha Shona
Juanita Maria
Anne Grey

Collier A. Boekelman
Basil Doldums
Angus Bird

Idla de Reymes
Matt Flanagan
Orlantha Parr
Charles Dransfield
Olivia Palmer
Rexus deMorgan
Dorian Raynsford

Blood Kuhna (Rache x Bright Heart)
Lunar Kuhna (Ends'Haven/Matsutei)
Despair Kuhna (Kanóm/Terrian)
Empty Kuhna (Loar x Arya)
Translucent Kuhna (Ends'Haven/Matsutei)
Surrow Kuhna (Crubular x Amyllin)
Darkflame Kuhna(Fallanar/Sylde)
Generation Kamo Kuhna (Morceau x Tick-Tack)
Flutter Kuhna (Cloud x Nephele)
Sightless Kuhna(Iyeh'sey x Taliana)
Fallen Luhna

Experiment/War/Wild Pets:
Pallid Rollaby
Soldier Evren

2x Common Yonyuu
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Postby Mousen » 09/24/2012 1:46 PM

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Part 0: House

Postby Mousen » 09/24/2012 2:17 PM

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i) The Campbells

Postby Mousen » 10/05/2012 7:23 PM

> Netty Campbell <

“  ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
??? x Lord Baal|none
Personality words:
Stubborn, practical, confident, pragmatic.

Netty Campbell traveled extensively in her youth. She's seen almost all of Evelon, and always seems to know someone, somewhere. She only stopped travelling when she met a young man named Maddox. They got married and started a family (although not quite in that order). She's not at all retiring or settled, though. It's just that her priorities are somewhat different. Although, now that her brood of children can fend for themselves, she's considering taking it up again.

Netty works as a mechanic. She's practical, hard working and tough as nails. She doesn't suffer fools lightly, and is usually the person people go to for advice. You wouldn't think it by looking at her, but she's quite wise beneath all of that muck and motor oil. Her manner is typically very personable, and polite. Her accent is different from her husband's and children's, a little more formal, perhaps? She's very protective of her family, and will go to any lengths to keep them safe. Very few things surprise or frighten Netty, she's seen most things in her time. She's always prepared for the worst to happen, but is consistently upbeat in her attitude towards life. For most of the people that know her, she's the ideal person to turn to in a crisis.

That's not to say she's perfect, however. Netty has quite the temper, and is as stubborn as they come. Woe betide you get on the wrong side of her, because you won't hear the end of it for a long, long while. In time, she's learnt to not make her feelings so obvious, but she struggles to keep a lid on her anger, even if it's misplaced. She has a habit of jumping to conclusions.

Netty is a curly-haired woman in her mid forties. She's usually found in overalls, repairing something that one of her customers has brought her.

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ii) Pirates

Postby Mousen » 02/27/2013 8:09 PM

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iii) Knights

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:05 AM

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iv) Victoria's New & Second Hand Books

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:08 AM

> Thursday Macloughlin <

“ So, you come here often? ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:
Easy going, sociable, generous, non-confrontational.

Thursday is the son of two hippies, he picked up their easy-going lifestyle. While he was in university, he found himself in need of money and works at Victoria's in his spare time. He studies geology at university, and hopes to be a geologist when he graduates.

Thursday is extremely laid back and calm for the most part, he likes to take life as it comes and so prefers to not overthink thinks. He lives in the moment. Thursday absolutely adores people, not all of them, but just... people in general. He strongly believes that most of the population are good once you get to know them. He's the kind of person who would pick up something you'd accidentally dropped and run after you to return it, or smile at you on the street. He has many friends, but his only close friends are the fellow employees at Victoria's New & Second Hand Books. He's also rather flirtatious, with people of every gender, although he rarely means anything by it.

That being said, Thursday hates confrontation. He'll go quite far to avoid fights and arguments, and this can make him something of a push over. He knows his own mind for the most part, but if he can see it's going to cause an argument, he'll back down. Thursday's other vice is romance. He falls in love very quickly, but equally is hesitant to be close to someone. This usually ends in someone being angry that Thursday is more affectionate with his friends than with them, Thursday avoiding them in fear of confrontation and a messy break-up through text. For someone who's so good with people, it's amazing how poor he is with relationships.

