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~Sunset Song Beach~ [Forever WIP]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 12:07 AM

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Welcome to the Beach

Sunset Song Beach is a bay region on the coast of Barakka located east (and slightly north) of Lamenolai. It is protected by a barrier which guards its inhabitants from anything harmful that could come from the outside world, be it an object or a person. This barrier was established by the Master of the region, Jaden, who unified the Shadows and the Light in order to protect the Beach. As part of the agreement between the two elements, the Beach faces what appears to be a never-ending sunset. The sunset, of course, is an invisible mask over the real sky. Though the science behind it is almost unexplainable, residents of the Beach have developed a sense of time from the changing of the sunset's colours.

The borders of the Beach stretch a little over a mile in each direction from the central valley, which is a gentle slope rising from the bay. The entrance to the valley is a winding trail coming in from the west. At the edge of the valley, the trail passes between the Shadow Forest and the stone entrance to the Guardian Caves. The Shadow Forest covers the entire west side of the region. Along the south edge of the valley, from the Guardian Caves to the water, is the Light Forest. In the center of this Forest is a large clearing known as the Breeder's Clearing. The Guardian Caves act as a natural barrier separating the Forests of Shadows and Light.

Along the north side of the valley, from the Shadow Forest to the water, is Echo's Forest. The beach itself is known as Fairy Beach, and is separated by a small river. This river flows down from a large pool called Aquaria's Pond, which is fed by an underground spring. Just west of the Pond, in the center of the valley, and therefore the center of the entire region, is a grand marble palace. Built into the hill, it features a two-floor library, several cafeterias supplied by an extensive kitchen, a rooftop greenhouse, pool, and lounge, stables and storage, and living quarters for all of the many people and creatures under Jaden's protection. Outside is a grand fountain, and a forest of palms called the Hollow Palms flanks the palace. There is also a hidden laboratory in the basement, accessible only through the side of building and known to a select few.

In the center of the grand lobby of the castle is a large floating stone with a list of all of those who reside in, or are affiliated with, the Beach. The engravings appear to be magicked, as they occasionally shift to accommodate changes...

Current Count:
(As of: Oct 1 2020)

              Total Pets: 241
              Total Characters: 239

              Castle: 11
              Forest: 7
              Beach: 12
              Pond: 3
              Palms: 13
              Clearing: Kuhna: 86/88
                (5 | 34 | 29 | 16/18 | 2)
              Clearing: Lucain: 48
                (6 | 7 | 18 | 17)
              Clearing: Soveris: 9
                (4 | 5)
              Clearing: Paragon: 5
                (2 | 3)
              Clearing: Diosol: 1
              Time and Space: 3
              Caves: 6
              Woods: 12
              Farmlands: 10
              Island: 13
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Jaden's Rooms

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 12:20 AM

In the Library, there appears to be a small, ornate staircase leading to nowhere. Another can be found in the corner of the grand lobby. Most just assume it to be aesthetics, or perhaps a result of reconstruction, but in reality, there is a door at the end of both, leading to Jaden's private rooms. The rooms are shielded, and only she and her clones can enter it. Likewise, it cannot be seen from the outside of the palace. In fact, aside from the staircases, there would be no way for even the most keen architect to realize that the rooms even exist. Among the rooms are a private lounge for the clones, Jaden's bedroom, an outdoor seating area, and Jaden's study (often used by the twins when their own feels too public).

Jaden Wolf

Meaning: Combo of Jay (Bird [Latin]) and Aiden (Little Fire [Irish])
Companion: A Shadow named Kiriina. (Krii)
Companion Meaning: Hill [Native American]

