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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Male Lucain 1/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/16/2017 5:26 PM

Splash Summers

Powerful | Businessman | Willful

Pronounce: Spul-ah-shh
Gender: Male
Orientation: Hetero
Markings: Jacket Fox, Ancient
Parents: Kane Peppermint x Summerland
Children: Kiren, Maya (Bobbie Bishop)
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 7
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: (Dash, Forest Dweller, Extended Life Span) Human Form, Human Speech, Charismatic, Fearless, Corporate Casual, Focused, City Dweller, Persuasive, Structured Life, Celebrity, Leader
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Splash Summers is a powerful man; be it by economic power or social status. However, his very presence has a different kind of power. His very aura applies an extraordinary amount of pressure on the willpower of those around him. This force is so strong that it completely crushes the weak-willed and makes it easy for him to command them. Those of stronger willpower will either react through fear or anger, but in some rare cases, they'll hardly notice. Splash doesn't have a whole lot of control over this power, though he is able to strengthen or abate it somewhat for any particular individual. He does this often at any given moment, as he finds uniqueness and willfulness 'entertaining'. His public behaviour is what you'd expect of a guy who owns a growing corporation called Summers Inc., which has several departments that reach into all aspects of Evelonian life. He's arrogant, intelligent, and willful, with a businessman's class and poise. In his private life, he's not too much different, except for when it comes to his children. Maya, in particular, is his pride and joy. In contrast, Kiren's preference for solitude and privacy frustrates him. What he enjoys most, I think, is that their special gifts don't appear to work on blood relations. Which means, of course, that his children treat him as the person he is, rather than for his power.
Random Info: Head of his own corporation: Summers Inc.



Wish-granter | Soft-spoken | Philosophical

Pronounce: St-ahrr-lite
Meaning: Light of Stars
Gender: Male
Markings: Celestial, Ancient
Parents: Rune [Naerna x Blublade] x Bumble
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 3
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span, Intellectual) Human Form, Human Speech, Reserved, Introvert, Celestial Blood (Star)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: In one sentence, I would describe Starlight as a quiet, gentle, and mysterious guy with a deep, philosophical side. In truth though, he's far more than that. See, his mother is actually a star. Yes, I do mean a star. Like, the kind you see at night. They have long lives and mysterious powers that they generally use for wish-granting. Now, Starlight is half-star so he doesn't really have those ultimate wish-granting powers, but he can still hear them. He can block it out up to 5 feet away but if anyone within that distance so much as even thinks the words "I wish", he will hear it. Aside from that, he can control his gift - he needs only think of a person anywhere in Evelon and he can sense their wish, regardless if they are actively thinking about it or not. Now, Starlight prefers to be quiet about this gift, for two reasons. One, the fact still remains that he does not have the power to actually grant wishes. He feels an impulse to try whenever it's within his ability to do, even at his own expense, but it troubles him that those who discover his gift might try to take advantage of it. Which leads to the second point: there are some wishes that just should not be granted. If someone were to wish that another was dead, it could lead to a very unfortunate series of events. By keeping his gift a secret, it becomes easier for Starlight to avoid the dark, shady people that these kind of wishes come from.
Random Info:
Related: Star light, star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may
I wish I might
Have the wish I wish this night.


Kiren Summers

Negative | Depressing | Irritable

Pronounce: Kee-ren
Meaning: Indian: Dust, Thread, or Sunbeam / Irish: Black
Gender: Male
Markings: Ancient, DesertRunner, Banded
Parents: Summersplash [Kane Peppermint x Summerland] x Bobbie Bishop
Siblings: Maya
Human Form
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span, Dash) Reserved, Cynic, Gold-Hearted Jerk, City Dweller, Human Form, Human Speech
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Kiren, like his father and sister, has a 'gift'. Unlike them, he rather hates it and therefore himself for being unable to control it. See, where his father has a strong will, and his sister has irresistible charm, Kiren's presence causes others to lose their motivation by increasing negative emotions like stress, anxiety, and depression. Only the rare person with an unusual mindset or strength of will appears unaffected by him. Kiren worries about the dangerous and negative effects this has on people's lives and blames himself for anything bad that happens to someone who has been in his presence at any point. This mindset makes him rather irritable, and he occasionally comes across as cold...but he's really just a sad, lonely dude scared of hurting someone with his power. His relationship with his father is strained since they are two very different personalities, but because of Maya's friendly and inclusive persona, Kiren is often dragged into family matters. Thanks to genetics, his sister and father are not affected by his power just as he is not affected by them.
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Beautiful Voice | Ladies Man | Gentleman

Pronounce: Rah-ee-dehn (Or Ray-den)
Meaning: English written form of the Japanese thunder god
Gender: Male
Markings: Belly, Ringed
Parents: Crymser x Tokini
Siblings: Phoenix
Age: 22
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 2
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Hydrodynamic) Fae Blood, Human Form, Human Speech, Musician, Charismatic, Extrovert, Semi-Smooth Talker, Socially Adept, Persuasive
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Like his elder sister, Raiden is also descended from a siren's bloodline. Although, as a male, he is not as powerful as his sister, he has the same kind of gifts and is immune to the siren's powers. He has the kind of silky voice that makes one want to listen when he speaks and when he sings, the notes seem to ring in the air even after he stops. He has no problems with using his gift and is sought after by any and all people in the music industry. This is mainly because, unlike Phoenix, he has no actual influence over others. (Unless you count the fact that many women seem to fall head over heels for his voice anyway). He can be quite a ladies man, but not in the luring way that his sister is with men. This sexy sweetheart is quite the gentleman, genuinely wanting to make women happy and have a nice time. It should be noted that he and Phoenix are quite close and he enjoys being with her - even when she's being impossible.
Random Info:
Related: "Too sexy for my shirt" - Quila111