Appearance-wise, Thursday is very tall, a good few inches over six foot, with a mop of blond hair. He dresses a little bit like a colour-blind hipster, which is to say that his taste is rather eccentric. He also wears glasses for reading, though he always looses them and refuses to wear a lanyard. Thursday has blue/green-ish eyes, and a smattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks.

> Gabriel Halsey <

“ Macloughlin, stop flirting with the customers! ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
he|paragon|quad, human
Personality words:
Gruff, organized, stubborn, loyal, unsociable

> Charlotte Travena <

“ I'm telling you, Aliens exist! ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|paragon|quad, human
Personality words:
Bubbly, opinionated, optimistic, intelligent, inventive

> Mia Halsey <

“ Doesn't it take practise to be that stupid? ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
she|diosol|quad, human
Personality words:
Brash, confident, tenacious

> Salome Halsey <

“ Quote ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:

> Joseph Halsey <

“ Quote ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:

> Bobbie Bishop <

“ Quote ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
Personality words:

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v) Detectives and Villains

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:09 AM

Eunice Quiles
Rupert Delacy

Wallace Elliots
Basil Doldrums
Collier A. Boekelman
Petra Riggs
Agnes Mc Morrow

Samantha Liu
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vi) Herringford's School For Gifted Pupils

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:13 AM

Herringford's School For Gifted Pupils was established in 1910 by a man called Reginald Herringford. It was a private school, open to both young men and young women, though they were kept separate at all times. Surprisingly, though, it offered the exact same curriculum for both genders. The school has changed with the times, and now the only separation is between the secondary school students aged 11-16 and the college students aged between 17-18.

Despite being a prestigious school, fees low in comparison to the private academy just across the street. Its students always receive exceptional marks, and the demand to go there is very high. They hold a lottery for the paying students, but a good percentage of the pupils get into the school due to grants, scholarships and "opportunities schemes".

Red Herringford
Herringford was born in 1910, co-incidentally the same year he founded the school. It is, at this point, worth mentioning that Herringford is a time traveler. While, like any other time traveler he has his fun bouncing backwards and forwards from one historical event to the next, the school has always been and always will be his main priority. He's not sure how it came about, other than through a series of bizarre paradoxes. He's been able to time travel as long as he cam remember, and he's developed his own set of rules. He's only allowed to intervene in his own timeline during the years in which his age ends in a nine, he can, however, time travel to help run the school so long as he doesn't meet his past or future self. He keeps a black leather diary with dates in which his future self has/is going to intervene, along with many other complicated-time travel related things.

Herringford is a mysterious character, he dislikes revealing too much. He can be rather dramatic when the mood takes him, and enjoys holding people in suspense. He's too curious for his own good and can be rather nosy at times. Herringford expects a lot of himself, at all times and gets incredibly frustrated if he can't live up to his own expectations. He teaches himself a lot of things, and is always learning something. He enjoys reading, and can get carried away by his own enthusiasm.

Younger Herringford is a lot more optimistic than the older one, who's often rather frustrated with his younger self's enthusiasm and reluctance to take things seriously. Herringford often gets into trouble through miscomunication, he has a habit of assuming that people know what he means or that they'll pick up on vague hints. He seems to dislike communicating directly, and instead comes to make his points in a rather circuitous manner. That is, apart from when he's lecturing, where if anything his eccentric style tends to be overly brief.

Appearance wise, Herringford is around five foot ten of a lanky build with brown eyes and short-ish strawberry blonde hair. He favors flat caps and braces, generally looking slightly out of time (which, he is). He has a thin nose that is a little bit upturned at the end, and a rather angular face shape. There is something a tiny bit... sneaky-looking about him. Older Herringford is blind in one eye, and even older Herringford has a touch of grey and two fingers on his right hand missing.

Frederick Lune

The latest in a long line of deputy heads, Frederick takes care of most of the day-to-day concerns that occur in running a successful private school. In fact, it's more common to see Frederick giving speeches or opening a school event than it is to see Herringford, who's appearances are sporadic at best. Frederick probably wouldn't have taken the job if he'd known that it meant doing twice the work for half the credit, but, then again, the pay is very good. Besides, he's grown to like the school and the strange man that occasionally pops by to run it.