Closest pet: Yonyuu
Level 2

History: Jaden is the reincarnate of the goddess Jadira [Yadaera, Jaedra, etc.]. (See: Shadowlands Creation Story) She held a special set of genetics that was capable of withstanding the power of the goddess, making her the perfect candidate for the goddess soul. When she was a baby, she nearly died, and the spirit of the goddess entered her and revitalized her. Unfortunately, even with her unique body, she was still primarily human and as she aged, her increasing power threatened to tear her apart. It was then that she discovered that she could create other forms of herself out of shadows and a fragment of her soul. Thus, the clones were born. After the formation of the first clones, Jaden realized that their connection to her was quite strong and amplified their associated emotions in her. There were a few situations in which she became overwhelmed by emotion and...things happened (some quite bad), she learned to become a pure balance, managing and delegating the clones.
Personality: Jaden aims for 'Twilight', a perfect balance between the Light and the Dark. Her power is over the shadows, but she is well respected by the lights. Sometimes she comes off as distant and detached, and is usually staring off into space, but that is just a side effect of her balancing the clones. She does not express strong emotion (as long as she's in control), but does feel it. She's quite compassionate towards others, hence why she's always taking creatures into her home and reaching out to others all over Evelon. She's really all you'd probably expect from a mortal goddess.
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The Castle

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 12:46 AM

At the top of the stairs in the grand lobby, straight ahead past the elevators, are two large and elegant oak doors. Through the doors lie the Twins' study. Though each of the clones have their own study, where all of their affairs are managed, the Twins' is by far the largest. Larger even than Jaden's private study. This is because, unlike the other clones, the Twins don't just handle the affairs of those assigned to their care; they manage all of the Beach's other affairs, and co-ordinate between the different sections. The room looks much like a small library, with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves covering every inch of wall that isn't door or window. A small staircase leads to the second floor walkway, which encompasses another set of bookshelves. Everything is kept fairly neat and tidy, but the amount of work and information that goes through the room is clear in the stacks of papers and books on the desks. A small door hidden in the back of the room on the second floor leads to the Twins' lounge and bedroom.

Panvera and Pamela

|  |

Meaning: Panvera: Combo of Pan (all/many [Greek]) and Vera (Faith [Russian]) Pamela: All honey [English]
Emotion: Distrust, cynicism and Trusting, optimism
Power: Varying degrees of telepathy and empathy

Closest pet: Ferrikoon
Vam: ♦ Pam:
Level 1 ♦ 1

Personalities: Basically, the twins are like Yin and Yang. Pam is extremely optimistic (to a fault), and Vam is exactly the opposite. Together, the two tend to balance each other out with their mental connection and the others (including Jaden) rely on them to judge the middle ground and compromise every situation. They also have some mental powers and can sense the inclinations of others towards good or evil. They're not supposed to leave each other's side because these powers become massively skewed without the other to balance it. This can become very dangerous, very fast. Their role in the Beach is to oversee all the different aspects of running the place, as it would be too much for Jaden to do it herself.
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The Castle: Dalma

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 1:58 PM


Gamer | Vampire | Cheerful

Sweetodd Dalma
/dʒɑ:t'ʒi:/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Diet: Carnivore
Element: Energy
Passive Traits: (Keen Scent)
Battle Traits: (Arterial Strike, Powerful Jaws)

Personality: A modern vampire descended from a long line of vampires. She's not very old at all, and has little interest in typical vampire life. While she does enjoy dressing well and allows her family to drag her around from event to event, Jatzie much prefers to live vicariously through video games.


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The Castle: Fellox

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 2:47 PM


Cold | Defensive | Cynical

Glacial Fellox
/nait/ • Female • Orientation Unknown
Human Form

Family: Dawn (Younger Sister), Tekk (Brother-in-law)
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire/Ice
Passive Traits: (Cold Adaptation, Independent, Iron Reminder)
Battle Traits: (Frost, Snowshoes, Spectral Strike)

History: Located here.
Personality: Night is bitter and generally disagreeable, unable to trust anyone but her sister. People find her attitude cold and harsh, and while she manages not to make many enemies, she doesn't make friends either. Only Dawn insists that she is much kinder than people give her credit for. Of course, Dawn holds a special place in Night's heart. Night would never do anything to hurt her sister, or allow anyone else to. In fact, her overprotectiveness can blind her to Dawn's true feelings.