Speedster | Cocky | Mischievous

Pronounce: J-oh-rin
Meaning: Farmer [Spanish]
Gender: Male
Markings: Dingo, Shadebane
Parents: Mirage x Ayaka [Black Hole x Genesis]
Cousin: Unnamed (Ayaka-Roxie)
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Plains Dweller, Padded Paws) Human Speech, Human Form, Mischievous, Dash, Speedy Healer, Hyper, Expressive
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Ever been asked what kind of superpower you'd want if you could have one? Well, what if you could have super-speed? Yeah you heard me right, super-speed. Well, Jorin might not be the fastest dude around (given the Flash, Superman, etc.), but he can certainly stir up a breeze. At his fastest, if he gives his all, he could even break the sound barrier. Therefore, asking him to try staying still might be a bit of an impossible task. Though he seldom slows enough to actually talk with people, they find he's rather mischievous, like the class clown of everyday life. He has almost as much difficulty being serious as he does staying still. He's also not afraid to pick on scary types, being quite confident that he can easily get out of or away from any sticky situation. As you can probably tell by now, Jorin may be super, but he's no hero. Well, he's not a villain either...he simply doesn't (or won't) slow down enough to bother with anything that isn't of interest to him.
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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Male Lucain 2/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 6:29 PM


Star | Calm | Helpful

Pronounce: Az-ree-ell or Az-rye-ell
Gender: Male
Orientation: Ace
Markings: Belly, Starspeckled
Parents: Dumisa x Isora [Lord Baal x Beltain]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: Celestial Heritage, Atmospheric Dweller, Half-Mortal, Ancient One, Lost Secrets, Pacifist, Well-Mannered, Extended Life Span, Human Speech, Human Form, Create Illusion, Dispel Illusion, Dream Weaver, Teleportation
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: He's a star. Basically. Not the gassy balls that are suns, but the spirits of legend who guide people. He actually happens to be one of the brightest stars in the sky, and one of the few to emit a pink glow. He's much older than Evelon, but he became so fond of it that he took on a Lucain form so that he may walk its lands. When he does, he emits a light pink glow just like he does when he's a star. His duties have no known origin; the stars have been doing them as long as any can remember, but they know they are bound to them by an ancient magic. These duties mostly require responding when a living creature calls to him (or to a star in general) for aid. In order to provide this aid, he has the ability to travel between certain planes of existence, use a form of magic (though limited), and he also has some power over the sky. In these modern days, not many still call to the stars, so he occasionally offers his assistance to others anyway, even if they didn't call for him. The only reason he doesn't do this more is because he cannot tell others he is a star (or by relation, what he does) unless they ask directly (not that he can tell them about this possibility), which can get a little awkward for him to explain how exactly he's helping. Nonetheless, he is just a really helpful guy who feels like a parent to the "children of the world", which is his way of saying everything that lives on this planet. (He's old, remember?)
Random Info: His expertise as a Star lies in Illusions and Dreams. Is pretty much unknown in the Skies. Is a light pink colour.



Star | Intimidating | Protective

Pronounce: Koh-kabb
Gender: Male
Markings: Dingo, Starspeckled
Parents: Havard x Ofélia [Aleksandr x Lucinda]
Child Note: As Arnold*, he fathered Nero [non-canon]
Age: UNKNOWN (Estimated by astronomists to be about 3 billion years)

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Plains Dweller) Celestial Heritage, Atmospheric Dweller, Half-Mortal, Ancient One, Lost Secrets, Extended Life Span, Human Speech, Human Form, Teleportation, Stoic, Defender, Noble Authority, Weapon Expert, Tracker, Trap Master
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

History: Kochab was once the King of the stars about 3,000 years ago, though he wasn't suited for it and quickly passed on the Stellar Throne to Polaris, the current Queen.
Personality: As an ancient being, Kochab is known as the Guardian Star. He serves as a guard to the Queen, along with his younger brother Pherkad. As a Star, he is a bright orange colour. Strong and stubborn, Kochab won't bow to anyone (except Polaris, of course), but these traits come in handy combined with his protective nature. He won't idly stand by when the strong pick on the weak, and most wishes for protection are directed at him. In person, (that is, the rare case where he's not in the Skies), he is gruff, stoic, and intimidating (despite his faint orange glow). He gives the impression of being displeased at...well, everything. Doesn't mean it's true, of course.
Random Info: His expertise as a Star lies in protection and the detection of enemies. He is a member of the Ursa Minor family. Is a faint orange colour.