Frederick is a kind, soft-spoken man that originally wanted to be a therapist before deciding on teaching. This leads to many students assuming that he's a push over, but just because he doesn't raise his voice, doesn't mean that he's not going to punish the people that break the rules. He expects an awful lot from his students, and pushes for better and better results year after year. It's not that he expects every student to be academic, he just expects them to do the absolute best that they can.

He has a knack for understanding people and knowing what they're thinking, hence he tends to be the teacher that students often come to with problems. He's always willing to listen and give advice and he's very good with people, often smoothing over the problems that Herringford's lack of communication causes. He's brilliant at multi-tasking, and is incredibly organized. Frederick is almost always calm and collected, the only person who can successfully ruffle his feathers is his boss, and Herrngford takes the opportunity to do so frequently, no matter what age he's at.

Frederick is a tall man, around six foot with white blonde hair and pale blue eyes. He's very pale, with rather sad-looking eyes and a long face. He's in his early thirties, and does his best to look professional. Even if he does own far too many sweater vests.

Laurie Stealey
Incredibly dramatic English teacher.

Tyrone Pinnock
17. A gifted musician from a wealthy family. His parents were originally going to send him to the other private school in the area, Partington Academy, which they both attended. Tyrone did a bit of reading up on the two schools and chose this one instead. Tyrone is practical, warm-hearted, and easy going. However, when something catches his attention, he has a habit of rushing in head-first without thinking about it.

Georgie Wilson
15. One of the students that was given a scholarship. She's already been published and is working on another novel. She runs the schools creative writing club. Georgie is a bright, optimistic young woman who always wants to see the best in people. She's very smart, but slightly awkward socially. She only has a few friends.

Harvey Stdennis
His family have been attending the school since it opened, and even before that, when the previous school was in place. His family have paid their way in for many, many years. Rumor has it that the school accepts a further fee from them so that the latest Stdennis child is guaranteed a place. Because of this, Harvey is a bit of a snob. Well, a lot of a snob. But, he cools down a bit around his friends. He's a little bit unstable emotionally, suffering from moodswings. He's got a bit of a short fuse and a wicked sense of humor. He's got most of the school under his thumb and is always planning something.

Reece Kottlowski
Reece comes from a poor family, he hadn't been expecting to get a scholarship to Herringford's as he felt he had no real talents to speak of. Sure, he could play the guitar a little, he gets straight B's, but... that's not enough. However, Reece has a curious gift, he's a medium and along with his spirit guide, his helping hand in the world of the supernatural, he can both see and speak to the dearly departed. This doesn't make life easy. Reece is a quiet boy, who's suffered from depression in the past. He's very introverted and pushes people away where he can. His best friends are Georgie and Tyrone.

Otis Willmott
Image The ice to his sister's fire. He's laid back, though sometimes a little bewildered at the stuff everyone at Herringford's gets up to. Often feels as though he's the last to learn about his sister's plans. Don't be fooled, though, he enjoys trouble as much as she does, even if he's a bit more subtle about it.

Bree Willmott
Bright girl, lots of potential but very little direction. Adores causing trouble, to the point where she's pretty much the bane of the faculty members. However she rarely does anything bad enough to warrant a detention, let alone anything worse. She's loud, breezy and a little obnoxious.

Skipwith Howards
Incredibly gloomy Classical civ. and ancient languages teacher. Feels as though they've been born in the wrong era.

Anselm Picket
Genius. Somehow ended up teaching most of the school's languages. Incredibly difficult considering the school offers so many languages. Scattered, incredibly busy most of the time.

Image Dorian Kottlowski
Reece's dead delinquent brother. He'd been in prison a few times, and was shot while smuggling stolen goods. Very few people knows he ever existed, fewer people still realize that his ghost follows Reece around.

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vii) Time Travellers

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:21 AM

> Horatio Chandlers <

“ Man out of time. ”

Last known residence:
13 Bishop Gate, Lamenolai
Technical info:
Personality words:
Old-fashioned, intellectual, eclectic.