Art: Sisters (PB url), Avatar (PB url)


Cheerful | Seemingly Innocent | Medium

Bleached Fellox
/da:n/ • Female • Hetero or Demi
Human Form

Family: Night (Older Sister), Tekk (Mate)
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: (Independent, Iron Reminder, Photosensitivity)
Battle Traits: (Spectral Strike)

History: Located here.
Personality: Dawn comes across as someone rather innocent to the ways of the world. Truthfully, underneath her optimistic, cheerful exterior lies a girl who struggles to come to terms with her past. While she doesn't know the details of her father's death, she knows it was something bad and that it weighs on Night. Night tried so hard to care for her sister after that day that Dawn did her best to maintain the image of the perfect pure girl that she was thought to be. She hid her growing ability to sense the dead, and outright avoids recalling anything about their life before their father's death. In fact, she'd spent so long suppressing them, she could no longer recall her father's face nor that there had ever been anyone else in her life. The return of Tekk to her life shook things up a bit, but she found herself sympathizing with him. To her it felt as though they were both suffering in their own way from that day he killed her father. It didn't take long for them to connect on an emotional level, since he was not fooled by her cheerful exterior but accepted her the way she was.
Etc: Song - Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows by Lesley Gore

Art: Sisters (PB url), Avatar (PB url)

Aurora Borealis

Musical | Sad | Beautiful

Peacer Fellox
/əˈrɔ:rə/ • Female • Hetero
Human Form

Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: (Celestial Heritage, Independent, Iron Reminder)
Battle Traits: (Spectral Strike)

History: Located here.
Personality: Aurora is a beautiful woman with an equally beautiful voice. Her voice even has a musical lilt when she speaks. Her heart, however, is very scarred by her past. She tends to sing sorrowful songs and doesn't get very close to others. Despite this, she is very kindhearted and gentle in her interactions with others.

Art: Avatar (PB url)


Immortal | Cursed | Mysterious

Cyber Fellox
/kɑ:zʊki:/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Element: Fire/Metal
Passive Traits: (Cyborg, Independent, Perceptive, Recognize Impostor)
Battle Traits: (Metal Plating, Pursuit, Spectral Strike)

History: Located here.
Personality: Kazuki has become prone to silence from years spent sitting behind a mask. She occasionally resorts to sign language when she is really not in the mood to talk. She is also capable of mind-speech, after years of practice, but so far succeeds only with others who possess the gift. Over time, she had left her family home and travelled to Evelon, where she wanders the land. She figures the only good thing about being immortal is that she can experience many new and amazing things. She also rather enjoys the myths and whispers about an immortal behind a mask, knowing they were sparked by her.

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The Castle: Fenling

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 7:28 PM


Messenger | Timid | Stealthy

Purine Fenling
/blu:/ • Male • Orientation Unknown

Family: Candy
Diet: Omnivore
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: (Defender, Desert Dweller, Foresight, Loyal, Prehensile Tail)
Battle Traits: (Sandskimmer)

History: Blue and his sister were found by Dusk when they were pups. No one knew who their parents were or what had happened to them, so the clone brought them home. Raised on the Beach, they quickly made a name for themselves among the residents. Small, lithe, and quick, the two of them had extraordinary physical abilities, and often got into trouble using them. After a while, complaints lodged about them meant something had to be done. This led Jaden to offer them a job as messengers for the Beach's residents. This way, they would have something to focus on, and wouldn't have to find other ways to entertain themselves. Still, they overhear things, and know almost every secret there is in the Beach. Not wanting to cause more upset (and risk their job, or worse, their home), they seldom allow anyone to pry such information from them. Every now and then, though, they consent to doing a spy job.
Personality: Blue is the quieter and more timid of the two siblings. He is better at gathering information as he is more stealthy than his sister, but can't interact with others unless she is by his side. (Even then, Candy does most of the talking.) He prefers smaller, closed-in areas, and feels nervous and on-edge if he is out in the open.