Ancient | Extreme Perfectionist | Destructive

Pronounce: Nee-roh
Meaning: Dark
Gender: Male
Orientation: Ace
Markings: Dingo, Mudpaw, Bonefish
Parents: Arnold* [Havard x Ofélia] x Helena
Parental Note: Arnold* is Kochabe [non-canon]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Plains Dweller) Immortal, Human Form, Human Speech, Perfectionist, Pessimist, For the Cause, Lost Secrets, Stoic
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

History: Located here.
Personality: Nero has the blood of the sea and the heart of the land. Therefore, he desires to make the land perfect, free of all pain, persecution, and suffering. However, he only knows how to do it with the destructive force of the sea, and leaves a path of ruin behind him. It's not that he desires to kill or that he thinks all people are bad, he just doesn't possess the ability to love or fear, so he doesn't understand human nature very well.
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Dane Court
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Meaning: Brook [English]
Gender: Male
Orientation: Demi, prefers men
Markings: Arach, Coontail, Dingo
Parents: Nahlmer [SevynBlue x ShadowRose] x Nanyanirnë

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Spider Climb, City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger, Plains Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

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Pronounce: Pair-iss
Gender: Male
Markings: Reaper, Vines
Parents: Orion [Unnamed x Kahlee Chator] x Aco

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits:
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Diehard, Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son)

Personality: [Unfinished] A narcissistic and self-absorbed "prince" type.
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Jaden Wolf
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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Male Lucain 3/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 8:21 PM

Zion Oberon

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Pronounce: Zai-ohn
Meaning: Raised up/Sepulchre/Monument
Gender: Male
Markings: Arach, Hyaena, Malamute, Coontail
Parents: Kai x Tobiah
Siblings: Pierce [Fraternal Twin] | Kai [Canon only]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Ice
Passive Traits: (Spider Climb, City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger, Cold Adaptation)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Snowshoes)

Personality: [Unfinished] Disputed heir of the House of Oberon.
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Pierce Oberon

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Pronounce: Peer-ss
Meaning: Rock
Gender: Male
Markings: Arach, Hyaena, Tailtip, Hearts
Parents: Kai x Tobiah
Siblings: Zion [Fraternal twin] | Kai [Canon only]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Spider Climb, Artist)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: [Unfinished] A son of the head family, fraternal twin of Zion, who is not interested in becoming heir. He's an arms dealer who specializes in the abnormal. He doesn't even keep his goods in the same place or meet his clients in the same place. After all, he may sell something to a werewolf and must be careful not to have any silver around, but he'll also sell silver to someone looking to hunt a werewolf and must be careful not to let the creatures catch their scent. It'd be bad for business, you know?
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Reese Oberon

Half-Vampire | Gorgeous | Klutz

Pronounce: Ree-ss
Meaning: Ardent, Fiery [Welsh]
Gender: Male
Markings: Arach, Hyaena, Coontail
Parents: Kai x Marwin Arain

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Spider Climb, City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Reese and his fraternal twin brother, Chance, were adopted off the streets by a branch family of Oberon house. The only thing they knew of their parents is that one of them must have been a vampire. The twins themselves seem to be half-vampires - they can eat food, but they need blood to live. Of the two, Reese has inherited the supernatural good looks of a vampire. Frankly, he's drop-dead gorgeous. On the other hand, he's an absolute klutz. It appears that while Reese inherited the looks, Chance got the grace and coordination. Reese has only a moderate interest in the family business, but it amounts to nothing as he is purposely left out of it. His family frowns upon his lack of indiscretion and his particular fondness for...nighttime activities. The problem, in particular, is that Reese often misjudges his supernatural strength and bloodlust, resulting in frequent messes that Chance finds himself having to clean up. Yet despite a growing rumour mill around him, the victims just keep getting drawn in. He's just far too boldly charming, and his clumsiness only serves to make him more attractive.
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Chance Oberon

Half-Vampire | Refined | Disciplined

Pronounce: Chanse
Meaning: Good luck, Good Fortune [English, American]
Gender: Male
Markings: Arach, Warrior, BoneFish, Sleeves
Parents: Kai x Marwin Arain

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Spider Climb, Independent)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Powerful Jaws)

Personality: Chance and his fraternal twin brother, Reese, grew up on the streets before being adopted as kids into a branch family of the house Oberon. Neither knew their parents but it appears that both of them are half-vampire. They need blood to live, but frequently eat food as well. Chance is handsome, in an ordinary mortal kind of way, but with the unnatural grace and noble air of a vampire. More refined than his brother, he maintains a level of professionalism in everything he does. In fact, some could say he seems rather straight-laced. Little do they know, his bloodlust is rather strong - he simply has excellent control over it. The combination, however, has turned him into a silent predator - always sizing up every new encounter as a potential food source. Eventually, he and his adoptive parents decided that he would go into the family business as a member of the Oberon syndicate.
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Gender: Male
Parents: Aiden x Arwen

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: ()
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Male Lucain 4/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 8:48 PM


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Pronounce: Joss
Gender: Male
Orientation: Men
Markings: DesertRunner, Reaper, Storm, Carnivore, Coontail
Parents: Julian Knight x Thana

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Electricity
Passive Traits: (City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger, Dash)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Diehard, Conductivity, Elusive Foe)

Personality/History: Ios is a death god, chosen so long ago from among the recently deceased that he hardly remembers it. His job requires him only to take the souls of the dead and escort them to wherever they're supposed to go. He has no idea who he's answering to, as the 'instructions' come like a powerful gut feeling. He's a fairly solitary fellow, as death gods seldom interact, and they get only moments with each soul. After all that time, Ios had become rather lonely in the way one does when they forget what having company feels like. This had resulted in him moping about for the most part, not particularly concerned with anything but the job he can't seem to avoid. Then along came Kitsu, a little girl born of a fox spirit and a death god. Somehow, he wound up just taking her along. He became rather fond of her, and now she's something like the only light in his life, though no one can say he's very good at being a father.
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Jack of Hearts

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Pronounce: Jak
Gender: Male
Markings: Hyaena, Hearts, Mudpaw
Parents: Harley x Akhtar
Age: 18ish

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: ()
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