Horatio Chandlers was born in the same era as Genevieve, late 20th century, although you wouldn't know that from looking at him. He's spent so much time in the past that he's taken on a rather old-fashioned look himself. It would be very easy to place him among a house-hold from a hundred years previous without him standing out too much. Horatio has a curious curse (or something along those lines). He's become unfixed from his own timeline, and he spends his time at 13 Bishop Gate writing, not knowing what century he's going to be in when he's finished his chapter. He met Genevieve after she became unfixed from her own timeline, and since then they've been living as roommates.

Horatio, is first and foremost, an academic. He's a historian, and spends his time trying to prove the obscure little details he's discovered through his time travelling. Currently, he's a university student and despite the times he ends up in 1903, he has fairly good attendance. Although, he does have to be careful that he doesn't end up in his lessons twice over. Horatio loves learning and academia, and is always trying to bring new insights and ways of thinking to historical events and places. However, he has a habit of being rather scatterbrained and forgetful. He leaves notes everywhere and his hands and shirt cuffs tend to be covered in ink. He has so many trains of thought going on at once, he often finds it difficult to concentrate and focus on the more boring and mundane things. Once he has a breakthrough with something, he'll follow it through at the cost of everything else around him.

Having had to cope with the time travelling issue from a young age, Horatio knows all the rules by now and is rather strict about keeping everything as linear as possible. (Although that's a near impossible task.) He's easily flustered and confused, especially by Genevieve who's constant enthusiasm tends to distract him from his thinking. Horatio can be rather snobbish on occasion, usually without realizing it, though he'll quickly apologize if he's caused any offense. Although, when faced with someone who disputes his sources, Horatio can be positively vicious. While not much of a fighter, Horatio is rather talented at debating. He does tend to rush into situations without thinking, though, and Genevieve is usually the most level-headed out of the two of them.

Appearance-wise Horatio is a dark-haired young man in his early twenties, with small wire-framed glasses who is rarely seen out of tweed jackets, dress shoes and button-down shirts. He's even been known to wear the odd sweater-vest. He does have a paperboy cap that Genevieve bought him from a market stall in 1953 that he's rather fond of, and wears frequently. He's a good few inches under six foot, with a fairly handsome face and ears slightly larger than he'd like.

> Genevieve Bellcastro <

“ Time traveler extraordinaire. ”

Last known residence:
13 Bishop Gate, Lamenolai
Technical info:
she|lucain|quad, human

Personality words:
Vivacious, capable, loud.

Genevieve was brought up in a fairly standard house-hold, her mother was an academic and her father a businessman. She spent a lot of time with her paternal Grandmother as a child, who was just as loud and opinionated as Genevieve is. Although, it was only after she went to university that Genevieve became separated from her own timeline. The first time she traveled in time, she ended up back in the beginning of the 20th century and bumped into Horatio there. The two became roommates after that.

Genevieve tends to be exceptionally chatty and enthusiastic about most things, and many make the mistake of thinking that's the only side to her. She can be quite intellectual, and has had an interest in history for some time. In fact, it's because of this interest that she ends up being so chatty, because she loves to speak about the things that interest her. She has a habit of being rather loud, and likes to stick by her opinions and often ends up in debates about her beliefs. Particularly things that involve feminism and social justice, she tends to avoid these arguments when travelling into the past, but the modern Evelonian should know better.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Genevieve was an exceptionally social character, but in reality, while she does like the occasional wild night out, it's not something she could do every weekend. She much prefers to sit with a few friends in the local pub and beat the other teams at the weekly quizzes. Genevieve is overall, a rather practical soul. Her feet are planted firmly on the floor, and she isn't often worried by much. Although, she can be quite lazy and has a habit of leaving coursework to the last minute. She's been taking self-defense classes since she was ten, and her ability to fight has gotten her and Horatio out of more than a few sticky situations.

Genevieve is olive-skinned, with fairly long dark hair that she keeps up with a large hairclip most days. Her preferred style of clothing is much more modern, and she isn't very fussy. She likes leggins, skirts, long cardigans and anything else that's comfortable but fairly pretty. Genevieve is quite tall, being about a half inch shorter than Horatio. She has dark-brown eyes, a fondness for winged eyeliner, and a slight overbite.

> Abraham Malcolm <

“ Didn't! ”

Last known residence:

Technical info:
he|rabbot b2|
quad, human

Personality words:
Grumpy, diligent, inefficient.