Messenger | Fearless | Nimble

Candy Fenling
/kændi:/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Family: Blue
Diet: Omnivore
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: (Desert Dweller, Foresight, Hyper, Prehensile Tail)
Battle Traits: (Sandskimmer)

History: Candy and her brother were found by Dusk when they were pups. No one knew who their parents were or what had happened to them, so the clone brought them home. Raised on the Beach, they quickly made a name for themselves among the residents. Small, lithe, and quick, the two of them had extraordinary physical abilities, and often got into trouble using them. After a while, complaints lodged about them meant something had to be done. This led Jaden to offer them a job as messengers for the Beach's residents. This way, they would have something to focus on, and wouldn't have to find other ways to entertain themselves. Still, they overhear things, and know almost every secret there is in the Beach. Not wanting to cause more upset (and risk their job, or worse, their home), they seldom allow anyone to pry such information from them. Every now and then, though, they consent to doing a spy job.
Personality: Candy is far more fearless than her brother. Despite her tiny size, she would stand her ground even against something as big as a battleheart or garagnir. Though she's not as stealthy as her brother, she can maneuver well through crowds and has pretty good people skills. She is far more comfortable out in the open and among others than in small places, where she just feels cramped. (She also has a habit of getting stuck, but don't bring it up around her.)


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The Castle: Myu Reaper

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 7:51 PM


Feline | Spirit-Eater | Wanderer

Myu Reaper
/kɑ:neɪ/ • Female • Ace/Aro

Diet: (Carnivore/Piscivore) Animavore
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: (Spirit Sense)
Battle Traits:

History: Located here.
Personality: Kane is a relatively normal kitty, it seems; Intelligent, aloof, and a little odd. Yet there are a few things that just aren't normal. Cats, for example, should not feed on the souls of the dead. That's right, Kane is a cat who eats souls. The strange little thing wanders the land as she pleases, naturally drawn to the dying wherever she may encounter them. Fresh souls are far tastier, it seems, than those long since dead. Moreover, though it is not unusual to meet a cat which does not meow, it is certainly unusual to meet a cat that can only be heard in the minds of the dying (and sometimes just very sensitive people). In fact, if you think this is a normal cat, you're probably just an ordinary and healthy person.
Etc: Auden's As I Walked Out One Evening



Oracle | Wise | Neutral

Ominous Myu Reaper
/delfi:/ • Female • Ace/Aro

Diet: Carnivore/Piscivore
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: (Spirit Sense)
Battle Traits:

History: Located here.
Personality: Delphi is a being who takes the form of a cat. No one knows what exactly she is, nor how old she is, only that she has lived in the Basantha Shrine for a very long time. Those who live outside of the shrine say that she is an oracle. Yet unlike actual oracles, Delphi does not see the future or sense prophecies. Instead, she was blessed with the ability to look into the past. Unfortunately, she cannot control where and when it happens. Her true power instead lies in her vast knowledge, improved by eidetic memory. She has made a home out of the shrine's vast library. In fact, it's suspected that she is the one who started the library in the first place, despite its ancient history. Those who make the long journey find her wise and mature, indifferent to who they are or what their future could hold. In fact, she seems to be entirely neutral as to right and wrong.

Art: Chibi - quila111 (PB url), Reading
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The Castle: Rabbot

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 9:02 PM


Spirit/Fairy | Good | Angelic

Rabbot OP1
/zɪn'ra/ • Female • Ace/Aro

Family: Jan're (Cousin)
Diet: Silicivore
Element: Metal
Passive Traits: (Automaton, Charismatic, Leaper, Military Leader, Recognize Impostor)
Battle Traits: (Combat Endurance, Lunge, Metal Plating)

History: Located here.
Personality: Zyn'ra is a small species, only a few inches tall, who sort of resembles a fairy with angelic wings. Like the rest of her kind, she has a long, thin body with no defining features, not even a face. In fact, it's almost impossible to tell she has a gender. The only physical sounds she makes are squeaks, giggles, and trilling chirps. As her appearance may suggest, she is drawn to those who are good and compels them to do good deeds. This behaviour has become a competition between her and her cousin Jan're, who is also descended from the line of Ra. The two of them are otherwise friendly, but when it comes to the rivalry between the angelic faction and the devil faction, Zyn'ra takes the challenge seriously. Outside of the factional dispute, she is quite curious and inquisitve, seeking out new and interesting things.