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Holland Grant

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Pronounce: Hall-und
Gender: Male
Orientation: Celestial, Jacket Fox, Malamute, Appaloosa, Socks
Parents: Harley x Akhtar

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Ice, Earth
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span, Intellectual, Dash, Forest Dweller, Cold Adaptation, Mountain Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Snowshoes)

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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Female Lucain 1/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:07 PM


Wanderer | Free Spirit | Believer of Destiny

Pronounce: Me-oo-nah
Meaning: Wish, Desire [Arabic]
Gender: Female
Markings: Ancient
Parents: Quantum x Kyuukai
Great Nieces: Piper (Horizon)
Human Form
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Air
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span) Human Form, Human Speech, Weak Mind, Wanderlust, Fearless, Adaptable, Terrain Traveler
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Myuna prefers to live her life going with the flow, regardless if the coming events seem to be bad. See, she strongly believes in destiny, but also that people have the ability to change it. She simply wants to, as she would say it, "trust destiny" - if she were to chose the "safe path of life" intentionally, she might miss out on some amazing things. With this frame of mind, Myuna is a cheerful girl who goes wherever the winds take her, living her life in the moment. Whenever she comes across another, she believes that it was supposed to happen, for some reason that she may never know. Unfortunately, (though she wouldn't think it unfortunate) she cannot commit to anything that would require her to stay somewhere or would predetermine where she would go or what she would do.
Random Info:
Related: Song- Just around the Riverbend - Pocahontas
What I love most about rivers is,
You can't step in the same river twice.
The water's always changing, always flowing.
But people, I guess, can't live like that,
we all must pay a price.
To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing,
What's around the river bend.



Sailor | Half-Nymph | Perceptive

Pronounce: Pie-perr
Meaning: One who plays the pipe
Gender: Female
Markings: Belly, Jacket Fox, Banded, Bonefish
Parents: Horizon [Brandy x Region] x Seastar
Great-Aunts (Father's Father): Myuna
Human Form
Art: Chibi Piper (Meganstaek), Chibi (MidnightDraconia), Sketchbook chibi - bottom left

Level 4
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Light, Water
Passive Traits: (Dash, Forest Dweller) Human Form, Human Speech, Breath Holder, Elemental Blood, Polygraph, Semi-Weather-Warper, Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: The daughter of the sea nymph Seastar, Piper is a very special girl. Though she had not been granted all of the gifts of her mother, or of their heavenly ancestors, she is drawn to the sea and can sense its mood. Occasionally, she can even convince water (namely, seawater) to aid her with whatever she needs. In addition: though she cannot breathe water, she can swim great lengths and to great depths without much oxygen. She spent most of her life on the shoreline waiting for her mother to return from her duties at sea. Finally she got tired and decided to go out to sea herself. Thus, she has taken jobs on an array of seafaring vessels. They find her sweet but perceptive, able to read a person almost as well as the ocean (both abilities which come in handy out on the blue). Easygoing but hardworking, Piper is the perfect seawoman. After all, the sea is in her blood.
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Fighter | Stubborn | Straightforward

Pronounce: Aw-tum
Meaning: Season of fall
Gender: Female
Markings: Dweller, Shadebane
Parents: Yorutanekke x Kapari
Age: 19
Human Form
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 2
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span, Spirit Sense, Padded Paws) Human Form, Human Speech, Brawler, Fearless, Hard-Headed
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Spectral Strike, The Will's Connection)

History: Located here.
Personality: Autumn is a tough girl who is not afraid to go her own way. She's stubborn and isn't afraid of anything. She's not the type to admit to a problem, ask for any form of help, or submit to another. Yet despite these traits, she thinks things through before plowing her way through the situation. When she owes someone, she will see it through, and when challenged, she will not turn away. In her mind, her pride and straightforwardness are the only thing she really has.
Random Info:
Related: Roar by Katy Perry


Maya Summers

Charming | Spirited | Loveable

Pronounce: Mai-yah
Meaning: Indian: Illusion / Hebrew: water
Gender: Female
Markings: Ancient, Backsplash, Tearstain
Parents: Summersplash [Kane Peppermint x Summerland] x Bobbie Bishop
Siblings: Kiren
Human Form
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Water
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span, Breath Holder, Hydrodynamic) Optimistic, Hyper, Charismatic, Extrovert, City Dweller, Human Form, Human Speech
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Maya is daddy's little girl. She is quite spirited, lively, and generally optimistic, which occasionally does get on her father's nerves. Her brother would say that she acts like a little kid. Like her family members, she too has an ability. Her ability attracts others to her like moths to a flame. It's sort of like her natural charm is multiplied tenfold; anyone around her suddenly finds her quite interesting, and will eagerly do anything she asks. Unlike her family, Maya makes no effort at all to control or rein in this ability. Her main weakness lies with introverted people. The less trusting they are to accept others, the less her power works. Though, to be fair, people who already put others before themselves may not notice a difference from their usual behaviour. Of course, her brother and father are not affected by her, nor she by them...it's a genetic sort of thing.
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Siren | Flirt | Mischievous

Pronounce: Fee-nicks
Meaning: Fire-bird of greek mythology - means "dark red"
Gender: Female
Markings: Celestial, Dweller
Parents: Crymser x Tokini
Siblings: Raiden
Age: 23
Human Form
Art: Chibi (MidnightDraconia)

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Dark, Fire
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span, Intellectual, Spirit Sense) Fae Blood, Human Form, Human Speech, Charismatic, Mischievous, Extrovert, Persuasive
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Spectral Strike, The Will's Connection)