Abraham Malcolm, or Bram, as he prefers to be known is a fixer. A fixer is someone who's job is to fix anomalies in time. His current assignment is to remove Genevieve and Horatio from time, as in, to erase them entirely. People who are separated from their own timelines are one of the largest and most difficult jobs fixers have to deal with, as there is no other way to reverse the anomalies they cause.

Bram is exceptionally dedicated to his job, to the point where he even enjoys filling out the masses of paperwork that it is involved with it. Apparently, it relaxes him, and relaxation is always something that Bram is in need of, from dealing with his scatty partner to trying to outsmart two time-travelling university students. Bram always seems to be a little... tense and he's been known to snap at odd times when the strain gets to be too much. It doesn't help that he's mixing business and pleasure by dating his co-worker, Taylor. Which, to top it all off, strictly against regulations. This causes a lot of inner conflict for Bram, who's been a fixer since he was eighteen and has followed the regulations to a letter since then. It doesn't help that Taylor is twelve years his junior.

Bram is a pessimist and always sees the worst out of every situation. He's always been fairly average at his job, despite being the most dedicated on the task-force. Although, he's never quite had trouble like this. The last time he tried a face-to-face concentration with Horatio and Genevieve, she broke his nose. Bram hates people and social situations, and in some ways it's a miracle that Taylor has managed to chink his armor because he can be very cold at times.

Appearance-wise Bram is a slightly gristled man of thirty six. He wears a permanent frown, and is very rarely seen in anything other than a suit. Bram is never seen without his briefcase, as it holds all of his most important paperwork. He's fairly tall, being around six foot with a slightly receding hairline he's very conscious of, and a nose that is now very slightly crooked after his run-in with Genevieve.

> Taylor Doxie <

“ Did! ”

Last known residence:
Technical info:
rabbot b1|quad, human
Personality words:
Optimistic, conflicted,

Taylor Doxie joined the fixers after dropping out of university and realizing that their opinions were fairly limited. Taylor turned up for the interview on a whim, as the advert in the newspaper was exceedingly vague and they were curious to see what it actually entailed. Since then, Taylor spent a couple of years training, filling out endless pieces of paperwork and working on some minor fixing jobs to get their bearings. It was then they were assigned to Bram, who's last partner had just been lost to a temporal anomaly. After clashing for the first few weeks in the job, the two of them started dating.

Taylor Doxie is an optimistic soul, who's found the job of being a fixer incredibly fascinating, terrifying, and unethical. They've accepted the dangers of the job, but Taylor isn't sure about the whole 'erasing people from time' thing. They know that Bram believes it's the only way, and he's infinitely more experienced than Taylor, but they can't honestly believe that it's right. On a couple occasions Taylor has had the opportunity to erase one of the time travelers from time, and has instead let them escape. Bram would be furious if he found out, they know that much, but all the same...

Taylor is rather loyal and sweet and appears on first glance to be  naive and harmless, but don't be fooled. Taylor might skimp out on their paperwork, and make rookie mistakes, or generally just act like a damsel in distress, but really they're more talented than even Bram has realized. A lot of what a fixer does comes down to having a 'knack' for spotting anomalies and paradoxes, and Taylor is incredibly good at what they do, if extremely unconventional. Taylor will always make emotional decisions instead of rational ones, and isn't very academic. Their intelligence comes from intuition and common sense rather than facts.

Appearance-wise Taylor appears to be in their early twenties, with golden, curly hair that's cut short and choppy in an androgynous style. They're around five foot nine, with a pointed face, a button-nose and eyebrows plucked to within an inch of their life. Taylor adores fashion and wears all kinds of strange pieces of clothing, none of which match the fixer's dress code. Some days it's retro dresses and winged eyeliner, sometimes it's crew-neck sweaters layered over button-down shirts. Taylor adores scarves and accessories and it's rare you don't find them wearing them. Their only real concern with their appearance is that on more feminine days, Taylor sometimes feels that their Adam's apple is too visible.
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viii) Witches

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:23 AM

> Moira Escott <

“ Stop undead discrimination! In modern society this antiquated and archaic way thinking is both offensive and moronic, and I want to see it come to an end. ”

Last known residence:
Tarot Card: The Heirophant
Technical info:
she|myu reaper
quad, human
Personality words:
Opinionated, eloquent, level-headed.