Spirit/Fairy | Evil | Devilish

Rabbot MG1
/dʒɑ:n'reɪ/ • Male • Ace/Aro

Family: Zyn'ra (Cousin)
Diet: Silicivore
Element: Metal
Passive Traits: (Automaton, Leaper, Malevolent, Military Leader, Recognize Impostor)
Battle Traits: (Combat Endurance, Lunge, Metal Plating)

History: Located here.
Personality: Like his cousin, Jan're is only a few inches tall, which is not unusual for his species who resemble fairies with devilish traits. With a long thin body that lacks even a face, he doesn't even look particularly male. His 'voice' is made of hums, squeaks, and hisses. He is rather close to his cousin of the Ra line, Zyn'ra, despite the fact the two of them are locked in a factional feud. Like the others of his faction, Jan're is drawn to those with dark hearts and compels them to commit evil deeds. Outside of the factional dispute, he is aggressive, brash, and bold, often challenging other beings he encounters.

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The Castle: Cheeka

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 9:29 PM


Priestess | Moon-kissed | Stoic

/səbri:dʒ'jɑ:/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Diet: Carnivore/Insectivore
Element: Light/Dark
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Independent)
Battle Traits: (Wing Buffet)

History: Located here.
Personality: Sabrijyah is a priestess of the moon. She belongs to an order of priests and priestesses descended from a goddess of moonbeams. Few in number, their order is very solitary; they seldom interact outside of training and temple duties. Sabrijyah is the latest priestess set to inherit the temple, which not just anyone can do. She seems to bear the strongest bloodline from their moon-kissed founder, able to activate even the Moon Staff, the oldest and most powerful of their relics. Before she can step up to the role of head priestess, however, she must complete her training. Thankfully, she is quiet, stoic, and generally unflappable by nature, traits which are prized by her order.
Etc: Her line is abnormally tall and gangly but graceful limbed.



Priestess | Gifted | Passionate

/aɪ'dʒjɑ:/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Diet: Carnivore/Insectivore
Element: Light
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Innocent)
Battle Traits: (Wing Buffet)

History: Located here.
Personality: Aijya is the rebellious ward of a busy temple in the city. She has a gift they simply call the 'Sight', where she can see into the hearts of others. One would think that she would perfectly suit her temple's daily tasks, as they specialized in relationships, be they platonic, romantic, familial, or otherwise. The temple elders, however, are determined not to have Aijya using her gifts on their patrons. They never explain their reasons for this, and Aijya simply refuses to cooperate. She escapes often into the city and makes herself into something of a relationship vigilante - doing her best to help people's relationships from the shadows.

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The Castle: Hunter

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 10:15 PM


Artist | Colourblind | Gentle

Memento Hunter
/mi:sə/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Diet: Carnivore/Silicivore
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: (Disciplined, Extended Life Span, Fearless)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Tough Hide)

History: [url]Located here.[/url]
(Old History): From a young age, Misa was fond of art. She would constantly doodle and loved painting, and got many comments on how creative she was. It wasn't until she was older that her parents realized that her unique style wasn't because she was creative, she was colour blind. The reason all of her art had strange colour combinations was because she could only see the differences in the shading. As she grew older, she still insisted on doing her art despite her "disability", and managed to get a large amount of people interested in her unique works. After some more time had passed, Misa began to have doubts and wondered if perhaps her parents had been right. She wasn't going to stop, no way! But she did wonder how many people who liked her work really liked it, rather than out of pity for her. Thus she started working with children, teaching them art. She loved children, they were always full of promise, and usually quite understanding of her problem. She figured that only people who liked her work would have their children taught by her and was delighted by the number of students that had quickly been enrolled in her school. Still, every now and then she asks strangers what they think of her work.
Personality: [Old personality] Misa is quite kindhearted and gentle. She loves art with a passion and loves teaching children even more. She is quite passive but can be firm when necessary to guide her students.