Personality: Descended from a special bloodline, it was discovered upon her birth that Phoenix had inherited the gifts a Siren; a creature from ancient Greek mythology. The Sirens were known for entrancing sailors with their music and leading them to their deaths. As a child, Phoenix swore she would not use her powers for all of her life. Eventually, she started to use it to tease men and the occasional woman (for fun, of course), and after a while, it became habit. Although she avoids speaking in public, she will frequent clubs, bars, and other hookup spots where she can comfortably use her powers. Needless to say, Phoenix quickly becomes the center of attention. It should be noted that despite these habits of hers, she is forbidden to sing as her voice alone is strong enough. If she were to sing, it could cause extremely complicated and potentially dangerous situations. Fair warning to anyone looking to meet this girl: she is a mischievous flirt with a very low standard for 'appropriate'.
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Related: "Too cool for shoes" - Quila111
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Jaden Wolf
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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Female Lucain 2/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:08 PM


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Pronounce: Mah-kah
Meaning: Earth [Native American Sioux]
Gender: Female
Markings: Akita, Sundancer
Parents: Dripdry [Setter x ???] x Aelyth [Lennox x Dismas]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Dash, Desert Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: [Unwritten: Maka is an earth spirit whose homeland is sacred to a native tribe.]
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Clarabel Shay

Blind | Superpower | Gentle

Pronounce: Clair-ah-bell
Gender: Female
Markings: Coontail, Dweller, Fishbone, Orca
Parents: Felix x Zelda [Strictly non-canon]
Sisters: Arribelle, Annabelle, Jezabel [Canon only]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: (City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger, Hulking Figure)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Clarabel is completely blind, but as she likes to put it, "there are other ways to see". In her case, however, her 'other sight' is quite unique. See, Clara can see sound waves and patterns. It's not clear how it works, but somehow sound physically manifests as visual substance for her. Because of this superpower, she has no problem navigating the world - for the most part. (She still can't read.) She grew up an orphan in Evelon, and with her soft, clear voice and gentle ways, she was quite loved by all who met her. It wasn't until she was a teenager that she discovered her twin - Annabelle, a girl who grew up in another land that was not kind about her own unique abilities. She moved to the Beach with her, happy and eager to learn about her long-lost sister and the mystery surrounding their parents.
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Jezabel Shay

| Superpower |

Pronounce: Jez-ah-bell
Gender: Female
Markings: Hearts, Banded
Parents: Fennis x Nerissa [Strictly non-canon]
Sisters: Arribelle, Annabelle, Clarabel [Canon only]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits:
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: [Unfinished] Can hear/hack into sound signals. (Radio, cell, TV, etc). Rebellious, clubber, activist.
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Arribelle Shay

| Superpower |

Pronounce: Ar-ah-bell
Gender: Female
Markings: Splotched, Storm, Tailtip
Parents: Malek x Brûlée [Strictly non-canon]
Sisters: Annabelle, Clarabel, and Jezabel [Canon only]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Electricity
Passive Traits: (Artist)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Conductivity, Elusive Foe)

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Pronounce: Nair-ihs-sah
Meaning: Of the Sea [Greek]
Gender: Female
Markings: Backsplash, Celestial, Mudpaw?
Parents: Itzal x Hiyrmes

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Water
Passive Traits: (Breath Holder, Hydrodynamic, Extended Lifespan, Intellectual)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: [Unwritten] A half-water spirit who inherited the spirit traits of her mother. She's limited to shallows, and therefore doesn't venture out to open water or far inland. She's super adventurous, exploring and re-exploring every bit of area around the shoreline. Her favourite past-time is probably diving off high cliffs or ships (when she can get onboard). She also likes exploring towns and such, as she gets plenty curious about the goings on of humans. She'll even come out and play with children on the beach.
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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Female Lucain 3/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:08 PM


Reaper | Immortal | Casual

Pronounce: Thannah
Meaning: Death [Greek]
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian
Markings: Feyline, Reaper, Storm
Parents: Marrow x Marceline

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Electricity
Passive Traits:
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Diehard, Conductivity, Elusive Foe)

Personality: Thana is a minor living goddess of death. (A bit ironic, I know.) She was given her godly powers as a small child when her family was wiped out by plague. The previous god had grown tired of his existence and chose her from among the dying to be his heir. Since then, with her family dead, small Thana learned to survive on her own. She discovered that she gained energy from absorbing spirits, and started carrying them in her own body, where they were essentially continually digested until she freed them to their respective afterlife. Taking advantage of this, she established a system of reading a soul when she absorbed it: if it was good, it would be free to pass on; if it was bad, it would remain in her body, nourishing her until she felt it had served its punishment. A century or two has passed since her family's death, and Thana is quite content now to live life as an immortal. She's rather quiet, but not shy. Placid, but not peaceful. She wanders around swallowing spirits and enjoying the company of women. She's just...there until something happens and some person, living or dead, either pisses her off or otherwise catches her attention.
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Robin Lowell

Actor | Dainty | Physical

Pronounce: Raw-bin
Gender: Male (NOT Trans)
Orientation: Gay (likes men)
Markings: Arach, Splotched, Coontail
Parents: Aphrodite x Lirit