Moira spent many years working as an apprentice for a necromancer, before leaving to create her own coven. She was sick of the way apprentice witches were treated, despite the fact that many of them were exceptionally talented in their own right. Being a necromancer herself, Moira deals with mostly reanimation, although she is quite capable of preforming basic scrying.

Necromancy is a magic that's mostly concerned with creating one thing from another, in it's simplest forms it can be largely symbolic, but the greater the act that needs to be performed, the greater the sacrifice. Because necromancy can be very dangerous, it's mostly a dying art. Most necromancers are very adept at sewing (they don't really have a choice if they want to be necromancers) and hence Moira's prized possession is a needle that can change size at will. Normally, she wears it in her hair.

Personality wise, Moira is someone who's very much concerned with doing the right thing. Once she's found a cause, she sticks to it and is extremely vocal about it. She's very opinionated and bossy, and tends to look down quite harshly on anyone who doesn't share her opinions on the matters she's most passionate about. Moira hates to be wrong, and rarely admits to her mistakes. She's a natural-born leader, and while she does occasionally have a habit of talking over people, she's generally very fair and level-headed. She's good at making decisions quickly, and rarely appears insecure about the choices she makes. Necromancy is something she's very proud of, and she won't stand to have her work or the people she cares about insulted. Usually, Moira's pride is her downfall.

Appearance-wise, Moira is a willowy woman in her thirties with long black hair and very dark eyes. She's got quite a pointed chin, and a face that's a little bit too sharp for it's own good. She wears a lot of black, and has a distinct fondness for ruffles and lace.

> Alex Thistlethwaite <

“ Try to say that five times fast. ”

Last known residence:
Tarot Card: The Star
Technical info:
custom myu reaper|human, quad
Personality words:
Spontaneous, eccentric, quick.

Alex was the unpredictable apprentice of a green witch up until fairly recently. Unlike the other two Alex hadn't felt particularly oppressed or under-appreciated by his mentor. However, when she turned herself into a tree and retired, Alex missed the feeling of community and so joined a coven.

Alex, like their mentor, is also a green witch. (Witch being a gender neutral term in magical society, despite it's connotations elsewhere.) Green witches work half by tradition and half by intuition, although it's funny how often the two coincide. They work with the earth, their magic is subtle and slow, but powerful. All green witches have familiars and Alex is no exception, their familiar is a hive of honeybees.

As a green witch, Alex runs mostly off of intuition. They're someone who trusts their feelings entirely, and tends to do things without having any idea why they're doing them. They've been known to make up spells in the middle of casting them, and other strange things, simply because they felt it was the right thing to do. Although, that's not to say Alex always relies on intuition. Often, they'll be found checking one of the old gardening manuals left by their mentor, or indeed even visiting the tree their mentor turned into to try and glean a little bit of advice. Alex tends to see and find connections other people don't, and they're incredibly creative and quick to realize to realize things. Their mind is always buzzing with one idea or another and they struggle to calm down. This gives Alex a tendency to be scattered, and they can be rather unreliable.

Alex is an androgynous figure of average height, short bright ginger hair and covered in freckles. They have rather thin lips and a slight overbite, which gives them a rather devious smile. They have strange taste in clothes, and usually end up wearing over-sized shirts clothes that are so patched and worn it's difficult to tell what colour they were originally. Alex has a habit of wearing scraps of fabric tied around their neck or ankles, which only adds to the general eccentricity.

> Danielle Dunnett <

“ What would you like to know? ”

Last known residence:
Tarot Card: The High Priestess
Technical info:
she|custom myu reaper
human, quad
Personality words:
loyal, kind, quiet

Danielle worked as the apprentice of a fortune teller for many years, until she got sick of always playing second-fiddle despite the fact that Danielle was just as talented as she was. So, she left. She quickly ended up meeting Moira at a meeting for the local W.I and she, Moira and Alex started a coven together.

Danielle knows a lot about fortune telling. She's had experience with most methods of fortune telling, but she only ever really uses palmistry. Having too many props tends to confuse her. Danielle is a seer, and while all fortune tellers are seers in some way, the best ones will see omens in dreams and sometimes even in running water. If there's a prophecy to be told, they simply can't escape it. Hence, Danielle tends to carry around an absolutely monstrous book full of what various omens mean.