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The Castle: Lilisyte

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 11:22 PM


Sprite | Priestess | Calming

Sky Lilisyte
/əmi:nə/ • Female • Orientation Unknown, likely Ace

Diet: Nectarivore
Element: Air
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Altitude Adaptation, Classification Nightmare, Mimic, Parasitic)
Battle Traits: (Aimed Strike, Bolstering Winds, Power Sap, Solid Stance)

Personality: A sprite priestess. All of her kind are born of various moments where mankind has connected to nature. Amina herself is particularly special, however. In her case, she was born of the breath of a human at a moment of true peace. The moment when someone connected with their own existence. Therefore, she is even closer to humans than the other sprites. She sees only the best in them, and quietly and gracefully tries to help free them of various...”worldly chains”, for lack of a better term. Amina calms them and soothes their worries, their fears, their anxieties.


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Forest of Echoes

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/16/2015 11:57 PM

Along the main path through the Forest of Echoes, there is a door that has been carved out of an extremely large tree. At least, it looks like it has. It's impossible to tell, really. Through this door is a small, round office that is very clearly the inside of a tree. The office belongs to Echo, watcher of the forest, and pretty much everything else too. The furniture and bookshelves appear to be woven out of wood, and the ceiling stretches up into the darkness. Light comes from small glowing bulbs that seem to grow out of the walls. The place doesn't look very well kept, unfortunately. The shelves are packed with books, with papers crammed between them. More still are scattered haphazardly across the desk, chairs, and even the floor. Somewhere in the darkness above, a bat flutters about. Occasionally, a mouse or squirrel pops out of a knothole in the wall and sniffs around for a bit before scurrying back into another hole somewhere else. A tiny, narrow door can be found between two bookshelves at the side of the room. It doesn't look like it is used much, but it appears to be magic, as it leads to a hallway in the Castle.

Quiet | Observant | Stoic

Meaning: Reverberating Sound [Greek]
Emotion: Contentedness, observation
Power: Forest/Plants

Closest Pet: Batti
Level 3

Personality: Echo is the personification of Jaden's quiet and calm nature. She is an observer, choosing to stay out of the way and watch. Somehow, she is naturally capable of going unseen without even trying. She has a love for plants, particularly trees, and spends most of her time in the forest. Because of these attributes, she has been assigned to the various creatures who live in the forest, since many are not comfortable with strangers and she is the only one who can watch over them without being disruptive.
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Forest of Echoes: Fellox

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/17/2015 5:20 PM


Mute | PTSD | Woodsman

Battlefield Fellox
/saɪ'lens/ • Female • Ace/Aro
Human Form

Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: (Adaptable, Independent, Iron Reminder)
Battle Traits: (Rousing Speech, Spectral Strike)

History: Located here.
Personality: Silence is, as her name suggests, silent. Mute and quick on her feet, she never makes any noise. Nothing. At all. After her traumatic childhood and life in the forest, she is hyper aware and vigilant. A bug probably couldn't make it across a fallen log without her noticing. This combined with her tense and timid nature, and...well, it's a good thing she moved somewhere peaceful. Sometimes, mild curiosity compels her to help injured or lost travellers. Mostly, she avoids strangers since she is extremely distrustful of all creatures larger than, say, a rattegan.
Etc: Phobia of Garudors.
"Hear cries of pain. | From me | Feel lashes of fear. | Around me | See the pain of words | To me | Sitting in eternal | I am forever | ~Silence~"
"And I ran, I ran so far away
I just ran, I ran all night and day
and I ran, I ran so far away
Couldn't get away."