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Spider Climb, City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: Robin is certainly NOT a girl. He was born a boy, and is still a boy. It is his curse that by some genetic flaw, he just looks female. A rather beautiful and dainty though flat-chested female, at that. Even his lucain form looks female. I assure you though, he's got all the male bits. It causes him great distress that he can't seem to be more masculine. He found a job as an actor (though he's always shoved into female roles) and rather excels at it, but the job makes him keep long hair for publicity reasons. Although fairly ordinary seeming when left to his own devices, he is an odd mix of having to be all friendly and kind because publicity and being a rather rude person naturally. He particularly doesn't take well to people who hit on him because they think he's a girl. He'd be quite pleased if people don't particularly care either way or better yet, actually know he's male, but otherwise he'd probably punch them right in the face or jab his elbow in their stomach. Did I mention he's rather violent for his dainty appearance? For someone who's supposed to be all sweet, he's really physical. Fortunately, he can also take a punch, so potential retaliation isn't a concern.
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Queen of Spades

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Pronounce: Kween
Meaning: Female crown royal
Gender: Female
Markings: Akita, Ancient, Jacket Fox, Socks
Parents: Starlight [Rune x Bumble] x Annabelle Shay

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Extended Life Span, Dash, Forest Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

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Pronounce: Rye-lee
Meaning: Valiant [Irish]
Gender: Female
Markings: Belly, Firebelly, Storm, Appaloosa, Mudpaw
Parents: Arabex x Piper [Horizon x Seastar]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Electricity, Earth
Passive Traits: (Mountain Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Conductivity, Elusive Foe)

Personality: Daughter of Arabex and Piper, a surfer who thrives on the edges of storms. Beloved by the sea (though she has no influence or true connection with it), the half-storm spirit can always safely navigate the waves. Though not a storm herself, she can tug storms toward her or nudge them away and it is not unusual for it to seem as though she is pulling a storm behind her as she rides the waves. She is a hardy and thrill-seeking kind of gal with a lax attitude towards other aspects of life.
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Pronounce: Dah-bree-ah
Meaning: Angel of Death [English]
Gender: Female
Markings: Blanket, Jacket Fox, Storm, Kohl
Parents: Arabex x Piper [Horizon x Seastar]

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Electricity
Passive Traits: (Dash, Forest Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body, Conductivity, Elusive Foe)

Personality: [Unwritten] Has the ability to absorb and consume negative emotions. Works as a therapist for sustenance, but also genuinely likes people to be 'radiant', unweighted by the darkness within them.
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Related: Unpack Your Heart by Phillip Phillips
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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Female Lucain 4/4

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:09 PM

Jacy Taija

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Pronounce: Jay-see Tie-hha
Meaning: Moon [Native]
Gender: Female
Markings: DesertRunner, Belly, Spades, Eclipse
Parents: Jaxitenutte x Austriel

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Dash, Night Vision)
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: [Unwritten] Jacy has a dream self which moves around when she's asleep, unaware that she's not her living, wakeful self. In this state, she has the power to create powerful illusions, but is also unaware that she is doing so. She usually has faint, detached memories of this state when awake, but chalks it up to being half asleep.
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Fallon Myer

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Pronounce: Fah-lun
Gender: Female
Parents: Rexus x Julian Knight

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: ()
Battle Traits: (Spiked Body)

Personality: The person who was Fallon was in an accident a year ago and had gone into a coma. When her eyes opened again, a month later, it was a new spirit inside her body. The new being wasn't entirely sure they weren't actually Fallon - 'dissociation' the doctors called it - until they started to know things, remember things, which never happened to Fallon. Whoever they were, and however they got there, they were quite sure the body was empty of a "soul" as it were, and decided to just live as Fallon. She convinced others she had moved on from her dissociative state, mainly so they wouldn't try to institutionalize her, and figured out her new life on her own. Some days she's more connected to the body than others - sometimes she loses touch with her senses, and the body feels more alien and even unresponsive to her. But it's on those days that she picks up...other things. Auras, sometimes, but mostly instincts or knowledge about people and places that she shouldn't have. She hasn't yet figured out exactly who - or perhaps what she is.
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Breeder's Clearing: Custom Soveris

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:10 PM

Rylah Fae

Queen | Regal | Kind

Pronounce: Rai-lah
Gender: Female
Orientation: Mainly hetero
Markings: Coverts, Belly, Cheetah, Dolly
Human Form

Level 2
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler) Ex-Orphan, Fae Blood, Royal Authority, Leader, Eye of the Beholder
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

History: Located here. Warning: very long.
Personality: Rylah is what one would expect of a half-fae queen of a hidden kingdom. Very beautiful in a mysterious sense, most notably her unnaturally green eyes and orange hair, many are left speechless upon first meeting her. She has an air of nobility around her, such that no outsider would suspect her orphan roots. As a new queen, she tried her best to be a kind person but a firm ruler, and sometimes struggled to determine what was too little and what was too much. As the bridge to the outside world, Rylah was expected to be calm and level-headed in dealing with outsiders, but was often quite nervous and frightened that she would fail. Due to her need for refuge from the constant stress, Rylah took many lovers, and as a result, became a mother of many children. It didn't help that her fae genes made her prone to having multiple children in one birth. As a mother, Rylah has settled down into her role as queen, and this is reflected in her behaviour both with her subjects and her children. She has become calm and wise, easily balancing a gentle nature with unwavering judgement. She allows her children their freedom while encouraging them to be good and helpful princes and princesses.
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Pronounce: Jess-ee
Gender: Male/Agender
Markings: Gail, Penguin, Alternate Secondary, Betta, Belly

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

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Mittelleo "Mitty"
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Pronounce: Mitt-ell-ay-yo
Gender: Undefined
Markings: Raccoon, Stars, Tapir, Betta, Dual Tone