Overall, Danielle is a fairly quiet individual. She's very dedicated to her job, and is a tireless optimist. Normally, she can appear a little distant. This is normally because she's caught in the middle of whatever event she's been foretelling, and it's difficult to work out what exactly is going on when you're so close to it. Danielle lacks the pragmatism that most seers have gained, and she tends to believe that everything will work out alright in the end and she's determined to find the good in everyone she meets. She can be a little bit of a bleeding heart, too kind, too gentle, too sincere, but don't mistake all of that for weakness. Danielle is far from helpless. She's practical, grounded, and often the voice of reason behind Moira's fanatic outbursts.

Appearance-wise, Danielle is a large woman in her mid-twenties with short gold curls and dark blue eyes. She's slightly shorter than average, and is the shortest out of the coven. She adores pretty clothes, and particularly loves pastel shades and lace. She adores the vintage aesthetic, and wears and an awful lot of mint green. Funnily enough, she's got several tattoos, although the most noticeable are the palmistry-based tattoos on her hands and the blue roses on her neck and shoulders.

Rival Coven
Allister Mack - Winnie Truman - Greta Snipe
Soothsayer - Green Witch - Summoner
Insight - Protection - Power
The Chariot - Temperance - Justice
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ix) The James Family

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:31 AM

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x) The Immortal Household of Titus Chapman

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:32 AM

> Titus Chapman <

“ Master of the house. ”

Last known residence:
Mount Grace Manor, Aldrect.
Tarot Card: The Tower
Technical info:
he|underworld nyghtmare
vampire, quad
Personality words:
Distant, ancient, well-mannered, pragmatic.

Titus started life roughly two thousand years ago as the son of a merchant. He was a well educated, bright young man who was always very ambitious. He decided fairly early on that instead of joining his father as a merchant, he would join the army. After several years he became in command of one of their legions, he was calculating, ambitious, and very well-respected. During a particular battle, his side were up against a terrifying group of mercenaries that were much fewer in number when compared to his own legion and yet they were mercilessly slaughtered. Titus was half-dead when the commander of those soldiers stood above him and she offered him a choice. He could choose to live, or choose to die.

For the next few hundred years Titus stayed with the mercenaries. They were a wild, practically feral group, and it wasn't until four centuries later that they were defeated, their leader killed and the rest disbanded, by a group of invaders from the north. Titus spent much time after this wandering on his own, skirting around villages and taking what he could to survive. He became a legend, a nightmare. It was many years later that a priest from the local monastery spoke to him on his own terms. It took a long time for the priest to get through to Titus, as at that point there seemed to be very little of him left. The priest understood what Titus was and brought him sheep so he could take those instead of humans. Eventually, Titus became a part of the monastery and a priest himself and there he stayed until the reformation, where the monastery was destroyed. After that, he fled to the city and became a successful merchant. (Or rather, a successful string of merchants.)

Titus eventually settled down and bought a small manor house on the outskirts of the city and there he's stayed. Well, sort of. Titus spends much time away from home, although what he does while he's away is anyone's guess. Titus eventually became so annoyed with his staff dying while he was away, either through illness or old age he now only hires people who are immortal themselves.

Titus is a very different man to the one who joined the Roman legion two thousand years ago. No longer is he the bright and power-hungry young man he used to be. Titus is a wise man, a strategian rather than a scholar. He's always been someone who lets his actions speak, rather than his words. He's an honorable sort, but always looks for a way to twist situations to his benefit. He's still a warrior, still a soldier deep down, and even now, on occasion he seems a little bit... feral. The years spent hiding like an animal in the forest definitely took their toll. Being moral and acting according to this is incredibly important to Titus, but the years have given him a slightly skewed view of what is moral and what isn't. Time has taught him to be pragmatic about the future, optimism leads to disappointment.