Art: Human Form (Rin)(PB url), Forever Silent (PB url), Headshot (Thessur) [Misplaced?!?], Avatar (PB url)


Stoic | Defender | Solitary

Temple Fellox
/tek/ • Male • Demi
Human Form

Family: Dawn (Mate), Night (Sister-in-law)
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire/Earth
Passive Traits: (Hulking Figure, Independent, Iron Reminder, Thought-Speech)
Battle Traits: (Earthquake Stomp, Spectral Strike, Stoneblood)

History: Located here.
Personality: Tekk struggles to learn and maintain control of the chip in his head, which is constantly trying to transform him into a heartless assassin. He's made his home in the depths of the dark chambers below the Basantha Shrine, where he shouldn't be able to hurt anyone. Down there, he acts as Jaden's envoy to the Shadows of the shrine. Whenever someone ends up wandering into the expanse, he protects them from the unseen danger and guides them back to safety. It's his way of repaying Jaden for her help after he killed the man he almost called Father. He interacts with others very little, and as a result, the chip's programming has successfully suppressed most of his emotions. You can't maintain what you don't use, after all. As such, the few strangers he does meet think of him as mechanical; stiff and cold.

Art: Avatar (PB url)
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Forest of Echoes: Likuta

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/20/2015 2:20 PM


Ghost | Amnesiac | Lost

Common Likuta
/de'sem'bɜ:r/ • Female • Ace/Aro

Diet: Piscivore
Element: Water
Passive Traits: (Graceful, Hydrodynamic, Ocean Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Deluge)

History: Located here
Personality: December had frozen to death long ago on the frozen peaks of the Fe'gan Mountains. Soon, she found herself wandering the peaks, confused and disoriented. She lost her memories from before her death, though she remembers bits and pieces of her last hours on the mountain. It took her some time at first to realize she was a ghost. But she still seems to forget from time to time due to her confused mental state. In those moments, she believes she's still alive, lost and cold.
Etc: Once upon a December - Anastasia
Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory.
Far away, long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember,
And a song someone sings,
Once upon a December.

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Forest of Echoes: Slynx

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/25/2015 6:30 PM


Pacifist | Healer | Inquisitive

Sky Slynx
/krɪstəl/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Family: Tempest (Twin Sister)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Ice, Air
Passive Traits: (Altitude Adaptation, Cold Adaptation, Mountain Dweller, Night Vision, Padded Paws)
Battle Traits: (Bolstering Winds, Snowshoes, Solid Stance)

History: Born with a power to heal, she was separated from her twin at birth, and her sister was banished. Their mother died in childbirth and their father mysteriously vanished. Growing up without knowledge of any of this, Krystal was recruited by the Snow Maidens and trained in their ways. The Snow Maidens were a clan of female priestesses (of sorts) among them were healers, scholars, and warriors. She was a prodigy and believed to be the one to fulfill an old prophecy, however the people of her village would not tell her what that prophecy was. The day the Maidens came to take her to their temple near Bansantha Shrine, an avalanche came towards her village. Fleeing, Krystal barely escaped with her life, and later returned in the hope others would have survived too. To her dismay, few did, and the Snow Maidens who were to retrieve her were not among them. Rounding up the survivors, she left for the Shrine, hoping to find shelter. Upon entering, the monks gave the refugees what they needed, and informed Krystal that she was one of the last Snow Maidens. The avalanche had been one of a chain that had destroyed many villages, plus the Snow Maidens' temple. The other maidens that were alive were nomads and hermits scattered across the mountains, and could not be reached. The monks taught her everything they could in the Maidens' stead, because although she did not know this, they also knew whatever it was she was destined for.
Personality: Krystal is a soft-spoken, gentle soul who has obtained a sense of inner peace that even makes the monks jealous. She is always happy to help the injured people and creatures who wander into the shrine (as well as those who live there). She is also naturally very curious, but does not push for answers nor does she take risks. She has sensed there is something the monks and villagers of the mountains are hiding from her, but has not yet figured out what it is. Slowly, she is beginning to discover abilities she never knew she had. She tells very few people about these gifts because she is uncertain about how they will take it. Among these...abilities, is the power to heal, calm storms (somewhat), sense avalanches, sense others' emotions, and she seems to have some prophetic powers.




Vengeful | Antisocial | Powered

Glacial Slynx
/təm'pest/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Family: Krystal (Twin Sister)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Ice
Passive Traits: (Cold Adaptation, Mountain Dweller, Night Vision, Padded Paws)
Battle Traits: (Frost, Snowshoes)



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