Level 4
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

Personality: This being only knows three things for certain, though they cannot say why: 1. They were born of a child's dream; 2. Their name is Mittelleo; 3. The child dubbed them "Mitty", and they really don't want to be called anything else. Everything otherwise is up for debate. As a dreamed being, Mitty can't seem to understand concepts that most take for granted: what is gender? what is reality? dream? what is family? what is living? dying? You haven't a hope in the world/universe/plane of existence of explaining these things to them. In fact, with some supernatural ability to distort reality around them, Mitty could very well convince you that none of these things really exist. Hell, even their personality changes depending on how the mood strikes them, the only constant is that they are never consciously malicious or inherently good. After all, why would one actively desire to harm or help? You'd be lucky if they even remember your face or name the next time you meet, so they're really not capable of hate or love.
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Pronounce: Kay-gen
Meaning: Thinker [Irish]; Fiery
Gender: Male
Markings: Cells, Pronghorn, Alternate Primary, Betta, Hero, Splatter

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

Personality: Kagan belonged to a race of warriors who were immune to age. Not immortals, mind you. Their blood has special properties to heal and prolong life, so they were constantly sought after. After many hundreds of years, Kagan saw his people dwindle in number, losing countless friends, both among his people and the friendly humans they associated with. Now, he's a lone wanderer, who acts like a bit of a mercenary, but only on a whim. He cherishes the occasional companions he winds up with, as he longs for contact, however limited it may be.
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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Soveris

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:11 PM


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Pronounce: All-ban-ee
Gender: Female
Markings: Directional, Seraph, Belly, Stockings, Arrows, Aurora
Parents: Aki x Cheveyo

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

Personality: A willowy, spacey empathic kind of person who can sense living spirits and the auras they emit. More than that even, she has the power to glean their knowledge. Not their thoughts, but rather what they know. Their trades, their skills, even their philosophies. Therefore despite not being old herself, she tends to treat others as inexperienced youths. Aside from that, she rather doesn't particularly care or mind about what others think or do, she lives and acts however she'd like in that moment. Although a keen and observant person, she never strays from her soft, seemingly absent character. On occasion, she will admit to playing with it a bit just to get reactions from people.
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Devoted | Knight | Spiritual powers

Pronounce: Roo-ben
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Markings: Directional, Seraph, Tabard, Aurora
Parents: Steed x Albany

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

History: As a child Reuben had been gifted with various powers, namely anything to do with life energy. When he got older, he was forced to become a soldier and use those gifts to do harm. Unable to deal with the emotional horrors of what he was doing, he ran. His superiors decided they'd rather have him dead than loose. He ran into a lady named Rylah who helped him retreat to somewhere safe but it turned out that she was the Queen of the hidden kingdom he now hid in. Owing her his life, he pledged service to her. Eventually though, they wound up having kids together, unofficially making him one of her harem. Unofficial, of course, because the head of her Knights shouldn't actually be one of her concubines. Whoops.
Personality: Reuben is a spiritual soldier of the Hidden Fae Kingdom. His gifts allow him to sense life and the state of the living. He can tell when someone is hurt, emotionally or physically, and when they're dying. He can also influence that state to a small degree, pushing someone closer to death or pulling them further into the living world. He had been a good soldier because he could see where the weakest points were in an individual, and could sense people beyond physical barriers. Rylah doesn't expect him to actually kill anyone, which is part of his devotion to her and her family. The fact that some of them are his own children is irrelevant - he's just one of her unofficial lovers.
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Passive | Easily embarrassed | Introvert
Strong-willed | Mature | Extrovert

Gender: Genderfluid She/He
Orientation: Men
Markings: Cheetah, Halfbody, Primaries, Arrows, Speckle Wing, Splatter
Parents: Oliver Queen x Svelda Ordo

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

Personality: Noah and Noelle are twins who, apart from their genders, are identical. That, and they share the same body. You heard me right, they're the same physical person. For some reason, when one sleeps, sometimes they wake up as the other. They share memories, complete with thoughts and feelings, though they feel detached from them - like watching a movie. Noelle is a quite vibrant but mature woman. With a strong personality, she dominates pretty much every social situation, probably even when she shouldn't. Noah, on the other hand, is rather quiet and softspoken. He's not shy really, just more comfortable letting others have the spotlight. He does get embarrassed easily, however. Neither of them actually tell others about the whole sharing bodies thing, and very few people find out why they never see Noah and Noelle in the same place at the same time. They don't know how it works either, or why it happened in the first place, since they were found abandoned as a baby and raised in a (thankfully) decent and understanding foster home.
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Gender: Female
Markings: Raccoon, Stars, Striped, Betta, Soft Inner, Inner Striped
Parents: Diva x Mittelleo

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler, Fearless)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

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Luka Dupree

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Pronounce: Loo-kah
Gender: Male
Parents: Nachiketa x Jalixa
Age: 20

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveller)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

Personality: Luka is a misunderstood soul whose family was caught in a strange fire when he was small. No one knows where it came from, or even how it finally ended. Luka, sadly, was the only survivor, but the fire had changed him. On the outside, the only difference was his white flame shaped scars, but on the inside he became fire itself. Sometimes it shows itself through a simmering glow in his eyes, and the fire he occasionally breathes out when it's cold or if he's upset. From the time he could legally be out on his own, he has lived on the streets, moving from job to job to feed himself. No one place would hire him long since he somehow manages to causes problems eventually, be it through fire, or people causing problems because he looks like a delinquent.
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Breeder's Clearing: Custom Female Paragon