He's a harsh, but fair judge of people and their characters, and the only person he's harsher with is himself. Being around for two thousand years allows one to collect more demons than you could know what to do with. He has difficulty accepting the mortality of other beings and is deeply troubled by the sometimes century-long gaps in his memory. He's been an incredibly significant part of many people's lives... how many of them has he forgotten? Equally, the time he spent feral weighs upon him heavily. Titus generally deals with the modern age well, although the rapid change over the past few decades has thrown him a little. Generally, he preferred things prior to the industrial revolution, things were much simpler then and much easier to keep track of. It's just lucky he's got his staff to keep him on the right track in the digital age.

Appearance-wise, Titus is shorter than you'd expect, being around 5' 3" tall, looks to be around 45, olive skinned, dark eyes and long, black hair that he keeps tied back in a ponytail. His style of dress is old-fashioned, but simple. He's missing his right leg, and hasn't had a chance to replace the prosthetic since 1773.

> Augustine Bywater <

“ His Better Half. ”

Last known residence:
Mount Grace Manor, Aldrect
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Technical info:
he|soveris|quad, vampire
Personality words:
Patient, moral, dedicated.

Augustine was born the illegitimate son of a wealthy merchant. The merchant, being a self-made man, would never have the opportunity to recover from the scandal that the news of this would cause. So, named Augustine after the first saint that came to mind and dropped him off at the closest monastery. He flourished there and eventually became the youngest priest the priory had ever seen.

In Augustine's time, his religion was still spreading it's roots through the country, so when he heard of a ghastly creature prowling through the villages near to the priory he simply assumed he was an old folk tale. Nothing to pay attention to. But nonetheless he went to investigate. That night, he decided to confront the creature. What he found was Titus, entirely savage and entirely inhuman. Augustine tried to reason with Titus, despite his fear. When that had no effect on Titus, Augustine started praying in Latin, Titus's native tongue. It was this that brought Titus back from the brink. He muttered an oath in surprise and fled. It took four long years before Titus was entirely in his right mind again. He converted to Christianity, and lived in the priory with Augustine. It was shortly after this, that Augustine's health took a turn for the worst and despite barely being in his thirties Augustine was on his deathbed. The young man was still undecided about becoming a vampire when things got dire and Titus made the decision for him.

Up until the reformation, Augustine stayed at the priory and learnt the old style of illumination. Since his career in the church wasn't going anywhere else, he decided to do something useful. After the reformation he followed Titus and has lived with him ever since. They have a strange relationship, Augustine's presence and continued existence is a great source of comfort for Titus. Twelve centuries, they've known each other now, and Augustine has been the only stable presence in a life where people's lives pass as quickly as sparks from a fire. The exact nature of their relationship is difficult to address, but it switches between being incredibly romantic and incredibly platonic.

Illumination is Augustine's passion and his life. For the past three-hundred years he's been working on illuminating the same manuscript. It is a large, in depth representation of as many gospels and pieces of scripture he knows of. His other main passion is more philosophical than theological; Augustine wants to know if vampires have souls or not. He knows that he will never truly find a definitive answer to this, and instead wants to come up with his own conclusion from the scant reading materials that are available to him.

Otherwise, Augustine is an incredibly reserved and passive man. Kind, but perhaps too much so. He's always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when previous experiences have shown that they don't deserve it. He's quiet and patient, preferring to let things take their own course rather than intervene. That being said, when he is brought out of his shell, Augustine can be warm and personable. Though, his habit of speaking in sermons rather than sentences means that he can come across as long-winded. Don't be fooled into thinking that Augustine simply sits by and watch the world pass by, he picks his battles very carefully and once he's decided to take action against something he's not afraid to play the long game.

Loz came to the house after coming to the conclusion that they were immortal. They're not sure how this happened or why. All they know is that they're now 40, but still look 25 and that death via the standard methods (stabbing, head injury etc.) don't seem to work. With no where else to go, and feeling that their options were pretty limited, they now work as staff for Titus and Augustine.

http://i785.photobucket.com/albums/yy13 ... ine931.png
Young girl - Got turned into a vampire in 1888

http://i785.photobucket.com/albums/yy13 ... gue696.png
Immortal, Eldritch creature from beyond time. Likes goggles and tophats and suits. Called Charles.

http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g3/Ba ... at1299.gif
Corrupt police officer who made a deal with the devil for immortality in exchange for his soul
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xi) Whisper Forest Clan

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 8:35 AM

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