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:11 PM


Dragonoid | Curious | Childlike

Windgill Paragon
Pronounce: Kyap
Gender: Female
Orientation: Hetero
Body Type: Webbed Wings, Feathered Tail, Flames Tail
Markings: Belly?, Sambava, Checkered

Level 1
Diet: Omnivore
Element: (Air) Fire
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic)
Battle Traits: (Aero, Wing Buffet, Pyro)

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Dragonoid | Unpredictable | Antisocial

Spark Drake Paragon
Pronounce: Chch
Gender: Female
Body Type: Hybrid Wings, Webbed Tail
Markings: Belly?, Chaos, Scarbelly

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Element: (Electricity)
Passive Traits: (Dash, Hyper, Aerodynamic, Chaotic Mind)
Battle Traits: (Conductivity, Resistor, Wing Buffet)

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Breeder's Clearing: Bred Female Paragon

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:12 PM


Dragonoid | Quiet | Aloof

Windgill Paragon
Pronounce: Ih-yai
Gender: Female
Body Type: Angelic Wings,
Markings: Belly, Ivy, Tail Band
Parents: Zaniphon x Tina

Level 1
Diet: Omnivore
Element: (Air)
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic)
Battle Traits: (Aero, Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son, Wing Buffet)

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Dragonoid | Friendly | Oblivious

Fairy Paragon
Pronounce: Kee
Gender: Female
Body Type: Angelic Wings, Feathered Tail
Markings: Celestial, Predator, Chaos
Parents: Morina x Haldisa

Level 1
Diet: Insectivore
Element: (Air)
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Extended Life Span, Intellectual, Chaotic Mind, Animalistic Nature)
Battle Traits: (Wingstorm, Wing Buffet)

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Dragonoid | Predator | Unfriendly

Sailfin Paragon
Pronounce: Haah
Gender: Female
Body Type: Spine Wings, Webbed Tail
Markings: Predator, Mystwalker
Parents: Harutte x Faen

Level 1
Diet: Carnivore
Passive Traits: (Dash, Disciplined, Animalistic Nature)
Battle Traits: (Powerful Jaws, Stoneblood)

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Breeder's Clearing: Custom Diosol

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:13 PM

Ace of Clubs

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Pronounce: Ays
Gender: Unspecified

Level 1
Diet: Herbivore/Mentivore
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Dash, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Keen Hearing)
Battle Traits: (Dodge)

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Time and Space

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:13 PM

Selective Mute |  |

Pronounce: Tah-lee-ah
Emotion: Acceptance/Benevolence

Closest Pet:
Level 1
Element: Dark, Energy
Passive Traits: () Night Vision, Shadow Shift, Lost Secrets, Grid, Elemental Manipulation, Regenerate Limbs, Cellular Regeneration, Inner Discipline, Elemental Heritage, GPS

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Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/04/2017 11:14 PM


Transcendent | Gentle | Motherly

Wanderer Kuhna
Pronounce: Spayse
Gender: Female
Age: Infinite

Level 1
Passive Traits: ()
Battle Traits: ()

Personality: Space, a female entity, is the root of her many forms. She is sometimes old and sometimes young, reflecting her whims more than her nature. She is a gentle soul, who enjoys the unique traits and emotions of her 'children', the living beings who live within her realms. She does not exist in all time at once, and therefore has a fascinated kind of fondness for short-lived mortals. Their dreams and goals inspire her, their difficulties and frustrations amuse her, and their progress and achievements astound her. She pays only moderate attention to the long-lived and the immortals, favouring the younger beings whom she can bestow motherly love upon. Her husband is her truest companion, as Time the only other being whom she feels can walk alongside her and at times remind her of her greater existence.
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Transcendent | Primal | Powerful

Lost Ipinox
Pronounce: In-fin-nit-tee
Gender: Female
Age: Infinite

Level 1
Diet: Lunar Photosynthesis
Element: (Light)
Passive Traits: (Celestial Heritage, Defender, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Night Vision, Padded Paws, Shadow Shift)
Battle Traits: (Ray, Shining Aura)

Personality: Infinity is the most primordial form of Space. She has no beginning and she has no end. To her, all things are merely components of her own form, significant as a whole, but not as individuals. Not unlike a single cell is to us in our own bodies. As such, she only takes notice of events and situations that happen on grander scales, though they don't impact her any more than a pimple or rash impacts us. Her husband, Eternity, is considered a reflection of herself. She cannot exist without him, nor he without her. In her most physical manifestations, Infinity is lithe and graceful, shifting her surroundings slowly but grandly to suit her more beautiful and wondrous tastes.
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Transcendent | Observant | Neutral

Lost Draculi
Pronounce: Yuu-nee-verse
Gender: Female
Age: Infinite

Level 1
Diet: Piscivore/Sanguivore
Element: Dark/Light
Passive Traits: (Celestial Heritage, Defender, Extended Life Span, Malevolent)
Battle Traits: (Dark Heart, Shining Aura)

Personality: This is Space in her most grand but stable form of herself. She sees her own form and all of her occupants as an ongoing experiment as she changes her shape. She is not willfully unkind to living creatures, but is usually viewed with a sort of helpless awe as she allows or directly causes massive changes in the world and greater systems. Living beings, while intriguing to her, are not meant to be stagnant and long-lasting. All things which are made in her realms must eventually meet their end, a belief that makes her the perfect partner for her powerful and constant husband, Continuum.
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